'use strict'; var Immutable = require('immutable'); var _Dataspace = require('./dataspace.js'); var Dataspace = _Dataspace.Dataspace; var __ = _Dataspace.__; var Mux = require('./mux.js'); var Patch = require('./patch.js'); var Trie = require('./trie.js'); var Util = require('./util.js'); var Dataflow = require('./dataflow.js'); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function spawnActor(bootFn, optName) { Dataspace.spawn(new Actor(bootFn, optName)); } function Actor(bootFn, optName) { this.fields = {}; this.facets = Immutable.Set(); this.mux = new Mux.Mux(); this.previousKnowledge = Trie.emptyTrie; this.knowledge = Trie.emptyTrie; this.pendingActions = []; this.dataflowGraph = new Dataflow.Graph(); if (typeof optName !== 'undefined') { this.name = optName; } this.boot = function() { var self = this; withCurrentFacet(null, function () { bootFn.call(self.fields); }); this.quiesce(); }; } (function () { var priorities = ['PRIORITY_QUERY_HIGH', 'PRIORITY_QUERY', 'PRIORITY_QUERY_HANDLER', 'PRIORITY_NORMAL']; for (var i = 0; i < priorities.length; i++) { Actor[priorities[i]] = i; } })(); Actor.prototype.nextPendingAction = function (probe) { for (var i = 0; i < this.pendingActions.length; i++) { var q = this.pendingActions[i]; if (q.length > 0) { return probe ? true : q.shift(); } } return false; }; Actor.prototype.handleEvent = function(e) { var actor = this; if (e.type === 'stateChange') { this.previousKnowledge = this.knowledge; this.knowledge = e.patch.updateInterests(this.knowledge); } if (this.nextPendingAction(true)) { throw new Error('Syndicate: pendingActions must not be nonempty at start of handleEvent'); } this.facets.forEach(function (f) { withCurrentFacet(f, function () { f.handleEvent(e, false); }); }); this.quiesce(); }; Actor.prototype.quiesce = function() { var actor = this; while (true) { var entry = this.nextPendingAction(false); if (!entry) break; withCurrentFacet(entry.facet, entry.action); this.dataflowGraph.repairDamage(function (subjectId) { var facet = subjectId[0]; var endpoint = subjectId[1]; if (!facet.terminated) { withCurrentFacet(facet, function () { var patch = Patch.retract(__).andThen(endpoint.subscriptionFn.call(facet.fields)); var r = facet.actor.mux.updateStream(endpoint.eid, patch); Dataspace.stateChange(r.deltaAggregate); }); } }); } this.checkForTermination(); }; Actor.prototype.pushAction = function (a, priorityOpt) { var priority = typeof priorityOpt === 'undefined' ? Actor.PRIORITY_NORMAL : priorityOpt; while (this.pendingActions.length < priority + 1) { this.pendingActions.push([]); } this.pendingActions[priority].push({facet: Facet.current, action: a}); }; Actor.prototype.addFacet = function(facet) { this.facets = this.facets.add(facet); }; Actor.prototype.removeFacet = function(facet) { this.facets = this.facets.remove(facet); }; Actor.prototype.checkForTermination = function() { if (this.facets.isEmpty()) { Dataspace.exit(); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function createFacet() { return new Facet(Dataspace.activeBehavior()); } function Facet(actor) { this.actor = actor; this.endpoints = Immutable.Map(); this.initBlocks = Immutable.List(); this.doneBlocks = Immutable.List(); this.children = Immutable.Set(); this.parent = Facet.current; this.fields = Dataflow.Graph.newScope((this.parent && this.parent.fields) || actor.fields); this.terminated = false; this.fid = Facet.nextFid++; } Facet.nextFid = 0; Facet.current = null; function withCurrentFacet(facet, f) { var previousFacet = Facet.current; Facet.current = facet; var result; try { result = f(); } catch (e) { Facet.current = previousFacet; throw e; } Facet.current = previousFacet; return result; } Facet.prototype.handleEvent = function(e, isSynthetic) { var facet = this; facet.endpoints.forEach(function(endpoint) { endpoint.handlerFn.call(facet.fields, e, isSynthetic); }); }; Facet.prototype.addAssertion = function(assertionFn) { return this.addEndpoint(new Endpoint(assertionFn, function(e) {})); }; Facet.prototype.addOnEventHandler = function(handler, priorityOpt) { var facet = this; return this.addEndpoint(new Endpoint(function () { return Patch.emptyPatch; }, function (e) { facet.actor.pushAction(function () { handler(e); }, priorityOpt); })); }; Facet.prototype.addDataflow = function(subjectFunction) { var facet = this; return this.addEndpoint(new Endpoint(function () { var subjectId = facet.actor.dataflowGraph.currentSubjectId; facet.actor.pushAction(function () { facet.actor.dataflowGraph.withSubject(subjectId, function () { subjectFunction.call(facet.fields); }); }); return Patch.emptyPatch; }, function (e) {})); }; Facet.prototype.onEvent = function(priority, isTerminal, eventType, subscriptionFn, projectionFn, handlerFn) { var facet = this; switch (eventType) { case 'message': return this.addEndpoint(new Endpoint(subscriptionFn, function(e) { if (e.type === 'message') { var proj = projectionFn.call(facet.fields); var spec = Patch.prependAtMeta(proj.assertion, proj.metalevel); var match = Trie.matchPattern(e.message, spec); // console.log(match); if (match) { if (isTerminal) { facet.terminate(); } facet.actor.pushAction(function () { Util.kwApply(handlerFn, facet.fields, match); }, priority); } } })); case 'asserted': /* fall through */ case 'retracted': return this.addEndpoint(new Endpoint(subscriptionFn, function(e, isSynthetic) { if (e.type === 'stateChange') { var proj = projectionFn.call(facet.fields); var spec = Patch.prependAtMeta(proj.assertion, proj.metalevel); var objects = Trie.projectObjects(eventType === 'asserted' ? e.patch.added : e.patch.removed, spec); if (objects && objects.size > 0) { var shouldTerminate = isTerminal; objects.forEach(function (o) { var instantiated = Trie.instantiateProjection(spec, o); if (facet.interestWas(eventType, instantiated, isSynthetic)) { if (shouldTerminate) { shouldTerminate = false; facet.terminate(); } facet.actor.pushAction(function () { Util.kwApply(handlerFn, facet.fields, o); }, priority); } }); } } })); case 'risingEdge': var endpoint = new Endpoint(function() { var newValue = subscriptionFn.call(facet.fields); if (newValue && !this.currentValue) { if (isTerminal) { facet.terminate(); } facet.actor.pushAction(function () { handlerFn.call(facet.fields); }, priority); } this.currentValue = newValue; return Patch.emptyPatch; }, function(e) {}); endpoint.currentValue = false; return this.addEndpoint(endpoint); default: throw new Error("Unsupported Facet eventType: " + eventType); } }; Facet.prototype.interestWas = function(assertedOrRetracted, pat, isSyntheticEvent) { function orStar(a, b) { return (a || b); } var previousKnowledge = isSyntheticEvent ? Trie.emptyTrie : this.actor.previousKnowledge; var oldExists = Trie.matchValue(previousKnowledge, pat, false, orStar); var newExists = Trie.matchValue(this.actor.knowledge, pat, false, orStar); switch (assertedOrRetracted) { case 'asserted': return !oldExists && newExists; case 'retracted': return oldExists && !newExists; default: throw new Error("Unexpected assertedOrRetracted in Facet.interestWas: " + assertedOrRetracted); } }; Facet.prototype.addEndpoint = function(endpoint) { var facet = this; var patch = facet.actor.dataflowGraph.withSubject([facet, endpoint], function () { return endpoint.subscriptionFn.call(facet.fields); }); var r = facet.actor.mux.addStream(patch); endpoint.eid = r.pid; facet.endpoints = facet.endpoints.set(endpoint.eid, endpoint); Dataspace.stateChange(r.deltaAggregate); return facet; // for chaining }; Facet.prototype.addInitBlock = function(thunk) { this.initBlocks = this.initBlocks.push(thunk); return this; }; Facet.prototype.addDoneBlock = function(thunk) { this.doneBlocks = this.doneBlocks.push(thunk); return this; }; Facet.prototype.completeBuild = function() { var facet = this; this.actor.addFacet(this); if (this.parent) { this.parent.children = this.parent.children.add(this); } withCurrentFacet(facet, function () { facet.initBlocks.forEach(function(b) { b.call(facet.fields); }); }); var initialEvent = _Dataspace.stateChange(new Patch.Patch(facet.actor.knowledge, Trie.emptyTrie)); withCurrentFacet(facet, function () { facet.handleEvent(initialEvent, true); }); }; Facet.prototype.terminate = function() { var facet = this; if (facet.terminated) return; facet.terminated = true; var aggregate = Patch.emptyPatch; this.endpoints.forEach(function(endpoint, eid) { var r = facet.actor.mux.removeStream(eid); aggregate = aggregate.andThen(r.deltaAggregate); }); Dataspace.stateChange(aggregate); this.endpoints = Immutable.Map(); if (this.parent) { this.parent.children = this.parent.children.remove(this); } this.actor.removeFacet(this); this.children.forEach(function (child) { child.terminate(); }); withCurrentFacet(facet, function () { facet.doneBlocks.forEach(function(b) { b.call(facet.fields); }); }); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Endpoint(subscriptionFn, handlerFn) { this.subscriptionFn = subscriptionFn; this.handlerFn = handlerFn; this.eid = 'uninitialized_eid'; // initialized later } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function referenceField(obj, prop) { if (!(prop in obj)) { Dataspace.activeBehavior().dataflowGraph.recordObservation(Immutable.List.of(obj, prop)); } return obj[prop]; } function declareField(obj, prop, init) { if (prop in obj) { obj[prop] = init; } else { Dataspace.activeBehavior().dataflowGraph.defineObservableProperty(obj, prop, init, { objectId: Immutable.List.of(obj, prop) }); } } function deleteField(obj, prop) { Dataspace.activeBehavior().dataflowGraph.recordDamage(Immutable.List.of(obj, prop)); return delete obj[prop]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports.spawnActor = spawnActor; module.exports.createFacet = createFacet; module.exports.referenceField = referenceField; module.exports.declareField = declareField; module.exports.deleteField = deleteField;