#lang racket/base ;; Continuation-mark-based explicitly-scoped stores (provide (struct-out store) make-store with-store store-box store-ref store-set!) (struct store (mark-key) #:property prop:procedure (case-lambda [(s) (store-ref s)] [(s v) (store-set! s v)])) (define (make-store) (store (make-continuation-mark-key (gensym 'store)))) (define (store-box s) (or (continuation-mark-set-first #f (store-mark-key s)) (error 'store-box "Attempt to access store that is not currently in scope"))) (define (store-ref s) (unbox (store-box s))) (define (store-set! s v) (set-box! (store-box s) v)) (define-syntax with-store (syntax-rules () [(_ [] body ...) (let () body ...)] [(_ [(st initial-val) more ...] body ...) (let ((s st)) (with-continuation-mark (store-mark-key s) (box initial-val) (with-store [more ...] body ...)))])) (module+ test (require rackunit) (define p (make-parameter 123)) (define t (make-continuation-prompt-tag 'store-test)) (define s1 (make-store)) (define s2 (make-store)) (with-store [(s1 's1)] (check-equal? (s1) 's1) (s1 'b) (check-equal? (s1) 'b)) (with-store [(s1 's1) (s2 's2)] (check-equal? (s1) 's1) (check-equal? (s2) 's2) (s1 'b) (s2 'b) (with-store [(s1 'c)] (check-equal? (s1) 'c) (check-equal? (s2) 'b) (s1 'd) (s2 'd) (check-equal? (s1) 'd) (check-equal? (s2) 'd)) (check-equal? (s1) 'b) (check-equal? (s2) 'd)) (define (s1-push! x) (s1 (cons x (s1)))) (with-store [(s1 '())] (define k (call-with-continuation-prompt (lambda () (s1-push! 'a) (s1-push! (p)) (parameterize ((p 234)) (s1-push! (p)) (s1-push! (call-with-composable-continuation (lambda (k) (abort-current-continuation t (lambda () (s1-push! 'x) k))) t)) (s1-push! 'b) (s1-push! (p))) (s1-push! (p)) (s1-push! 'c)) t)) (s1-push! 'y) (k 99) (s1-push! 'd) (check-equal? (reverse (s1)) '(a 123 234 x y 99 b 234 123 c d))))