#lang racket/base (require 2htdp/image) (require 2htdp/planetcute) (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require racket/promise) (require plot/utils) ;; for vector utilities (require prospect) (require prospect/drivers/timer) (require prospect-gl/2d) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Layers: ;; ;; - External I/O ;; as arranged by prospect-gl/2d ;; including keyboard events, interface to rendering, and frame timing ;; ;; - Ground ;; corresponds to computer itself ;; device drivers ;; applications (e.g. in this instance, the game) ;; ;; - Game ;; running application ;; per-game state, such as score and count-of-deaths ;; process which spawns levels ;; regular frame ticker ;; ;; - Level ;; model of the game world ;; actors represent entities in the world, mostly ;; misc actors do physicsish things ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ## Common Data Definitions ;; ;; A Vec is a (vector Number Number) ;; A Point is a (vector Number Number) ;; (See vector functions in plot/utils) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ## Ground Layer Protocols ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ### Scene Management ;; - assertion: ScrollOffset ;; - assertion: OnScreenDisplay ;; - role: SceneManager ;; Displays the scene backdrop and adjusts display coordinates via ScrollOffset. ;; ;; A ScrollOffset is a (scroll-offset Vec), indicating the vector to *subtract* ;; from world coordinates to get device coordinates. (struct scroll-offset (vec) #:transparent) ;; ;; An OnScreenDisplay is an (on-screen-display Number Number (Seal Image)), ;; representing an item to display in a fixed window-relative position ;; above the scrolled part of the scene. If the coordinates are ;; positive, they measure right/down from the left/top of the image; ;; if negative, they measure left/up from the right/bottom. (struct on-screen-display (x y sealed-image) #:transparent) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ## Game Layer Protocols ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ### Scoring ;; - message: AddToScore ;; - assertion: CurrentScore ;; - role: ScoreKeeper ;; Maintains the score as private state. ;; Publishes the score using a CurrentScore. ;; Responds to AddToScore by updating the score. ;; ;; An AddToScore is an (add-to-score Number), a message ;; which signals a need to add the given number to the player's ;; current score. (struct add-to-score (delta) #:transparent) ;; ;; A CurrentScore is a (current-score Number), an assertion ;; indicating the player's current score. (struct current-score (value) #:transparent) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ### Level Spawning ;; - assertion: LevelRunning ;; - message: LevelCompleted ;; - role: LevelSpawner ;; Maintains the current level number as private state. ;; Spawns a new Level when required. ;; Monitors LevelRunning - when it drops, the level is over. ;; Receives LevelCompleted messages. If LevelRunning drops without ;; a LevelCompleted having arrived, the level ended in failure and ;; should be restarted. If LevelComplete arrived before LevelRunning ;; dropped, the level was completed successfully, and the next level ;; should be presented. ;; - role: Level ;; Running level instance. Maintains LevelRunning while it's still ;; going. Sends LevelCompleted if the player successfully completed ;; the level. ;; ;; A LevelRunning is a (level-running), an assertion indicating that the ;; current level is still in progress. (struct level-running () #:transparent) ;; ;; A LevelCompleted is a (level-completed), a message indicating that ;; the current level was *successfully* completed before it terminated. (struct level-completed () #:transparent) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ## Level Layer Protocols ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ### Movement and Physics ;; - message: JumpRequest ;; - assertion: Impulse ;; - assertion: Position ;; - assertion: GamePieceConfiguration ;; - assertion: Touching ;; - role: PhysicsEngine ;; Maintains positions, velocities and accelerations of all GamePieces. ;; Uses GamePieceConfiguration for global properties of pieces. ;; Publishes Position to match. ;; Listens to FrameDescription, using it to advance the simulation. ;; Considers only mobile GamePieces for movement. ;; Takes Impulses as the baseline for moving GamePieces around. ;; For massive mobile GamePieces, applies gravitational acceleration. ;; Computes collisions between GamePieces. ;; Uses Attributes of GamePieces to decide what to do in response to collisions. ;; For 'touchable GamePieces, a Touching row is asserted. ;; Responds to JumpRequest by checking whether the named piece is in a ;; jumpable location, and sets its upward velocity negative if so. ;; - role: GamePiece ;; Maintains private state. Asserts Impulse to move around, ;; and GamePieceConfiguration to get things started. May issue ;; JumpRequests at any time. Represents both the player, ;; enemies, the goal(s), and platforms and blocks in the ;; environment. Asserts a Sprite two layers out to render ;; itself. ;; ;; An ID is a Symbol; the special symbol 'player indicates the player's avatar. ;; Gensyms from (gensym 'enemy) name enemies, etc. ;; ;; A JumpRequest is a (jump-request ID), a message indicating a *request* to jump, ;; not necessarily honoured by the physics engine. (struct jump-request (id) #:transparent) ;; ;; An Impulse is an (impulse ID Vec), an assertion indicating a contribution to ;; the net *requested* velocity of the given gamepiece. (struct impulse (id vec) #:transparent) ;; ;; A Position is a (position ID Point Vec), an assertion describing ;; the current actual top-left corner and (physics-related, not ;; necessarily graphics-related) size of the named gamepiece. (struct position (id top-left size) #:transparent) ;; ;; An Attribute is either ;; - 'player - the named piece is a player avatar ;; - 'touchable - the named piece reacts to the player's touch ;; - 'solid - the named piece can be stood on / jumped from ;; - 'mobile - the named piece is not fixed in place ;; - 'massive - the named piece is subject to effects of gravity ;; (it is an error to be 'massive but not 'mobile) ;; ;; A GamePieceConfiguration is a ;; - (game-piece-configuration ID Point Vec (Set Attribute)) ;; an assertion specifying not only the *existence* of a named ;; gamepiece, but also its initial position and size and a collection ;; of its Attributes. (struct game-piece-configuration (id initial-position size attributes) #:transparent) ;; ;; A Touching is a ;; - (touching ID ID Side) ;; an assertion indicating that the first ID is touching the second on ;; the named side of the second ID. (struct touching (a b side) #:transparent) ;; ;; A Side is either 'top, 'left, 'right, 'bottom or the special value ;; 'mid, indicating an unknown or uncomputable side. (define (game-piece-has-attribute? g attr) (set-member? (game-piece-configuration-attributes g) attr)) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ### Player State ;; - message: Damage ;; - assertion: Health ;; - role: Player ;; Maintains hitpoints, which it reflects using Health. ;; Responds to Damage. ;; When hitpoints drop low enough, removes the player from the board. ;; ;; A Damage is a (damage ID Number), a message indicating an event that should ;; consume the given number of health points of the named gamepiece. (struct damage (id hit-points) #:transparent) ;; ;; A Health is a (health ID Number), an assertion describing the current hitpoints ;; of the named gamepiece. (struct health (id hit-points) #:transparent) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ### World State ;; - assertion: LevelSize ;; - role: DisplayControl ;; Maintains a LevelSize assertion. ;; Observes the Position of the player, and computes and maintains a ;; ScrollOffset two layers out, to match. ;; Also kills the player if they wander below the bottom of the level. ;; ;; A LevelSize is a (level-size Vec), an assertion describing the right-hand and ;; bottom edges of the level canvas (in World coordinates). (struct level-size (vec) #:transparent) ;; ----------- ;; Interaction Diagrams (to be refactored into the description later) ;; ;; ================================================================================ ;; ;; title Jump Sequence ;; ;; Player -> Physics: (jump 'player) ;; note right of Physics: Considers the request. ;; note right of Physics: Denied -- Player is not on a surface. ;; ;; Player -> Physics: (jump 'player) ;; note right of Physics: Considers the request. ;; note right of Physics: Accepted. ;; note right of Physics: Updates velocity, position ;; Physics -> Subscribers: (vel 'player ...) ;; Physics -> Subscribers: (pos 'player ...) ;; ;; ;; ================================================================================ ;; ;; title Display Control Updates ;; ;; Physics -> DisplayCtl: (pos 'player ...) ;; note right of DisplayCtl: Compares player pos to level size ;; DisplayCtl -> Subscribers: (at-meta (at-meta (scroll-offset ...))) ;; ;; ================================================================================ ;; ;; title Movement Sequence ;; ;; Moveable -> Physics: (mobile ID Boolean) ;; Moveable -> Physics: (attr ID ...) ;; Moveable -> Physics: (impulse ID vec) ;; note right of Physics: Processes simulation normally ;; Physics -> Subscribers: (pos ID ...) ;; Physics -> Subscribers: (vel ID ...) ;; ;; ================================================================================ ;; ;; title Keyboard Interpretation ;; ;; Keyboard -> Player: (press right-arrow) ;; Player -->> Physics: assert (impulse ID (vec DX 0)) ;; ;; note right of Physics: Processes simulation normally ;; ;; Keyboard -> Player: (press left-arrow) ;; Player -->> Physics: assert (impulse ID (vec 0 0)) ;; ;; Keyboard -> Player: (release right-arrow) ;; Player -->> Physics: assert (impulse ID (vec -DX 0)) ;; ;; Keyboard -> Player: (press space) ;; Player -> Physics: (jump) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Icon (struct icon (pict scale hitbox-width-fraction hitbox-height-fraction baseline-fraction) #:transparent) (define (icon-width i) (* (image-width (icon-pict i)) (icon-scale i))) (define (icon-height i) (* (image-height (icon-pict i)) (icon-scale i))) (define (icon-hitbox-width i) (* (icon-width i) (icon-hitbox-width-fraction i))) (define (icon-hitbox-height i) (* (icon-height i) (icon-hitbox-height-fraction i))) (define (icon-hitbox-size i) (vector (icon-hitbox-width i) (icon-hitbox-height i))) (define (focus->top-left i x y) (vector (- x (/ (icon-hitbox-width i) 2)) (- y (icon-hitbox-height i)))) (define (icon-sprite i layer pos) (match-define (vector x y) pos) (simple-sprite layer (- x (/ (- (icon-width i) (icon-hitbox-width i)) 2)) (- y (- (* (icon-baseline-fraction i) (icon-height i)) (icon-hitbox-height i))) (icon-width i) (icon-height i) (icon-pict i))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Various projections (define window-projection1 (at-meta (?! (window ? ?)))) (define window-projection3 (at-meta (at-meta (at-meta (?! (window ? ?)))))) (define scroll-offset-projection (scroll-offset (?!))) (define on-screen-display-projection (?! (on-screen-display ? ? ?))) (define key-pressed-projection (at-meta (at-meta (key-pressed (?!))))) (define position-projection (?! (position ? ? ?))) (define impulse-projection (?! (impulse ? ?))) (define game-piece-configuration-projection (?! (game-piece-configuration ? ? ? ?))) (define touching-projection (?! (touching ? ? ?))) (define level-size-projection (level-size (?!))) (define (update-set-from-patch orig p projection) (define-values (added removed) (patch-project/set/single p projection)) (set-subtract (set-union orig added) removed)) (define (update-hash-from-patch orig p projection key-f val-f) (define-values (added removed) (patch-project/set/single p projection)) (define h (for/fold [(h orig)] [(e removed)] (hash-remove h (key-f e)))) (for/fold [(h h)] [(e added)] (hash-set h (key-f e) (val-f e)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SceneManager (define (spawn-scene-manager) (struct scene-manager-state (size offset osds) #:prefab) (define backdrop (rectangle 1 1 "solid" "white")) (define (update-window-size s p) (define added (trie-project/set/single (patch-added p) window-projection1)) (for/fold [(s s)] [(w added)] (match-define (window width height) w) (struct-copy scene-manager-state s [size (vector width height)]))) (define (update-scroll-offset s p) (define-values (added removed) (patch-project/set/single p scroll-offset-projection)) (for/fold [(s s)] [(vec added)] (struct-copy scene-manager-state s [offset vec]))) (define (update-osds s p) (struct-copy scene-manager-state s [osds (update-set-from-patch (scene-manager-state-osds s) p on-screen-display-projection)])) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch? p) (let* ((s (update-window-size s p)) (s (update-scroll-offset s p)) (s (update-osds s p))) (match-define (vector width height) (scene-manager-state-size s)) (match-define (vector ofs-x ofs-y) (scene-manager-state-offset s)) (define osd-blocks (for/list [(osd (in-set (scene-manager-state-osds s)))] (match-define (on-screen-display raw-x raw-y (seal i)) osd) (define x (if (negative? raw-x) (+ width raw-x) raw-x)) (define y (if (negative? raw-y) (+ height raw-y) raw-y)) `(push-matrix (translate ,x ,y) (scale ,(image-width i) ,(image-height i)) (texture ,i)))) (transition s (update-scene `((push-matrix (scale ,width ,height) (texture ,backdrop)) (translate ,(- ofs-x) ,(- ofs-y))) `((translate ,ofs-x ,ofs-y) ,@osd-blocks))))] [_ #f])) (scene-manager-state (vector 0 0) (vector 0 0) (set)) (patch-seq (sub (scroll-offset ?)) (sub (on-screen-display ? ? ?)) (sub (window ? ?) #:meta-level 1)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ScoreKeeper (define (spawn-score-keeper) (define (update-display new-score) (define i (text (format "Score: ~a" new-score) 24 "white")) (patch-seq (retract (on-screen-display ? ? ?) #:meta-level 1) (assert (on-screen-display -150 10 (seal i)) #:meta-level 1))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(message (add-to-score delta)) (define new-score (+ s delta)) (log-info "Score increased by ~a to ~a" delta new-score) (define message (text (format "Score: ~a" new-score) 24 "white")) (transition new-score (patch-seq (retract (current-score ?)) (assert (current-score delta)) (update-display new-score)))] [_ #f])) 0 (patch-seq (sub (add-to-score ?)) (update-display 0)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; PhysicsEngine (define impulse-multiplier 0.360) ;; 360 pixels per second (define jump-vel (vector 0 -2)) (define gravity 0.004) (define (spawn-physics-engine) (struct physics-state (configs ;; Hash ID -> GamePieceConfiguration positions ;; Hash ID -> Point velocities ;; Hash ID -> Vector impulses ;; Hash ID -> Vector ) #:prefab) (define (piece-cfg s id) (hash-ref (physics-state-configs s) id)) (define (piece-pos s id) (hash-ref (physics-state-positions s) id (lambda () (vector 0 0)))) (define (piece-vel s id) (hash-ref (physics-state-velocities s) id (lambda () (vector 0 0)))) (define (piece-imp s id) (hash-ref (physics-state-impulses s) id (lambda () (vector 0 0)))) (define ((remove-game-piece-configurations p) s) (define removed (trie-project/set/single (patch-removed p) game-piece-configuration-projection)) (transition (for/fold [(s s)] [(g removed)] (define id (game-piece-configuration-id g)) (struct-copy physics-state s [configs (hash-remove (physics-state-configs s) id)] [positions (hash-remove (physics-state-positions s) id)] [velocities (hash-remove (physics-state-velocities s) id)])) (for/list [(g removed)] (define id (game-piece-configuration-id g)) (retract (position id ? ?))))) (define ((add-game-piece-configurations p) s) (define added (trie-project/set/single (patch-added p) game-piece-configuration-projection)) (transition (for/fold [(s s)] [(g added)] (match-define (game-piece-configuration id initial-position _ _) g) (struct-copy physics-state s [configs (hash-set (physics-state-configs s) id g)] [positions (hash-set (physics-state-positions s) id initial-position)] [velocities (hash-set (physics-state-velocities s) id (vector 0 0))])) (for/list [(g added)] (match-define (game-piece-configuration id initial-position size _) g) (assert (position id initial-position size))))) (define ((update-impulses p) s) (transition (struct-copy physics-state s [impulses (update-hash-from-patch (physics-state-impulses s) p impulse-projection impulse-id impulse-vec)]) '())) (define ((update-piece g old-pos new-pos new-vel) s) (define id (game-piece-configuration-id g)) (transition (struct-copy physics-state s [positions (hash-set (physics-state-positions s) id new-pos)] [velocities (hash-set (physics-state-velocities s) id new-vel)]) (and (not (v= old-pos new-pos)) (patch-seq (retract (position id ? ?)) (assert (position id new-pos (game-piece-configuration-size g))))))) (define (find-support p size s) (match-define (vector p-left p-top) p) (match-define (vector p-w p-h) size) (define p-right (+ p-left p-w)) (define p-bottom (+ p-top p-h)) (for/or [((id g) (in-hash (physics-state-configs s))) #:when (game-piece-has-attribute? g 'solid)] (match-define (vector left top) (piece-pos s id)) (and (< (abs (- top p-bottom)) 0.5) (<= left p-right) (match (game-piece-configuration-size g) [(vector w h) (<= p-left (+ left w))]) g))) (define (segment-intersection-time p0 r q0 q1) ;; See http://stackoverflow.com/a/565282/169231 ;; Enhanced to consider the direction of impact with the segment, ;; too: only returns an intersection when the vector of motion is ;; at an obtuse angle to the normal of the segment. (define s (v- q1 q0)) (define rxs (vcross2 r s)) (cond [(< (abs rxs) 0.005) #f] ;; zeroish; lines are parallel (and maybe collinear) [else (define q-p (v- q0 p0)) (define q-pxs (vcross2 q-p s)) (define t (/ q-pxs rxs)) (and (<= 0 t 1) (let* ((q-pxr (vcross2 q-p r)) (u (/ q-pxr rxs))) (and (< 0 u 1) (let* ((q-norm (vnormalize (vector (vector-ref s 1) (- (vector-ref s 0)))))) (and (not (positive? (vdot r q-norm))) (- t 0.001))))))])) (define (three-corners top-left size) (match-define (vector w h) size) (values (v+ top-left (vector w 0)) (v+ top-left size) (v+ top-left (vector 0 h)))) (define (clip-movement-by top-left moved-top-left size solid-top-left solid-size) (define-values (solid-top-right solid-bottom-right solid-bottom-left) (three-corners solid-top-left solid-size)) (define-values (top-right bottom-right bottom-left) (three-corners top-left size)) (define r (v- moved-top-left top-left)) (define t (apply min (for/list [(p (in-list (list #;top-left #;top-right bottom-right bottom-left)))] (min (or (segment-intersection-time p r solid-top-left solid-top-right) 1) ;; TODO: some means of specifying *which edges* should appear solid. #;(or (segment-intersection-time p r solid-top-right solid-bottom-right) 1) #;(or (segment-intersection-time p r solid-bottom-right solid-bottom-left) 1) #;(or (segment-intersection-time p r solid-bottom-left solid-top-left) 1))))) (v+ top-left (v* r t))) (define (clip-movement-by-solids s p0 p1 size) (for/fold [(p1 p1)] [((id g) (in-hash (physics-state-configs s))) #:when (game-piece-has-attribute? g 'solid)] (clip-movement-by p0 p1 size (piece-pos s id) (game-piece-configuration-size g)))) (define (touched-during-movement? top-left moved-top-left size touchable-top-left touchable-size) (define r (v- moved-top-left top-left)) (if (positive? (vmag^2 r)) ;; r is nonzero, in other words (let () (define-values (touchable-top-right touchable-bottom-right touchable-bottom-left) (three-corners touchable-top-left touchable-size)) (define-values (top-right bottom-right bottom-left) (three-corners top-left size)) (for/or [(p (in-list (list top-left top-right bottom-right bottom-left)))] (or (and (segment-intersection-time p r touchable-top-right touchable-bottom-right) 'right) (and (segment-intersection-time p r touchable-bottom-right touchable-bottom-left) 'bottom) (and (segment-intersection-time p r touchable-bottom-left touchable-top-left) 'left) (and (segment-intersection-time p r touchable-top-left touchable-top-right) 'top)))) (let () (match-define (vector left top) top-left) (match-define (vector touchable-left touchable-top) touchable-top-left) (match-define (vector width height) size) (match-define (vector touchable-width touchable-height) touchable-size) (and (<= left (+ touchable-left touchable-width)) (<= top (+ touchable-top touchable-height)) (<= touchable-left (+ left width)) (<= touchable-top (+ top height)) 'mid)))) (define (touchables-touched-during-movement s p0 p1 size) (for/fold [(ts '())] [((id g) (in-hash (physics-state-configs s))) #:when (game-piece-has-attribute? g 'touchable)] (define side (touched-during-movement? p0 p1 size (piece-pos s id) (game-piece-configuration-size g))) (if side (cons (cons side g) ts) ts))) (define ((update-game-piece elapsed-ms id state-at-beginning-of-frame) s) (define g (piece-cfg state-at-beginning-of-frame id)) (define size (game-piece-configuration-size g)) (define pos0 (piece-pos state-at-beginning-of-frame id)) (define support (find-support pos0 size state-at-beginning-of-frame)) (define vel0 (piece-vel state-at-beginning-of-frame id)) (define imp0 (piece-imp state-at-beginning-of-frame id)) (define vel1 (cond [(and support (not (negative? (vector-ref vel0 1)))) (piece-vel state-at-beginning-of-frame (game-piece-configuration-id support))] [(game-piece-has-attribute? g 'massive) (v+ vel0 (vector 0 (* gravity elapsed-ms)))] [else vel0])) (define pos1 (v+ pos0 (v* (v+ vel1 imp0) (* impulse-multiplier elapsed-ms)))) (define final-pos (clip-movement-by-solids state-at-beginning-of-frame pos0 pos1 size)) ;; TODO: figure out how to cancel just the component of velocity blocked by the obstacle(s) ;; - which will avoid the "sticking to the wall" artifact (define final-vel (if (v= pos1 final-pos) vel1 (vector 0 0))) ;; stop at collision (define touchables (touchables-touched-during-movement state-at-beginning-of-frame pos0 final-pos size)) (sequence-transitions (transition s (patch-seq* (cons (retract (touching id ? ?)) (for/list [(t touchables)] (match-define (cons side tg) t) (assert (touching id (game-piece-configuration-id tg) side)))))) (update-piece g pos0 final-pos final-vel))) (define (evaluate-jump-request id s) (define g (piece-cfg s id)) (define pos (piece-pos s id)) (define support (find-support pos (game-piece-configuration-size g) s)) (and support ((update-piece g pos (v+ pos (vector 0 -1)) jump-vel) s))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch? p) (sequence-transitions (transition s '()) (remove-game-piece-configurations p) (add-game-piece-configurations p) (update-impulses p))] [(message (jump-request id)) (evaluate-jump-request id s)] [(message (at-meta (at-meta (at-meta (frame-event counter _ elapsed-ms _))))) (when (zero? (modulo counter 10)) (log-info "Instantaneous frame rate at frame ~a: ~a Hz" counter (/ 1000.0 elapsed-ms))) (for/fold [(t (transition s '()))] [((id g) (in-hash (physics-state-configs s))) #:when (game-piece-has-attribute? g 'mobile)] (transition-bind (update-game-piece elapsed-ms id s) t))] [_ #f])) (physics-state (hash) (hash) (hash) (hash)) (patch-seq (sub (impulse ? ?)) (sub (game-piece-configuration ? ? ? ?)) (sub (jump-request ?)) (sub (frame-event ? ? ? ?) #:meta-level game-level)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Player (define player-id 'player) (define planetcute-scale 1/2) (define (spawn-player-avatar initial-focus-x initial-focus-y) (struct player-state (pos hit-points keys-down) #:prefab) (define i (icon character-cat-girl planetcute-scale 2/6 3/10 13/16)) (define initial-top-left (focus->top-left i initial-focus-x initial-focus-y)) (define initial-player-state (player-state initial-top-left 1 (set))) (define (sprite-update s) (update-sprites #:meta-level game-level (icon-sprite i 0 (player-state-pos s)))) (define ((monitor-position-change p) s) (define s1 (for/fold [(s s)] [(pos (trie-project/set/single (patch-added p) position-projection))] (match-define (position _ hitbox-top-left _) pos) (struct-copy player-state s [pos hitbox-top-left]))) (transition s1 (sprite-update s1))) (define ((integrate-keypresses p) s) (transition (struct-copy player-state s [keys-down (update-set-from-patch (player-state-keys-down s) p key-pressed-projection)]) '())) (define ((maybe-jump s0) s) (transition s (and (not (set-member? (player-state-keys-down s0) #\space)) (set-member? (player-state-keys-down s) #\space) (message (jump-request player-id))))) (define (update-impulse s) (let* ((h-impulse 0) (h-impulse (+ h-impulse (if (set-member? (player-state-keys-down s) 'left) -1 0))) (h-impulse (+ h-impulse (if (set-member? (player-state-keys-down s) 'right) 1 0)))) (transition s (patch-seq (retract (impulse player-id ?)) (assert (impulse player-id (vector h-impulse 0))))))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch? p) (sequence-transitions (transition s '()) (monitor-position-change p) (integrate-keypresses p) (maybe-jump s) update-impulse)] [(message (damage _ amount)) (define hit-points (player-state-hit-points s)) (define new-hit-points (- hit-points amount)) (if (positive? new-hit-points) (transition (struct-copy player-state s [hit-points (- hit-points amount)]) '()) (quit))] [_ #f])) initial-player-state (patch-seq (sub (damage player-id ?)) (assert (health player-id (player-state-hit-points initial-player-state))) (assert (game-piece-configuration player-id initial-top-left (icon-hitbox-size i) (set 'player 'mobile 'massive))) (sub (position player-id ? ?)) (sub (key-pressed 'left) #:meta-level 2) (sub (key-pressed 'right) #:meta-level 2) (sub (key-pressed #\space) #:meta-level 2) (sprite-update initial-player-state) ))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Ground Block (define (spawn-ground-block top-left size #:color [color "purple"]) (match-define (vector x y) top-left) (match-define (vector w h) size) (define block-id (gensym 'ground-block)) (define block-pict (rectangle w h "solid" color)) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [_ #f])) (void) (patch-seq (update-sprites #:meta-level game-level (simple-sprite 0 x y w h block-pict)) (assert (game-piece-configuration block-id top-left size (set 'solid)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Goal piece ;; ;; When the player touches a goal, sends LevelCompleted one layer out. (define (spawn-goal-piece initial-focus-x initial-focus-y) (define goal-id (gensym 'goal)) (define i (icon key planetcute-scale 1/3 2/5 4/5)) (define initial-top-left (focus->top-left i initial-focus-x initial-focus-y)) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch/added?) (transition s (message (at-meta (level-completed))))] [_ #f])) (void) (patch-seq (assert (game-piece-configuration goal-id initial-top-left (icon-hitbox-size i) (set 'touchable))) (sub (touching player-id goal-id ?)) (update-sprites #:meta-level game-level (icon-sprite i -1 initial-top-left))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Enemy (define (spawn-enemy initial-x initial-y range-lo range-hi #:speed [speed 0.2] #:facing [initial-facing 'right]) (struct enemy-state [level-size facing] #:prefab) (define enemy-id (gensym 'enemy)) (define i (icon enemy-bug planetcute-scale 9/10 1/3 5/6)) (define i-flipped (struct-copy icon i [pict (flip-horizontal (icon-pict i))])) (define initial-top-left (focus->top-left i initial-x initial-y)) (define initial-state (enemy-state #f initial-facing)) (define (sprite-patch s top-left) (update-sprites #:meta-level game-level (icon-sprite (match (enemy-state-facing s) ['right i] ['left i-flipped]) -1 top-left))) (define (motion-patch s) (patch-seq (retract (impulse enemy-id ?)) (assert (impulse enemy-id (vector (* speed (match (enemy-state-facing s) ['right 1] ['left -1])) 0))))) (define ((monitor-level-size-change p) s) (transition (for/fold [(s s)] [(vec (trie-project/set/single (patch-added p) level-size-projection))] (struct-copy enemy-state s [level-size vec])) '())) (define ((monitor-position-change p) s) (define positions (trie-project/set/single (patch-added p) position-projection)) (and (not (set-empty? positions)) (match (set-first positions) [(position _ (and top-left (vector left top)) (vector width height)) (match (enemy-state-level-size s) [(vector _ level-height) #:when (> top level-height) (quit)] [_ (define old-facing (enemy-state-facing s)) (define new-facing (cond [(< left range-lo) 'right] [(> (+ left width) range-hi) 'left] [else old-facing])) (if (equal? old-facing new-facing) (transition s (sprite-patch s top-left)) (let ((new-s (struct-copy enemy-state s [facing new-facing]))) (transition new-s (list (motion-patch new-s) (sprite-patch new-s top-left)))))])]))) (define ((damage-contacts p) s) (define-values (to-damage squashed?) (for/fold [(to-damage '()) (squashed? #f)] [(t (trie-project/set/single (patch-added p) touching-projection))] (match-define (touching who _ side) t) (if (eq? side 'top) (values to-damage #t) (values (cons who to-damage) squashed?)))) (define damage-actions (for/list [(who to-damage)] (message (damage who 1)))) (if squashed? (quit (list damage-actions (message (at-meta (add-to-score 1))))) (transition s damage-actions))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch? p) (sequence-transitions (transition s '()) (monitor-level-size-change p) (monitor-position-change p) (damage-contacts p))] [_ #f])) initial-state (patch-seq (assert (game-piece-configuration enemy-id initial-top-left (icon-hitbox-size i) (set 'mobile 'massive 'touchable))) (sub (level-size ?)) (sub (position enemy-id ? ?)) (sub (touching player-id enemy-id ?)) (motion-patch initial-state) (sprite-patch initial-state initial-top-left)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; DisplayControl (define (spawn-display-controller level-size-vec) (match-define (vector level-width level-height) level-size-vec) (define ((update-window-size p) s) (define added (trie-project/set/single (patch-added p) window-projection3)) (transition (for/fold [(s s)] [(w added)] (match-define (window width height) w) (vector width height)) '())) (define (compute-offset pos viewport limit) (min (max 0 (- pos (/ viewport 2))) (- limit viewport))) (define ((update-scroll-offset-from-player-position p) s) (define player-positions (trie-project/set/single (patch-added p) position-projection)) (and (not (set-empty? player-positions)) (let ((player-position (set-first player-positions))) (match-define (vector ww wh) s) (match-define (position _ (vector px py) _) player-position) (if (> py level-height) (transition s (message (damage player-id +inf.0))) (let ((offset-pos (vector (compute-offset px ww level-width) (compute-offset py wh level-height)))) (transition s (patch-seq (retract #:meta-level 2 (scroll-offset ?)) (assert #:meta-level 2 (scroll-offset offset-pos))))))))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch? p) (sequence-transitions (transition s '()) (update-window-size p) (update-scroll-offset-from-player-position p))] [_ #f])) (vector 0 0) (patch-seq (sub (window ? ?) #:meta-level game-level) (sub (position player-id ? ?)) (assert (level-size level-size-vec))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; LevelTerminationMonitor ;; ;; When the player vanishes from the board, or LevelCompleted is seen, ;; kills the network. (define (spawn-level-termination-monitor) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch/removed?) (log-info "Player died! Terminating level.") (transition s (quit-network))] [(message (at-meta (level-completed))) (log-info "Level completed! Terminating level.") (transition s (list (message (at-meta (add-to-score 100))) (quit-network)))] [_ #f])) (void) (patch-seq (sub (game-piece-configuration player-id ? ? ?)) (sub (level-completed) #:meta-level 1) (assert (level-running) #:meta-level 1)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; LevelSpawner (define (spawn-standalone-assertions . patches) ( (lambda () (list (lambda (e s) #f) (transition (void) (patch-seq* patches)))))) (define (spawn-background-image level-size scene) (match-define (vector level-width level-height) level-size) (define scene-width (image-width scene)) (define scene-height (image-height scene)) (define level-aspect (/ level-width level-height)) (define scene-aspect (/ scene-width scene-height)) (define scale (if (> level-aspect scene-aspect) ;; level is wider, proportionally, than scene (/ level-width scene-width) (/ level-height scene-height))) (spawn-standalone-assertions (update-sprites #:meta-level game-level (sprite 10 `((scale ,(* scene-width scale) ,(* scene-height scale)) (texture ,scene)))))) ;; http://www.travelization.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/beautiful-grassland-wallpapers-1920x1080.jpg (define grassland-backdrop (bitmap "beautiful-grassland-wallpapers-1920x1080.jpg")) (define (spawn-level #:initial-player-x [initial-player-x 50] #:initial-player-y [initial-player-y 50] #:level-size [level-size-vec (vector 4000 2000)] #:scene [scene grassland-backdrop] . actions) (spawn-network (and scene (spawn-background-image level-size-vec scene)) (spawn-display-controller level-size-vec) (spawn-physics-engine) (spawn-player-avatar initial-player-x initial-player-y) (spawn-level-termination-monitor) actions)) (define standard-ground-height 50) (define (slab left top width #:color [color "purple"]) (spawn-ground-block (vector left top) (vector width standard-ground-height) #:color color)) (define levels (delay (list (spawn-level (slab 25 125 100) (slab 50 300 500) (spawn-enemy 100 300 50 550) (spawn-enemy 300 300 50 550 #:facing 'left) (spawn-goal-piece 570 150) (slab 850 300 50) (slab 925 400 50) (slab 975 500 50) (slab 975 600 50) (slab 500 600 150 #:color "orange")) (spawn-level (slab 25 300 500) (slab 500 400 500) (slab 1000 500 400) (spawn-goal-piece 1380 500)) (spawn-level (slab 25 300 1000) (spawn-enemy 600 300 25 1025 #:facing 'left) (spawn-goal-piece 980 300)) (spawn-level (spawn-goal-piece 250 280) (spawn-enemy 530 200 400 600) (spawn-enemy 500 200 -100 1000 #:facing 'left) (slab 400 200 200) (spawn-ground-block (vector 200 280) (vector 200 200) #:color "orange") (slab 25 300 500) (slab 600 1300 600) (slab 1150 1200 25 #:color "red") (for/list ((n 10)) (slab 900 (+ 200 (* n 100)) 50)) ) ))) (define (spawn-numbered-level level-number) (list (message (at-meta (at-meta (request-gc)))) (if (< level-number (length (force levels))) (list-ref (force levels) level-number) (spawn-standalone-assertions (update-sprites #:meta-level 2 (let ((message (text "You won!" 72 "red"))) (simple-sprite 0 10 100 (image-width message) (image-height message) message))))))) (define (spawn-level-spawner starting-level) (struct level-spawner-state (current-level level-complete?) #:prefab) (list (spawn (lambda (e s) (match-define (level-spawner-state current-level level-complete?) s) (match e [(? patch/removed?) (define next-level (if level-complete? (+ current-level 1) current-level)) (transition (level-spawner-state next-level #f) (spawn-numbered-level next-level))] [(message (level-completed)) (transition (struct-copy level-spawner-state s [level-complete? #t]) '())] [_ #f])) (level-spawner-state starting-level #f) (patch-seq (sub (level-running)) (sub (level-completed)))) (spawn-numbered-level starting-level))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define game-level 3) ;; used to specify meta-level to reach external I/O (2d-network #:width 600 #:height 400 (spawn-keyboard-integrator) (spawn-scene-manager) (spawn-network (spawn-score-keeper) (spawn-level-spawner 0) ) )