#lang turnstile (provide (rename-out [syndicate:#%module-begin #%module-begin]) (rename-out [typed-app #%app]) (rename-out [syndicate:begin-for-declarations declare-types]) #%top-interaction require only-in ;; Types Int Bool String Tuple Bind Discard → ★/t Observe Inbound Outbound Actor U (type-out U*) Event AssertionSet Patch Instruction ⊥ ;; Core Forms actor dataspace make-assertion-set project ★ patch tuple lambda observe inbound outbound idle quit transition patch-added patch-removed for/fold ;; core-ish forms begin define let let* ann if ;; values #%datum ;; patterns bind discard ;; primitives + - * / and or not > < >= <= = equal? displayln list first rest empty? ;; making types define-type-alias define-constructor ;; DEBUG and utilities print-type (rename-out [printf- printf]) ;; Extensions ) (require (for-meta 2 macrotypes/stx-utils racket/list syntax/stx)) (require (for-syntax turnstile/examples/util/filter-maximal)) (require macrotypes/postfix-in) (require (rename-in racket/math [exact-truncate exact-truncate-])) (require (postfix-in - racket/list)) (require (rename-in racket/set [set->list set->list-])) (require (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/core-lang) (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/trie) (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/comprehensions)) (module+ test (require rackunit) (require turnstile/rackunit-typechecking)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Needed Forms ;; * dataspace DONE ;; * actor DONE ;; * make-assertion-set DONE ;; - ★ DONE ;; * patch DONE ;; * project DONE ;; - bind ;; - discard ;; * transition DONE ;; * quit DONE ;; * fold DONE ;; * list DONE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Types (define-base-types Int Bool String Discard ★/t) (define-type-constructor Bind #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Tuple #:arity >= 0) (define-type-constructor → #:arity > 0) (define-type-constructor Observe #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Inbound #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Outbound #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Actor #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor AssertionSet #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Patch #:arity = 2) (define-type-constructor List #:arity = 1) ;; essentially the sum type of a transition or quit (define-type-constructor Instruction #:arity = 3) (define-for-syntax (type-eval t) ((current-type-eval) t)) (define-type-constructor U* #:arity >= 0) (define-for-syntax (prune+sort tys) (stx-sort (filter-maximal (stx->list tys) typecheck?))) (define-syntax (U stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ . tys) ;; canonicalize by expanding to U*, with only (sorted and pruned) leaf tys #:with ((~or (~U* ty1- ...) ty2-) ...) (stx-map (current-type-eval) #'tys) #:with tys- (prune+sort #'(ty1- ... ... ty2- ...)) (if (= 1 (stx-length #'tys-)) (stx-car #'tys-) (syntax/loc stx (U* . tys-)))])) (begin-for-syntax (define-syntax ~U/no-order (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ p ...) #:fail-when (stx-ormap (lambda [x] (and (identifier? x) (free-identifier=? x #'(... ...)))) #'(p ...)) "ellipses not allowed" #:with ((v ...) ...) (permutations (stx->list #'(p ...))) #'(~or* (~U* v ...) ...)])))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; User Defined Types, aka Constructors ;; τ.norm in 1st case causes "not valid type" error when file is compiled ;; (copied from ext-stlc example) (define-syntax define-type-alias (syntax-parser [(_ alias:id τ:any-type) #'(define-syntax- alias (make-variable-like-transformer #'τ.norm))] [(_ (f:id x:id ...) ty) #'(define-syntax- (f stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ x ...) #:with τ:any-type #'ty #'τ.norm]))])) (begin-for-syntax (define-splicing-syntax-class type-constructor-decl (pattern (~seq #:type-constructor TypeCons:id)) (pattern (~seq) #:attr TypeCons #f)) (struct user-ctor (typed-ctor untyped-ctor) #:property prop:procedure (lambda (v stx) (define transformer (user-ctor-typed-ctor v)) (syntax-parse stx [(_ e ...) #`(#,transformer e ...)])))) (define-syntax (define-constructor stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (Cons:id slot:id ...) ty-cons:type-constructor-decl (~seq #:with Alias AliasBody) ...) #:with TypeCons (or (attribute ty-cons.TypeCons) (format-id stx "~a/t" (syntax-e #'Cons))) #:with MakeTypeCons (format-id #'TypeCons "make-~a" #'TypeCons) #:with GetTypeParams (format-id #'TypeCons "get-~a-type-params" #'TypeCons) #:with TypeConsExpander (format-id #'TypeCons "~~~a" #'TypeCons) #:with TypeConsExtraInfo (format-id #'TypeCons "~a-extra-info" #'TypeCons) #:with (StructName Cons- type-tag) (generate-temporaries #'(Cons Cons Cons)) (define arity (stx-length #'(slot ...))) #`(begin- (struct- StructName (slot ...) #:reflection-name 'Cons #:transparent) (define-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ X (... ...)) #'('type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)])) (define-type-constructor TypeCons #:arity = #,arity #:extra-info 'TypeConsExtraInfo) (define-syntax (MakeTypeCons stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ t (... ...)) #:fail-unless (= #,arity (stx-length #'(t (... ...)))) "arity mismatch" #'(TypeCons t (... ...))])) (define-syntax (GetTypeParams stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (TypeConsExpander t (... ...))) #'(t (... ...))])) (define-syntax Cons (user-ctor #'Cons- #'StructName)) (define-typed-syntax (Cons- e (... ...)) ≫ #:fail-unless (= #,arity (stx-length #'(e (... ...)))) "arity mismatch" [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] (... ...) ---------------------- [⊢ (#%app- StructName e- (... ...)) (⇒ : (TypeCons τ (... ...)))]) (define-type-alias Alias AliasBody) ...)])) (begin-for-syntax (define-syntax ~constructor-extra-info (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ tag mk get) #'(_ (_ tag) (_ mk) (_ get))]))) (define-syntax ~constructor-type (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ tag . rst) #'(~and it (~fail #:unless (user-defined-type? #'it)) (~parse tag (get-type-tag #'it)) (~Any _ . rst))]))) (define-syntax ~constructor-exp (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ cons . rst) #'(~and (cons . rst) (~fail #:unless (ctor-id? #'cons)))]))) (define (inspect t) (syntax-parse t [(~constructor-type tag t ...) (list (syntax-e #'tag) (stx-map type->str #'(t ...)))])) (define (tags-equal? t1 t2) (equal? (syntax-e t1) (syntax-e t2))) (define (user-defined-type? t) (get-extra-info (type-eval t))) (define (get-type-tag t) (syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) [(~constructor-extra-info tag _ _) (syntax-e #'tag)])) (define (get-type-args t) (syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) [(~constructor-extra-info _ _ get) (define f (syntax-local-value #'get)) (syntax->list (f #`(get #,t)))])) (define (make-cons-type t args) (syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) [(~constructor-extra-info _ mk _) (define f (syntax-local-value #'mk)) (type-eval (f #`(mk #,@args)))])) (define (ctor-id? stx) (and (identifier? stx) (user-ctor? (syntax-local-value stx (const #f))))) (define (untyped-ctor stx) (user-ctor-untyped-ctor (syntax-local-value stx (const #f))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Conveniences (define-type-alias (Action τ-a τ-s) (U (Patch τ-a ★/t) (Actor τ-s))) (begin-for-syntax (define-syntax ~Action (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ p1 p2) #'(~or (~and (~Patch p1 _) (~parse p2 (type-eval #'(U)))) (~and (~Actor p2) (~parse p1 (type-eval #'(U)))) (~U/no-order (~Patch p1 _) (~Actor p2)))])))) (define-type-alias (Event τ) (Patch τ τ)) #;(begin-for-syntax (define-syntax ~Event (pattern-expander (syntax-parser [(_ t) #`(~and (~Patch τ1:type τ2:type) (~parse t #,(type-eval #'(U τ1 τ2))))])))) (define-type-alias ⊥ (U)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Syntax (begin-for-syntax ;; constructors with arity one (define-syntax-class kons1 (pattern (~or (~datum observe) (~datum inbound) (~datum outbound)))) (define (kons1->constructor stx) (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (observe inbound outbound) [observe #'syndicate:observe] [inbound #'syndicate:inbound] [outbound #'syndicate:outbound])) (define-syntax-class basic-val (pattern (~or boolean integer string))) (define-syntax-class prim-op (pattern (~or (~literal +) (~literal -) (~literal displayln))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Subtyping ;; Type Type -> Bool (define-for-syntax (<: t1 t2) #;(printf "Checking ~a <: ~a\n" (type->str t1) (type->str t2)) ;; should add a check for type=? (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) #;[(τ1 τ2) #:do [(displayln (type->str #'τ1)) (displayln (type->str #'τ2))] #:when #f (error "")] [((~U* τ1 ...) _) (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (<: t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))] [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (<: t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~Actor τ1:type) (~Actor τ2:type)) ;; should these be .norm? Is the invariant that inputs are always fully ;; evalutated/expanded? (and (<: #'τ1 #'τ2) (<: (∩ (strip-? #'τ1) #'τ2) #'τ1))] [((~AssertionSet τ1) (~AssertionSet τ2)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Patch τ11 τ12) (~Patch τ21 τ22)) (and (<: #'τ11 #'τ21) (<: #'τ12 #'τ22))] [((~Instruction τs1 τo1 τa1) (~Instruction τs2 τo2 τa2)) (and (<: #'τs1 #'τs2) (<: #'τo1 #'τo2) (<: (type-eval #'(Actor τa1)) (type-eval #'(Actor τa2))))] [((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...)) #:when (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) (stx-andmap <: #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))] [(_ ~★/t) (flat-type? t1)] [((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type)) (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~constructor-type t1 τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type t2 τ2:type ...)) #:when (tags-equal? #'t1 #'t2) (and (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) (stx-andmap <: #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)))] [((~→ τ-in1 ... τ-out1) (~→ τ-in2 ... τ-out2)) #:when (stx-length=? #'(τ-in1 ...) #'(τ-in2 ...)) (and (stx-andmap <: #'(τ-in2 ...) #'(τ-in1 ...)) (<: #'τ-out1 #'τ-out2))] [(~Discard _) #t] ;; should probably put this first. [_ (type=? t1 t2)])) (define-for-syntax (bot? t) (<: t (type-eval #'(U)))) ;; Flat-Type Flat-Type -> Type (define-for-syntax (∩ t1 t2) (unless (and (flat-type? t1) (flat-type? t2)) (error '∩ "expected two flat-types")) (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) [(_ ~★/t) t1] [(~★/t _) t2] [(_ _) #:when (type=? t1 t2) t1] [((~U* τ1:type ...) _) (type-eval #`(U #,@(stx-map (lambda (t) (∩ t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))))] [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) (type-eval #`(U #,@(stx-map (lambda (t) (∩ t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))))] [((~AssertionSet τ1) (~AssertionSet τ2)) #:with τ12 (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) (type-eval #'(AssertionSet τ12))] [((~Patch τ11 τ12) (~Patch τ21 τ22)) #:with τ1 (∩ #'τ11 #'τ12) #:with τ2 (∩ #'τ21 #'τ22) (type-eval #'(Patch τ1 τ2))] [((~Instruction τs1 τo1 τa1) (~Instruction τs2 τo2 τa2)) #:with τs (∩ #'τs1 #'τs2) #:fail-when (bot? #'τs) #f #:with τa (∩ #'τa1 #'τa2) #:fail-when (bot? #'τa) #f #:with τo (∩ #'τo1 #'τo2) (type-eval #'(Instruction τs τo τa))] ;; all of these fail-when/unless clauses are meant to cause this through to ;; the last case and result in ⊥. ;; Also, using <: is OK, even though <: refers to ∩, because <:'s use of ∩ is only ;; in the Actor case. [((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...)) #:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) #f #:with (τ ...) (stx-map ∩ #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) ;; I don't think stx-ormap is part of the documented api of turnstile *shrug* #:fail-when (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (<: t (type-eval #'(U)))) #'(τ ...)) #f (type-eval #'(Tuple τ ...))] [((~constructor-type tag1 τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type tag2 τ2:type ...)) #:when (tags-equal? #'tag1 #'tag2) #:with (τ ...) (stx-map ∩ #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) #:fail-when (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (<: t (type-eval #'(U)))) #'(τ ...)) #f (make-cons-type t1 #'(τ ...))] ;; these three are just the same :( [((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type)) #:with τ (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) #:fail-when (<: #'τ (type-eval #'(U))) #f (type-eval #'(Observe τ))] [((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type)) #:with τ (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) #:fail-when (<: #'τ (type-eval #'(U))) #f (type-eval #'(Inbound τ))] [((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type)) #:with τ (∩ #'τ1 #'τ2) #:fail-when (<: #'τ (type-eval #'(U))) #f (type-eval #'(Outbound τ))] [_ (type-eval #'(U))])) ;; Type Type -> Bool ;; first type is the contents of the set ;; second type is the type of a pattern (define-for-syntax (project-safe? t1 t2) (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) [(_ (~Bind τ2:type)) (and (finite? t1) (<: t1 #'τ2))] [(_ ~Discard) #t] [(_ ~★/t) #t] [((~U* τ1:type ...) _) (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (project-safe? t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))] [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (project-safe? t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...)) #:when (overlap? t1 t2) (stx-andmap project-safe? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~constructor-type _ τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type _ τ2:type ...)) #:when (overlap? t1 t2) (stx-andmap project-safe? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type)) (project-safe? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type)) (project-safe? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type)) (project-safe? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [_ #t])) ;; AssertionType PatternType -> Bool ;; Is it possible for things of these two types to match each other? ;; Flattish-Type = Flat-Types + ★/t, Bind, Discard (assertion and pattern types) (define-for-syntax (overlap? t1 t2) (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) [(~★/t _) #t] [(_ (~Bind _)) #t] [(_ ~Discard) #t] [(_ ~★/t) #t] [((~U* τ1:type ...) _) (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (overlap? t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))] [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (overlap? t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))] [((~List _) (~List _)) ;; share the empty list #t] [((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...)) (and (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) (stx-andmap overlap? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)))] [((~constructor-type t1 τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type t2 τ2:type ...)) (and (tags-equal? #'t1 #'t2) (stx-andmap overlap? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)))] [((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type)) (overlap? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type)) (overlap? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type)) (overlap? #'τ1 #'τ2)] [_ (<: t1 t2)])) ;; Flattish-Type -> Bool (define-for-syntax (finite? t) (syntax-parse t [~★/t #f] [(~U* τ:type ...) (stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))] [(~Tuple τ:type ...) (stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))] [(~constructor-type _ τ:type ...) (stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))] [(~Observe τ:type) (finite? #'τ)] [(~Inbound τ:type) (finite? #'τ)] [(~Outbound τ:type) (finite? #'τ)] [_ #t])) ;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;; MODIFYING GLOBAL TYPECHECKING STATE!!!!! ;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (begin-for-syntax (current-typecheck-relation <:)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Core forms (define-typed-syntax (actor τ-c:type beh st0 as0) ≫ #:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order" [⊢ beh ≫ beh- ⇒ (~→ (~Patch τ-i1:type τ-i2:type) τ-s:type (~Instruction τ-s2:type τ-ta:type τ-ts:type))] [⊢ st0 ≫ st0- ⇒ τ-st0:type] [⊢ as0 ≫ as0- ⇒ (~AssertionSet τ-as0:type)] #:with τ-out:type (type-eval #'(U τ-ta τ-as0)) #:with τ-in:type (type-eval #'(U τ-i1 τ-i2)) #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-st0.norm #'τ-s.norm) "bad initial state" #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-s2.norm #'τ-s.norm) "bad state update" #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-out.norm #'τ-c.norm) "output not allowed in dataspace" #:fail-unless (<: (type-eval #'(Actor τ-ts.norm)) (type-eval #'(Actor τ-c.norm))) "spawned actors not valid in dataspace" #:fail-unless (<: (∩ (strip-? #'τ-out.norm) #'τ-c.norm) #'τ-in.norm) "Not prepared to handle all inputs" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:actor (filter-poll-events beh-) st0- (list- (syndicate:patch as0- syndicate:trie-empty))) ⇒ (Actor τ-c)]) (define ((filter-poll-events beh) e s) (and- e (beh e s))) (define-typed-syntax (dataspace τ-c:type e) ≫ #:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order" [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~List τa:type)] #:fail-unless (<: #'τa.norm (type-eval #'(Actor τ-c.norm))) "Not all actors conform to communication type" #:with τ-ds-i (strip-inbound #'τ-c.norm) #:with τ-ds-o (strip-outbound #'τ-c.norm) #:with τ-relay (relay-interests #'τ-c.norm) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:dataspace-actor e-) ⇒ (Actor (U τ-ds-i τ-ds-o τ-relay))]) (define-typed-syntax (transition e-s e-as) ≫ [⊢ e-s ≫ e-s- ⇒ τ-s] [⊢ e-as ≫ e-as- ⇒ (~List (~Action τ-o τ-a))] ----------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:transition e-s- e-as-) ⇒ (Instruction τ-s τ-o τ-a)]) (define-typed-syntax quit [(quit) ≫ ------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:quit) ⇒ (Instruction (U) (U) (U))]] [(quit as) ≫ [⊢ as ≫ as- ⇒ (~List (~Action τ-o τ-a))] ---------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:quit as-) ⇒ (Instruction (U) τ-o τ-a)]]) (define-typed-syntax idle [_ ≫ ------------------------- [⊢ #f ⇒ (Instruction (U) (U) (U))]]) (define-typed-syntax ★ [_ ≫ ------------------------- [⊢ syndicate:? ⇒ ★/t]]) (define-typed-syntax (make-assertion-set e ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] ... #:fail-unless (stx-andmap flat-type? #'(τ ...)) "assertions must be first-order" ------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:trie-union-all (list- (syndicate:pattern->trie 'typed e-) ...)) ⇒ (AssertionSet (U τ ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (patch e-add e-sub) ≫ [⊢ e-add ≫ e-add- ⇒ (~AssertionSet τ-add)] [⊢ e-sub ≫ e-sub- ⇒ (~AssertionSet τ-sub)] -------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:patch e-add- e-sub-) ⇒ (Patch τ-add τ-sub)]) (define-typed-syntax (project [pat e-set] e-body) ≫ [⊢ e-set ≫ e-set- ⇒ (~AssertionSet τ-s:type)] [⊢ pat ≫ _ ⇒ τ-p:type] #:with ([x:id τ:type] ...) (pat-bindings #'pat) [[x ≫ x- : τ] ... ⊢ e-body ≫ e-body- ⇒ τ-b] #:fail-unless (project-safe? #'τ-s.norm #'τ-p.norm) "pattern captures infinite set" #:with pat- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x ...) (compile-syndicate-pattern #'pat)) -------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:for-trie/list ([pat- e-set-]) e-body-) ⇒ (List τ-b)]) (begin-for-syntax (define (compile-pattern pat bind-id-transformer exp-transformer) (define (l-e stx) (local-expand stx 'expression '())) (let loop ([pat pat]) (syntax-parse pat #:datum-literals (tuple discard bind) [(tuple p ...) #`(list- 'tuple #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))] [(k:kons1 p) #`(#,(kons1->constructor #'k) #,(loop #'p))] [(bind x:id τ:type) (bind-id-transformer #'x)] [discard #'_] [(~constructor-exp ctor p ...) (define/with-syntax uctor (untyped-ctor #'ctor)) #`(uctor #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))] [_ ;; local expanding "expression-y" syntax allows variable references to transform ;; according to the mappings set up by turnstile. (exp-transformer (l-e pat))]))) (define (compile-syndicate-pattern pat) (compile-pattern pat (lambda (id) #`($ #,id)) identity))) (define-typed-syntax (list e ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] ... ------------------- [⊢ (list- e- ...) ⇒ (List (U τ ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (for/fold [acc:id e-acc] [x:id e-list] e-body) ≫ [⊢ e-list ≫ e-list- ⇒ (~List τ-l)] [⊢ e-acc ≫ e-acc- ⇒ τ-a:type] [[x ≫ x- : τ-l] [acc ≫ acc- : τ-a] ⊢ e-body ≫ e-body- ⇒ τ-b:type] #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-b.norm #'τ-a.norm) "loop body doesn't match accumulator" ------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (for/fold- ([acc- e-acc-]) ([x- (in-list- e-list-)]) e-body-) ⇒ τ-b]) (define-for-syntax (strip-? t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t ;; TODO: probably need to `normalize` the result [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map strip-? #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] [(~Observe τ) #'τ] [_ #'(U)]))) (define-for-syntax (strip-inbound t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t ;; TODO: probably need to `normalize` the result [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map strip-? #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] [(~Inbound τ) #'τ] [_ #'(U)]))) (define-for-syntax (strip-outbound t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t ;; TODO: probably need to `normalize` the result [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map strip-? #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] [(~Outbound τ) #'τ] [_ #'(U)]))) (define-for-syntax (relay-interests t) (type-eval (syntax-parse t ;; TODO: probably need to `normalize` the result [(~U* τ ...) #`(U #,@(stx-map strip-? #'(τ ...)))] [~★/t #'★/t] [(~Observe (~Inbound τ)) #'(Observe τ)] [_ #'(U)]))) (define-for-syntax (procedure-type? τ) (syntax-parse τ [(~→ τ ...+) #t] [_ #f])) (define-for-syntax (flat-type? τ) (syntax-parse τ [(~→ τ ...) #f] [_ #t])) (define-typed-syntax (unsafe-do rkt:expr ...) ≫ ------------------------ [⊢ (let- () rkt ...) (⇒ : (U)) (⇒ :i (U)) (⇒ :o (U)) (⇒ :a (U))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Expressions (define-typed-syntax (lambda ([x:id (~optional (~datum :)) τ:type] ...) body ...+) ≫ [[x ≫ x- : τ] ... ⊢ (begin body ...) ≫ body- ⇒ τ-e] ---------------------------------------- [⊢ (lambda- (x- ...) body-) ⇒ (→ τ ... τ-e)]) (define-typed-syntax (tuple e:expr ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] ... ----------------------- [⊢ (list- 'tuple e- ...) (⇒ : (Tuple τ ...))]) (define-typed-syntax (typed-app e_fn e_arg ...) ≫ [⊢ e_fn ≫ e_fn- (⇒ : (~→ τ_in:type ... τ_out:type))] #:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...]) (num-args-fail-msg #'e_fn #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...]) [⊢ e_arg ≫ e_arg- ⇐ τ_in] ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [⊢ (#%app- e_fn- e_arg- ...) (⇒ : τ_out)]) ;; it would be nice to abstract over these three (define-typed-syntax (observe e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ)] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:observe e-) (⇒ : (Observe τ))]) (define-typed-syntax (inbound e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:inbound e-) (⇒ : (Inbound τ))]) (define-typed-syntax (outbound e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:outbound e-) (⇒ : (Outbound τ))]) (define-typed-syntax (patch-added e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~Patch τ _)] -------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:patch-added e-) ⇒ (AssertionSet τ)]) (define-typed-syntax (patch-removed e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~Patch _ τ)] -------------------------- [⊢ (syndicate:patch-removed e-) ⇒ (AssertionSet τ)]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Patterns (define-typed-syntax (bind x:id τ:type) ≫ ---------------------------------------- [⊢ (error- 'bind "escaped") ⇒ (Bind τ)]) (define-typed-syntax discard [_ ≫ -------------------- ;; TODO: change void to _ [⊢ (error- 'discard "escaped") ⇒ Discard]]) ;; pat -> ([Id Type] ...) (define-for-syntax (pat-bindings stx) (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (bind tuple) [(bind x:id τ:type) #'([x τ])] [(tuple p ...) #:with (([x:id τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...)) #'([x τ] ... ...)] [(k:kons1 p) (pat-bindings #'p)] [(~constructor-exp cons p ...) #:with (([x:id τ:type] ...) ...) (stx-map pat-bindings #'(p ...)) #'([x τ] ... ...)] [_ #'()])) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Core-ish forms ;; copied from stlc (define-typed-syntax (ann e (~optional (~datum :)) τ:type) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇐ τ.norm] -------- [⊢ e- ⇒ τ.norm]) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax define [(_ x:id (~datum :) τ:type e:expr) ≫ ;[⊢ e ≫ e- ⇐ τ.norm] #:with x- (generate-temporary #'x) -------- [≻ (begin- (define-typed-variable-rename x ≫ x- : τ.norm) (define- x- (ann e : τ.norm)))]] [(_ x:id e) ≫ ;This won't work with mutually recursive definitions [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] #:with y (generate-temporary #'x) #:with y+props (transfer-props #'e- (assign-type #'y #'τ #:wrap? #f)) -------- [≻ (begin- (define-syntax x (make-rename-transformer #'y+props)) (define- y e-))]] [(_ (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty] ... (~or (~datum →) (~datum ->)) ty_out) e ...+) ≫ #:with f- (add-orig (generate-temporary #'f) #'f) -------- [≻ (begin- (define-typed-variable-rename f ≫ f- : (→ ty ... ty_out)) (define- f- (lambda ([x : ty] ...) (ann (begin e ...) : ty_out))))]]) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax if [(_ e_tst e1 e2) ⇐ τ-expected ≫ [⊢ e_tst ≫ e_tst- ⇒ _] ; Any non-false value is truthy. [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- ⇐ τ-expected] [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- ⇐ τ-expected] -------- [⊢ (if- e_tst- e1- e2-)]] [(_ e_tst e1 e2) ≫ [⊢ e_tst ≫ e_tst- ⇒ _] ; Any non-false value is truthy. [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- ⇒ τ1] [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- ⇒ τ2] -------- [⊢ (if- e_tst- e1- e2-) ⇒ (U τ1 τ2)]]) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax begin [(_ e_unit ... e) ⇐ τ_expected ≫ [⊢ e_unit ≫ e_unit- ⇒ _] ... [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇐ τ_expected] -------- [⊢ (begin- e_unit- ... e-)]] [(_ e_unit ... e) ≫ [⊢ e_unit ≫ e_unit- ⇒ _] ... [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ_e] -------- [⊢ (begin- e_unit- ... e-) ⇒ τ_e]]) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax let [(_ ([x e] ...) e_body ...) ⇐ τ_expected ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ : τ_x] ... [[x ≫ x- : τ_x] ... ⊢ (begin e_body ...) ≫ e_body- ⇐ τ_expected] -------- [⊢ (let- ([x- e-] ...) e_body-)]] [(_ ([x e] ...) e_body ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ : τ_x] ... [[x ≫ x- : τ_x] ... ⊢ (begin e_body ...) ≫ e_body- ⇒ τ_body] -------- [⊢ (let- ([x- e-] ...) e_body-) ⇒ τ_body]]) ;; copied from ext-stlc (define-typed-syntax let* [(_ () e_body ...) ≫ -------- [≻ (begin e_body ...)]] [(_ ([x e] [x_rst e_rst] ...) e_body ...) ≫ -------- [≻ (let ([x e]) (let* ([x_rst e_rst] ...) e_body ...))]]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Primitives ;; hmmm (define-primop + (→ Int Int Int)) (define-primop - (→ Int Int Int)) (define-primop * (→ Int Int Int)) #;(define-primop and (→ Bool Bool Bool)) (define-primop or (→ Bool Bool Bool)) (define-primop not (→ Bool Bool)) (define-primop < (→ Int Int Bool)) (define-primop > (→ Int Int Bool)) (define-primop <= (→ Int Int Bool)) (define-primop >= (→ Int Int Bool)) (define-primop = (→ Int Int Bool)) (define-typed-syntax (/ e1 e2) ≫ [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- (⇐ : Int)] [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- (⇐ : Int)] ------------------------ [⊢ (exact-truncate- (/- e1- e2-)) (⇒ : Int)]) ;; for some reason defining `and` as a prim op doesn't work (define-typed-syntax (and e ...) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- (⇐ : Bool)] ... ------------------------ [⊢ (and- e- ...) (⇒ : Bool)]) (define-typed-syntax (equal? e1:expr e2:expr) ≫ [⊢ e1 ≫ e1- (⇒ : τ1:type)] #:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ1.norm) (format "equality only available on flat data; got ~a" (type->str #'τ1)) [⊢ e2 ≫ e2- (⇐ : τ1)] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [⊢ (equal?- e1- e2-) (⇒ : Bool)]) (define-typed-syntax (empty? e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~List _)] ----------------------- [⊢ (empty?- e-) ⇒ Bool]) (define-typed-syntax (first e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~List τ)] ----------------------- [⊢ (first- e-) ⇒ τ]) (define-typed-syntax (rest e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ (~List τ)] ----------------------- [⊢ (rest- e-) ⇒ (List τ)]) (define-typed-syntax (displayln e:expr) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] --------------- [⊢ (displayln- e-) (⇒ : (U))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Basic Values (define-typed-syntax #%datum [(_ . n:integer) ≫ ---------------- [⊢ (#%datum- . n) (⇒ : Int)]] [(_ . b:boolean) ≫ ---------------- [⊢ (#%datum- . b) (⇒ : Bool)]] [(_ . s:string) ≫ ---------------- [⊢ (#%datum- . s) (⇒ : String)]]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Utilities (define-typed-syntax (print-type e) ≫ [⊢ e ≫ e- ⇒ τ] #:do [(displayln (type->str #'τ))] ---------------------------------- [⊢ e- ⇒ τ]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Extensions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Tests ;; project (module+ test (check-type (project [(tuple) (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2))] (tuple)) : (List (Tuple)) -> (list-)) (check-type (project [(tuple) (make-assertion-set (tuple))] (tuple)) : (List (Tuple)) -> (list- (tuple))) (check-type (project [(tuple (bind x Int) 2) (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2))] x) : (List Int) -> (list- 1)) (check-type (project [(tuple (bind x Int) 2) (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2) "hello")] x) : (List Int) -> (list- 1)) (check-type (project [(tuple (bind x (U Int (Tuple Int Int))) 2) (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2) "hello" (tuple (tuple 4 5) 2))] x) : (List (U Int (Tuple Int Int))) -> (list- (tuple 4 5) 1)) ;; nested project to test for ambiguous binding error (check-type (project [(tuple (bind x Int) 2) (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2))] (project [(tuple discard x) (make-assertion-set (tuple "bizboz" 1))] x)) : (List (List Int)) -> (list- (list- 1)))) ;; fold (module+ test (check-type (for/fold (sum 0) (x (list 1 2 3)) (typed-app + x sum)) : Int -> 6)) ;; functions (module+ test (check-type (lambda ([x Int]) x) : (→ Int Int)) (check-type (typed-app (lambda ([x : Int]) x) 5) : Int -> 5)) ;; patches (module+ test (check-type (patch-added (patch (make-assertion-set 12) (make-assertion-set))) : (AssertionSet Int) -> (make-assertion-set 12)) (check-type (patch-removed (patch (make-assertion-set 12) (make-assertion-set))) : (AssertionSet (U)) -> (make-assertion-set))) (module+ test (check-type (lambda ([e : (Event ⊥)] [s : ★/t]) idle) : (→ (Event ⊥) ★/t (Instruction ⊥ ⊥ ⊥))))