var Immutable = require('immutable'); var Trie = require('./trie.js'); var Patch = require('./patch.js'); var Util = require('./util.js'); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Protocol between DemandMatcher and taskSupervisor functions // Bits: var IS_CHANGING = 1; var IS_PRESENT = 2; // Bit combinations: var LOW = 0 ; var RISING = IS_CHANGING ; var HIGH = IS_PRESENT ; var FALLING = IS_PRESENT | IS_CHANGING ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Default task supervision strategy. See syndicate/doc/ function defaultTaskSupervisor(demandState, supplyState, supervisionState, taskFn, onTaskExit) { var oldESI = supervisionState ? supervisionState.expectSupplyIncrease : false; var oldESD = supervisionState ? supervisionState.expectSupplyDecrease : false; var newESI = oldESI; var newESD = oldESD; if ((demandState === FALLING) && ((supplyState === RISING) || (supplyState === HIGH) || oldESI)) { newESD = true; } if (!oldESI && ((demandState === RISING) || (demandState === HIGH)) && ((supplyState === LOW) || (supplyState === FALLING))) { if ((demandState === HIGH) && !oldESD) { onTaskExit(); } else { taskFn(); newESI = true; } } if (supplyState === FALLING) newESD = false; if (supplyState === RISING) newESI = false; if (newESI || newESD) { return { expectSupplyIncrease: newESI, expectSupplyDecrease: newESD }; } else { return null; } } function defaultOnTaskExit(captures) { console.error("Syndicate: DemandMatcher detected unexpected drop in supply", captures); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DemandMatcher itself function DemandMatcher(demandSpecs, supplySpecs, startTask, options) { options = Util.extend({ metaLevel: 0, demandMetaLevel: null, supplyMetaLevel: null, taskSupervisor: defaultTaskSupervisor, onTaskExit: defaultOnTaskExit }, options); if (typeof startTask !== 'function') { throw new Error("Syndicate: DemandMatcher expects 'startTask' function as third argument"); } this.demandProjectionNames = ensureMatchingProjectionNames(demandSpecs); this.supplyProjectionNames = ensureMatchingProjectionNames(supplySpecs); ensureMatchingProjectionNames([demandSpecs[0], supplySpecs[0]]); this.demandSpecs = demandSpecs; this.supplySpecs = supplySpecs; this.demandPatterns = (s) { return Trie.projectionToPattern(s); }); this.supplyPatterns = (s) { return Trie.projectionToPattern(s); }); this.demandMetaLevel = (options.demandMetaLevel === null) ? options.metaLevel : options.demandMetaLevel; this.supplyMetaLevel = (options.supplyMetaLevel === null) ? options.metaLevel : options.supplyMetaLevel; function metaWrap(n) { return function (s) { return Patch.prependAtMeta(s, n); }; } this.demandProjections =; this.supplyProjections =; this.taskSupervisor = options.taskSupervisor; this.startTask = startTask; this.onTaskExit = options.onTaskExit; this.currentDemand = Immutable.Set(); this.currentSupply = Immutable.Set(); this.supervisionStates = Immutable.Map(); } function ensureMatchingProjectionNames(specs) { if (!(specs.length > 0)) { throw new Error("Syndicate: DemandMatcher needs at least one spec"); } var names = null; specs.forEach(function (spec) { if (names === null) { names = Trie.projectionNames(spec); } else { if (JSON.stringify(names) !== JSON.stringify(Trie.projectionNames(spec))) { throw new Error("Syndicate: DemandMatcher needs identical capture names"); } } }); return names; } DemandMatcher.prototype.boot = function () { var p = Patch.emptyPatch; function extend(ml) { return function (pat) { p = p.andThen(Patch.sub(pat, ml)); }; } this.demandPatterns.forEach(extend(this.demandMetaLevel)); this.supplyPatterns.forEach(extend(this.supplyMetaLevel)); return p; }; DemandMatcher.prototype.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type === "stateChange") { this.handlePatch(e.patch); } }; DemandMatcher.prototype.handlePatch = function (p) { var self = this; var dN = self.demandProjectionNames.length; var sN = self.supplyProjectionNames.length; var addedDemand = self.extractKeys(p.added, self.demandProjections, dN, 'demand'); var removedDemand = self.extractKeys(p.removed, self.demandProjections, dN, 'demand'); var addedSupply = self.extractKeys(p.added, self.supplyProjections, sN, 'supply'); var removedSupply = self.extractKeys(p.removed, self.supplyProjections, sN, 'supply'); // Though the added and removed sets of patches are always disjoint, // *after projection* this may not hold. Cancel out any overlaps. var demandOverlap = addedDemand.intersect(removedDemand); var supplyOverlap = addedSupply.intersect(removedSupply); addedDemand = addedDemand.subtract(demandOverlap); removedDemand = removedDemand.subtract(demandOverlap); addedSupply = addedSupply.subtract(supplyOverlap); removedSupply = removedSupply.subtract(supplyOverlap); var allTasks = addedDemand.union(addedSupply).union(removedDemand).union(removedSupply); allTasks.forEach(function (captures) { function taskFn() { self.startTask(Trie.captureToObject(captures, self.demandProjectionNames)); } function onTaskExit() { self.onTaskExit(Trie.captureToObject(captures, self.demandProjectionNames)); } var demandState = computeState(self.currentDemand, addedDemand, removedDemand, captures); var supplyState = computeState(self.currentSupply, addedSupply, removedSupply, captures); var oldSupervisionState = self.supervisionStates.get(captures, null); var newSupervisionState = self.taskSupervisor(demandState, supplyState, oldSupervisionState, taskFn, onTaskExit); if (newSupervisionState === null) { self.supervisionStates = self.supervisionStates.remove(captures); } else { self.supervisionStates = self.supervisionStates.set(captures, newSupervisionState); } }); self.currentSupply = self.currentSupply.union(addedSupply).subtract(removedSupply); self.currentDemand = self.currentDemand.union(addedDemand).subtract(removedDemand); }; DemandMatcher.prototype.extractKeys = function (trie, projections, keyCount, whichSide) { var ks = Immutable.Set(); projections.forEach(function (proj) { var moreKs = Trie.trieKeys(Trie.project(trie, proj), keyCount); if (!moreKs) { throw new Error("Syndicate: wildcard "+whichSide+" detected:\n" + JSON.stringify(proj) + "\n" + Trie.prettyTrie(trie)); } ks = ks.union(moreKs); }); return ks; }; function computeState(current, added, removed, captures) { var isPresent = current.has(captures); var isChanging = added.has(captures) || removed.has(captures); return (isPresent ? IS_PRESENT : 0) | (isChanging ? IS_CHANGING : 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module.exports.DemandMatcher = DemandMatcher;