#lang racket/base (provide trace-logger trace-pid-stack call-in-trace-context trace-process-step trace-process-step-result trace-internal-action trace-internal-action-result exn->string ;; required from web-server/private/util string-indent indented-port-output) (require (only-in web-server/private/util exn->string)) (require (only-in racket/string string-join string-split)) (define trace-logger (make-logger 'minimart-trace)) ;; (Parameterof (Listof PID)) ;; Path to the active leaf in the process tree. The car end is the ;; leaf; the cdr end, the root. Used for debugging and tracing purposes. (define trace-pid-stack (make-parameter '())) ;; PID (-> Any) -> Any ;; Pushes pid on trace-pid-stack for the duration of the call to thunk. (define (call-in-trace-context pid thunk) (parameterize ((trace-pid-stack (cons pid (trace-pid-stack)))) (thunk))) (define-syntax-rule (record-trace-event name r) (when (log-level? trace-logger 'info) (log-message trace-logger 'info name "" r #f))) (define (cons-pid pid) (if pid (cons pid (trace-pid-stack)) (trace-pid-stack))) ;; Event (Option PID) Process -> Void (define (trace-process-step e pid beh st) (record-trace-event 'process-step (list (cons-pid pid) e beh st))) ;; Event (Option PID) Process (Option Exception) (Option Transition) -> Void (define (trace-process-step-result e pid beh st exn t) (when exn (log-error "Process ~a died with exception:\n~a" (cons-pid pid) (exn->string exn))) (record-trace-event 'process-step-result (list (cons-pid pid) e beh st exn t))) ;; (Option PID) Action World -> Void (define (trace-internal-action pid a w) (record-trace-event 'internal-action (list (cons-pid pid) a w))) ;; (Option PID) Action World Transition -> Void (define (trace-internal-action-result pid a w t) (record-trace-event 'internal-action-result (list (cons-pid pid) a w t))) (define (string-indent amount s) (define pad (make-string amount #\space)) (string-join (for/list [(line (string-split s "\n"))] (string-append pad line)) "\n")) (define (indented-port-output amount f) (define p (open-output-string)) (f p) (string-indent amount (get-output-string p)))