#lang typed/syndicate/roles (provide activate! tcp-connection tcp-accepted tcp-out tcp-in tcp-in-line tcp-address tcp-listener seal advertise Tcp2LineReaderFactory Tcp2Driver) (require-struct tcp-connection #:as TcpConnection #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp2) (require-struct tcp-accepted #:as TcpAccepted #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp2) (require-struct tcp-out #:as TcpOut #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp2) (require-struct tcp-in #:as TcpIn #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp2) (require-struct tcp-in-line #:as TcpInLine #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp2) (require-struct tcp-address #:as TcpAddress #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp2) (require-struct tcp-listener #:as TcpListener #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp2) (require-struct tcp-channel #:as TcpChannel #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp) (require-struct tcp-handle #:as TcpHandle #:from syndicate/drivers/tcp) (require-struct seal #:as Seal #:from syndicate/lang) (require-struct advertise #:as Advertise #:from syndicate/protocol/advertise) ;; assertions and messages sent & received by the 'tcp2-listen-driver (define-type-alias Tcp2ListenDriver (U (Observe (Observe (TcpConnection ★/t (TcpListener ★/t)))) (Observe (TcpConnection ★/t (TcpListener Int))) (Observe (TcpConnection ★/t (TcpListener Int))) (Advertise (Observe (TcpChannel ★/t (TcpListener (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t))) ★/t))) (Observe (Advertise (TcpChannel (TcpAddress String Int) (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) ★/t))) (TcpAccepted ★/t) (Advertise (TcpChannel (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) (TcpAddress String Int) ★/t)) (Observe (TcpChannel (TcpAddress String Int) (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) ★/t)) (Message (TcpChannel (TcpAddress String Int) (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) ByteString)) (Message (TcpIn (Seal ★/t) ByteString)) (Observe (TcpOut (Seal ★/t) ★/t)) (Message (TcpOut (Seal ★/t) ByteString)) (Message (TcpChannel (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) (TcpAddress String Int) ByteString)))) ;; assertions and messages sent & received by the 'tcp2-connect-driver (define-type-alias Tcp2ConnectDriver (U (Observe (TcpConnection ★/t (TcpAddress ★/t ★/t))) (TcpConnection Symbol (TcpAddress String Int)) (Observe (Advertise (TcpChannel (TcpAddress String Int) (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) ★/t))) (TcpAccepted ★/t) (Advertise (TcpChannel (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) (TcpAddress String Int) ★/t)) (Observe (TcpChannel (TcpAddress String Int) (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) ★/t)) (Message (TcpChannel (TcpAddress String Int) (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) ByteString)) (Message (TcpIn ★/t ByteString)) (Observe (TcpOut ★/t ★/t)) (Message (TcpOut ★/t ByteString)) (Message (TcpChannel (TcpHandle (Seal ★/t)) (TcpAddress String Int) ByteString)))) ;; assertions and messages sent & received by the 'tcp2-line-reader-factory (define-type-alias Tcp2LineReaderFactory (U (Observe (Observe (TcpInLine ★/t ★/t))) (Observe (TcpInLine ★/t ★/t)) (Observe (TcpIn ★/t ★/t)) (Message (TcpIn ★/t ByteString)) (Message (TcpInLine ★/t ByteString)))) (define-type-alias Tcp2Driver (U Tcp2ListenDriver Tcp2ConnectDriver Tcp2LineReaderFactory)) (require/typed syndicate/drivers/tcp2) (require/typed (submod syndicate/drivers/tcp2 syndicate-main) [activate! : (→ (Computation (Value (U)) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns (Actor Tcp2Driver))))]) ;; TODO ;; ;; The tcp2 driver also "activates" the tcp driver, so in order to be sound the typed driver ought to ;; indicate through the types that whatever assertions and messages that driver does can also happen. ;; ;; The require/activate model doesn't lend itself to the current workings of the type system very ;; easily. Perhaps a require/activate/typed would be in order, where the provided type describes the ;; dataspace type of the actors that get spawned.