"use strict"; var Immutable = require("immutable"); var Struct = require('./struct.js'); var $Special = require('./special.js'); function die(message) { throw new Error(message); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trie representations // // A Trie is one of // - emptyTrie // - an instance of $Success // - an instance of $Branch var emptyTrie = new $Special("Mt"); function is_emptyTrie(m) { return m === emptyTrie; } function $Success(value) { this.value = value; } $Success.prototype.equals = function (other) { if (!(other instanceof $Success)) return false; return Immutable.is(this.value, other.value); }; function $Branch(wild, edges, count) { this.wild = wild || emptyTrie; // Trie this.edges = edges || Immutable.Map(); // Map from arity to Map from key-like-thing to Trie // (Sigmas are 0-ary.) this.count = count || 0; } $Branch.prototype.equals = function (other) { if (!(other instanceof $Branch)) return false; return (this.count === other.count) && Immutable.is(this.wild, other.wild) && Immutable.is(this.edges, other.edges); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Patterns, projections and captures var __ = Struct.__; /* imported rather than defined here because of cyclic dep in Struct */ var SOA = new $Special("array"); /* key for start-of-array */ function $Embedded(trie, arrayLength) { this.trie = trie; this.arrayLength = arrayLength; } function embeddedTrie(trie) { return new $Embedded(trie, null); } function embeddedTrieArray(trie, arrayLength) { return new $Embedded(trie, arrayLength); } // The name argument should be a string or null; it defaults to null. // The pattern argument defaults to wildcard, __. function $Capture(name, pattern) { this.name = name || null; this.pattern = (typeof pattern === 'undefined' ? __ : pattern); } // Abbreviation: _$(...) <==> new $Capture(...) function _$(name, pattern) { return new $Capture(name, pattern); } function isCapture(x) { return x instanceof $Capture || x === _$; } function captureName(x) { return x instanceof $Capture ? x.name : null; } function capturePattern(x) { return x instanceof $Capture ? x.pattern : __; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors function rsuccess(v) { return new $Success(v); } function rseq(arity, key, r) { if (is_emptyTrie(r)) return emptyTrie; return new $Branch(emptyTrie, Immutable.Map.of(arity, Immutable.Map.of(key, r)), 1); } function rwild(r) { if (is_emptyTrie(r)) return emptyTrie; return new $Branch(r, Immutable.Map(), 0); } function rcopybranch(r) { return new $Branch(r.wild, r.edges, r.count); } function prepend_wilds(n, r) { while (n-- > 0) { r = rwild(r); } return r; } // true iff r1 could have been the output of prepend_wilds(n, r2). function equal_upto_wilds(n, r1, r2) { while (true) { if (n === 0 || is_emptyTrie(r1)) { return Immutable.is(r1, r2); } if (!(r1 instanceof $Branch) || r1.count > 0) { return false; } n = n - 1; r1 = r1.wild; } } function rupdate_inplace(r, arity, key, k) { if (equal_upto_wilds(arity, k, r.wild)) { var m = r.edges.get(arity); if (!m) return; if (m.has(key)) r.count--; m = m.remove(key); r.edges = m.isEmpty() ? r.edges.remove(arity) : r.edges.set(arity, m); } else { var m = r.edges.get(arity) || Immutable.Map(); if (!m.has(key)) r.count++; r.edges = r.edges.set(arity, m.set(key, k)); } } function rlookup(r, arity, key) { var m = r.edges.get(arity); m = m && m.get(key); return m || prepend_wilds(arity, r.wild); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function collapse(r) { if ((r instanceof $Branch) && is_emptyTrie(r.wild) && (r.count === 0)) { return emptyTrie; } else { return r; } } // use with extreme care function newEmptyBranch() { return new $Branch(emptyTrie, Immutable.Map(), 0); } var canonicalExpandedEmpty = newEmptyBranch(); function expand(r) { if (is_emptyTrie(r)) { return canonicalExpandedEmpty; } else { return r; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function compilePattern(v, p) { if (!p) die("compilePattern: missing pattern"); return walk(p, rsuccess(v)); function walk(p, acc) { if (p === __) return rwild(acc); if (Array.isArray(p)) { for (var i = p.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { acc = walk(p[i], acc); } return rseq(p.length, SOA, acc); } if (Immutable.List.isList(p)) { p.reverse().forEach(function (element) { acc = walk(element, acc); }); return rseq(p.size, SOA, acc); } if (Struct.isStructure(p)) { for (var i = p.meta.arity - 1; i >= 0; i--) { acc = walk(p[i], acc); } return rseq(p.meta.arity, p.meta, acc); } if (p instanceof $Embedded) { acc = appendTrie(p.trie, function (v) { return acc; }); if (p.arrayLength !== null) { acc = rseq(p.arrayLength, SOA, acc); } return acc; } else { return rseq(0, p, acc); } } } function matchPattern(v, p) { var captureCount = 0; var result = {}; try { walk(v, p); } catch (e) { if (e.matchPatternFailed) return null; throw e; } result.length = captureCount; return result; function walk(v, p) { if (p === v) return; if (p === __) return; if (Struct.isStructure(p) && Struct.isStructure(v) && (p.meta.equals(v.meta))) { for (var i = 0; i < p.meta.arity; i++) { walk(v[i], p[i]); } return; } if (Array.isArray(p) && Array.isArray(v) && p.length === v.length) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { walk(v[i], p[i]); } return; } if (isCapture(p)) { var thisCapture = captureCount++; walk(v, capturePattern(p)); result[captureName(p) || ('$' + thisCapture)] = v; return; } if (p instanceof $Embedded) { die("$Embedded patterns not supported in matchPattern()"); } throw {matchPatternFailed: true}; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function combine(combineSuccess, leftEmpty, rightEmpty, leftBase, rightBase, r1, r2) { return walk(r1, r2); function walk(r1, r2) { if (is_emptyTrie(r1)) return collapse(leftEmpty(r2)); if (is_emptyTrie(r2)) return collapse(rightEmpty(r1)); if ((r1 instanceof $Success) || (r2 instanceof $Success)) { return collapse(combineSuccess(r1, r2)); } if (!(r1 instanceof $Branch) || !(r2 instanceof $Branch)) { die("Invalid trie given to combine"); } /* fold-over-keys */ var w = walk(r1.wild, r2.wild); var acc; if (!is_emptyTrie(r1.wild) && !is_emptyTrie(r2.wild)) { acc = rcopybranch(expand(rwild(w))); var seen = Immutable.Map(); r1.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { keymap.forEach(function (r1v, key) { var r2v = rlookup(r2, arity, key); rupdate_inplace(acc, arity, key, walk(r1v, r2v)); seen = seen.set(arity, (seen.get(arity) || Immutable.Set()).add(key)); }); }); r2.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { keymap.forEach(function (r2v, key) { var r1v = rlookup(r1, arity, key); var s = seen.get(arity); s = s && s.has(key); if (!s) rupdate_inplace(acc, arity, key, walk(r1v, r2v)); }); }); } else if (!is_emptyTrie(r1.wild) || (is_emptyTrie(r2.wild) && (r1.count > r2.count))) { acc = rcopybranch(expand(leftBase(r1))); acc.wild = w; r2.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { keymap.forEach(function (r2v, key) { var r1v = rlookup(r1, arity, key); rupdate_inplace(acc, arity, key, walk(r1v, r2v)); }); }); } else { acc = rcopybranch(expand(rightBase(r2))); acc.wild = w; r1.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { keymap.forEach(function (r1v, key) { var r2v = rlookup(r2, arity, key); rupdate_inplace(acc, arity, key, walk(r1v, r2v)); }); }); } return collapse(acc); } } function asymmetricTrieError(r1, r2) { die("Asymmetric tries: " + r1 + ", " + r2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var unionSuccessesDefault = function (v1, v2) { return rsuccess(v1.union(v2)); }; function union(o1, o2, unionSuccessesOpt) { var unionSuccesses = unionSuccessesOpt || unionSuccessesDefault; return combine(unionCombiner, function (x) { return x; }, function (x) { return x; }, function (x) { return x; }, function (x) { return x; }, o1, o2); function unionCombiner(r1, r2) { if ((r1 instanceof $Success) && (r2 instanceof $Success)) return unionSuccesses(r1.value, r2.value); if (is_emptyTrie(r1)) return r2; if (is_emptyTrie(r2)) return r1; asymmetricTrieError(r1, r2); } } function unionN() { var acc = emptyTrie; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { acc = union(acc, arguments[i]); } return acc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var intersectSuccessesDefault = unionSuccessesDefault; function intersect(o1, o2, intersectSuccessesOpt) { var intersectSuccesses = intersectSuccessesOpt || intersectSuccessesDefault; return combine(intersectCombiner, function (x) { return emptyTrie; }, function (x) { return emptyTrie; }, function (x) { return emptyTrie; }, function (x) { return emptyTrie; }, o1, o2); function intersectCombiner(r1, r2) { if ((r1 instanceof $Success) && (r2 instanceof $Success)) return intersectSuccesses(r1.value, r2.value); if (is_emptyTrie(r1)) return emptyTrie; if (is_emptyTrie(r2)) return emptyTrie; asymmetricTrieError(r1, r2); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var subtractSuccessesDefault = function (v1, v2) { var r = v1.subtract(v2); if (r.isEmpty()) return emptyTrie; return rsuccess(r); }; function subtract(o1, o2, subtractSuccessesOpt) { var subtractSuccesses = subtractSuccessesOpt || subtractSuccessesDefault; return combine(subtractCombiner, function (x) { return emptyTrie; }, function (x) { return x; }, function (x) { return x; }, function (x) { return emptyTrie; }, o1, o2); function subtractCombiner(r1, r2) { if ((r1 instanceof $Success) && (r2 instanceof $Success)) return subtractSuccesses(r1.value, r2.value); if (is_emptyTrie(r1)) return emptyTrie; if (is_emptyTrie(r2)) return r1; asymmetricTrieError(r1, r2); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Returns failureResult on failed match, otherwise the appropriate success // value contained in the trie r. function matchValue(r, v, failureResultOpt) { var failureResult = failureResultOpt || null; var vs = Immutable.List.of(v); while (!is_emptyTrie(r)) { if (r instanceof $Success) { return vs.isEmpty() ? r.value : failureResult; } if (vs.isEmpty()) return failureResult; var v = vs.first(); vs = vs.shift(); if (typeof v === 'string' && v.substring(0, 2) === '__') { die("Cannot match special string starting with __"); } if (Array.isArray(v)) { r = rlookup(r, v.length, SOA); vs = Immutable.List(v).concat(vs); } else if (Struct.isStructure(v)) { r = rlookup(r, v.meta.arity, v.meta); vs = Immutable.List(v.fields).concat(vs); } else { r = rlookup(r, 0, v); } } return failureResult; } function matchTrie(o1, o2, seed, combiner) { var acc = typeof seed === 'undefined' ? Immutable.Set() : seed; // variable updated imperatively walk(o1, o2); return acc; function walk(r1, r2) { if (is_emptyTrie(r1) || is_emptyTrie(r2)) return; if ((r1 instanceof $Success) && (r2 instanceof $Success)) { acc = combiner(r1.value, r2.value, acc); return; } if (!(r1 instanceof $Branch) || !(r2 instanceof $Branch)) { asymmetricTrieError(r1, r2); } walk(r1.wild, r2.wild); function examineKeys(keymap, arity) { keymap.forEach(function (_val, key) { walk(rlookup(r1, arity, key), rlookup(r2, arity, key)); }); } if (is_emptyTrie(r1.wild)) { if (is_emptyTrie(r2.wild)) { (r1.count < r2.count ? r1 : r2).edges.forEach(examineKeys); } else { r1.edges.forEach(examineKeys); } } else { if (is_emptyTrie(r2.wild)) { r2.edges.forEach(examineKeys); } else { r1.edges.forEach(examineKeys); r2.edges.forEach(examineKeys); } } } } function appendTrie(m, mTailFn) { return walk(m); function walk(m) { if (is_emptyTrie(m)) return emptyTrie; if (m instanceof $Success) return mTailFn(m.value); var target = newEmptyBranch(); target.wild = walk(m.wild); m.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { keymap.forEach(function (k, key) { rupdate_inplace(target, arity, key, walk(k)); }); }); return collapse(target); } } // DANGEROUS: prefer subtract() instead. // // function triePruneBranch(m, arityKeys) { // if (arityKeys.isEmpty()) return emptyTrie; // if (!(m instanceof $Branch)) return m; // var arityKey = arityKeys.first(); // var rest = arityKeys.shift(); // var arity = arityKey[0]; // var key = arityKey[1]; // m = rcopybranch(m); // rupdate_inplace(m, arity, key, triePruneBranch(rlookup(m, arity, key), rest)); // return collapse(m); // } function trieStep(m, arity, key) { if (typeof key === 'undefined') { // Cope with API change which would otherwise silently cause problems die("trieStep: missing 'key' argument"); } if (is_emptyTrie(m)) return emptyTrie; if (m instanceof $Success) return emptyTrie; return rlookup(m, arity, key); } function relabel(m, f) { return appendTrie(m, function (v) { var v1 = f(v); return v1 ? rsuccess(v1) : emptyTrie; }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function projectionNames(p) { var names = []; walk(p); return names; function walk(p) { if (isCapture(p)) { names.push(captureName(p)); walk(capturePattern(p)); return; } if (Array.isArray(p)) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) walk(p[i]); return; } if (Struct.isStructure(p)) { for (var i = 0; i < p.meta.arity; i++) walk(p[i]); return; } } } function projectionArity(p) { return projectionNames(p).length; } function projectionToPattern(p) { return walk(p); function walk(p) { if (isCapture(p)) return walk(capturePattern(p)); if (Array.isArray(p)) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { result.push(walk(p[i])); } return result; } if (Struct.isStructure(p)) { var resultFields = []; for (var i = 0; i < p.meta.arity; i++) { resultFields[i] = walk(p[i]); } return new Struct.Structure(p.meta, resultFields); } return p; } } function project(t, wholeSpec, projectSuccessOpt, combinerOpt) { return projectMany(t, Immutable.List.of(wholeSpec), projectSuccessOpt, combinerOpt); } function projectMany(t, wholeSpecs, projectSuccessOpt, combinerOpt) { var projectSuccess = projectSuccessOpt || rsuccess; var combiner = combinerOpt || unionSuccessesDefault; return walk(false, t, Immutable.List(wholeSpecs), function (t) { if (t instanceof $Success) { return projectSuccess(t.value); } else { return emptyTrie; } }); function walk(isCapturing, t, specs, kont) { if (specs.isEmpty()) return kont(t); if (!(t instanceof $Branch)) return emptyTrie; var spec = specs.first(); var specsRest = specs.rest(); if (isCapture(spec)) { if (isCapturing) { die("projectMany: nested capture in projection: " + wholeSpecs); } return walk(true, t, Immutable.List.of(capturePattern(spec)), function (intermediate) { return walk(false, intermediate, specsRest, kont); }); } if (spec === __) { if (isCapturing) { var target = newEmptyBranch(); target.wild = walk(isCapturing, t.wild, specsRest, kont); t.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { var innerSpecs = Immutable.Repeat(__, arity); keymap.forEach(function (k, key) { rupdate_inplace(target, arity, key, walk(isCapturing, k, innerSpecs, function (intermediate) { return walk(isCapturing, intermediate, specsRest, kont); })); }); }); return collapse(target); } else { var seed = walk(isCapturing, t.wild, specsRest, kont); t.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { var innerSpecs = Immutable.Repeat(__, arity); keymap.forEach(function (k, key) { seed = union(seed, walk(isCapturing, k, innerSpecs, function (intermediate) { return walk(isCapturing, intermediate, specsRest, kont); }), combiner); }); }); return seed; } return target; } if (Struct.isStructure(spec)) { var intermediate = walk(isCapturing, rlookup(t, spec.meta.arity, spec.meta), Immutable.List(spec.fields), function (intermediate) { return walk(isCapturing, intermediate, specsRest, kont); }); return isCapturing ? rseq(spec.meta.arity, spec.meta, intermediate) : intermediate; } if (Array.isArray(spec)) { var intermediate = walk(isCapturing, rlookup(t, spec.length, SOA), Immutable.List(spec), function (intermediate) { return walk(isCapturing, intermediate, specsRest, kont); }); return isCapturing ? rseq(spec.length, SOA, intermediate) : intermediate; } if (spec instanceof $Embedded) { die("$Embedded patterns not supported in projectMany()"); } /* It is a normal atom */ var intermediate = walk(isCapturing, rlookup(t, 0, spec), specsRest, kont); return isCapturing ? rseq(0, spec, intermediate) : intermediate; } } function reconstructSequence(key, items) { if (key === SOA) { return items.toArray(); } else { return key.instantiate(items.toArray()); } } function trieKeys(m, takeCount0) { if (typeof takeCount0 !== 'number') { // Cope with API change which would otherwise silently cause problems die("Missing mandatory argument 'takeCount' to Trie.trieKeys"); } if (is_emptyTrie(m)) return Immutable.Set(); return walk(m, takeCount0, Immutable.List(), function (items, tail) { if (is_emptyTrie(tail)) return Immutable.Set(); if (tail instanceof $Success) return Immutable.Set.of(items); die("Trie contains more than the requested "+takeCount0+" items"); }); function walk(m, takeCount, valsRev, kont) { if (takeCount === 0) return kont(valsRev.reverse(), m); if (is_emptyTrie(m)) return Immutable.Set(); if (m instanceof $Success) { die("Trie contains fewer than the requested "+takeCount0+" items"); } if (!is_emptyTrie(m.wild)) return false; var result = Immutable.Set(); m.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { if (result === false) return false; // break out of iteration keymap.forEach(function (k, key) { if (result === false) return false; // break out of iteration var piece; if (Struct.isStructureType(key) || key === SOA) { piece = walk(k, arity, Immutable.List(), function (items, m1) { var item = reconstructSequence(key, items); return walk(m1, takeCount - 1, valsRev.unshift(item), kont); }); } else { piece = walk(k, takeCount - 1, valsRev.unshift(key), kont); } result = (piece === false) ? false : result.union(piece); }); }); return result; } } function captureToObject(captures, names) { var d = {}; captures.forEach(function (key, index) { d[names[index] || ('$' + index)] = key; }); return d; } function trieKeysToObjects(trieKeysResult, names) { if (trieKeysResult === false) return false; return trieKeysResult.toList().map(function (e) { return captureToObject(e, names); }); } function projectObjects(m, projection) { var names = projectionNames(projection); return trieKeysToObjects(trieKeys(project(m, projection), names.length), names); } function prettyTrie(m, initialIndent) { var acc = []; walk(initialIndent || 0, m); return acc.join(''); function walk(i, m) { if (m instanceof $Success) { var v = m.value; if (Immutable.Set.isSet(v)) { v = v.toArray(); } acc.push(" {" + JSON.stringify(v) + "}"); return; } if (is_emptyTrie(m)) { acc.push(" ::: nothing"); return; } var needSep = false; if (!is_emptyTrie(m.wild)) { var key = "★"; needSep = true; acc.push(" "); acc.push(key); walk(i + key.length + 1, m.wild); } m.edges .toOrderedMap() .sortBy(function (keymap, arity) { return arity }) .forEach(function (keymap, arity) { keymap .toOrderedMap() .sortBy(function (k, key) { return key }) .forEach(function (k, key) { if (needSep) { acc.push("\n"); acc.push(indentStr(i)); } else { needSep = true; } acc.push(" "); if (key === SOA) key = '<' + arity + '>'; else if (Struct.isStructureType(key)) key = key.label + '<' + arity + '>'; else if (key instanceof $Special) key = key.name; else key = JSON.stringify(key); if (typeof key === 'undefined') key = 'undefined'; acc.push(key); walk(i + key.length + 1, k); }); }); } function indentStr(i) { return new Array(i + 1).join(' '); // eww } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function parenTypeToString(key) { if (Struct.isStructureType(key)) { return ':' + key.label; } else { return 'L'; } } function stringToParenType(arity, key) { if (key[0] === ':') { return new Struct.StructureType(key.slice(1), arity); } else if (key === 'L') { return SOA; } throw new Error("Unsupported JSON trie paren type: "+key); } function trieToJSON(t) { if (is_emptyTrie(t)) { return []; } if (t instanceof $Success) { return [true]; } // TODO: consider generalizing // It's a $Branch. var jParens = []; var jAtoms = []; t.edges.forEach(function (keymap, arity) { keymap.forEach(function (k, key) { var jk = trieToJSON(k); if (Struct.isStructureType(key) || key === SOA) { jParens.push([arity, parenTypeToString(key), jk]); } else { jAtoms.push([key, jk]); } }); }); return [jParens, trieToJSON(t.wild), jAtoms]; } function badJSON(j) { die("Cannot deserialize JSON trie: " + JSON.stringify(j)); } function trieFromJSON(j) { return decode(j); function decode(j) { if (!Array.isArray(j)) badJSON(j); switch (j.length) { case 0: return emptyTrie; case 1: return rsuccess(true); // TODO: consider generalizing case 3: { var result = rcopybranch(expand(rwild(decode(j[1])))); j[0].forEach(function (entry) { var arity = entry[0]; if (typeof arity !== 'number') badJSON(j); var key = stringToParenType(arity, entry[1]); rupdate_inplace(result, arity, key, decode(entry[2])); }); j[2].forEach(function (entry) { var key = entry[0]; rupdate_inplace(result, 0, key, decode(entry[1])); }); return collapse(result); } default: badJSON(j); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module.exports.__ = __; module.exports.SOA = SOA; module.exports.$Capture = $Capture; module.exports.$Special = $Special; module.exports._$ = _$; module.exports.is_emptyTrie = is_emptyTrie; module.exports.emptyTrie = emptyTrie; module.exports.embeddedTrie = embeddedTrie; module.exports.embeddedTrieArray = embeddedTrieArray; module.exports.compilePattern = compilePattern; module.exports.matchPattern = matchPattern; module.exports._union = union; module.exports.union = unionN; module.exports.intersect = intersect; module.exports.subtract = subtract; module.exports.matchValue = matchValue; module.exports.matchTrie = matchTrie; module.exports.appendTrie = appendTrie; // module.exports.triePruneBranch = triePruneBranch; module.exports.trieStep = trieStep; module.exports.trieSuccess = rsuccess; module.exports.relabel = relabel; module.exports.projectionNames = projectionNames; module.exports.projectionArity = projectionArity; module.exports.projectionToPattern = projectionToPattern; module.exports.project = project; module.exports.projectMany = projectMany; module.exports.trieKeys = trieKeys; module.exports.captureToObject = captureToObject; module.exports.trieKeysToObjects = trieKeysToObjects; module.exports.projectObjects = projectObjects; module.exports.prettyTrie = prettyTrie; module.exports.trieToJSON = trieToJSON; module.exports.trieFromJSON = trieFromJSON; // For testing module.exports._testing = { rsuccess: rsuccess, rseq: rseq, rwild: rwild };