assertion type todo(id, title, completed); assertion type show(completed); assertion type activeTodoCount(n); assertion type completedTodoCount(n); assertion type totalTodoCount(n); message type deleteTodo(id); message type clearCompletedTodos(); /* To Do (ho ho ho) spec is at: - file layout? - README - pattern the HTML more explicitly on the given template, keep changes to a minimum - code style - mark all as complete/incomplete; make sure it is only ever checked when all the todos are checked - persist to localStorage; use correct keys and name. - routing: spec requires that filtering be done "on a model level"; we, by using "hidden" class, are kind of partly doing it on a view level. We could either continue to do this, or switch to a proper model level approach, but then we'd lose stability of ordering! - BUG: doesn't hide an item if in "Active" state and you click on the checkbox */ var ESCAPE_KEY_CODE = 27; var ENTER_KEY_CODE = 13; function getTemplate(id) { return document.getElementById(id).innerHTML; } var nextId = 0; function addTodo(title) { title = title.trim(); if (!title) return; actor { = nextId++; this.ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor(); this.title = title; this.completed = false; this.editing = false; this.visible = false; react { assert todo(, this.title, this.completed); during show(this.completed) { do { this.visible = true; } finally { this.visible = false; } } assert this.ui.html('.todo-list', Mustache.render(getTemplate(this.editing ? 'todo-list-item-edit-template' : 'todo-list-item-view-template'), { completed_class: this.completed ? "completed" : "", hidden_class: this.visible ? "" : "hidden", id:, checked: this.completed ? "checked" : "", title: this.title })); on message this.ui.event('.toggle', 'change', $e) { this.completed =; } on message this.ui.event('.destroy', 'click', _) { :: deleteTodo(; } on message this.ui.event('label', 'dblclick', _) { var self = this; this.editing = true; focusMe(); // TODO this is gross function focusMe() { setTimeout(function () { var q = 'li[data-id="''"] input.edit'; var n = document.querySelector(q); if (!n) { return focusMe(); } n.focus(); n.setSelectionRange(n.value.length, n.value.length); }, 0); } } on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'keyup', $e) { if (e.keyCode === ESCAPE_KEY_CODE || e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY_CODE) { this.editing = false; } } on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'blur', $e) { this.editing = false; } on message this.ui.event('input.edit', 'change', $e) { this.title =; this.editing = false; if (!this.title) :: deleteTodo(; } on message clearCompletedTodos() { if (this.completed) :: deleteTodo(; } } until { case message deleteTodo(; } } } ground dataspace G { Syndicate.UI.spawnUIDriver(); actor { react { on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('.new-todo', 'change', $e) { addTodo(; = ""; } } } actor { var completedCount = 0; var activeCount = 0; react { on asserted todo(_, _, $completed) { if (completed) completedCount++; else activeCount++; } on retracted todo(_, _, $completed) { if (completed) completedCount--; else activeCount--; } assert activeTodoCount(activeCount); assert completedTodoCount(completedCount); assert totalTodoCount(activeCount + completedCount); } } actor { var ui = new Syndicate.UI.Anchor(); react { during activeTodoCount($count) { assert ui.context('count').html('.todo-count strong', '' + count); assert ui.context('plural').html('.todo-count span.s', 's') when (count !== 1); } during completedTodoCount(0) { assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('button.clear-completed', 'class', 'hidden'); } during totalTodoCount(0) { assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('section.main', 'class', 'hidden'); assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('footer.footer', 'class', 'hidden'); } on message Syndicate.UI.globalEvent('button.clear-completed', 'click', _) { :: clearCompletedTodos(); } } } actor { react { during Syndicate.UI.locationHash($hash) { assert Syndicate.UI.uiAttribute('ul.filters > li > a[href="#'+hash+'"]', 'class', 'selected'); } during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/') { assert show(true); assert show(false); } during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/active') { assert show(false); } during Syndicate.UI.locationHash('/completed') { assert show(true); } } } addTodo('Buy milk'); addTodo('Buy bread'); addTodo('Finish PhD'); } // G.dataspace.setOnStateChange(function (mux, patch) { // document.getElementById("ds-state").innerText = Syndicate.prettyTrie(mux.routingTable); // });