#lang racket (require syndicate/monolithic) (require syndicate/trie) (require racket/set) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define mt-scn (scn trie-empty)) ;; an `exp` is either ;; ('begin exp ...) or ;; ('let (var exp) exp) or ;; ('if exp exp exp) or ;; ('send! exp) or ;; ('react O ...) or ;; ('actor ('react O ...)) or ;; ('dataspace actor ...) or ;; ('outbound exp) or ;; ('inbound exp) or ;; ('set! var exp) or ;; ('read var) or ;; ('list exp ...) or ;; (primop exp ...) or ;; atom ;; a `val` is either ;; atom or ;; ('list val ...) or ;; (outbound val) or ;; (inbound val) ;; `primop` is one of ;; + * / - and or not equal? null? car cdr printf ;; an `O` (endpoint) is either ;; ('field var exp) or ;; ('assert exp) or ;; ('on E exp ...) or ;; ('stop-when E exp ...) or ;; ('on-start exp ...) ;; a `facet` is ('react O ...) ;; an `actor` is ;; ('actor facet) or ;; ('dataspace actor ...) ;; an E is either ;; ('asserted pat) or ;; ('retracted pat) or ;; (message pat) ;; a pat is either ;; $var or ;; _ or ;; exp or ;; ('observe pat) or ;; ('inbound pat) or ;; ('outbound pat) or ;; ('list pat ...) ;; a Γ is a (Listof Binding) ;; a Binding is (binding var val) (struct binding (id v) #:transparent) ;; a σ is either ;; (Hashof var val) or ;; (store-concat σ σ) (struct store-concat (σ1 σ2) #:transparent) ;; σ1 is the "parent" to σ2 (local) ;; a FacetTree is (facet-tree '(react O ...) Γ σ (Listof FacetTree)) (struct facet-tree (stx env sto children) #:transparent) ;; an ActorState is (actor-state π FacetTree) (struct actor-state (π ft) #:transparent) ;; a π is a trie (define π-union assertion-set-union) ;; a Program is a (Listof actor) (define mt-Γ (list)) (define mt-σ (hash)) ;; env-lookup : Γ var -> val ;; or throws an error for unbound variables (define (env-lookup Γ id) (match Γ ['() (error 'env-lookup "unbound variable: ~v" id)] [(cons (binding x v) rest) (if (equal? id x) v (env-lookup rest id))])) ;; extend-env : Γ var val -> Γ (define (extend-env Γ id v) (cons (binding id v) Γ)) ;; update-sto : σ var val -> σ ;; update the value of var in the store, if present. ;; otherwise throw an error (define (update-sto σ id v) (let search ([σ σ] [k-succ identity] [k-fail (lambda () (error 'update-sto "unbound field: ~v" id))]) (match σ [(store-concat σ1 σ2) (search σ2 (lambda (new-σ2) (k-succ (store-concat σ1 new-σ2))) (lambda () (search σ1 (lambda (new-σ1) (k-succ (store-concat new-σ1 σ2))) k-fail)))] [_ (if (hash-has-key? σ id) (k-succ (hash-set σ id v)) (k-fail))]))) (module+ test (let* ([s1 (make-store '(balance . 100))] [s2 (store-concat mt-σ s1)] [s3 (store-concat s1 mt-σ)]) (check-equal? (update-sto s2 'balance 50) (store-concat mt-σ (make-store '(balance . 50)))) (check-equal? (update-sto s3 'balance 50) (store-concat (make-store '(balance . 50)) mt-σ)))) (define (primop? x) (member x '(+ - * / - and or not equal? null? car cdr printf))) ;; apply-primop : primop (Listof val) -> val (define (apply-primop op args) (match* (op args) [('+ `(,v1 ,v2)) (+ v1 v2)] [('- `(,v1 ,v2)) (- v1 v2)] [('* `(,v1 ,v2)) (* v1 v2)] [('/ `(,v1 ,v2)) (/ v1 v2)] [('and `(,v1 ,v2)) (and v1 v2)] [('or `(,v1 ,v2)) (and v1 v2)] [('equal? `(,v1 ,v2)) (equal? v1 v2)] [('not `(,v)) (not v)] [('null? '(list)) #t] [('null? _) #f] [('car `(list ,e ,es ...)) e] [('cdr `(list ,e ,es ...)) es] [('printf args) (apply printf args)] [(_ _) (error 'apply-primop "invalid primitive application: ~v ~v" op args)])) ;; sto-fetch : σ var -> val ;; retrieve the value of field var. ;; if not present throw an error (define (sto-fetch σ id) (let search ([σ σ] [k (lambda () (error 'update-sto "unbound field: ~v" id))]) (match σ [(store-concat σ1 σ2) (search σ2 (lambda () (search σ1 k)))] [_ (if (hash-has-key? σ id) (hash-ref σ id) (k))]))) ;; make-store : (Listof (cons var val)) -> σ (define (make-store . vs) (make-immutable-hash vs)) ;; boot-facet : facet Γ σ -> (Values σ (Listof Action) FacetTree) (define (boot-facet f Γ σ) (define initial-sto (initial-store f Γ σ)) (match-define-values ((store-concat parent-sto facet-sto) as fs) (eval-start-actions f Γ (store-concat σ initial-sto))) (values parent-sto as (facet-tree f Γ facet-sto fs))) ;; initial-store : facet Γ σ -> σ ;; only bad people would put effects here. (define (initial-store f Γ σ) (match-define `(react ,O ...) f) (define locations (for/fold ([locations (list)]) ([o (in-list O)]) (match o [`(field ,id ,exp) (define-values (v s as fs) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) (cons (cons id v) locations)] [_ locations]))) (apply make-store locations)) ;; eval-start-actions : facet Γ σ -> (Values σ (Listof Action) (Listof FacetTree)) (define (eval-start-actions f Γ σ) (match-define `(react ,O ...) f) (for/fold ([sto σ] [as (list)] [facets (list)]) ([o (in-list O)]) (match o [`(on-start ,exp ...) (define-values (new-sto more-as more-facets) (eval-exp* exp Γ σ)) (values new-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets))] [_ (values sto as facets)]))) ;; boot-actor : actor Γ -> Action (define (boot-actor a Γ) (match a [`(actor ,facet) (define-values (_ as ft) (boot-facet facet Γ mt-σ)) (define assertions (ft-assertions ft mt-σ)) (spawn actor-behavior (actor-state trie-empty ft) (cons (scn assertions) as))] [`(dataspace ,as ...) (define boot-actions (for/list ([a (in-list as)]) (boot-actor a Γ))) (spawn-dataspace boot-actions)])) ;; eval-exp : exp Γ σ -> (Values val σ (Listof Action) (Listof FacetTree)) (define (eval-exp e Γ σ) (match e [`(react ,O ...) (define-values (new-sto as ft) (boot-facet e Γ σ)) (values (void) new-sto as (list ft))] [`(actor _) ;; don't pass in parent store (define spawn-action (boot-actor e Γ)) (values (void) σ (list spawn-action) (list))] [`(dataspace ,actors ...) (values (void) σ (list (boot-actor e Γ)) (list))] [`(outbound ,exp) (define-values (v new-sto as facets) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) (values (outbound v) σ as facets)] [`(inbound ,exp) (define-values (v new-sto as facets) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) (values (inbound v) σ as facets)] [(? symbol? id) (let ([v (env-lookup Γ id)]) (values v σ (list) (list)))] [`(begin ,es ...) (for/fold ([v (void)] [σ σ] [as (list)] [facets (list)]) ([e (in-list es)]) (define-values (v new-sto more-as more-facets) (eval-exp e Γ σ)) (values v new-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets)))] [`(list ,es ...) (define-values (rev-vs new-sto as facets) (for/fold ([rev-vs (list)] [σ σ] [as (list)] [facets (list)]) ([e (in-list es)]) (define-values (v new-sto more-as more-facets) (eval-exp e Γ σ)) (values (cons v rev-vs) new-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets)))) (values (cons 'list (reverse rev-vs)) new-sto as facets)] [`(let (,x ,exp) ,body-exp) (define-values (v new-sto as facets) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) (define new-Γ (extend-env Γ x v)) (define-values (result-v final-sto more-as more-facets) (eval-exp body-exp new-Γ new-sto)) (values result-v final-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets))] [`(if ,pred-exp ,then-exp ,else-exp) (define-values (pred-v pred-sto as facets) (eval-exp pred-exp Γ σ)) (define-values (result-v final-sto more-as more-facets) (if pred-v (eval-exp then-exp Γ pred-sto) (eval-exp else-exp Γ pred-sto))) (values result-v final-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets))] [`(send! ,exp) (define-values (v new-sto as facets) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) (values (void) new-sto (append as (list (message v))) facets)] [`(set! ,id ,exp) (define-values (v new-sto as facets) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) (define result-sto (update-sto new-sto id v)) (values (void) result-sto as facets)] [`(read ,id) (define v (sto-fetch σ id)) (values v σ (list) (list))] [`(,primop ,exp ..1) #:when (primop? primop) (define-values (args sto as facets) (for/fold ([vs (list)] [σ σ] [as (list)] [facets (list)]) ([e (in-list exp)]) (define-values (v new-sto more-as more-facets) (eval-exp e Γ σ)) (values (cons v vs) new-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets)))) (define v (apply-primop primop (reverse args))) (values v sto as facets)] [x (values x σ (list) (list))])) (module+ test ;; sequencing result (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp `(begin 1 2 3) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (check-equal? v 3)) ;; variable lookup (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp 'x (list (binding 'x 'hello) (binding 'y 'bye) (binding 'x 'world)) mt-σ)]) (check-equal? v 'hello)) ;; variable binding (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(let (y 12) 'cake) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (check-equal? v ''cake)) (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(let (y 12) y) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (check-equal? v 12)) ;; if (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(if #f 5 6) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (check-equal? v 6)) (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(if #t 5 6) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (check-equal? v 5)) ;; send! (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(send! 5) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (check-equal? as (list (message 5))) (check-true (void? v))) ;; set! (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(set! x 12) mt-Γ (make-store '(x . 'hello)))]) (check-true (void? v)) (check-equal? (hash-ref s 'x) 12)) (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(begin (set! x (+ 1 (read x))) (set! x (+ 1 (read x))) (set! x (+ 1 (read x))) (set! x (+ 1 (read x))) (read x)) mt-Γ (make-store '(x . 0)))]) (check-equal? v 4)) ;; store read (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(read x) mt-Γ (make-store '(y . 5) '(x . 'hello)))]) (check-equal? v ''hello)) (let-values ([(v s as f) (eval-exp '(+ (- 5 1) (/ 4 (if (not #t) 1 2))) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (check-equal? v 6))) ;; dollar-id? : any -> bool ;; test if the input is a symbol whose first character is $ (define (dollar-id? s) (and (symbol? s) (char=? (string-ref (symbol->string s) 0) #\$))) ;; undollar s : dollar-id? -> var (define (undollar s) (string->symbol (substring (symbol->string s) 1))) ;; eval-pat : pat Γ σ -> meta-pattern ;; technically this results in a Projection because it includes captures ;; if you put effects in your pattern then you deserve bad things (define (eval-pat pat Γ σ) (match pat [`(list ,pats ...) (cons 'list (for/list ([p (in-list pats)]) (eval-pat p Γ σ)))] [`(observe ,pat) (observe (eval-pat pat Γ σ))] [`(inbound ,pat) (inbound (eval-pat pat Γ σ))] [`(outbound ,pat) (outbound (eval-pat pat Γ σ))] [(? dollar-id? s) (?!)] ['_ ?] [exp (define-values (v s as fs) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) v])) ;; pat-bindings : pat -> (Listof var) (define (pat-bindings pat) (match pat [`(list ,pats ...) (flatten (for/list ([p (in-list pats)]) (pat-bindings p)))] [`(observe ,pat) (pat-bindings pat)] [`(inbound ,pat) (pat-bindings pat)] [`(outbound ,pat) (pat-bindings pat)] [(? dollar-id? s) (list (undollar s))] [_ (list)])) (module+ test (check-equal? (pat-bindings '(list hello $x world 5)) (list 'x))) ;; pat-matches : pat Γ σ π -> (Listof Γ) ;; evaluate the pattern and then project matching assertions ;; out of the given trie. (define (pat-matches pat Γ σ π) (define concrete-pat (eval-pat pat Γ σ)) (define bindings (pat-bindings pat)) (define s? (trie-project/set #:take (projection-arity concrete-pat) π concrete-pat)) (unless s? (error 'pat-matches "pattern resulted in an infinite set: ~v" pat)) (for/list ([captures (in-set s?)]) (map binding bindings captures))) ;; E-pat : E -> pat (define E-pat second) ;; occurrences : E Event π Γ σ -> (Listof Γ) (define (occurrences E e π-old Γ σ) (define pat (E-pat E)) (match* (E e) [(`(message ,_) (message v)) (pat-matches pat Γ σ (assertion v))] [(`(asserted ,_) (scn π-new)) (define candidates (trie-subtract π-new π-old)) (pat-matches pat Γ σ candidates)] [(`(retracted ,_) (scn π-new)) (define candidates (trie-subtract π-old π-new)) (pat-matches pat Γ σ candidates)] [(_ _) (list)])) (module+ test (check-equal? (occurrences `(asserted 5) (scn (assertion 5)) trie-empty mt-Γ mt-σ) (list (list))) (check-equal? (occurrences `(retracted 5) (scn (assertion 5)) trie-empty mt-Γ mt-σ) (list)) (check-equal? (occurrences `(retracted 5) (scn trie-empty) (assertion 5) mt-Γ mt-σ) (list (list))) (check-equal? (occurrences `(asserted 5) (message 5) trie-empty mt-Γ mt-σ) (list)) (check-equal? (occurrences `(asserted (list 'price $x)) (scn (assertion '(list 'price 12))) (assertion '(list 'price 5)) mt-Γ mt-σ) (list (list (binding 'x 12)))) (check-equal? (list->set (occurrences `(asserted (list 'price $x)) (scn (π-union (assertion '(list 'price 12)) (assertion '(list 'price 16)))) (assertion '(list 'price 5)) mt-Γ mt-σ)) (set (list (binding 'x 12)) (list (binding 'x 16))))) ;; subscription : E Γ σ -> π (define (subscription E Γ σ) ;; projection->pattern to convert captures to wildcards (assertion (projection->pattern (observe (eval-pat (E-pat E) Γ σ))))) ;; eval-exp* : (Listof exp) Γ σ -> (Values σ (Listof Action) (Listof FacetTree)) ;; evaluate a sequence of expressions for effect (define (eval-exp* exps Γ σ) (for/fold ([sto σ] [as (list)] [facets (list)]) ([e (in-list exps)]) (define-values (v new-sto more-as more-facets) (eval-exp e Γ σ)) (values new-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets)))) ;; A Continue is (continue σ (Listof Action) (Listof FacetTree)) (struct continue (sto as fs) #:transparent) ;; A Stop is (stop σ (Listof Action)) (struct stop (sto as) #:transparent) ;; run-facet : facet π σ Γ Event -> (U Continue Stop) (define (run-facet f π-old σ Γ e) (match-define `(react ,O ...) f) (for/fold ([s (continue σ (list) (list))]) ([o (in-list O)]) (match s [(stop _ _) s] [(continue σ as facets) (match (run-endpoint o π-old σ Γ e) [(stop σ as) ;; ok to discard previous as here I guess (stop σ as)] [(continue new-sto more-as more-facets) (continue new-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets))])]))) ;; run-endpoint : O π σ Γ Event -> (U Continue Stop) (define (run-endpoint O π-old σ Γ e) (match O [`(field ,_ ,_) (continue σ (list) (list))] [`(on-start ,exp ...) (continue σ (list) (list))] [`(assert ,exp) (continue σ (list) (list))] [`(stop-when ,E ,exps ...) (define bindings (occurrences E e π-old Γ σ)) (cond [(empty? bindings) (continue σ (list) (list))] [else (define-values (sto as) (for/fold ([sto σ] [as (list)]) ([captures (in-list bindings)]) (define extended-env (append captures Γ)) ;; seems like we should ignore new facets here? (define-values (new-sto more-as facets) (eval-exp* exps extended-env sto)) (values new-sto (append as more-as)))) (stop sto as)])] [`(on ,E ,exps ...) (define bindings (occurrences E e π-old Γ σ)) (cond [(empty? bindings) (continue σ (list) (list))] [else (define-values (sto as facets) (for/fold ([sto σ] [as (list)] [facets (list)]) ([captures (in-list bindings)]) (define extended-env (append captures Γ)) (define-values (new-sto more-as more-facets) (eval-exp* exps extended-env sto)) (values new-sto (append as more-as) (append facets more-facets)))) (continue sto as facets)])])) ;; endpoint-assertions : O Γ σ -> π ;; IGNORE effects from such expressions (yadda yadda evil yadda yadda) (define (endpoint-assertions O Γ σ) (match O [`(field ,_ ,_) trie-empty] [`(on-start ,exp ...) trie-empty] [`(assert ,exp) (define-values (v new-sto as facets) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) (assertion v)] [`(stop-when ,E ,exps ...) (subscription E Γ σ)] [`(on ,E ,exps ...) (subscription E Γ σ)])) ;; facet-assertions : facet Γ σ -> π (define (facet-assertions f Γ σ) (match-define `(react ,O ...) f) (for/fold ([π trie-empty]) ([o (in-list O)]) (π-union π (endpoint-assertions o Γ σ)))) ;; an OK is (ok σ FacetTree (ListofAction)) (struct ok (sto ft as) #:transparent) ;; run-facets : FacetTree π σ Event -> (U OK (Listof Action)) (define (run-facets ft π parent-sto e) (match-define (facet-tree stx env sto children) ft) (define facet-sto (store-concat parent-sto sto)) ;; I'm really not confident about the way the stores are being handled here (match (run-facet stx π facet-sto env e) [(continue new-sto as new-facets) (define-values (final-sto final-as new-children) (for/fold ([sto new-sto] [as as] [new-children (list)]) ([ft (in-list (append children new-facets))]) (match (run-facets ft π sto e) [(ok new-sto new-ft more-as) (values new-sto (append as more-as) ;; n^2 but let's keep the order the same (append new-children (list new-ft)))] [more-as (values sto (append as more-as) new-children)]))) (match-define (store-concat new-parent-sto new-facet-sto) final-sto) (ok new-parent-sto (facet-tree stx env new-facet-sto new-children) final-as)] [(stop _ as) as])) ;; ft-assertions : FacetTree σ -> π (define (ft-assertions ft σ) (match-define (facet-tree stx env sto children) ft) (define extended-sto (store-concat σ sto)) (for/fold ([π (facet-assertions stx env extended-sto)]) ([f (in-list children)]) (π-union π (ft-assertions f env extended-sto)))) ;; actor-behavior : ActorState Event -> Transition ;; leaf behavior function (define (actor-behavior e s) (cond [e (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (quit #:exception e (list)))]) (match-define (actor-state π-old ft) s) (match (run-facets ft π-old mt-σ e) [(ok _ ft as) (define assertions (ft-assertions ft mt-σ)) (define next-π (if (scn? e) (scn-trie e) π-old)) (transition (actor-state next-π ft) (cons (scn assertions) as))] [as (quit as)]))] [else #f])) ;; run : Program -> Syndicate (define (run p) (define boot-actions (for/list ([boot (in-list p)]) (boot-actor boot mt-Γ))) (run-ground boot-actions)) (define test-program `((actor (react (on-start (printf "hello,world\n")))))) (define test-program2 `( (actor (react (on (asserted 5) (printf "wat\n")))) (actor (react (assert 5))))) (define ping-pong `( (actor (react (on (message 'ping) (printf "ping\n") (send! 'pong)))) (actor (react (on (message 'pong) (printf "pong\n") (send! 'ping)) (on-start (send! 'ping)))))) (define bank-account `( (actor (react (field balance 0) (assert (list 'account (read balance))) (on (message (list 'deposit $amount)) (set! balance (+ (read balance) amount))))) (actor (react (on (asserted (list 'account $balance)) (printf "Balance changed to ~a\n" balance)))) (actor (react (stop-when (asserted (observe (list 'deposit _))) (send! (list 'deposit +100)) (send! (list 'deposit -30))))))) (define multi-level-ex '( (actor (react (on (asserted "hello") (printf "goodbye")))) (dataspace (actor (react (assert (outbound "hello"))))))) (run multi-level-ex)