#lang racket (provide string->words split-at/lenient- (struct-out job) (struct-out task) (struct-out map-work) (struct-out reduce-work) string->job file->job) (require (only-in racket/list split-at)) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define (string->words s) (map (lambda (w) (string-trim w #px"\\p{P}")) (string-split s))) (module+ test (check-equal? (string->words "good day sir") (list "good" "day" "sir")) (check-equal? (string->words "") (list)) (check-equal? (string->words "good eve ma'am") (list "good" "eve" "ma'am")) (check-equal? (string->words "please sir. may I have another?") (list "please" "sir" "may" "I" "have" "another")) ;; TODO - currently fails #;(check-equal? (string->words "but wait---there's more") (list "but" "wait" "there's" "more"))) ;; (Listof A) Nat -> (List (Listof A) (Listof A)) ;; like split-at but allow a number larger than the length of the list (define (split-at/lenient- lst n) (define-values (a b) (split-at lst (min n (length lst)))) (list a b)) ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Creating a Job (struct job (id tasks) #:transparent) (struct task (id desc) #:transparent) (struct map-work (data) #:transparent) (struct reduce-work (left right) #:transparent) ;; (Listof WorkDesc) -> (Values (Listof WorkDesc) (Optionof WorkDesc)) ;; Pair up elements of the input list into a list of reduce tasks, and if the input list is odd also ;; return the odd-one out. ;; Conceptually, it does something like this: ;; '(a b c d) => '((a b) (c d)) ;; '(a b c d e) => '((a b) (c d) e) (define (pair-up ls) (let loop ([ls ls] [reductions '()]) (match ls ['() (values reductions #f)] [(list x) (values reductions x)] [(list-rest x y more) (loop more (cons (reduce-work x y) reductions))]))) ;; a TaskTree is one of ;; (map-work data) ;; (reduce-work TaskTree TaskTree) ;; (Listof String) -> TaskTree ;; Create a tree structure of tasks (define (create-task-tree lines) (define map-works (for/list ([line (in-list lines)]) (map-work line))) ;; build the tree up from the leaves (let loop ([nodes map-works]) (match nodes ['() ;; input was empty (map-work "")] [(list x) x] [_ (define-values (reductions left-over?) (pair-up nodes)) (loop (if left-over? (cons left-over? reductions) reductions))]))) ;; TaskTree -> (Listof Task) ;; flatten a task tree by assigning job-unique IDs (define (task-tree->list tt) (define-values (tasks _) ;; TaskTree ID -> (Values (Listof Task) ID) ;; the input id is for the current node of the tree ;; returned id is the "next available" id, given ids are assigned in strict ascending order (let loop ([tt tt] [next-id 0]) (match tt [(map-work _) (values (list (task next-id tt)) (add1 next-id))] [(reduce-work left right) (define left-id (add1 next-id)) (define-values (lefts right-id) (loop left left-id)) (define-values (rights next) (loop right right-id)) (values (cons (task next-id (reduce-work left-id right-id)) (append lefts rights)) next)]))) tasks) ;; InputPort -> Job (define (create-job in) (define job-id (gensym 'job)) (define input-lines (sequence->list (in-lines in))) (define tasks (task-tree->list (create-task-tree input-lines))) (job job-id tasks)) ;; String -> Job (define (string->job s) (create-job (open-input-string s))) ;; PathString -> Job (define (file->job path) (define in (open-input-file path)) (define j (create-job in)) (close-input-port in) j)