#lang prospect (require racket/set) (require "../route.rkt") (require "../demand-matcher.rkt") (require "../drivers/timer.rkt") (spawn-timer-driver) (spawn (lambda (e old-count) (match e [(? patch?) (define-values (in out) (patch-project/set e (compile-projection `(parent ,(?!) ,(?!))))) (define new-count (+ old-count (set-count in) (- (set-count out)))) (printf "New parent-record count: ~v\n" new-count) (transition new-count (list (retract `(parent-count ,?)) (assert `(parent-count ,new-count))))] [_ #f])) 0 (sub `(parent ,? ,?)) (assert `(parent-count 0))) (define (insert-record record . monitors) (printf "Record ~v inserted, depending on ~v\n" record monitors) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch/removed?) (printf "Retracting ~v because dependencies ~v vanished\n" record (set->list (matcher-project/set (patch-removed e) (compile-projection (?!))))) (quit)] [(message `(retract ,(== record))) (printf "Retracting ~v because we were told to explicitly\n" record) (quit)] [_ #f])) (void) (assert record) (sub `(retract ,record)) (patch-seq* (map sub monitors)))) (insert-record `(parent john douglas)) (insert-record `(parent bob john)) (insert-record `(parent ebbon bob)) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch?) (transition s (for/list [(AB (matcher-project/set (patch-added e) (compile-projection `(parent ,(?!) ,(?!)))))] (match-define (list A B) AB) (insert-record `(ancestor ,A ,B) `(parent ,A ,B))))] [_ #f])) (void) (sub `(parent ,? ,?))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (match e [(? patch?) (transition s (for/list [(AC (matcher-project/set (patch-added e) (compile-projection `(parent ,(?!) ,(?!)))))] (match-define (list A C) AC) (printf "Inductive step for ~v asserted\n" `(parent ,A ,C)) (spawn (lambda (e s) (define removed-parents (and (patch? e) (matcher-project (patch-removed e) (compile-projection `(parent ,(?!) ,(?!)))))) (if (matcher-non-empty? removed-parents) (begin (printf "Inductive step for ~v retracted because of removal ~v\n" `(parent ,A ,C) (matcher-key-set removed-parents)) (quit)) (and (patch? e) (transition s (for/list [(CB (matcher-project/set (patch-added e) (compile-projection `(ancestor ,(?!) ,(?!)))))] (match-define (list _ B) CB) (insert-record `(ancestor ,A ,B) `(parent ,A ,C) `(ancestor ,C ,B))))))) (void) (sub `(parent ,A ,C)) (sub `(ancestor ,C ,?)))))] [_ #f])) (void) (sub `(parent ,? ,?))) ;;;; Backward-chaining, below, doesn't quite work as formulated with ;;;; this code snippet: the demand-matcher gets confused by wildcard ;;;; demand from the recursive step. One way out of this might be to ;;;; avoid patterns quantifying over more than one place at once: to ;;;; have a process for *all* potential ancestor-queries for a given ;;;; person, rather than one for each *specific* ancestor-query. ;; ;; (spawn-demand-matcher (observe `(ancestor ,(?!) ,(?!))) ;; (advertise `(ancestor ,(?!) ,(?!))) ;; (lambda (A B) ;; (spawn (lambda (e old-facts) ;; (match e ;; [(? patch/removed?) (quit)] ;; [(? patch?) ;; (define new-facts (matcher-union old-facts (patch-added e))) ;; (define triples (matcher-project/set new-facts ;; (compile-projection ;; `(,(?!) ,(?!) ,(?!))))) ;; (printf "Learned new facts: ~v\n" triples) ;; (transition new-facts ;; (when (or (set-member? triples `(parent ,A ,B)) ;; (for/or ((triple triples)) ;; (match triple ;; [`(ancestor ,C ,(== B)) ;; (set-member? triples `(parent ,A ,C))] ;; [_ #f]))) ;; (printf "... and as a result, asserting ~v\n" ;; `(ancestor ,A ,B)) ;; (assert `(ancestor ,A ,B))))] ;; [_ #f])) ;; (matcher-empty) ;; (sub `(parent ,A ,B)) ;; (sub `(parent ,A ,?)) ;; (sub `(ancestor ,? ,B)) ;; (pub `(ancestor ,A ,B))))) (spawn (lambda (e s) (when (patch? e) (pretty-print-patch e)) #f) (void) (sub `(ancestor ebbon douglas))) (define (after msec thunk) (define id (gensym 'after)) (if (zero? msec) (thunk) (list (spawn (lambda (e s) (and (message? e) (quit (thunk)))) (void) (sub (timer-expired id ?))) (message (set-timer id msec 'relative))))) (define use-delays? #t) (after (if use-delays? 1000 0) (lambda () (printf "----- Retracting\n") (message `(retract (parent bob john))))) (after (if use-delays? 2000 0) (lambda () (printf "----- Asserting\n") (list (insert-record `(parent bob mary)) (insert-record `(parent mary sue)) (insert-record `(parent sue john)))))