#lang turnstile (provide #%module-begin (rename-out [typed-app #%app]) (rename-out [typed-quote quote]) #%top-interaction require only-in ;; Start dataspace programs run-ground-dataspace ;; Types Int Bool String Tuple Bind Discard → List ByteString Symbol Role Reacts Shares Know ¬Know Message OnDataflow Stop OnStart OnStop FacetName Field ★/t Observe Inbound Outbound Actor U Computation Value Endpoints Roles Spawns ;; Statements let let* if spawn dataspace start-facet set! begin stop begin/dataflow #;unsafe-do when unless send! ;; Derived Forms during define/query-value define/query-set ;; endpoints assert on field ;; expressions tuple select lambda ref observe inbound outbound ;; making types define-type-alias define-constructor define-constructor* ;; values #%datum ;; patterns bind discard ;; primitives + - * / and or not > < >= <= = equal? displayln printf define gensym symbol->string string->symbol bytes->string/utf-8 string->bytes/utf-8 ~a ;; lists list cons first rest member? empty? for for/fold ;; sets Set set set-member? set-add set-remove set-count set-union set-subtract set-intersect list->set set->list ;; DEBUG and utilities print-type print-role ;; Extensions match cond ;; require & provides require provide submod for-syntax for-meta only-in except-in require/typed require-struct ) (require (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/actor-lang)) (require (for-meta 2 macrotypes/stx-utils racket/list syntax/stx)) (require (for-syntax turnstile/examples/util/filter-maximal)) (require (for-syntax racket/struct-info)) (require macrotypes/postfix-in) (require (rename-in racket/math [exact-truncate exact-truncate-])) (require (postfix-in - racket/list)) (require (postfix-in - racket/set)) (require (postfix-in - racket/match)) (require (postfix-in - (only-in racket/format ~a))) (module+ test (require rackunit) (require rackunit/turnstile)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Debugging ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-for-syntax DEBUG-BINDINGS? #f) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Type Checking Conventions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; : describes the immediate result of evaluation ;; ν-ep key aggregates endpoint affects: ;; `Shares`, `Reacts`, and `MakesField` ;; Note thar MakesField is only an effect, not a type ;; ν-f key aggregates facet effects (starting/stopping a facet) as `Role`s & `Stop`s and message sends, `Sends` ;; ν-s key aggregates spawned actors as `Actor`s ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-binding-type Role #:arity >= 0 #:bvs = 1) (define-type-constructor Shares #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Sends #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Reacts #:arity >= 1) (define-type-constructor Know #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor ¬Know #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Stop #:arity >= 1) (define-type-constructor Message #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Field #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Bind #:arity = 1) ;; keep track of branches for facet effects ;; (Branch (Listof (Listof Type))) (define-type-constructor Branch #:arity >= 0) ;; sequence of effects (define-type-constructor Effs #:arity >= 0) (define-base-types OnStart OnStop OnDataflow MakesField) (define-for-syntax field-prop-name 'fields) (define-type-constructor Tuple #:arity >= 0) (define-type-constructor Observe #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Inbound #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Outbound #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Actor #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor AssertionSet #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Patch #:arity = 2) (define-type-constructor List #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Set #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor → #:arity > 0) ;; for describing the RHS ;; a value and a description of the effects (define-type-constructor Computation #:arity = 4) (define-type-constructor Value #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Endpoints #:arity >= 0) (define-type-constructor Roles #:arity >= 0) (define-type-constructor Spawns #:arity >= 0) (define-base-types Int Bool String Discard ★/t FacetName ByteString Symbol) (define-for-syntax (type-eval t) ((current-type-eval) t)) (define-type-constructor U* #:arity >= 0) ;; τ.norm in 1st case causes "not valid type" error when referring to ⊥ in another file. ;; however, this version expands the type at every reference, incurring a potentially large ;; overhead---2x in the case of book-club.rkt ;; (copied from ext-stlc example) (define-syntax define-type-alias (syntax-parser [(_ alias:id τ) #'(define-syntax- alias (make-variable-like-transformer #'τ))] [(_ (f:id x:id ...) ty) #'(define-syntax- (f stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ x ...) #:with τ:any-type #'ty #'τ.norm]))])) (define-type-alias ⊥ (U*)) (define-for-syntax (prune+sort tys) (stx-sort (filter-maximal (stx->list tys) typecheck?))) (define-syntax (U stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ . tys) ;; canonicalize by expanding to U*, with only (sorted and pruned) leaf tys #:with ((~or (~U* ty1- ...) ty2-) ...) (stx-map (current-type-eval) #'tys) #:with tys- (prune+sort #'(ty1- ... ... ty2- ...)) (if (= 1 (stx-length #'tys-)) (stx-car #'tys-) (syntax/loc stx (U* . tys-)))])) ;; for looking at the "effects" (begin-for-syntax (define-syntax ~effs (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ eff:id ...) #:with tmp (generate-temporary 'effss) #'(~and tmp (~parse (eff ...) (stx-or #'tmp #'())))]))) (define (stx-truth? a) (and a (not (and (syntax? a) (false? (syntax-e a)))))) (define (stx-or a b) (cond [(stx-truth? a) a] [else b]))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; User Defined Types, aka Constructors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (begin-for-syntax (define-splicing-syntax-class type-constructor-decl (pattern (~seq #:type-constructor TypeCons:id)) (pattern (~seq) #:attr TypeCons #f)) (struct user-ctor (typed-ctor untyped-ctor) #:property prop:procedure (lambda (v stx) (define transformer (user-ctor-typed-ctor v)) (syntax-parse stx [(_ e ...) (quasisyntax/loc stx (#,transformer e ...))])))) (define-syntax (define-constructor* stx) (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (:) [(_ (Cons:id : TyCons:id slot:id ...) clause ...) #'(define-constructor (Cons slot ...) #:type-constructor TyCons clause ...)])) (define-syntax (define-constructor stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (Cons:id slot:id ...) ty-cons:type-constructor-decl (~seq #:with Alias AliasBody) ...) #:with TypeCons (or (attribute ty-cons.TypeCons) (format-id stx "~a/t" (syntax-e #'Cons))) #:with MakeTypeCons (format-id #'TypeCons "make-~a" #'TypeCons) #:with GetTypeParams (format-id #'TypeCons "get-~a-type-params" #'TypeCons) #:with TypeConsExpander (format-id #'TypeCons "~~~a" #'TypeCons) #:with TypeConsExtraInfo (format-id #'TypeCons "~a-extra-info" #'TypeCons) #:with (StructName Cons- type-tag) (generate-temporaries #'(Cons Cons Cons)) (define arity (stx-length #'(slot ...))) #`(begin- (struct- StructName (slot ...) #:reflection-name 'Cons #:transparent) (define-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ X (... ...)) #'('type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)])) (define-type-constructor TypeCons #:arity = #,arity #:extra-info 'TypeConsExtraInfo) (define-syntax (MakeTypeCons stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ t (... ...)) #:fail-unless (= #,arity (stx-length #'(t (... ...)))) "arity mismatch" #'(TypeCons t (... ...))])) (define-syntax (GetTypeParams stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (TypeConsExpander t (... ...))) #'(t (... ...))])) (define-syntax Cons (user-ctor #'Cons- #'StructName)) (define-typed-syntax (Cons- e (... ...)) ≫ #:fail-unless (= #,arity (stx-length #'(e (... ...)))) "arity mismatch" [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] (... ...) #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e- (... ...))) "expressions must be pure" ---------------------- [⊢ (#%app- StructName e- (... ...)) (⇒ : (TypeCons τ (... ...)))]) (define-type-alias Alias AliasBody) ...)])) ;; (require-struct chicken #:as Chicken #:from "some-mod.rkt") will ;; - extract the struct-info for chicken, and ensure that it is immutable, has a set number of fields ;; - determine the number of slots, N, chicken has ;; - define the type constructor (Chicken ...N), with the extra info used by define-constructor above ;; - define chicken+, a turnstile type rule that checks uses of chicken ;; - bind chicken to a user-ctor struct ;; TODO: this implementation shares a lot with that of define-constructor (define-syntax (require-struct stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ ucons:id #:as ty-cons:id #:from lib) (with-syntax* ([TypeCons #'ty-cons] [MakeTypeCons (format-id #'TypeCons "make-~a" #'TypeCons)] [GetTypeParams (format-id #'TypeCons "get-~a-type-params" #'TypeCons)] [TypeConsExpander (format-id #'TypeCons "~~~a" #'TypeCons)] [TypeConsExtraInfo (format-id #'TypeCons "~a-extra-info" #'TypeCons)] [Cons- (format-id #'ucons "~a/checked" #'ucons)] [orig-struct-info (generate-temporary #'ucons)] [type-tag (generate-temporary #'ucons)]) (quasisyntax/loc stx (begin- (require- (only-in- lib [ucons orig-struct-info])) (begin-for-syntax (define info (syntax-local-value #'orig-struct-info)) (unless (struct-info? info) (raise-syntax-error #f "expected struct" #'#,stx #'ucons)) (match-define (list desc cons pred accs muts sup) (extract-struct-info info)) (when (false? (last accs)) (raise-syntax-error #f "number of slots must be exact" #'#,stx #'ucons)) (unless (equal? #t sup) (raise-syntax-error #f "structs with super-type not supported" #'#,stx #'ucons)) (define arity (length accs))) (define-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ X (... ...)) #'('type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)])) (define-type-constructor TypeCons ;; issue: arity needs to parse as an exact-nonnegative-integer ;; fix: check arity in MakeTypeCons #:arity >= 0 #:extra-info 'TypeConsExtraInfo) (define-syntax (MakeTypeCons stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ t (... ...)) #:fail-unless (= arity (stx-length #'(t (... ...)))) "arity mismatch" #'(TypeCons t (... ...))])) (define-syntax (GetTypeParams stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (TypeConsExpander t (... ...))) #'(t (... ...))])) (define-typed-syntax (Cons- e (... ...)) ≫ #:fail-unless (= arity (stx-length #'(e (... ...)))) "arity mismatch" [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] (... ...) #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e- (... ...))) "expressions must be pure" ---------------------- [⊢ (#%app- orig-struct-info e- (... ...)) (⇒ : (TypeCons τ (... ...)))]) (define-syntax ucons (user-ctor #'Cons- #'orig-struct-info)))))])) (begin-for-syntax (define-syntax ~constructor-extra-info (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ tag mk get) #'(_ (_ tag) (_ mk) (_ get))]))) (define-syntax ~constructor-type (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ tag . rst) #'(~and it (~fail #:unless (user-defined-type? #'it)) (~parse tag (get-type-tag #'it)) (~Any _ . rst))]))) (define-syntax ~constructor-exp (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ cons . rst) #'(~and (cons . rst) (~fail #:unless (ctor-id? #'cons)))]))) (define (inspect t) (syntax-parse t [(~constructor-type tag t ...) (list (syntax-e #'tag) (stx-map type->str #'(t ...)))])) (define (tags-equal? t1 t2) (equal? (syntax-e t1) (syntax-e t2))) (define (user-defined-type? t) (get-extra-info (type-eval t))) (define (get-type-tag t) (syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) [(~constructor-extra-info tag _ _) (syntax-e #'tag)])) (define (get-type-args t) (syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) [(~constructor-extra-info _ _ get) (define f (syntax-local-value #'get)) (syntax->list (f #`(get #,t)))])) (define (make-cons-type t args) (syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) [(~constructor-extra-info _ mk _) (define f (syntax-local-value #'mk)) (type-eval (f #`(mk #,@args)))])) (define (ctor-id? stx) (and (identifier? stx) (user-ctor? (syntax-local-value stx (const #f))))) (define (untyped-ctor stx) (user-ctor-untyped-ctor (syntax-local-value stx (const #f))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Require & Provide ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Import and ascribe a type from an untyped module ;; TODO: this is where contracts would need to go (define-syntax (require/typed stx) (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (:) [(_ lib [name:id : ty:type] ...) #:with (name- ...) (format-ids "~a-" #'(name ...)) (syntax/loc stx (begin- (require (only-in lib [name name-] ...)) (define-syntax name (make-variable-like-transformer (add-orig (assign-type #'name- #'ty #:wrap? #f) #'name))) ...))])) ;; Format identifiers in the same way ;; FormatString (SyntaxListOf Identifier) -> (Listof Identifier) (define-for-syntax (format-ids fmt ids) (for/list ([id (in-syntax ids)]) (format-id id fmt id))) ;; (SyntaxListof (SyntaxList Identifier Type Identifier)) -> (Listof Identifier) ;; For each triple (name- ty name), ;; assign the ty to name- with the orig name (define-for-syntax (assign-types los) (for/list ([iti (in-syntax los)]) (match-define (list name- ty name) (syntax->list iti)) (add-orig (assign-type name- ty #:wrap? #f) name))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Conveniences ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; (SyntaxListof (SyntaxListof Type)) -> (U (SyntaxListof Branch) #'()) (define-for-syntax (make-Branch tys*) (syntax-parse tys* [() #'()] [(() ...) #'()] [((ty ...) ...) (define effs (for/list ([tys (in-syntax tys*)]) (mk-Effs- (syntax->list tys)))) #`(#,(mk-Branch- effs))])) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Syntax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (begin-for-syntax ;; constructors with arity one (define-syntax-class kons1 (pattern (~or (~datum observe) (~datum inbound) (~datum outbound) (~datum message)))) (define (kons1->constructor stx) (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (observe inbound outbound) [observe #'syndicate:observe] [inbound #'syndicate:inbound] [outbound #'syndicate:outbound] [message #'syndicate:message])) (define-syntax-class basic-val (pattern (~or boolean integer string))) (define-syntax-class prim-op (pattern (~or (~literal +) (~literal -) (~literal displayln))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Utilities Over Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-for-syntax (bot? t) (<: t (type-eval #'(U*)))) (define-for-syntax (flat-type? τ) (syntax-parse τ [(~→ τ ...) #f] [(~Actor τ) #f] [_ #t])) (define-for-syntax (strip-? t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map strip-? #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] ;; since (Observe X) can match (Message X): ;; doing this specifically for the intersection operation in the spawn rule, need to check other ;; uses [(~Observe τ) #'(U τ (Message τ))] [_ #'(U*)]))) ;; similar to strip- fns, but leave non-message types as they are (define-for-syntax (prune-message t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map prune-message #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] [(~Message τ) #'τ] [_ t]))) (define-for-syntax (strip-inbound t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map strip-inbound #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] [(~Inbound τ) #'τ] [_ #'(U*)]))) (define-for-syntax (strip-outbound t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map strip-outbound #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] [(~Outbound τ) #'τ] [_ #'(U*)]))) (define-for-syntax (relay-interests t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t ;; TODO: probably need to `normalize` the result [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map relay-interests #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] [(~Observe (~Inbound τ)) #'(Observe τ)] [_ #'(U*)]))) ;; (SyntaxOf RoleType ...) -> (Syntaxof InputType OutputType SpawnType) (define-for-syntax (analyze-roles rs) (define-values (lis los lss) (for/fold ([is '()] [os '()] [ss '()]) ([r (in-syntax rs)]) (define-values (i o s) (analyze-role-input/output r)) (values (cons i is) (cons o os) (cons s ss)))) #`(#,(type-eval #`(U #,@lis)) #,(type-eval #`(U #,@los)) #,(type-eval #`(U #,@lss)))) ;; Wanted test case, but can't use it bc it uses things defined for-syntax #;(module+ test (let ([r (type-eval #'(Role (x) (Shares Int)))]) (syntax-parse (analyze-role-input/output r) [(τ-i τ-o) (check-true (type=? #'τ-o (type-eval #'Int)))]))) ;; RoleType -> (Values InputType OutputType SpawnType) (define-for-syntax (analyze-role-input/output t) (syntax-parse t [(~Branch (~Effs τ-r ...) ...) #:with (τi τo τa) (analyze-roles #'(τ-r ... ...)) (values #'τi #'τo #'τa)] [(~Stop name:id τ-r ...) #:with (τi τo τa) (analyze-roles #'(τ-r ...)) (values #'τi #'τo #'τa)] [(~Actor τc) (values (mk-U*- '()) (mk-U*- '()) t)] [(~Sends τ-m) (values (mk-U*- '()) (type-eval #'(Message τ-m)) (mk-U*- '()))] [(~Role (name:id) (~or (~Shares τ-s) (~Sends τ-m) (~Reacts τ-if τ-then ...)) ... (~and (~Role _ ...) sub-role) ...) (define-values (is os ss) (for/fold ([ins '()] [outs '()] [spawns '()]) ([t (in-syntax #'(τ-then ... ... sub-role ...))]) (define-values (i o s) (analyze-role-input/output t)) (values (cons i ins) (cons o outs) (cons s spawns)))) (define pat-types (stx-map event-desc-type #'(τ-if ...))) (values (type-eval #`(U #,@is #,@pat-types)) (type-eval #`(U τ-s ... (Message τ-m) ... #,@os #,@(stx-map pattern-sub-type pat-types))) (type-eval #`(U #,@ss)))])) ;; EventDescriptorType -> Type (define-for-syntax (event-desc-type desc) (syntax-parse desc [(~Know τ) #'τ] [(~¬Know τ) #'τ] [(~Message τ) desc] [_ (type-eval #'(U*))])) ;; PatternType -> Type (define-for-syntax (pattern-sub-type pt) (syntax-parse pt [(~Message τ) (define t (replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'τ)) (type-eval #`(Observe #,t))] [τ (define t (replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'τ)) (type-eval #`(Observe #,t))])) (define-for-syntax (replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ t) (syntax-parse t [(~Bind _) (type-eval #'★/t)] [~Discard (type-eval #'★/t)] [(~U* τ ...) (type-eval #`(U #,@(stx-map replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'(τ ...))))] [(~Tuple τ ...) (type-eval #`(Tuple #,@(stx-map replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'(τ ...))))] [(~Observe τ) (type-eval #`(Observe #,(replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'τ)))] [(~Inbound τ) (type-eval #`(Inbound #,(replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'τ)))] [(~Outbound τ) (type-eval #`(Outbound #,(replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'τ)))] [(~Message τ) (type-eval #`(Message #,(replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'τ)))] [(~constructor-type _ τ ...) (make-cons-type t (stx-map replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'(τ ...)))] [_ t])) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Subtyping and Judgments on Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Type Type -> Bool (define-for-syntax (<: t1 t2) (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) [((~U* τ1 ...) _) (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (<: t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))] [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (<: t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~Actor τ1) (~Actor τ2)) (and (<: #'τ1 #'τ2) (<: (∩ (strip-? #'τ1) #'τ2) #'τ1))] [((~AssertionSet τ1) (~AssertionSet τ2)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Set τ1) (~Set τ2)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Patch τ11 τ12) (~Patch τ21 τ22)) (and (<: #'τ11 #'τ21) (<: #'τ12 #'τ22))] [((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...)) #:when (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) (stx-andmap <: #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))] [(_ ~★/t) (flat-type? t1)] [((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Message τ1:type) (~Message τ2:type)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~constructor-type t1 τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type t2 τ2:type ...)) #:when (tags-equal? #'t1 #'t2) (and (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) (stx-andmap <: #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)))] [((~→ τ-in1 ... τ-out1) (~→ τ-in2 ... τ-out2)) #:when (stx-length=? #'(τ-in1 ...) #'(τ-in2 ...)) (and (stx-andmap <: #'(τ-in2 ...) #'(τ-in1 ...)) (<: #'τ-out1 #'τ-out2))] [(~Discard _) #t] ;; TODO: clauses for Roles, and so on ;; should probably put this first. [_ (type=? t1 t2)])) ;; shortcuts for mapping (define-for-syntax ((<:l l) r) (<: l r)) (define-for-syntax ((<:r r) l) (<: l r)) ;; Flat-Type Flat-Type -> Type (define-for-syntax (∩ t1 t2) (unless (and (flat-type? t1) (flat-type? t2)) (error '∩ "expected two flat-types")) (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) [(_ ~★/t) t1] [(~★/t _) t2] [(_ _) #:when (type=? t1 t2) t1] [((~U* τ1:type ...) _) (type-eval #`(U #,@(stx-map (lambda (t) (∩ t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))))] [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) (type-eval #`(U #,@(stx-map (lambda (t) (∩ t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))))] [((~AssertionSet τ1) (~AssertionSet τ2)) #:with τ12 (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) (type-eval #'(AssertionSet τ12))] [((~Set τ1) (~Set τ2)) #:with τ12 (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) (type-eval #'(Set τ12))] [((~Patch τ11 τ12) (~Patch τ21 τ22)) #:with τ1 (∩ #'τ11 #'τ12) #:with τ2 (∩ #'τ21 #'τ22) (type-eval #'(Patch τ1 τ2))] ;; all of these fail-when/unless clauses are meant to cause this through to ;; the last case and result in ⊥. ;; Also, using <: is OK, even though <: refers to ∩, because <:'s use of ∩ is only ;; in the Actor case. [((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...)) #:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) #f #:with (τ ...) (stx-map ∩ #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) ;; I don't think stx-ormap is part of the documented api of turnstile *shrug* #:fail-when (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (<: t (type-eval #'(U)))) #'(τ ...)) #f (type-eval #'(Tuple τ ...))] [((~constructor-type tag1 τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type tag2 τ2:type ...)) #:when (tags-equal? #'tag1 #'tag2) #:with (τ ...) (stx-map ∩ #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) #:fail-when (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (<: t (type-eval #'(U)))) #'(τ ...)) #f (make-cons-type t1 #'(τ ...))] ;; these three are just the same :( [((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type)) #:with τ (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) #:fail-when (<: #'τ (type-eval #'(U))) #f (type-eval #'(Observe τ))] [((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type)) #:with τ (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) #:fail-when (<: #'τ (type-eval #'(U))) #f (type-eval #'(Inbound τ))] [((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type)) #:with τ (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) #:fail-when (<: #'τ (type-eval #'(U))) #f (type-eval #'(Outbound τ))] [((~Message τ1:type) (~Message τ2:type)) #:with τ (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) #:fail-when (<: #'τ (type-eval #'(U))) #f (type-eval #'(Message τ))] [_ (type-eval #'(U))])) ;; Type Type -> Bool ;; first type is the contents of the set/dataspace ;; second type is the type of a pattern (define-for-syntax (project-safe? t1 t2) ;; TODO - messages (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) [(_ (~Bind τ2:type)) (and (finite? t1) (<: t1 #'τ2))] [(_ ~Discard) #t] [(_ ~★/t) #t] [((~U* τ1:type ...) _) (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (project-safe? t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))] [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (project-safe? t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...)) #:when (overlap? t1 t2) (stx-andmap project-safe? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~constructor-type _ τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type _ τ2:type ...)) #:when (overlap? t1 t2) (stx-andmap project-safe? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type)) (project-safe? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type)) (project-safe? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type)) (project-safe? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Message τ1:type) (~Message τ2:type)) (project-safe? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [_ #t])) ;; AssertionType PatternType -> Bool ;; Is it possible for things of these two types to match each other? ;; Flattish-Type = Flat-Types + ★/t, Bind, Discard (assertion and pattern types) (define-for-syntax (overlap? t1 t2) (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) [(~★/t _) #t] [(_ (~Bind _)) #t] [(_ ~Discard) #t] [(_ ~★/t) #t] [((~U* τ1:type ...) _) (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (overlap? t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))] [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (overlap? t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~List _) (~List _)) ;; share the empty list #t] [((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...)) (and (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) (stx-andmap overlap? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)))] [((~constructor-type t1 τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type t2 τ2:type ...)) (and (tags-equal? #'t1 #'t2) (stx-andmap overlap? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)))] [((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type)) (overlap? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type)) (overlap? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type)) (overlap? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Message τ1:type) (~Message τ2:type)) (overlap? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [_ (<: t1 t2)])) ;; Flattish-Type -> Bool (define-for-syntax (finite? t) (syntax-parse t [~★/t #f] [(~U* τ:type ...) (stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))] [(~Tuple τ:type ...) (stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))] [(~constructor-type _ τ:type ...) (stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))] [(~Observe τ:type) (finite? #'τ)] [(~Inbound τ:type) (finite? #'τ)] [(~Outbound τ:type) (finite? #'τ)] [(~Set τ:type) (finite? #'τ)] [(~Message τ:type) (finite? #'τ)] [_ #t])) ;; PatternType -> Type (define-for-syntax (pattern-matching-assertions t) (syntax-parse t [(~Bind τ) #'τ] [~Discard (type-eval #'★/t)] [(~U* τ ...) (type-eval #`(U #,@(stx-map pattern-matching-assertions #'(τ ...))))] [(~Tuple τ ...) (type-eval #`(Tuple #,@(stx-map pattern-matching-assertions #'(τ ...))))] [(~Observe τ) (type-eval #`(Observe #,(pattern-matching-assertions #'τ)))] [(~Inbound τ) (type-eval #`(Inbound #,(pattern-matching-assertions #'τ)))] [(~Outbound τ) (type-eval #`(Outbound #,(pattern-matching-assertions #'τ)))] [(~Message τ) (type-eval #`(Message #,(pattern-matching-assertions #'τ)))] [(~constructor-type _ τ ...) (make-cons-type t (stx-map pattern-matching-assertions #'(τ ...)))] [_ t])) ;; it's ok for x to respond to strictly more events than y (define-for-syntax (condition-covers? x y) (or ;; covers Start,Stop,Dataflow (type=? x y) (syntax-parse #`(#,x #,y) [((~Know τ1) (~Know τ2)) (<: (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ2) (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ1))] [((~¬Know τ1) (~¬Know τ2)) (<: (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ2) (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ1))] [((~Message τ1) (~Message τ2)) (<: (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ2) (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ1))] [_ #f]))) ;; RoleType RoleType -> Bool ;; Check that role r implements role spec (possibly does more) (define-for-syntax (role-implements? r spec) (syntax-parse #`(#,r #,spec) ;; TODO: cases for unions, stop [((~Role (x:id) (~or (~Shares τ-s1) (~Sends τ-m1) (~Reacts τ-if1 τ-then1 ...)) ...) (~Role (y:id) (~or (~Shares τ-s2) (~Sends τ-m2) (~Reacts τ-if2 τ-then2 ...)) ...)) #:when (free-identifier=? #'x #'y) (and ;; for each assertion in the spec, there must be a suitable assertion in the actual ;; TODO: this kinda ignores numerosity, can one assertion in r cover multiple assertions in spec? (for/and [(s2 (in-syntax #'(τ-s2 ...)))] (stx-ormap (<:l s2) #'(τ-s1 ...))) ;; similar for messages (for/and [(m2 (in-syntax #'(τ-m2 ...)))] (stx-ormap (<:l m2) #'(τ-m1 ...))) (for/and [(s2 (in-syntax #'((τ-if2 (τ-then2 ...)) ...)))] (define/syntax-parse (τ-if2 (τ-then2 ...)) s2) (for/or [(s1 (in-syntax #'((τ-if1 (τ-then1 ...)) ...)))] (define/syntax-parse (τ-if1 (τ-then1 ...)) s1) ;; the event descriptors need to line up (and (condition-covers? #'τ-if1 #'τ-if2) ;; and for each specified response to the event, there needs to be a similar one in the ;; the actual (stx-andmap (lambda (s) (stx-ormap (lambda (r) (role-implements? r s)) #'(τ-then1 ...))) #'(τ-then2 ...))))))] [((~Role (x:id) _ ...) (~Role (y:id) _ ...)) (role-implements? (subst #'y #'x r) spec)] [((~Stop x:id τ1 ...) (~Stop y:id τ2 ...)) (and (free-identifier=? #'x #'y) (for/and ([t2 (in-syntax #'(τ2 ...))]) (for/or ([t1 (in-syntax #'(τ1 ...))]) (role-implements? t1 t2))))] ;; seems like this check might be in the wrong place [((~Sends τ-m1) (~Sends τ-m2)) (<: #'τ-m1 #'τ-m2)] [((~Actor _) (~Actor _)) ;; spawned actor OK in specified dataspace (<: r spec)])) (module+ test (displayln "skipping commented for-syntax tests because it's slow") #;(begin-for-syntax ;; TESTS (let () ;; utils (local-require syntax/parse/define rackunit) (define te type-eval) (define-syntax-parser check-role-implements? [(_ r1 r2) (quasisyntax/loc this-syntax (check-true (role-implements? (te #'r1) (te #'r2))))]) (define-syntax-parser check-role-not-implements? [(_ r1 r2) (quasisyntax/loc this-syntax (check-false (role-implements? (te #'r1) (te #'r2))))]) ;; Name Related (check-role-implements? (Role (x)) (Role (x))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x)) (Role (y))) ;; Assertion Related (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x)) (Role (y) (Shares Int))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Shares Int)) (Role (y))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Shares Int)) (Role (y) (Shares Int))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Shares Int) (Shares String)) (Role (y) (Shares Int) (Shares String))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Shares String) (Shares Int)) (Role (y) (Shares Int) (Shares String))) (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x) (Shares Int)) (Role (y) (Shares Int) (Shares String))) ;; Reactions (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (Know Int))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int)))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (Know Int)) (Shares String)) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int)))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (y) (Shares String)))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int)))) (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x)) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int)))) (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (Know String))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int)))) ;; these two might need to be reconsidered (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x) (Shares (Observe ★/t))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int)))) (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x) (Shares (Observe Int))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int)))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (x2) (Shares String)))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (y2) (Shares String))))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (¬Know Int) (Role (x2) (Shares String)))) (Role (y) (Reacts (¬Know Int) (Role (y2) (Shares String))))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Role (x2) (Shares String)))) (Role (y) (Reacts OnStart (Role (y2) (Shares String))))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStop (Role (x2) (Shares String)))) (Role (y) (Reacts OnStop (Role (y2) (Shares String))))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnDataflow (Role (x2) (Shares String)))) (Role (y) (Reacts OnDataflow (Role (y2) (Shares String))))) (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (x2) (Shares String)))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (y2) (Shares String)) (Role (y3) (Shares Int))))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (x3) (Shares Int)) (Role (x2) (Shares String)))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (y2) (Shares String)) (Role (y3) (Shares Int))))) ;; also not sure about this one (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (x2) (Shares String) (Shares Int)))) (Role (y) (Reacts (Know Int) (Role (y2) (Shares String)) (Role (y3) (Shares Int))))) ;; Stop ;; these all error when trying to create the Stop type :< #| (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Stop x))) (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Stop x)))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Stop x))) (Role (y) (Reacts OnStart (Stop y)))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Stop x (Role (x2) (Shares Int))))) (Role (y) (Reacts OnStart (Stop y) (Role (y2) (Shares Int))))) (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Stop x (Role (x2) (Shares String))))) (Role (y) (Reacts OnStart (Stop y) (Role (y2) (Shares Int))))) (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart)) (Role (y) (Reacts OnStart (Stop y) (Role (y2) (Shares Int))))) |# ;; Spawning Actors (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Actor Int))) (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Actor Int)))) (check-role-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Actor Int))) (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Actor (U Int String))))) (check-role-not-implements? (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Actor Bool))) (Role (x) (Reacts OnStart (Actor (U Int String))))) ))) ;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;; MODIFYING GLOBAL TYPECHECKING STATE!!!!! ;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (begin-for-syntax (current-typecheck-relation <:)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Effect Checking ;; DesugaredSyntax EffectName -> (Syntaxof Effect ...) (define-for-syntax (get-effect e- eff) (or (syntax-property e- eff) #'())) ;; DesugaredSyntax EffectName -> Bool (define-for-syntax (effect-free? e- eff) (define prop (syntax-property e- eff)) (or (false? prop) (stx-null? prop))) ;; DesugaredSyntax -> Bool (define-for-syntax (pure? e-) (for/and ([key (in-list '(ν-ep ν-f ν-s))]) (effect-free? e- key))) ;; (SyntaxOf DesugaredSyntax ...) -> Bool (define-for-syntax (all-pure? es) (stx-andmap pure? es)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Core forms ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-for-syntax (int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename x x- t ctx) (when DEBUG-BINDINGS? (printf "adding to context ~a\n" (syntax-debug-info x))) (syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list x-) #f ctx) (syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list x) #`(make-rename-transformer (add-orig (assign-type #'#,x- #'#,t #:wrap? #f) #'#,x)) ctx)) (define-for-syntax (add-bindings-to-ctx e- def-ctx) (syntax-parse e- #:literals (erased field/intermediate define/intermediate begin-) [(erased (field/intermediate (x:id x-:id τ e-) ...)) (for ([orig-name (in-syntax #'(x ... ))] [new-name (in-syntax #'(x- ...))] [field-ty (in-syntax #'(τ ...))]) (int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename orig-name new-name field-ty def-ctx))] [(erased (define/intermediate x:id x-:id τ e-)) (int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename #'x #'x- #'τ def-ctx)] #;[(erased (begin- e ...)) (for ([e (in-syntax #'(e ...))]) (add-bindings-to-ctx e def-ctx))] [_ (void)])) (define-for-syntax (display-ctx-bindings ctx) (printf "context:\n") (for ([x (in-list (internal-definition-context-binding-identifiers ctx))]) (printf ">>~a\n" (syntax-debug-info x)))) ;; -> (Values e-... (Listof Type) (Listof EndpointEffects) (Listof FacetEffects) (Listof SpawnEffects)) ;; recognizes local binding forms ;; (field/intermediate [x e] ... ;; (define/intermediate x x- τ e) (define-for-syntax (walk/bind e... [def-ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context)] [unique (gensym 'walk/bind)]) (define-values (rev-e-... rev-τ... ep-effects facet-effects spawn-effects) (let loop ([e... (syntax->list e...)] [rev-e-... '()] [rev-τ... '()] [ep-effects '()] [facet-effects '()] [spawn-effects '()]) (match e... ['() (values rev-e-... rev-τ... ep-effects facet-effects spawn-effects)] [(cons e more) (when (and DEBUG-BINDINGS? (identifier? e)) (display-ctx-bindings def-ctx) (printf "expanding ~a\n" (syntax-debug-info e))) (define e- (local-expand e (list unique) (list #'erased #'begin) def-ctx)) (syntax-parse e- #:literals (begin) [(begin e ...) (loop (append (syntax->list #'(e ...)) more) rev-e-... rev-τ... ep-effects facet-effects spawn-effects)] [_ (define τ (syntax-property e- ':)) (define-values (ep-effs f-effs s-effs) (values (syntax->list (get-effect e- 'ν-ep)) (syntax->list (get-effect e- 'ν-f)) (syntax->list (get-effect e- 'ν-s)))) (add-bindings-to-ctx e- def-ctx) (loop more (cons e- rev-e-...) (cons τ rev-τ...) (append ep-effs ep-effects) (append f-effs facet-effects) (append s-effs spawn-effects))])]))) (values (reverse rev-e-...) (reverse rev-τ...) ep-effects facet-effects spawn-effects)) (define-typed-syntax (start-facet name:id ep ...+) ≫ #:with name- (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (syntax-local-introduce (generate-temporary #'name))) #:with name+ (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding #'name) #:with facet-name-ty (type-eval #'FacetName) #:do [(define ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context)) (define unique (gensym 'start-facet)) (define name-- (internal-definition-context-introduce ctx #'name- 'add)) (int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename #'name+ #'name- #'facet-name-ty ctx) (define-values (ep-... τ... ep-effects facet-effects spawn-effects) (walk/bind #'(ep ...) ctx unique)) (unless (and (stx-null? facet-effects) (stx-null? spawn-effects)) (type-error #:src #'(ep ...) #:msg "only endpoint effects allowed"))] #:with ((~or (~and τ-a (~Shares _)) ;; untyped syndicate might allow this - TODO #;(~and τ-m (~Sends _)) (~and τ-r (~Reacts _ ...)) ~MakesField) ...) ep-effects #:with τ (type-eval #`(Role (#,name--) τ-a ... ;; τ-m ... τ-r ...)) -------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:react (let- ([#,name-- (syndicate:current-facet-id)]) #,@ep-...)) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-f (τ))]) (define-typed-syntax (field [x:id τ-f:type e:expr] ...) ≫ #:fail-unless (stx-andmap flat-type? #'(τ-f ...)) "keep your uppity data outta my fields" [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇐ : τ-f)] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "field initializers not allowed to have effects" #:with (x- ...) (generate-temporaries #'(x ...)) #:with (τ ...) (stx-map type-eval #'((Field τ-f.norm) ...)) #:with MF (type-eval #'MakesField) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (field/intermediate [x x- τ e-] ...) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-ep (MF))]) (define-syntax (field/intermediate stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ [x:id x-:id τ e-] ...) #'(syndicate:field [x- e-] ...)])) (define-typed-syntax (assert e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects" #:with τs (type-eval #'(Shares τ)) ------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:assert e-) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-ep (τs))]) (define-typed-syntax (send! e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects" #:with τm (type-eval #'(Sends τ)) -------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:send! e-) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-f (τm))]) (define-typed-syntax (stop facet-name:id cont ...) ≫ [⊢ facet-name ≫ facet-name- (⇐ : FacetName)] [⊢ (begin #f cont ...) ≫ cont- (⇒ ν-ep (~effs)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))] #:with τ (mk-Stop- #`(facet-name- τ-f ...)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:stop-facet facet-name- cont-) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-f (τ))]) (begin-for-syntax (define-syntax-class asserted/retracted/message #:datum-literals (asserted retracted message) (pattern (~or (~and asserted (~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:asserted] [react-con #'Know])) (~and retracted (~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:retracted] [react-con #'¬Know])) (~and message (~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:message] [react-con #'Message])))))) (define-typed-syntax on [(on (~literal start) s ...) ≫ [⊢ (begin s ...) ≫ s- (⇒ ν-ep (~effs)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs τ-f ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))] #:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnStart τ-f ... τ-s ...)) ----------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:on-start s-) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-ep (τ-r))]] [(on (~literal stop) s ...) ≫ [⊢ (begin s ...) ≫ s- (⇒ ν-ep (~effs)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs τ-f ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))] #:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnStop τ-f ... τ-s ...)) ----------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:on-stop s-) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-ep (τ-r))]] [(on (a/r/m:asserted/retracted/message p) s ...) ≫ [⊢ p ≫ p-- (⇒ : τp)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'p--) "pattern not allowed to have effects" #:with ([x:id τ:type] ...) (pat-bindings #'p) [[x ≫ x- : τ] ... ⊢ (begin s ...) ≫ s- (⇒ ν-ep (~effs)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs τ-f ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))] #:with p- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x ...) (compile-syndicate-pattern #'p)) #:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts (a/r/m.react-con τp) τ-f ... τ-s ...)) ----------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:on (a/r/m.syndicate-kw p-) s-) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-ep (τ-r))]]) (define-typed-syntax (begin/dataflow s ...+) ≫ [⊢ (begin s ...) ≫ s- (⇒ : _) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs τ-f ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))] #:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnDataflow τ-f ... τ-s ...)) -------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:begin/dataflow s-) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-ep (τ-r))]) ;; pat -> ([Id Type] ...) (define-for-syntax (pat-bindings stx) (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (bind tuple) [(bind x:id τ:type) #'([x τ])] [(tuple p ...) #:with (([x:id τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...)) #'([x τ] ... ...)] [(k:kons1 p) (pat-bindings #'p)] [(~constructor-exp cons p ...) #:with (([x:id τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...)) #'([x τ] ... ...)] [_ #'()])) ;; TODO - figure out why this needs different list identifiers (define-for-syntax (compile-pattern pat list-binding bind-id-transformer exp-transformer) (define (l-e stx) (local-expand stx 'expression '())) (let loop ([pat pat]) (syntax-parse pat #:datum-literals (tuple discard bind) [(tuple p ...) #`(#,list-binding 'tuple #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))] [(k:kons1 p) #`(#,(kons1->constructor #'k) #,(loop #'p))] [(bind x:id τ:type) (bind-id-transformer #'x)] [discard #'_] [(~constructor-exp ctor p ...) (define/with-syntax uctor (untyped-ctor #'ctor)) #`(uctor #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))] [_ ;; local expanding "expression-y" syntax allows variable references to transform ;; according to the mappings set up by turnstile. (exp-transformer (l-e pat))]))) (define-for-syntax (compile-syndicate-pattern pat) (compile-pattern pat #'list- (lambda (id) #`($ #,id)) identity)) (define-for-syntax (compile-match-pattern pat) (compile-pattern pat #'list identity (lambda (exp) #`(==- #,exp)))) (define-typed-syntax (spawn τ-c:type s) ≫ #:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order" ;; TODO: check that each τ-f is a Role [⊢ s ≫ s- (⇒ ν-ep (~effs)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))] ;; TODO: s shouldn't refer to facets or fields! #:with (τ-i τ-o τ-a) (analyze-roles #'(τ-f ...)) #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-o #'τ-c.norm) (format "Output ~a not valid in dataspace ~a" (type->str #'τ-o) (type->str #'τ-c.norm)) #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-a (type-eval #'(Actor τ-c.norm))) "Spawned actors not valid in dataspace" #:fail-unless (project-safe? (∩ (strip-? #'τ-o) #'τ-c.norm) #'τ-i) "Not prepared to handle all inputs" #:with τ-final (type-eval #'(Actor τ-c.norm)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:spawn (syndicate:on-start s-)) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-s (τ-final))]) (define-typed-syntax (dataspace τ-c:type s ...) ≫ #:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order" [⊢ s ≫ s- (⇒ ν-ep (~effs)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs τ-s ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs))] ... #:with τ-actor (type-eval #'(Actor τ-c.norm)) #:fail-unless (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (<: t #'τ-actor)) #'(τ-s ... ...)) "Not all actors conform to communication type" #:with τ-ds-i (strip-inbound #'τ-c.norm) #:with τ-ds-o (strip-outbound #'τ-c.norm) #:with τ-relay (relay-interests #'τ-c.norm) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:dataspace s- ...) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-s ((Actor (U τ-ds-i τ-ds-o τ-relay))))]) (define-typed-syntax (set! x:id e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects" [⊢ x ≫ x- (⇒ : (~Field τ-x:type))] #:fail-unless (<: #'τ #'τ-x) "Ill-typed field write" ---------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (x- e-) (⇒ : ★/t)]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Derived Forms ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-typed-syntax (during p s ...) ≫ #:with inst-p (instantiate-pattern #'p) ---------------------------------------- [≻ (on (asserted p) (start-facet during-inner (on (retracted inst-p) (stop during-inner)) s ...))]) ;; TODO - reconcile this with `compile-pattern` (define-for-syntax (instantiate-pattern pat) (let loop ([pat pat]) (syntax-parse pat #:datum-literals (tuple discard bind) [(tuple p ...) #`(tuple #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))] [(k:kons1 p) #`(k #,(loop #'p))] [(bind x:id τ) #'x] ;; not sure about this [discard #'discard] [(~constructor-exp ctor p ...) (define/with-syntax uctor (untyped-ctor #'ctor)) #`(ctor #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))] [_ pat]))) (define-typed-syntax (define/query-value x:id e0 p e) ≫ [⊢ e0 ≫ e0- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e0-) "expression must be pure" ---------------------------------------- [≻ (begin (field [x τ e0-]) (on (asserted p) (set! x e)) (on (retracted p) (set! x e0-)))]) ;; TODO: #:on-add (define-typed-syntax (define/query-set x:id p e) ≫ #:with ([y τ] ...) (pat-bindings #'p) ;; e will be re-expanded :/ [[y ≫ y- : τ] ... ⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ-e] ---------------------------------------- [≻ (begin (field [x (Set τ-e) (set)]) (on (asserted p) (set! x (set-add (ref x) e))) (on (retracted p) (set! x (set-remove (ref x) e))))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Expressions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-typed-syntax (ref x:id) ≫ [⊢ x ≫ x- ⇒ (~Field τ)] ------------------------ [⊢ (x-) (⇒ : τ)]) (define-typed-syntax (lambda ([x:id (~optional (~datum :)) τ:type] ...) body ...+) ≫ [[x ≫ x- : τ] ... ⊢ (begin body ...) ≫ body- (⇒ : τ-e) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs τ-ep ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs τ-s ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))] ---------------------------------------- [⊢ (lambda- (x- ...) body-) (⇒ : (→ τ ... (Computation (Value τ-e) (Endpoints τ-ep ...) (Roles τ-f ...) (Spawns τ-s ...))))]) (define-typed-syntax (typed-app e_fn e_arg ...) ≫ [⊢ e_fn ≫ e_fn- (⇒ : (~→ τ_in ... (~Computation (~Value τ-out) (~Endpoints τ-ep ...) (~Roles τ-f ...) (~Spawns τ-s ...))))] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e_fn-) "expression not allowed to have effects" #:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...]) (num-args-fail-msg #'e_fn #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...]) [⊢ e_arg ≫ e_arg- (⇐ : τ_in)] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e_arg- ...)) "expressions not allowed to have effects" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [⊢ (#%app- e_fn- e_arg- ...) (⇒ : τ-out) (⇒ ν-ep (τ-ep ...)) (⇒ ν-s (τ-s ...)) (⇒ ν-f (τ-f ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (tuple e:expr ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions not allowed to have effects" ----------------------- [⊢ (list- 'tuple e- ...) (⇒ : (Tuple τ ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (select n:nat e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : (~Tuple τ ...))] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects" #:do [(define i (syntax->datum #'n))] #:fail-unless (< i (stx-length #'(τ ...))) "index out of range" #:with τr (list-ref (stx->list #'(τ ...)) i) -------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (tuple-select n e-) (⇒ : τr)]) (define- (tuple-select n t) (list-ref- t (add1 n))) ;; it would be nice to abstract over these three (define-typed-syntax (observe e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:observe e-) (⇒ : (Observe τ))]) (define-typed-syntax (inbound e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:inbound e-) (⇒ : (Inbound τ))]) (define-typed-syntax (outbound e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:outbound e-) (⇒ : (Outbound τ))]) (define-typed-syntax (message e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" ------------------------------ [⊢ (syndicate:message e-) (⇒ : (Message τ))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Patterns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-typed-syntax (bind x:id τ:type) ≫ ---------------------------------------- [⊢ (error- 'bind "escaped") (⇒ : (Bind τ))]) (define-typed-syntax discard [_ ≫ -------------------- [⊢ (error- 'discard "escaped") (⇒ : Discard)]]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Core-ish forms ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; copied from stlc (define-typed-syntax (ann e (~optional (~datum :)) τ:type) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇐ : τ.norm)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" ------------------------------------------------ [⊢ e- (⇒ : τ.norm) ]) (define-syntax (define/intermediate stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ x:id x-:id τ e) ;; including a syntax binding for x allows for module-top-level references ;; (where walk/bind won't replace further uses) and subsequent provides #'(begin- (define-syntax x (make-variable-like-transformer (add-orig (assign-type #'x- #'τ #:wrap? #f) #'x))) (define- x- e))])) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax define [(_ x:id (~datum :) τ:type e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇐ τ.norm] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" #:with x- (generate-temporary #'x) #:with x+ (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding #'x) -------- [⊢ (define/intermediate x+ x- τ.norm e-) (⇒ : ★/t)]] [(_ x:id e) ≫ ;This won't work with mutually recursive definitions [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" #:with x- (generate-temporary #'x) #:with x+ (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding #'x) -------- [⊢ (define/intermediate x+ x- τ e-) (⇒ : ★/t)]] [(_ (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty:type] ... (~or (~datum →) (~datum ->)) ty_out:type) e ...+) ≫ [⊢ (lambda ([x : ty] ...) (begin e ...)) ≫ e- (⇒ : (~and fun-ty (~→ (~not (~Computation _ ...)) ... (~Computation (~Value τ-v) _ ...))))] #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-v #'ty_out.norm) (format "expected different return type\n got ~a\n expected ~a\n" #'τ-v #'ty_out #;(type->str #'τ-v) #;(type->str #'ty_out)) #:with f- (add-orig (generate-temporary #'f) #'f) -------- [⊢ (define/intermediate f f- fun-ty e-) (⇒ : ★/t)]] [(_ (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty] ...) e ...+) ≫ ---------------------------- [≻ (define (f [x ty] ... -> ★/t) e ...)]]) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax if [(_ e_tst e1 e2) ⇐ τ-expected ≫ [⊢ e_tst ≫ e_tst- ⇒ _] ; Any non-false value is truthy. #:fail-unless (pure? #'e_tst-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- (⇐ : τ-expected) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps1 ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs1 ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss1 ...))] [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- (⇐ : τ-expected) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps2 ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs2 ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss2 ...))] -------- [⊢ (if- e_tst- e1- e2-) (⇒ ν-ep (eps1 ... eps2 ...)) (⇒ ν-f #,(make-Branch #'((fs1 ...) (fs2 ...)))) (⇒ ν-s (ss1 ... ss2 ...))]] [(_ e_tst e1 e2) ≫ [⊢ e_tst ≫ e_tst- ⇒ _] ; Any non-false value is truthy. #:fail-unless (pure? #'e_tst-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- (⇒ : τ1) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps1 ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs1 ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss1 ...))] [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- (⇒ : τ2) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps2 ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs2 ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss2 ...))] #:with τ (type-eval #'(U τ1 τ2)) -------- [⊢ (if- e_tst- e1- e2-) (⇒ : τ) (⇒ ν-ep (eps1 ... eps2 ...)) (⇒ ν-f #,(make-Branch #'((fs1 ...) (fs2 ...)))) (⇒ ν-s (ss1 ... ss2 ...))]]) (define-typed-syntax (when e s ...+) ≫ ------------------------------------ [≻ (if e (begin s ...) #f)]) (define-typed-syntax (unless e s ...+) ≫ ------------------------------------ [≻ (if e #f (begin s ...))]) (define-typed-syntax begin [(_ e_unit ... e) ≫ #:do [(define-values (e-... τ... ep-effs f-effs s-effs) (walk/bind #'(e_unit ... e)))] #:with τ (last τ...) -------- [⊢ (begin- #,@e-...) (⇒ : τ) (⇒ ν-ep (#,@ep-effs)) (⇒ ν-f (#,@f-effs)) (⇒ ν-s (#,@s-effs))]]) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax let [(_ ([x e] ...) e_body ...) ⇐ τ_expected ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ : τ_x] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions must be pure" [[x ≫ x- : τ_x] ... ⊢ (begin e_body ...) ≫ e_body- (⇐ : τ_expected) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss ...))] ---------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (let- ([x- e-] ...) e_body-) (⇒ ν-ep (eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (ss ...))]] [(_ ([x e] ...) e_body ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ : τ_x] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions must be pure" [[x ≫ x- : τ_x] ... ⊢ (begin e_body ...) ≫ e_body- (⇒ : τ_body) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss ...))] ---------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (let- ([x- e-] ...) e_body-) (⇒ : τ_body) (⇒ ν-ep (eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (ss ...))]]) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax let* [(_ () e_body ...) ≫ -------- [≻ (begin e_body ...)]] [(_ ([x e] [x_rst e_rst] ...) e_body ...) ≫ -------- [≻ (let ([x e]) (let* ([x_rst e_rst] ...) e_body ...))]]) (define-typed-syntax (cond [pred:expr s ...+] ...+) ≫ [⊢ pred ≫ pred- (⇐ : Bool)] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(pred- ...)) "predicates must be pure" [⊢ (begin s ...) ≫ s- (⇒ : τ-s) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss ...))] ... ------------------------------------------------ [⊢ (cond- [pred- s-] ...) (⇒ : (U τ-s ...)) (⇒ ν-ep (eps ... ...)) (⇒ ν-f #,(make-Branch #'((fs ...) ...))) (⇒ ν-s (ss ... ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (match e [p s ...+] ...+) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ-e)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" #:with (([x τ] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...)) [[x ≫ x- : τ] ... ⊢ (begin s ...) ≫ s- (⇒ : τ-s) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss ...))] ... ;; REALLY not sure how to handle p/p-/p.match-pattern, ;; particularly w.r.t. typed terms that appear in p.match-pattern [⊢ p ≫ p-- ⇒ τ-p] ... #:fail-unless (project-safe? #'τ-e (type-eval #'(U τ-p ...))) "possibly unsafe pattern match" #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(p-- ...)) "patterns must be pure" #:with (p- ...) (stx-map (lambda (p x-s xs) (substs x-s xs (compile-match-pattern p))) #'(p ...) #'((x- ...) ...) #'((x ...) ...)) -------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (match- e- [p- s-] ... [_ (error "incomplete pattern match")]) (⇒ : (U τ-s ...)) (⇒ ν-ep (eps ... ...)) (⇒ ν-f #,(make-Branch #'((fs ...) ...))) (⇒ ν-s (ss ... ...))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Ground Dataspace ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; n.b. this is a blocking operation, so an actor that uses this internally ;; won't necessarily terminate. (define-typed-syntax (run-ground-dataspace τ-c:type s ...) ≫ [⊢ (dataspace τ-c s ...) ≫ ((~literal erased) ((~literal syndicate:dataspace) s- ...)) (⇒ : t)] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:run-ground s- ...) (⇒ : (AssertionSet τ-c))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Primitives ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; hmmm (define-primop + (→ Int Int (Computation (Value Int) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop - (→ Int Int (Computation (Value Int) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop * (→ Int Int (Computation (Value Int) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) #;(define-primop and (→ Bool Bool Bool)) (define-primop or (→ Bool Bool (Computation (Value Bool) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop not (→ Bool (Computation (Value Bool) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop < (→ Int Int (Computation (Value Bool) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop > (→ Int Int (Computation (Value Bool) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop <= (→ Int Int (Computation (Value Bool) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop >= (→ Int Int (Computation (Value Bool) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop = (→ Int Int (Computation (Value Bool) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop bytes->string/utf-8 (→ ByteString (Computation (Value String) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop string->bytes/utf-8 (→ String (Computation (Value ByteString) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop gensym (→ Symbol (Computation (Value Symbol) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop symbol->string (→ Symbol (Computation (Value String) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-primop string->symbol (→ String (Computation (Value Symbol) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns)))) (define-typed-syntax (/ e1 e2) ≫ [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- (⇐ : Int)] [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- (⇐ : Int)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e1-) "expression not allowed to have effects" #:fail-unless (pure? #'e2-) "expression not allowed to have effects" ------------------------ [⊢ (exact-truncate- (/- e1- e2-)) (⇒ : Int)]) ;; for some reason defining `and` as a prim op doesn't work (define-typed-syntax (and e ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇐ : Bool)] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions not allowed to have effects" ------------------------ [⊢ (and- e- ...) (⇒ : Bool)]) (define-typed-syntax (equal? e1:expr e2:expr) ≫ [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- (⇒ : τ1)] #:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ1) (format "equality only available on flat data; got ~a" (type->str #'τ1)) [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- (⇐ : τ1)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e1-) "expression not allowed to have effects" #:fail-unless (pure? #'e2-) "expression not allowed to have effects" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (equal?- e1- e2-) (⇒ : Bool)]) (define-typed-syntax (displayln e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects" --------------- [⊢ (displayln- e-) (⇒ : ★/t)]) (define-typed-syntax (printf e ...+) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap pure? #'(e- ...)) "expression not allowed to have effects" --------------- [⊢ (printf- e- ...) (⇒ : ★/t)]) (define-typed-syntax (~a e ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap flat-type? #'(τ ...)) "expressions must be string-able" -------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (~a- e- ...) (⇒ : String)]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Basic Values ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-typed-syntax #%datum [(_ . n:integer) ≫ ---------------- [⊢ (#%datum- . n) (⇒ : Int)]] [(_ . b:boolean) ≫ ---------------- [⊢ (#%datum- . b) (⇒ : Bool)]] [(_ . s:string) ≫ ---------------- [⊢ (#%datum- . s) (⇒ : String)]]) (define-typed-syntax (typed-quote x:id) ≫ ------------------------------- [⊢ (quote- x) (⇒ : Symbol)]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Utilities ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-typed-syntax (print-type e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss ...))] #:do [(pretty-display (type->str #'τ))] ---------------------------------- [⊢ e- (⇒ : τ) (⇒ ν-ep (eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (ss ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (print-role e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss ...))] #:do [(for ([r (in-syntax #'(fs ...))]) (pretty-display (type->str r)))] ---------------------------------- [⊢ e- (⇒ : τ) (⇒ ν-ep (eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (ss ...))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Lists ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-typed-syntax (list e ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] ... #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions must be pure" ------------------- [⊢ (list- e- ...) ⇒ (List (U τ ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (cons e1 e2) ≫ [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- ⇒ τ1] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e1-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- ⇒ (~List τ2)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e2-) "expression must be pure" #:with τ-l (type-eval #'(List (U τ1 τ2))) ---------------------------------------- [⊢ (cons- e1- e2-) ⇒ τ-l]) (define-typed-syntax (for/fold [acc:id e-acc] [x:id e-list] e-body ...+) ≫ [⊢ e-list ≫ e-list- ⇒ (~List τ-l)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-list-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ e-acc ≫ e-acc- ⇒ τ-a] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-acc-) "expression must be pure" [[x ≫ x- : τ-l] [acc ≫ acc- : τ-a] ⊢ (begin e-body ...) ≫ e-body- ⇒ τ-b] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-body-) "body must be pure" #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-b #'τ-a) "loop body doesn't match accumulator" ------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (for/fold- ([acc- e-acc-]) ([x- (in-list- e-list-)]) e-body-) ⇒ τ-b]) (define-typed-syntax (for ([x:id e-list] ...) e-body ...+) ≫ [⊢ e-list ≫ e-list- ⇒ (~List τ-l)] ... #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e-list- ...)) "expressions must be pure" [[x ≫ x- : τ-l] ... ⊢ (begin e-body ...) ≫ e-body- (⇒ : τ-b) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs ss ...))] ------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (for- ([x- (in-list- e-list-)] ...) e-body-) (⇒ : ★/t) (⇒ ν-ep (eps ...)) (⇒ ν-f (fs ...)) (⇒ ν-s (ss ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (empty? e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~List _)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" ----------------------- [⊢ (empty?- e-) ⇒ Bool]) (define-typed-syntax (first e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~List τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" ----------------------- [⊢ (first- e-) ⇒ τ]) (define-typed-syntax (rest e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~List τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" ----------------------- [⊢ (rest- e-) ⇒ (List τ)]) (define-typed-syntax (member? e l) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τe] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ l ≫ l- ⇒ (~List τl)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'l-) "expression must be pure" #:fail-unless (<: #'τe #'τl) "incompatible list" ---------------------------------------- [⊢ (member?- e- l-) ⇒ Bool]) (define- (member?- v l) (and- (member- v l) #t)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Sets ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-typed-syntax (set e ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] ... #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e- ...)) "expressions must be pure" --------------- [⊢ (set- e- ...) ⇒ (Set (U τ ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (set-count e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~Set _)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" ---------------------- [⊢ (set-count- e-) ⇒ Int]) (define-typed-syntax (set-add st v) ≫ [⊢ st ≫ st- ⇒ (~Set τs)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'st-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ v ≫ v- ⇒ τv] #:fail-unless (pure? #'v-) "expression must be pure" ------------------------- [⊢ (set-add- st- v-) ⇒ (Set (U τs τv))]) (define-typed-syntax (set-remove st v) ≫ [⊢ st ≫ st- ⇒ (~Set τs)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'st-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ v ≫ v- ⇐ τs] #:fail-unless (pure? #'v-) "expression must be pure" ------------------------- [⊢ (set-remove- st- v-) ⇒ (Set τs)]) (define-typed-syntax (set-member? st v) ≫ [⊢ st ≫ st- ⇒ (~Set τs)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'st-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ v ≫ v- ⇒ τv] #:fail-unless (pure? #'v-) "expression must be pure" #:fail-unless (<: #'τv #'τs) "type mismatch" ------------------------------------- [⊢ (set-member?- st- v-) ⇒ Bool]) (define-typed-syntax (set-union st0 st ...) ≫ [⊢ st0 ≫ st0- ⇒ (~Set τ-st0)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'st0-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ st ≫ st- ⇒ (~Set τ-st)] ... #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(st- ...)) "expressions must be pure" ------------------------------------- [⊢ (set-union- st0- st- ...) ⇒ (Set (U τ-st0 τ-st ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (set-intersect st0 st ...) ≫ [⊢ st0 ≫ st0- ⇒ (~Set τ-st0)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'st0-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ st ≫ st- ⇒ (~Set τ-st)] ... #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(st- ...)) "expressions must be pure" #:with τr (∩ #'τ-st0 (type-eval #'(U τ-st ...))) ------------------------------------- [⊢ (set-intersect- st0- st- ...) ⇒ (Set τr)]) (define-typed-syntax (set-subtract st0 st ...) ≫ [⊢ st0 ≫ st0- ⇒ (~Set τ-st0)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'st0-) "expression must be pure" [⊢ st ≫ st- ⇒ (~Set _)] ... #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(st- ...)) "expressions must be pure" ------------------------------------- [⊢ (set-subtract- st0- st- ...) ⇒ (Set τ-st0)]) (define-typed-syntax (list->set l) ≫ [⊢ l ≫ l- ⇒ (~List τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'l-) "expression must be pure" ----------------------- [⊢ (list->set- l-) ⇒ (Set τ)]) (define-typed-syntax (set->list s) ≫ [⊢ s ≫ s- ⇒ (~Set τ)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'s-) "expression must be pure" ----------------------- [⊢ (set->list- s-) ⇒ (List τ)]) (module+ test (check-type (set 1 2 3) : (Set Int) -> (set- 2 3 1)) (check-type (set 1 "hello" 3) : (Set (U Int String)) -> (set- "hello" 3 1)) (check-type (set-count (set 1 "hello" 3)) : Int -> 3) (check-type (set-union (set 1 2 3) (set "hello" "world")) : (Set (U Int String)) -> (set- 1 2 3 "hello" "world")) (check-type (set-intersect (set 1 2 3) (set "hello" "world")) : (Set ⊥) -> (set-)) (check-type (set-intersect (set 1 "hello" 3) (set #t "world" #f "hello")) : (Set String) -> (set- "hello"))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Tests ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (module+ test (check-type (spawn (U (Message (Tuple String Int)) (Observe (Tuple String ★/t))) (start-facet echo (on (message (tuple "ping" (bind x Int))) (send! (tuple "pong" x))))) : ★/t) (typecheck-fail (spawn (U (Message (Tuple String Int)) (Message (Tuple String String)) (Observe (Tuple String ★/t))) (start-facet echo (on (message (tuple "ping" (bind x Int))) (send! (tuple "pong" x))))))) ;; local definitions #;(module+ test ;; these cause an error in rackunit-typechecking, don't know why :/ #;(check-type (let () (begin (define id : Int 1234) id)) : Int -> 1234) #;(check-type (let () (define (spawn-cell [initial-value : Int]) (define id 1234) id) (typed-app spawn-cell 42)) : Int -> 1234) (check-equal? (let () (define id : Int 1234) id) 1234) #;(check-equal? (let () (define (spawn-cell [initial-value : Int]) (define id 1234) id) (typed-app spawn-cell 42)) 1234))