#lang turnstile (provide for/fold) (require "core-types.rkt") (require "sequence.rkt") (require (only-in "list.rkt" List ~List)) (require (only-in "set.rkt" Set ~Set)) (require (only-in "hash.rkt" Hash ~Hash)) (require (only-in "prim.rkt" Bool)) (begin-for-syntax (define-splicing-syntax-class iter-clause #:attributes (parend) #:datum-literals (:) (pattern [x:id seq:expr] #:attr parend #'[x seq]) (pattern [x:id : τ:type seq:expr] #:attr parend #'[x : τ seq]) (pattern [(k:id v:id) hash-seq:expr] #:attr parend #'[(k v) hash-seq]) (pattern (~seq #:when pred:expr) #:attr parend #'(#:when pred)) (pattern (~seq #:unless pred:expr) #:attr parend #'(#:unless pred)) (pattern (~seq #:break pred:expr) #:attr parend #'(#:break pred)))) ;; a Binding is a (SyntaxList Id Id Type), i.e. #'(x x- τ-x) (begin-for-syntax (struct loop-clause (exp bindings) #:transparent) (struct directive (kw exp) #:transparent)) ;; (SyntaxListOf LoopClause) -> (Syntax LoopClause- (Binding ...)) (define-for-syntax (analyze-for-clauses clauses) (define-values (br binds) (for/fold ([body-rev '()] [bindings '()]) ([clause (in-syntax clauses)]) (match (analyze-for-clause clause bindings) [(loop-clause exp bs) (values (cons exp body-rev) (append bindings bs))] [(directive kw exp) (values (list* exp kw body-rev) bindings)]))) #`(#,(reverse br) #,binds)) ;; iter-clause (Listof Binding) -> (U iter-clause directive) (define-for-syntax (analyze-for-clause clause ctx) (define/with-syntax ([y y- τ-y] ...) ctx) (syntax-parse clause #:datum-literals (:) [[x:id seq:expr] #:and (~typecheck [[y ≫ y-- : τ-y] ... ⊢ seq ≫ seq- (⇒ : τ-seq)]) #:fail-unless (pure? #'seq-) "pure" #:with x- (generate-temporary #'x) #:do [(define-values (seq-- τ-elems) (make-sequence #'seq- #'τ-seq))] (loop-clause (substs #'(y- ...) #'(y-- ...) #`[x- #,seq--] free-identifier=?) (list #`(x x- #,τ-elems)))] [[x:id : τ:type seq:expr] #:with seq+ (add-expected-type #'seq #'τ.norm) #:do [(match-define (list seq- (list (list x- τ-elems))) (analyze-for-clause (syntax/loc clause [x seq+])))] #:fail-unless (<: τ-elems #'τ.norm) "unexpected type" (loop-clause #`[#,x- #,seq-] (list #`(x #,x- τ.norm)))] [[(k:id v:id) hash-seq:expr] #:and (~typecheck [[y ≫ y-- : τ-y] ... ⊢ hash-seq ≫ hash-seq- (⇒ : (~Hash K V))]) #:fail-unless (pure? #'hash-seq-) "pure" #:with (k- v-) (generate-temporaries #'(k v)) (loop-clause (substs #'(y- ...) #'(y-- ...) #`[(k- v-) (in-hash- hash-seq-)] free-identifier=?) (list #'(k k- K) #'(v v- V)))] [(dir:keyword pred) #:and (~typecheck [[y ≫ y-- : τ-y] ... ⊢ pred ≫ pred- (⇐ : Bool)]) #:fail-unless (pure? #'pred-) "pure" (directive #'dir (substs #'(y- ...) #'(y-- ...) #'pred- free-identifier=?))])) ;; Expression Type -> (Values Expression Type) ;; Determine what kind of sequence we're dealing with; ;; if it's not already in Sequence form, wrap the expression in the appropriate in-* form ;; also figure out what the type of elements are to associate with the loop variable ;; hashes handled separately (define-for-syntax (make-sequence e τ) (syntax-parse τ [(~Sequence t) (values e #'t)] [(~List t) (values #`(in-list- #,e) #'t)] [(~Set t) (values #`(in-set- #,e) #'t)] [_ (type-error #:src e #:msg "not an iterable type: ~a" τ)])) (define-typed-syntax for/fold [(for/fold ([acc:id (~optional (~datum :)) τ-acc init]) (clause:iter-clause ...) e-body ...+) ≫ [⊢ init ≫ init- (⇐ : τ-acc)] #:fail-unless (pure? #'init-) "expression must be pure" #:with (clauses- ([x x- τ] ...)) (analyze-for-clauses #'(clause.parend ...)) [[x ≫ x-- : τ] ... [acc ≫ acc- : τ-acc] ⊢ (begin e-body ...) ≫ e-body- (⇐ : τ-acc) (⇒ ν-ep (~effs τ-ep ...)) (⇒ ν-s (~effs τ-s ...)) (⇒ ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))] #:with e-body-- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x-- ...) #'e-body- free-identifier=?) ;; #:with y (stx-car #'(x ...)) ;; #:with y- (stx-car #'(x- ...)) ;; #:with y-- (stx-car #'(x-- ...)) ;; #:with (_ (_ dbg1)) #'e-body- ;; #:with (_ (_ dbg2)) #'e-body-- ;; #:do [(printf "y/dbg1 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y #'dbg1) (bound-identifier=? #'y #'dbg1)) ;; (printf "y/dbg2 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y #'dbg2) (bound-identifier=? #'y #'dbg2)) ;; (printf "y-/dbg1 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg1) (bound-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg1)) ;; (printf "y-/dbg2 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg2) (bound-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg2)) ;; (printf "y--/dbg1 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y-- #'dbg1) (bound-identifier=? #'y-- #'dbg1)) ;; (printf "y--/dbg2 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y-- #'dbg2) (bound-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg2))] ------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (for/fold- ([acc- init-]) (#,@#'clauses-) e-body--) (⇒ : τ-acc) (⇒ ν-ep (τ-ep ...)) (⇒ ν-s (τ-s ...)) (⇒ ν-f (τ-f ...))]] [(for/fold ([acc:id init]) clauses e-body ...+) ≫ [⊢ init ≫ _ (⇒ : τ-acc)] --------------------------------------------------- [≻ (for/fold ([acc τ-acc init]) clauses e-body ...)]])