#lang racket/base (provide (struct-out ip-packet) (struct-out ip-interface) ip-address->hostname broadcast-ip-address spawn-ip-driver) (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require minimart) (require minimart/drivers/timer) (require minimart/demand-matcher) (require bitsyntax) (require "dump-bytes.rkt") (require "checksum.rkt") (require "ethernet.rkt") (require "arp.rkt") (struct ip-packet (source destination protocol options body) #:prefab) ;; TODO: more fields (struct ip-interface (address ethernet) #:prefab) (define IPv4-ethertype #x0800) (define IP-VERSION 4) (define IP-MINIMUM-HEADER-LENGTH 5) (define PROTOCOL-ICMP 1) ;; (define PROTOCOL-TCP 6) ;; (define PROTOCOL-UDP 17) (define default-ttl 64) (define (ip-address->hostname bs) (bit-string-case bs ([ a b c d ] (format "~a.~a.~a.~a" a b c d)))) (define broadcast-ip-address (bytes 255 255 255 255)) (struct state (hwaddr) #:transparent) (define (spawn-ip-driver interface-name my-address) (define (analyze-incoming-packet body s) ;; (log-info "IP ~a got body ~a" (pretty-bytes my-address) (pretty-bytes body)) (bit-string-case body ([ (= IP-VERSION :: bits 4) (header-length :: bits 4) service-type (total-length :: bits 16) (id :: bits 16) (flags :: bits 3) (fragment-offset :: bits 13) ttl protocol (header-checksum :: bits 16) ;; TODO: check checksum (source-ip0 :: binary bits 32) (destination-ip0 :: binary bits 32) (rest :: binary) ] (let ((source-ip (bit-string->bytes source-ip0)) (destination-ip (bit-string->bytes destination-ip0)) (options-length (* 4 (- header-length IP-MINIMUM-HEADER-LENGTH)))) (if (and (not (equal? source-ip my-address)) (or (equal? destination-ip my-address) (equal? destination-ip broadcast-ip-address)) (>= header-length 5) (>= (bit-string-byte-count body) (* header-length 4))) (bit-string-case rest ([ (opts :: binary bytes options-length) (data :: binary) ] (transition s (send (ip-packet (bit-string->bytes source-ip) (bit-string->bytes destination-ip) protocol (bit-string->bytes opts) (bit-string->bytes data)))))) #f))) (else #f))) (define (analyze-gestalt g s) (define hwaddr (gestalt->hwaddr g interface-name)) (define new-s (struct-copy state s [hwaddr hwaddr])) (transition new-s (routing-update (compute-gestalt new-s)))) (define (compute-gestalt s) (gestalt-union (pub (arp-assertion IPv4-ethertype my-address)) (sub (ethernet-packet-pattern interface-name #t IPv4-ethertype)) (sub (ethernet-packet-pattern interface-name #t IPv4-ethertype) #:level 1) (pub (ethernet-packet-pattern interface-name #f IPv4-ethertype)) (sub (ip-packet my-address ? ? ? ?)) (pub (ip-packet ? my-address ? ? ?)) (if (state-hwaddr s) (pub (ip-interface my-address (ethernet-interface interface-name (state-hwaddr s)))) (gestalt-empty)))) (list (spawn-icmp-driver my-address) (let ((state0 (state #f))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(routing-update g) (analyze-gestalt g s)] [(message (ethernet-packet _ _ _ _ _ body) _ _) (analyze-incoming-packet body s)] [(message (ip-packet _ peer-address protocol options body) _ _) (define header-length ;; TODO: ensure options is a multiple of 4 bytes (+ IP-MINIMUM-HEADER-LENGTH (quotient (bit-string-byte-count options) 4))) (define header0 (bit-string (IP-VERSION :: bits 4) (header-length :: bits 4) 0 ;; TODO: service type ((+ (* header-length 4) (bit-string-byte-count body)) :: bits 16) (0 :: bits 16) ;; TODO: identifier (0 :: bits 3) ;; TODO: flags (0 :: bits 13) ;; TODO: fragments default-ttl protocol (0 :: bits 16) (my-address :: binary bits 32) (peer-address :: binary bits 32) (options :: binary))) (define full-packet (bit-string ((ip-checksum 10 header0) :: binary) (body :: binary))) (transition s (spawn-packet-sender interface-name (state-hwaddr s) peer-address full-packet))] [_ #f])) state0 (compute-gestalt state0))))) (define arp-result-projection (compile-gestalt-projection (arp-query ? ? (?!)))) (define (spawn-packet-sender interface-name local-hwaddr remote-ip full-packet) (define timer-id (list (gensym 'packet) remote-ip)) (list (send (set-timer timer-id 5000 'relative)) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(routing-update g) (define all-results (matcher-key-set/single (gestalt-project g 0 0 #t arp-result-projection))) (match all-results [#f (error 'ip "Someone has published a wildcard arp result")] [(? set-empty?) #f] ;; no results yet, keep waiting [_ (define remote-hwaddr (set-first all-results)) (unless (= 1 (set-count all-results)) (log-warning "Ambiguous arp result for ~a: ~v" (ip-address->hostname remote-ip) all-results)) (transition s (list (send (ethernet-packet (ethernet-interface interface-name local-hwaddr) #f local-hwaddr remote-hwaddr IPv4-ethertype full-packet)) (quit)))])] [(message (timer-expired _ _) _ _) (log-warning "ARP lookup failed, packet dropped") (transition s (quit))] [_ #f])) (void) (gestalt-union (sub (timer-expired timer-id ?)) (sub (arp-query IPv4-ethertype remote-ip ?) #:level 1))))) (define (spawn-icmp-driver my-address) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(message (ip-packet peer-address _ _ _ body) _ _) (bit-string-case body ([ type code (checksum :: integer bytes 2) (rest :: binary) ] ;; TODO: check cksum (case type [(8) ;; ECHO (0 is ECHO-REPLY) (log-info "Ping of ~a from ~a" (pretty-bytes my-address) (pretty-bytes peer-address)) (define reply-data0 (bit-string 0 code (0 :: integer bytes 2) ;; TODO (rest :: binary))) (transition s (send (ip-packet my-address peer-address PROTOCOL-ICMP #"" (ip-checksum 2 reply-data0))))] [else (log-info "ICMP ~a/~a (cksum ~a) to ~a from ~a:\n~a" type code checksum (pretty-bytes my-address) (pretty-bytes peer-address) (dump-bytes->string rest)) #f])) (else #f))] [_ #f])) (void) (gestalt-union (pub (ip-packet my-address ? PROTOCOL-ICMP ? ?)) (sub (ip-packet ? my-address PROTOCOL-ICMP ? ?)))))