#lang racket (provide for-trie/list for-trie/set for-trie/patch for-trie/fold for-trie) (require "core.rkt" (only-in "actor.rkt" analyze-pattern) (for-syntax racket/syntax) (for-syntax syntax/strip-context) (for-syntax racket/match)) (begin-for-syntax ; Pattern-Syntax Syntax -> ; (SyntaxOf TempVar TempVar Projection-Pattern Match-Pattern) (define (helper pat-stx outer-stx) (match-define (list temp1 temp2) (generate-temporaries #'(tmp1 tmp2))) (define-values (proj-stx pat match-pat bindings) (analyze-pattern outer-stx pat-stx)) (list temp1 temp2 proj-stx bindings))) ;; trie projection symbol -> (U set exn:fail?) ;; tries to project the trie. If the resulting trie would be infinite, raise an ;; error, using the third argument to describe the pattern being projected. ;; If the resulting trie is finite, return it as a set. (define (project-finite t proj pat) (define s? (trie-project/set t (compile-projection proj))) (unless s? (error "pattern projection created infinite trie:" pat)) s?) (begin-for-syntax (define (build-fold stx ctx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ ([acc-id acc-init] ...) () body ...) #'(let () body ...)] [(_ ([acc-id acc-init] ...) ((pat_0 trie_0) clauses ...) body ...) (begin (match-define (list set-tmp loop-tmp proj-stx match-pat) (helper #'pat_0 ctx)) (with-syntax ([new-acc (generate-temporary 'acc)]) #`(let ([#,set-tmp (project-finite trie_0 #,proj-stx 'pat_0)]) (for/fold/derived #,ctx ([acc-id acc-init] ...) ([loop-tmp (in-set #,set-tmp)]) (match loop-tmp [(list #,@match-pat) #,(build-fold #`(_ ([acc-id acc-id] ...) (clauses ...) body ...) ctx)] [_ (values acc-id ...)])))))] [(_ ([acc-id acc-init] ...) (#:where pred clauses ...) body ...) #`(if pred #,(build-fold #'(_ ([acc-id acc-init] ...) (clauses ...) body ...) ctx) (values acc-id ...))]))) (define-syntax (for-trie/fold stx) (build-fold stx stx)) (define-syntax (make-fold stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ name folder initial) #'(define-syntax (name stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ (clauses (... ...)) body (... ...)) (with-syntax ([loop #'(for-trie/fold ([acc initial]) (clauses (... ...)) (folder (let () body (... ...)) acc))]) (build-fold #'loop stx))]))])) (make-fold for-trie/list cons empty) (define (set-folder x acc) (set-add acc x)) (make-fold for-trie/set set-folder (set)) (make-fold for-trie/patch patch-seq empty-patch) (define (ret-second a b) b) (make-fold for-trie-inner ret-second #f) (define-syntax (for-trie stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ (clauses ...) body ...) (with-syntax ([loop #'(for-trie/fold ([acc (void)]) (clauses ...) (begin (let () body ...) acc))]) (build-fold #'loop stx))])) (module+ test (require rackunit) (require "route.rkt") (define (make-trie . vs) (for/fold ([acc (trie-empty)]) ([v (in-list vs)]) (trie-union acc (pattern->trie 'a v)))) (struct foo (bar zot) #:prefab) ;; This test should pass OK, since we're ignoring all the infinite ;; dimensions, and just projecting out a finite one. (check-equal? (for-trie/set ([(observe (foo $bar _)) (make-trie (observe (foo 1 'a)) (observe (foo 2 'b)) (observe (foo 3 ?)))]) bar) (set 1 2 3)) ;; We should support internal definitions. (check-equal? (for-trie/set ([(foo $bar $zot) (make-trie (foo 1 2) (foo 3 4) (foo 5 6))]) (define sum (+ bar zot)) sum) (set 3 7 11)) (check-equal? (for-trie/list ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3 4)] #:where (even? x)) (+ x 1)) '(3 5)) (check-equal? (for-trie/set ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3 4)] #:where (even? x)) (+ x 1)) (set 3 5)) (check-equal? (for-trie/set ([(cons $x _) (make-trie 1 2 (list 0) (list 1 2 3) (cons 'x 'y) (cons 3 4) (cons 'a 'b) "x" 'foo)]) x) (set 'x 3 'a)) (check-equal? (for-trie/fold ([acc 0]) ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3 4)] #:where (even? x)) (+ acc x)) 6) (check-equal? (for-trie/fold ([acc 0]) ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3 4)] [x (make-trie 0 1 2 4)] #:where (even? x)) (+ acc x)) 6) (let-values ([(acc1 acc2) (for-trie/fold ([acc1 0] [acc2 0]) ([(cons $x $y) (make-trie (cons 1 2) (cons 3 8) (cons 9 7))]) (values (+ acc1 x) (+ acc2 y)))]) (check-equal? acc1 13) (check-equal? acc2 17)) (check-equal? (for-trie/set ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3)] [$y (make-trie 4 5 6)]) (cons x y)) (set (cons 1 4) (cons 1 5) (cons 1 6) (cons 2 4) (cons 2 5) (cons 2 6) (cons 3 4) (cons 3 5) (cons 3 6))) (let ([p (for-trie/patch ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3 4)]) (retract x))]) (check-equal? (trie-project/set (patch-removed p) (compile-projection (?!))) (set '(1) '(2) '(3) '(4)))) (check-equal? (for-trie/set ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3)] [(cons x 3) (make-trie (cons 'x 'y) (cons 5 5) (cons 2 4) (cons 3 3) (cons 4 3))]) (cons x 4)) (set (cons 3 4))) (check-equal? (for-trie/set ([(cons $x $x) (make-trie 'a 'b (cons 'x 'y) (cons 2 3) 3 4 'x (cons 1 1) "abc" (cons 'x 'x))]) x) (set 1 'x)) (check-equal? (for-trie/set ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3)]) (void) x) (set 1 2 3)) (check-equal? (for-trie/fold ([acc 0]) ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3)]) (void) (+ acc x)) 6) ;; projecting an infinite set out of an infinite trie raisies an error (check-exn (lambda (e) (and (exn:fail? e) (not (exn:fail:contract? e)))) (lambda () (for-trie/list ([$x (pattern->trie 'x (projection->pattern ?))]) x))) ;; projecting something finite out is ok (check-equal? (for-trie/list ([1 (pattern->trie 'x (projection->pattern ?))]) 1) (list 1)) (let ([a-set (mutable-set)]) ;; for-trie results in (void) (check-equal? (for-trie ([$x (make-trie 1 2 3 4)]) (set-add! a-set x)) (void)) ;; for-trie runs body for effects (check-equal? a-set (mutable-set 1 2 3 4))))