#lang syndicate ;; Demonstrate almost-wildcard assertions. ;; One actor subscribes to everything except inbound assertions - and so initially sees itself. ;; The other advertises everything except subscriptions and inbound/outbound assertions. ;; The first actor's aggregate view of the dataspace then includes everything ;; except inbound assertions. (require syndicate/pretty) (spawn (lambda (e s) (printf "Subscriber - Aggregate\n") (syndicate-pretty-print s) (printf "Subscriber - Patch\n") (syndicate-pretty-print e) (newline) (if (patch? e) (transition (update-interests s e) '()) #f)) trie-empty (patch-seq (sub ?) (unsub (inbound ?)))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (printf "Asserter\n") (syndicate-pretty-print e) (newline) #f) (void) (patch-seq (assert ?) (retract (observe ?)) (retract (outbound ?)) (retract (inbound ?))))