# Racket implementation of Syndicate ## The language itself This repository contains a [Racket](http://racket-lang.org/) implementation of Syndicate in `syndicate`, which includes - the implementation of the `#lang syndicate` language, in the [`syndicate` directory](https://github.com/tonyg/syndicate/tree/master/racket/syndicate/). - a TCP echo server example, which listens for connections on port 5999 by default, in [`syndicate/examples/echo.rkt`](https://github.com/tonyg/syndicate/tree/master/racket/syndicate/examples/echo.rkt). Connect to it using, for example, `telnet localhost 5999`. - a handful of other examples, in [`syndicate/examples/`](https://github.com/tonyg/syndicate/tree/master/racket/syndicate/examples/). ## Auxiliary collects - `syndicate-gl` is a Syndicate interface to 2D OpenGL based graphics - `syndicate-monolithic` is an implementation of the "monolithic state change notification" dialect of Syndicate ## Compiling and running the code You will need Racket version or later. Once you have Racket installed, run raco pkg install syndicate to install the package from the Racket package repository, or raco pkg install from the `racket/` directory of the Git checkout to install the package from a local snapshot. (Alternatively, `make link` does the same thing.) This will make `#lang syndicate` available to programs. At this point, you may load and run any of the example `*.rkt` files in the [`syndicate/examples/`](https://github.com/tonyg/syndicate/tree/master/syndicate/examples/) directory. ## Copyright Copyright © Tony Garnock-Jones 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.