#lang racket/base ;; HLL pattern analysis & processing (provide (for-syntax analyze-pattern) (struct-out predicate-match) match-value/captures ? ) (require (for-syntax racket/base)) (require (for-syntax racket/match)) (require (for-syntax syntax/parse)) (require racket/match) (require "support/struct.rkt") (require "treap.rkt") (require "core.rkt") (require auxiliary-macro-context) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-auxiliary-macro-context #:context-name assertion-expander #:prop-name prop:assertion-expander #:prop-predicate-name assertion-expander? #:prop-accessor-name assertion-expander-proc #:macro-definer-name define-assertion-expander #:introducer-parameter-name current-assertion-expander-introducer #:local-introduce-name syntax-local-assertion-expander-introduce #:expander-id-predicate-name assertion-expander-id? #:expander-transform-name assertion-expander-transform) (provide (for-syntax prop:assertion-expander assertion-expander? assertion-expander-proc syntax-local-assertion-expander-introduce assertion-expander-id? assertion-expander-transform) define-assertion-expander) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (struct predicate-match (predicate sub-pattern) #:transparent) ;; Value Projection -> (Option (Listof Value)) ;; Match a single value against a projection, returning a list of ;; captured values. (define (match-value/captures v p) (define (walk v p captures-rev) (match* (v p) [(_ (capture sub)) (match (walk v sub '()) [#f #f] [nested-captures-rev (append nested-captures-rev (list v) captures-rev)])] [(_ (predicate-match pred? sub)) #:when (pred? v) (walk v sub captures-rev)] [((== ?) _) captures-rev] [(_ (== ?)) captures-rev] [((cons v1 v2) (cons p1 p2)) (match (walk v1 p1 captures-rev) [#f #f] [c (walk v2 p2 c)])] [((? vector? v) (? vector? p)) #:when (= (vector-length v) (vector-length p)) (define limit (vector-length v)) (do ((c captures-rev (walk (vector-ref v i) (vector-ref p i) c)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((or (= i limit) (not c)) c))] [(_ _) #:when (or (treap? v) (treap? p)) (error 'match-value/captures "Cannot match on treaps at present")] [((? non-object-struct?) (? non-object-struct?)) #:when (eq? (struct->struct-type v) (struct->struct-type p)) (walk (struct->vector v) (struct->vector p) captures-rev)] [(_ _) #:when (equal? v p) captures-rev] [(_ _) #f])) (define captures-rev (walk v p '())) (and captures-rev (reverse captures-rev))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-for-syntax orig-insp (variable-reference->module-declaration-inspector (#%variable-reference))) (begin-for-syntax (define (dollar-id? stx) (and (identifier? stx) (char=? (string-ref (symbol->string (syntax-e stx)) 0) #\$))) (define (undollar stx) (and (dollar-id? stx) (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol (substring (symbol->string (syntax-e stx)) 1))))) (define (is-message-pattern? outer-expr-stx) (syntax-parse outer-expr-stx #:literals [message] [(message _ ...) '#t] [_ #f])) ;; Syntax -> (Values Projection AssertionSetPattern (ListOf Identifier) Syntax) (define (analyze-pattern outer-expr-stx pat-stx0) (let walk ((armed-pat-stx pat-stx0)) (define pat-stx (syntax-disarm armed-pat-stx orig-insp)) (syntax-case pat-stx ($ ? quasiquote unquote quote) ;; Extremely limited support for quasiquoting and quoting [(quasiquote (unquote p)) (walk #'p)] [(quasiquote (p ...)) (walk #'(list (quasiquote p) ...))] [(quasiquote p) (values #''p #''p '() #''p)] [(quote p) (values #''p #''p '() #''p)] [$v (dollar-id? #'$v) (with-syntax [(v (undollar #'$v))] (values #'(?!) #'? (list #'v) #'v))] [($ v p) (let () (define-values (pr g bs _ins) (walk #'p)) (when (and (not (null? bs)) (not (is-message-pattern? outer-expr-stx))) (raise-syntax-error #f "Nested bindings only supported in message events" outer-expr-stx pat-stx)) (values #`(?! #,pr) g (cons #'v bs) #'v))] [(? pred? p) ;; TODO: support pred? in asserted/retracted as well as message events (let () (when (not (is-message-pattern? outer-expr-stx)) (raise-syntax-error #f "Predicate '?' matching only supported in message events" outer-expr-stx pat-stx)) (define-values (pr g bs ins) (walk #'p)) (values #`(predicate-match pred? #,pr) g bs ins))] [(expander args ...) (assertion-expander-id? #'expander) (assertion-expander-transform pat-stx (lambda (r) (walk (syntax-rearm r pat-stx))))] [(ctor p ...) (let () (define parts (if (identifier? #'ctor) #'(p ...) #'(ctor p ...))) (define-values (pr g bs ins) (for/fold [(pr '()) (g '()) (bs '()) (ins '())] [(p (syntax->list parts))] (define-values (pr1 g1 bs1 ins1) (walk p)) (values (cons pr1 pr) (cons g1 g) (append bs bs1) (cons ins1 ins)))) (if (identifier? #'ctor) (values (cons #'ctor (reverse pr)) (cons #'ctor (reverse g)) bs (cons #'ctor (reverse ins))) (values (reverse pr) (reverse g) bs (reverse ins))))] [? (raise-syntax-error #f "Invalid use of '?' in pattern; use '_' instead" outer-expr-stx pat-stx)] [non-pair (if (and (identifier? #'non-pair) (free-identifier=? #'non-pair #'_)) (values #'? #'? '() #'?) (values #'non-pair #'non-pair '() #'non-pair))])))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (module+ test (require rackunit) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)) '()) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 1 2 3) (list 1 22 3)) #f) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 1 2 3) (list (?!) (?!) (?!))) (list 1 2 3)) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 1 2 3) (list (?!) 2 (?!))) (list 1 3)) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 1 2 3) (list (?!) ? (?!))) (list 1 3)) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 1 2 3) (list (?!) (?! 2) (?!))) (list 1 2 3)) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 1 2 3) (list (?!) (?! 22) (?!))) #f) (struct x (a b) #:prefab) (struct y (z w) #:prefab) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (x 1 2) (x 1 2)) '()) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (x 1 22) (x 1 2)) #f) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (x 1 2) (x 1 22)) #f) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (x 1 2) (?! (x ? ?))) (list (x 1 2))) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (x 1 2) (?! (x ? 2))) (list (x 1 2))) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (x 1 2) (?! (x ? 22))) #f) (check-equal? (match-value/captures 123 (predicate-match even? ?)) #f) (check-equal? (match-value/captures 124 (predicate-match even? ?)) '()) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 123) (list (predicate-match even? ?))) #f) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 124) (list (predicate-match even? ?))) '()) (check-equal? (match-value/captures (list 124) (?! (list (predicate-match even? ?)))) '((124))))