#lang racket (require (only-in racket/hash hash-union)) (module+ test (require rackunit)) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Role Type Data Definitions ;; a FacetName is a symbol ;; a T is one of ;; - (Role FacetName (Listof EP)), also abbreviated as just Role ;; - (Spawn τ) ;; - (Stop FacetName Body) (struct Role (nm eps) #:transparent) (struct Spawn (ty) #:transparent) (struct Stop (nm body) #:transparent) ;; a EP is one of ;; - (Reacts D Body), describing an event handler ;; - (Shares τ), describing an assertion (struct Reacts (evt body) #:transparent) (struct Shares (ty) #:transparent) ;; a Body describes actions carried out in response to some event, and ;; is one of ;; - T ;; - (Listof Body) ;; - (Branch (Listof Body)) (struct Branch (arms) #:transparent) ;; a D is one of ;; - (Know τ), reaction to assertion ;; - (¬Know τ), reaction to retraction (struct Know (ty) #:transparent) (struct ¬Know (ty) #:transparent) ;; a τ is one of ;; - (U (Listof τ)) ;; - (Struct StructName (Listof τ ...)) ;; - (Observe τ) ;; - ⋆ ;; - (Base Symbol) (struct U (tys) #:transparent) (struct Struct (nm tys) #:transparent) (struct Observe (ty) #:transparent) (struct Mk⋆ () #:transparent) ;; TODO this might be a problem when used as a match pattern (define ⋆ (Mk⋆)) (struct Base (name) #:transparent) (define Int (Base 'Int)) (define String (Base 'String)) (define Bool (Base 'Bool)) (define Symbol (Base 'Symbol)) ;; a StructName is a Symbol ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Derived Types ;; τ (Listof EP) -> EP (define (During assertion eps) (define facet-name (gensym 'during-inner)) (Reacts (Know assertion) (Role facet-name (cons (Reacts (¬Know assertion) (Stop facet-name '())) eps)))) ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Examples (define manager (Role 'account-manager (list (Shares (Struct 'account (list Int))) (Reacts (Know (Struct 'deposit '())) '())))) (define client (Role 'client (list (Reacts (Know (Struct 'account (list Int))) '())))) ;; τ τ -> τ ;; short hand for creating a book quote struct type (define (book-quote ty1 ty2) (Struct 'BookQuoteT (list ty1 ty2))) ;; τ τ τ -> τ ;; short hand for creating a book quote interest type (define (book-interest ty1 ty2 ty3) (Struct 'BookInterestT (list ty1 ty2 ty3))) ;; τ -> τ ;; short hand for creating a book of the month type (define (book-of-the-month ty) (Struct 'BookOfTheMonthT (list ty))) ;; τ -> τ ;; short hand for creating a club member type (define (club-member ty) (Struct 'ClubMemberT (list ty))) (define seller (Role 'seller (list (Reacts (Know (Observe (book-quote String ⋆))) (Role 'fulfill (list (Shares (book-quote String Int)))))))) (define seller-actual (Role 'seller27 (list (Reacts (Know (Observe (book-quote String ⋆))) (Role 'during-inner29 (list (Shares (book-quote String (U (list Int Int)))) (Reacts (¬Know (Observe (book-quote String ⋆))) (Stop 'during-inner29 '())))))))) (define leader-spec (Role 'leader (list (Reacts (Know (book-quote String Int)) (Role 'poll (list (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (Branch (list (Stop 'leader (Role 'announce (list (Shares (book-of-the-month String))))) (Stop 'poll (list))))))))))) (define leader-actual (Role 'get-quotes (list (Reacts (Know (book-quote String Int)) (Branch (list ;; problem 1: spec doesn't say actor can give up when running out of books (Stop 'get-quotes '()) (Role 'poll-members (list (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String ⋆)) (Branch (list ;; problem 2: combining poll-members and get-quotes here (should be another branch) (Stop 'poll-members (Stop 'get-quotes '())) (Stop 'get-quotes (Role 'announce (list (Shares (book-of-the-month String)))))))) (Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))))))) (Reacts (¬Know (club-member String)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (club-member String)) (list))))) (define leader-fixed? (Role 'get-quotes (list (Reacts (Know (book-quote String Int)) (Branch (list (Role 'poll-members (list (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String ⋆)) (Branch (list (Stop 'poll-members '()) (Stop 'get-quotes (Role 'announce (list (Shares (book-of-the-month String)))))))) (Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))))))) (Reacts (¬Know (club-member String)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (club-member String)) (list))))) (define leader-revised (Role 'get-quotes (list (Reacts (Know (book-quote String Int)) (Branch (list (Branch (list (Stop 'get-quotes (list)) (list))) (Role 'poll-members (list (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String ⋆)) (list (Branch (list (Stop 'poll-members (Branch (list (Stop 'get-quotes (list)) (list)))) (list))) (Branch (list (Stop 'get-quotes (Role 'announce (list (Shares (book-of-the-month String))))) (list))))) (Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))))))) (Reacts (¬Know (club-member String)) (list)) (Reacts (Know (club-member String)) (list))))) (define member-spec (Role 'member (list (Shares (club-member String)) (Reacts (Know (Observe (book-interest String ⋆ ⋆))) (Role 'respond (list (Shares (book-interest String String Bool)))))))) (define member-actual (Role 'member41 (list (Shares (club-member String)) (Reacts (Know (Observe (book-interest String ⋆ ⋆))) (Role 'during-inner42 (list (Shares (book-interest String String Bool)) (Reacts (¬Know (Observe (book-interest String ⋆ ⋆))) ;; this bit is a noticeable deviation from the spec (Stop 'during-inner42 '())))))))) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Compiling Roles to state machines ;; a State is a (state StateName (Hashof D (Setof StateName))) ;; a StateName is a (Setof FacetName) ;; let's assume that all FacetNames are unique ;; ok, this is also ignoring Spawn actions for now, would show up in the transitions hash (struct state (name transitions) #:transparent) ;; a FacetTree is a ;; (facet-tree (Hashof (U #f FacetName) (Listof FacetName)) ;; (Hashof FacetName (U #f FacetName))) ;; describing the potential immediate children of each facet ;; and each facet's parent. The parent of the root facet is #f. (struct facet-tree (down up) #:transparent) ;; a RoleGraph is a ;; (role-graph StateName (Hashof StateName State)) ;; describing the initial state and the behavior in each state. (struct role-graph (st0 states) #:transparent) ;; Role -> RoleGraph ;; in each state, the transitions will include the reactions of the parent ;; facet(s) (define (compile role) (define roles# (describe-roles role)) (define ft (make-facet-tree role)) (let loop ([work-list (list (set (Role-nm role)))] [states (hash)]) (match work-list [(cons current more) (define all-txns (for/list ([nm (in-set current)]) (hash-ref roles# nm))) (define agg-txn (for/fold ([agg (hash)]) ([txns (in-list all-txns)]) (hash-union agg txns #:combine combine-effect-sets))) (define transitions (for/hash ([(D effs) (in-hash agg-txn)]) ;; TODO - may want to remove self loops here (define destinations (for/set ([eff* (in-set effs)]) (apply-effects eff* current ft))) (values D destinations))) (define new-work (for*/list ([st-set (in-hash-values transitions)] [st (in-set st-set)] #:unless (equal? st current) #:unless (hash-has-key? states st)) st)) (loop (append more new-work) (hash-set states current (state current transitions)))] ['() (role-graph (set (Role-nm role)) states)]))) (module+ test (test-case "compile seller" (define rg (compile seller)) (check-true (role-graph? rg)) (match-define (role-graph sn0 seller#) rg) (check-equal? sn0 (set 'seller)) (check-true (hash-has-key? seller# (set 'seller))) (check-true (hash-has-key? seller# (set 'seller 'fulfill))) (check-equal? (hash-keys seller#) (list (set 'seller 'fulfill) (set 'seller))) (define st0 (hash-ref seller# (set 'seller))) (define transitions (state-transitions st0)) (define quote-request (Observe (book-quote String ⋆))) (check-true (hash-has-key? transitions (Know quote-request))) (check-equal? (hash-ref transitions (Know quote-request)) (set (set 'seller 'fulfill)))) (test-case "compile role that quits" (define r (Role 'x (list (Reacts (Know Int) (Stop 'x '()))))) (define rg (compile r)) (check-true (role-graph? rg)) (match-define (role-graph sn0 state#) rg) (check-equal? sn0 (set 'x)) (check-true (hash-has-key? state# (set))) (check-true (hash-has-key? state# (set 'x))) (define state0 (hash-ref state# (set 'x))) (define transitions (state-transitions state0)) (check-true (hash-has-key? transitions (Know Int))) (check-equal? (hash-ref transitions (Know Int)) (set (set)))) (test-case "leader-revised should have a quote/poll cycle" (define rg (compile leader-revised)) (check-true (role-graph? rg)) (match-define (role-graph sn0 state#) rg) (check-true (hash? state#)) (check-true (hash-has-key? state# (set 'get-quotes))) (define gq-st (hash-ref state# (set 'get-quotes))) (check-true (state? gq-st)) (match-define (state _ gq-transitions) gq-st) (define bq (Know (book-quote String Int))) (check-true (hash? gq-transitions)) (check-true (hash-has-key? gq-transitions bq)) (define dests (hash-ref gq-transitions bq)) (check-true (set? dests)) (check-true (set-member? dests (set 'get-quotes 'poll-members))) (check-true (hash-has-key? state# (set 'get-quotes 'poll-members))) (define gqpm-st (hash-ref state# (set 'get-quotes 'poll-members))) (check-true (state? gqpm-st)) (match-define (state _ gqpm-transitions) gqpm-st) (define bi (Know (book-interest String String ⋆))) (check-true (hash? gqpm-transitions)) (check-true (hash-has-key? gqpm-transitions bi)) (define dests2 (hash-ref gqpm-transitions bi)) (check-true (set? dests2)) (check-true (set-member? dests2 (set 'get-quotes)))) (test-case "simplified poll should quit" (define poll/simpl (Role 'poll-members (list (Reacts (Know (book-interest String String ⋆)) (list (Branch (list (Stop 'poll-members (Branch (list (Stop 'get-quotes (list)) (list)))) (list)))))))) (define transition# (describe-role poll/simpl)) (check-true (hash? transition#)) (define bi (Know (book-interest String String ⋆))) (check-true (hash-has-key? transition# bi)) (define effs (hash-ref transition# bi)) (check-true (set? effs)) (check-true (set-member? effs (list (stop 'poll-members)))) ) (test-case "Body->effects of simplified poll" (define poll/simpl/body (Stop 'poll-members (Branch (list (Stop 'get-quotes (list)) (list))))) (define effs (Body->effects poll/simpl/body)) (check-true (set? effs)) (check-true (set-member? effs (list (stop 'poll-members) (stop 'get-quotes)))) (check-true (set-member? effs (list (stop 'poll-members))))) (test-case "Body->effects of even more simplified poll" (define poll/simpl/body/simpl (Branch (list (Stop 'get-quotes (list)) (list)))) (define effs (Body->effects poll/simpl/body/simpl)) (check-true (set? effs)) (check-equal? effs (set (list (stop 'get-quotes)) (list))))) ;; Role -> FacetTree (define (make-facet-tree role) (let loop (;; the work list contains pairs describing the immediate parent and a thing to analyze [work (list (cons #f role))] [downs (hash)] [ups (hash)]) (match work ['() (facet-tree downs ups)] [(cons (cons parent T) rest) (match T ;; TODO - handle Spawn [(Role nm eps) ;; record the parent/child relationship (define downs2 (hash-update downs parent ((curry cons) nm) (list))) (define downs3 (hash-set downs2 nm (list))) (define ups2 (hash-set ups nm parent)) (define more-work* (for/list ([ep (in-list eps)] #:when (Reacts? ep)) (match-define (Reacts _ body) ep) (map ((curry cons) nm) (Body->actions body)))) (loop (apply append rest more-work*) downs3 ups2)] [(Stop target body) (define new-parent (hash-ref ups target)) (define more-work (for/list ([k (in-list (Body->actions body))]) (cons new-parent k))) (loop (append rest more-work) downs ups)])]))) ;; Body -> (Listof T) ;; extract the list of all Role, Stop, and Spawn types from a Body (define (Body->actions body) (match body [(? list?) (apply append (map Body->actions body))] [(Branch arms) (apply append (map Body->actions arms))] [T (list T)])) (module+ test (test-case "Body->actions Branch" (define body (Branch (list (Stop 'leader (Role 'announce (list (Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month String))))) (Stop 'poll (list))))) (check-equal? (Body->actions body) (list (Stop 'leader (Role 'announce (list (Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month String))))) (Stop 'poll (list)))))) (module+ test (test-case "manager facet tree (one facet)" (define ft (make-facet-tree manager)) (check-true (facet-tree? ft)) (match-define (facet-tree downs ups) ft) (check-equal? (hash-ref downs #f) (list 'account-manager)) (check-equal? (hash-ref downs 'account-manager) (list)) (check-equal? (hash-ref ups 'account-manager) #f)) (test-case "seller facet tree (two facets)" (define ft (make-facet-tree seller)) (check-true (facet-tree? ft)) (match-define (facet-tree downs ups) ft) (check-equal? (hash-ref downs #f) (list 'seller)) (check-equal? (hash-ref downs 'seller) (list 'fulfill)) (check-equal? (hash-ref ups 'seller) #f) (check-equal? (hash-ref ups 'fulfill) 'seller) (test-case "leader-spec facet tree (stops facets)" (define ft (make-facet-tree leader-spec)) (check-true (facet-tree? ft)) (match-define (facet-tree downs ups) ft) (check-equal? (list->set (hash-ref downs #f)) (set 'leader 'announce)) (check-equal? (hash-ref downs 'leader) (list 'poll)) (check-equal? (hash-ref downs 'poll) (list)) (check-equal? (hash-ref downs 'announce) (list)) (check-equal? (hash-ref ups 'leader) #f) (check-equal? (hash-ref ups 'announce) #f) (check-equal? (hash-ref ups 'poll) 'leader)) )) ;; FacetName FacetName FacetTree -> Bool ;; determine if the first argument is a child*, or equal to, the second (define (ancestor? desc ansc ft) (cond [(equal? desc ansc) #t] [else (define parent (hash-ref (facet-tree-up ft) desc)) (and parent (ancestor? parent ansc ft))])) (module+ test (test-case "ancestors in leader-spec facet tree" (define ft (make-facet-tree leader-spec)) (check-true (ancestor? 'leader 'leader ft)) (check-true (ancestor? 'poll 'leader ft)) (check-false (ancestor? 'leader 'poll ft)) (check-false (ancestor? 'announce 'leader ft)))) ;; a RoleEffect is one of ;; - (start RoleName) ;; - (stop RoleName) ;; TODO - leaving out Spawn here (struct start (nm) #:transparent) (struct stop (nm) #:transparent) ;; a TransitionDesc is a (Hashof D (Setof (Listof RoleEffect)), describing the ;; possible ways an event (+/- of an assertion) can alter the facet tree ;; (Listof RoleEffect) StateName FacetTree -> StateName determine the state ;; resulting from some effects, given the currently active facets and a ;; description of possible facet locations. (define (apply-effects effs st ft) (for/fold ([st st]) ([eff (in-list effs)]) (match eff [(start nm) (set-add st nm)] [(stop nm) (for/set ([f-name (in-set st)] #:unless (ancestor? f-name nm ft)) f-name)]))) ;; Role -> (Hashof FacetName TransitionDesc) ;; Extract a description of all roles mentioned in a Role (define (describe-roles role) (define all-roles (enumerate-roles role)) (for/hash ([r (in-list all-roles)]) (define txn (describe-role r)) (values (Role-nm r) txn))) ;; T -> (Listof Role) ;; Find all nested role descriptions (define (enumerate-roles t) (match t [(Role _ eps) (define rs (for*/list ([ep (in-list eps)] #:when (Reacts? ep) [body (in-value (Reacts-body ep))] [act (in-list (Body->actions body))] [role (in-list (enumerate-roles act))]) role)) (cons t rs)] [(Stop _ body) (for*/list ([act (in-list (Body->actions body))] [role (in-list (enumerate-roles act))]) role)] [(Spawn _) (error)])) ;; Role -> TransitionDesc ;; determine how the event handlers in a role alter the facet tree (define (describe-role role) (match role [(Role nm eps) (for/fold ([txns (hash)]) ([ep (in-list eps)] #:when (Reacts? ep)) (match-define (Reacts evt body) ep) (define effects (Body->effects body)) (cond [(or (set-empty? effects) (equal? effects (set '()))) txns] [else (define (update-effect-set existing) (combine-effect-sets effects existing)) (hash-update txns evt update-effect-set (set))]))])) ;; (Setof (Listof X)) (Setof (Listof X)) -> (Setof (Listof X)) ;; two separately analyzed sets of effects may combine in any way (define (combine-effect-sets s1 s2) (cond [(set-empty? s1) s2] [(set-empty? s2) s1] [else (for*/set ([e1* (in-set s1)] [e2* (in-set s2)]) (append e1* e2*))])) (module+ test (test-case "describe simple role" (define desc (describe-roles manager)) (check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'account-manager)) (check-equal? (hash-ref desc 'account-manager) (hash))) (test-case "describe nested role" (define desc (describe-roles seller)) (check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'seller)) (check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'fulfill)) (check-equal? (hash-ref desc 'fulfill) (hash)) (define seller-txns (hash-ref desc 'seller)) (define quote-request (Observe (book-quote String ⋆))) (check-true (hash-has-key? seller-txns (Know quote-request))) (check-equal? (hash-ref seller-txns (Know quote-request)) (set (list (start 'fulfill))))) (test-case "describe-roles bug" (define role (Role 'poll (list (Reacts (Know Int) (Branch (list (Stop 'leader (Role 'announce (list (Shares Int)))) (Stop 'poll (list)))))))) (define desc (describe-roles role)) (check-true (hash? desc)) (check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'poll)) (define txns (hash-ref desc 'poll)) (check-true (hash-has-key? txns (Know Int))) (check-equal? (hash-ref txns (Know Int)) (set (list (stop 'leader) (start 'announce)) (list (stop 'poll))))) (test-case "leader-spec announce" (define desc (describe-roles leader-spec)) (check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'announce)) (check-equal? (hash-ref desc 'announce) (hash))) (test-case "leader-spec transitions from {leader,poll} to {leader}" (define desc (describe-roles leader-spec)) (check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'poll)) (define poll-txns (hash-ref desc 'poll)) (define evt (Know (book-interest String String Bool))) (check-true (hash-has-key? poll-txns evt)) (define effs (hash-ref poll-txns evt)) (check-true (set-member? effs (list (stop 'poll)))))) ;; Body -> (Setof (Listof RoleEffect)) (define (Body->effects body) (match body ['() (set)] [(cons b more) (define fst (Body->effects b)) (define later (Body->effects more)) (cond [(set-empty? fst) later] [(set-empty? later) fst] [else (for*/set ([f (in-set fst)] [l (in-set later)]) (append f l))])] [(Branch (list b ...)) (for/fold ([agg (set)]) ([b (in-list b)]) (define effs (Body->effects b)) ;; it's important to remember when "do nothing" is one of the alternatives of a branch (define effs++ (if (set-empty? effs) (set '()) effs)) (set-union agg effs++))] [(Role nm _) (set (list (start nm)))] [(Stop nm more) (define effects (Body->effects more)) (cond [(set-empty? effects) (set (list (stop nm)))] [else (for/set ([eff* (in-set effects)]) (cons (stop nm) eff*))])] [(Spawn _) (error)])) (module+ test (test-case "Body->effects" (check-equal? (Body->effects '()) (set)) (check-equal? (Body->effects (Branch '())) (set)) (check-equal? (Body->effects manager) (set (list (start 'account-manager)))) (check-equal? (Body->effects (list manager)) (set (list (start 'account-manager)))) (check-equal? (Body->effects (Branch (list manager))) (set (list (start 'account-manager)))) (check-equal? (Body->effects (list manager client)) (set (list (start 'account-manager) (start 'client)))) (check-equal? (Body->effects (Branch (list manager client))) (set (list (start 'account-manager)) (list (start 'client)))) (check-equal? (Body->effects (list manager (Branch (list client seller)))) (set (list (start 'account-manager) (start 'client)) (list (start 'account-manager) (start 'seller))))) (test-case "Body->effects bug?" (define body (Branch (list (Stop 'leader (Role 'announce (list (Shares Int)))) (Stop 'poll (list))))) (check-equal? (Body->effects body) (set (list (stop 'leader) (start 'announce)) (list (stop 'poll)))))) ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; "Simulation" ;; τ τ -> Bool ;; subtyping on basic types (define (<:? τ1 τ2) (cond [(eq? τ1 τ2) #t] [else (match (list τ1 τ2) [(list _ (== ⋆)) #t] [(list (Base t1) (Base t2)) (equal? t1 t2)] [(list (U τs) _) (for/and ([τ (in-list τs)]) (<:? τ τ2))] [(list _ (U τs)) (for/or ([τ (in-list τs)]) (<:? τ1 τ))] [(list (Observe τ11) (Observe τ22)) (<:? τ11 τ22)] [(list (Struct nm1 τs1) (Struct nm2 τs2)) (and (equal? nm1 nm2) (= (length τs1) (length τs2)) (for/and ([τ11 (in-list τs1)] [τ22 (in-list τs2)]) (<:? τ11 τ22)))] [_ #f])])) ;; D D -> Bool ;; subtyping lifted over event descriptions (define (D<:? D1 D2) (match (list D1 D2) [(list (Know τ1) (Know τ2)) (<:? τ1 τ2)] [(list (¬Know τ1) (¬Know τ2)) (<:? τ1 τ2)] [_ #f])) ;; Role -> (Setof τ) ;; Compute the set of assertions the role contributes (on its own, not ;; considering parent assertions) (define (role-assertions r) (for/set ([ep (in-list (Role-eps r))]) (match ep [(Shares τ) τ] [(Reacts evt _) ;; TODO - this doesn't put ⋆ in where an underlying pattern uses a capture (match evt [(Know τ) (Observe τ)] [(¬Know τ) (Observe τ)])]))) ;; an Equation is (equiv StateName StateName) ;; ;; a Goal is one of ;; - Equation ;; - (one-of (Setof StateMatch)) ;; ;; a StateMatch is a (Setof Equation) (struct equiv (a b) #:transparent) (struct one-of (opts) #:transparent) ;; (Setof StateName) (Setof StateName) -> (Setof (Setof Equation)) ;; Create potential state matchings ;; In each state matching, each element a of the first set (as) is ;; matched with an element b of bs, where each b has at least one state ;; matched with it. (define (make-combinations as bs) (define combos (make-combinations* as bs)) (define (all-bs? combo) (for/and ([b (in-set bs)]) (for/or ([eqn (in-set combo)]) (match-define (equiv _ bb) eqn) (equal? b bb)))) (for/set ([combo (in-set combos)] #:when (all-bs? combo)) combo)) ;; (Setof StateName) (Setof StateName) -> (Setof (Setof Equation)) ;; Like make-combinations, but don't enforce that each b occurs at ;; least once in each combination (define (make-combinations* as bs) (cond [(= (set-count as) 1) (for*/set ([a (in-value (set-first as))] [b (in-set bs)]) (set (equiv a b)))] [else (for*/fold ([agg (set)]) ([a (in-set as)] [b (in-set bs)]) (define combos (make-combinations* (set-remove as a) bs)) (define combos+ (for/set ([c (in-set combos)]) (set-add c (equiv a b)))) (set-union agg combos+))])) ;; Role Role -> Bool ;; determine if the first role acts suitably like the second role. ;; at all times, it is asserting a superset of the second's assertions ;; role1 ~ actual ;; role2 ~ spec (define (simulates? role1 role2) (match-define (role-graph st0-1 st#1) (compile role1)) (match-define (role-graph st0-2 st#2) (compile role2)) (define ft1 (make-facet-tree role1)) (define ft2 (make-facet-tree role2)) (define all-roles1 (enumerate-roles role1)) (define all-roles2 (enumerate-roles role2)) (define assertion#1 (for/hash ([role (in-list all-roles1)]) (values (Role-nm role) (role-assertions role)))) (define assertion#2 (for/hash ([role (in-list all-roles2)]) (values (Role-nm role) (role-assertions role)))) (define state-assertions1 (for/hash ([sn (in-hash-keys st#1)]) (values sn (for/fold ([assertions (set)]) ([facet-name (in-set sn)]) (set-union assertions (hash-ref assertion#1 facet-name (set))))))) (define state-assertions2 (for/hash ([sn (in-hash-keys st#2)]) (values sn (for/fold ([assertions (set)]) ([facet-name (in-set sn)]) (set-union assertions (hash-ref assertion#2 facet-name (set))))))) ;; Goal (Setof Equation) -> Bool (define (verify goal assumptions) (let/ec return (match goal [(equiv sn1 sn2) (when (set-member? assumptions goal) (return #t)) (define assertions1 (hash-ref state-assertions1 sn1)) (define assertions2 (hash-ref state-assertions2 sn2)) (define superset? (for/and ([assertion2 (in-set assertions2)]) (for/or ([assertion1 (in-set assertions1)]) (<:? assertion1 assertion2)))) (unless superset? (return #f)) (define transitions1 (state-transitions (hash-ref st#1 sn1))) (define transitions2 (state-transitions (hash-ref st#2 sn2))) (define evts1 (hash-keys transitions1)) (define evts2 (hash-keys transitions2)) (define same-on-specified-events? (for/and ([(D dests2) (in-hash transitions2)]) (define dests1 (for/fold ([agg (set)]) ([(D1 dests) (in-hash transitions1)] #:when (D<:? D D1)) (set-union agg dests))) (unless dests1 (return #f)) (define combos (make-combinations dests1 dests2)) (verify (one-of combos) (set-add assumptions goal)))) (unless same-on-specified-events? (return #f)) (define extra-evts (for/set ([evt1 (in-list evts1)] #:unless (for/or ([evt2 (in-list evts2)]) (D<:? evt2 evt1))) evt1)) (define same-on-extra-evts? (for*/and ([evt (in-set extra-evts)] [dest (in-set (hash-ref transitions1 evt))]) (verify (equiv dest sn2) (set-add assumptions goal)))) same-on-extra-evts?] [(one-of matchings) (for/or ([matching (in-set matchings)]) (for/and ([goal (in-set matching)]) (define hypotheses (set-remove matching goal)) (verify goal (set-union hypotheses assumptions))))]))) (verify (equiv st0-1 st0-2) (set))) (module+ test (test-case "simplest simul" (define r (Role 'x (list))) (check-true (simulates? r r))) (test-case "identity simulation" (check-true (simulates? manager manager)) (check-true (simulates? client client)) (check-true (simulates? seller seller))) (test-case "simulation isn't vacuous" (check-false (simulates? manager client)) (check-false (simulates? client manager)) (check-false (simulates? manager seller)) (check-false (simulates? seller manager)) (check-false (simulates? client seller)) (check-false (simulates? seller client))) (test-case "leader-spec identity simulation" (check-true (simulates? leader-spec leader-spec))) (test-case "things aren't quite right with leader-actual" (check-false (simulates? leader-actual leader-spec)) (check-true (simulates? leader-fixed? leader-spec))) (test-case "things aren't quite right with leader-revised" (check-false (simulates? leader-revised leader-spec))) (test-case "things aren't quite right with member role" (check-false (simulates? member-actual member-spec)) (define member-actual/revised (Role 'member41 (list (Shares (club-member String)) (Reacts (Know (Observe (book-interest String ⋆ ⋆))) (Role 'during-inner42 (list (Shares (book-interest String String Bool)) (Reacts (¬Know (Observe (book-interest String ⋆ ⋆))) ;; removed (Stop 'during-inner42 '()) here '()))))))) (check-true (simulates? member-actual/revised member-spec))) (test-case "things aren't quite right with seller role" (check-false (simulates? seller-actual seller)) (define seller-spec/revised (Role 'seller ;; change body to a During (list (During (Observe (book-quote String ⋆)) (list (Shares (book-quote String Int))))))) (check-true (simulates? seller-actual seller-spec/revised)))) ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Visualization (module+ vis ;; TODO - for now, assume there are no names that need escaping ;; RoleGraph -> DotString ;; name is an optional string ;; translate the states to DOT that can be passed to graphviz (define (render rg #:name [name #f]) (match-define (role-graph st0 st#) rg) (define graph-name (or name "Roles")) (define entry-node (format "~a;" (state-name->dot-name st0))) (define edges (for/list ([(sn st) (in-hash st#)]) (define dot-name (state-name->dot-name sn)) (define txns (state-transitions st)) (define dot-edges (for*/list ([(D targets) (in-hash txns)] [target (in-set targets)]) (render-edge dot-name D target))) (string-join dot-edges "\n"))) (string-join (cons entry-node edges) "\n" #:before-first (format "digraph ~a {\n" graph-name) #:after-last "\n}")) ;; RoleGraph PathString -> DotString ;; Like render but write the output to a file (define (render-to-file rg dest #:name [name #f]) (with-output-to-file dest (lambda () (write-string (render rg #:name name))) #:exists 'replace)) ;; StateName -> String (define (state-name->dot-name sn) (define nms (for/list ([nm (in-set sn)]) (~a nm))) (string-join nms "," #:before-first "\"{" #:after-last "}\"")) ;; String D StateName -> DotString ;; describe an edge between the states with the corresponding label (define (render-edge from evt to) (define target-dot (state-name->dot-name to)) (define edge-label (D->label evt)) (format "~a -> ~a [label=\"~a\"];" from target-dot edge-label)) ;; D -> DotString ;; give a description of an event suitable for rendering (define (D->label evt) (match evt [(Know τ) (string-append "+" (τ->string τ))] [(¬Know τ) (string-append "-" (τ->string τ))])) ;; - (U (Listof τ)) ;; - (Struct StructName (Listof τ ...)) ;; - (Observe τ) ;; - ⋆ ;; - Int ;; - String ;; τ -> String (define (τ->string τ) (match τ [(Base name) (symbol->string name)] [(== ⋆) "⋆"] [(Observe τ2) (string-append "?" (τ->string τ2))] [(Struct nm τs) (define slots (string-join (map τ->string τs) " ")) (string-append "(" (~a nm) (if (empty? slots) "" " ") slots ")")] [(U τs) (define slots (string-join (map τ->string τs) " ")) (string-append "(U" slots ")")])) ) ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Flink Examples (define job-manager-actual '(Role (jm89) (Shares (JobManagerAlive)) (Reacts (Know (Job (Bind Symbol) (Bind (List- InputTask)))) (Role (during-inner97) (Reacts OnDataflow (Role (perform114) (Reacts OnStart (Role (this-facet123) (Reacts OnDataflow (Branch (Effs (Branch (Effs (Role (this-facet120) (Shares (TaskAssignment ID Symbol ConcreteTask)) (Reacts (Know (TaskState ID Symbol Int (Bind (U* (Finished TaskResult) Symbol)))) (Branch (Effs) (Effs) (Effs (Stop this-facet)) ;; TODO - why is there a ρ here? (Effs (Stop perform ρ)))) (Reacts OnStart (Role (take-slot121) (Reacts (Know (TaskState ID Symbol Int Discard)) (Stop take-slot)))) (Reacts (¬Know (TaskManager ID Discard)) (Stop this-facet)))) (Effs))) (Effs))))) (Reacts OnStop) (Reacts OnStart))) (Reacts (¬Know (Job Symbol (List- InputTask))) (Stop during-inner)))) (Reacts (¬Know (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int)))) (Reacts (Know (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int)))))) ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Converting types from the turnstile implementation ;; QuotedType -> T (define (parse-T ty) (match ty [(list 'Role (list name) eps ...) (define parsed-eps (map parse-EP eps)) (Role name parsed-eps)] [(list 'Spawn t) (Spawn (parse-T t))] [(list 'Stop name body ...) (define bdy (if (= (length body) 1) (first body) body)) (Stop name (parse-Body bdy))] )) ;; Sexp -> EP (define (parse-EP ep) (match ep [(list 'Shares ty) (define parsed-ty (parse-τ ty)) (Shares parsed-ty)] [(list 'Reacts D b ...) (define bdy (if (= (length b) 1) (first b) (cons 'Effs b))) (Reacts (parse-D D) (parse-Body bdy))])) (define (parse-Body b) (match b [(list 'Branch bs ...) (Branch (map parse-Body bs))] [(list 'Effs bs ...) (list (map parse-Body bs))] [(list) (list)] [_ (parse-T b)])) (define (parse-D d) (match d [(list 'Know t) (Know (parse-τ t))] [(list '¬Know t) (¬Know (parse-τ t))])) ;; Sexp -> τ (define (parse-τ ty) (match ty [(list 'Observe t) (Observe (parse-τ t))] ['★/t ⋆] [(list (or 'U* 'U) t ...) (U (map parse-τ t))] [(list 'Bind t) ;; TODO : questionable (parse-τ t)] ['Discard ⋆] [(list struct-name tys ...) (Struct struct-name (map parse-τ tys))] [(? symbol?) (Base ty)]) ) (module+ test (check-equal? (parse-T '(Stop during-inner)) (Stop 'during-inner (list))) (test-case "real seller type" (check-true (Role? (parse-T real-seller-ty)))) (test-case "Stop with a single continuation effect" (check-true (Stop? (parse-T '(Stop poll-members (Branch (Effs (Stop get-quotes)) (Effs))))))) (test-case "parsed types are the same as my manual conversions" (check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-seller-ty) seller-actual)) (check-true (simulates? seller-actual (parse-T real-seller-ty))) (check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-member-ty) member-actual)) (check-true (simulates? member-actual (parse-T real-member-ty))) (check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-leader-ty) leader-actual)) ;; interestingly, this doesn't work because leader-actual is less precise ;; than real-leader-ty (I don't remember how leader-actual lost that ;; precision) #;(check-true (simulates? leader-actual (parse-T real-leader-ty))) (check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-leader-ty) leader-revised)) (check-true (simulates? leader-revised (parse-T real-leader-ty))))) (define real-seller-ty '(Role (seller) (Reacts (Know (Observe (BookQuoteT (Bind String) Discard))) (Role (during-inner) (Shares (BookQuoteT String Int)) (Reacts (¬Know (Observe (BookQuoteT String Discard))) (Stop during-inner)))))) (define real-member-ty '(Role (member) (Shares (ClubMemberT String)) (Reacts (Know (Observe (BookInterestT (Bind String) Discard Discard))) (Role (during-inner) (Shares (BookInterestT String String Bool)) (Reacts (¬Know (Observe (BookInterestT String Discard Discard))) (Stop during-inner)))))) (define real-leader-ty '(Role (get-quotes) (Reacts (Know (BookQuoteT String (Bind Int))) (Branch (Effs (Branch (Effs (Stop get-quotes)) (Effs))) (Effs (Role (poll-members) (Reacts (Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Discard)) (Branch (Effs (Stop poll-members (Branch (Effs (Stop get-quotes)) (Effs)))) (Effs)) (Branch (Effs (Stop get-quotes (Role (announce) (Shares (BookOfTheMonthT String))))) (Effs))) (Reacts (¬Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool))) (Reacts (Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool))) (Reacts (¬Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool))) (Reacts (Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool))))))) (Reacts (¬Know (ClubMemberT (Bind String)))) (Reacts (Know (ClubMemberT (Bind String))))))