#lang syndicate/actor ;; After Figure 1 in "Logic and lattices for distributed programming", ;; Conway et. al, UCB tech report, 2012 ;; ;; Quasi-problem: doesn't terminate, because cycles exist in the ;; input. (require racket/set) (struct link (from to cost) #:prefab) (struct path (from to cost) #:prefab) (struct path-exists (from to) #:prefab) ;; Hmm. (struct min-cost (from to cost) #:prefab) (actor (forever (assert (link 1 3 -2)) (assert (link 2 1 4)) (assert (link 2 3 3)) (assert (link 3 4 2)) (assert (link 4 2 -1)))) (actor (forever (during (link $from $to $cost) (assert (path-exists from to)) (assert (path from to cost))))) (actor (forever (during (link $A $B $link-cost) (during (path B $C $path-cost) (assert (path-exists A C)) (assert (path A C (+ link-cost path-cost))))))) (actor (forever (during (path-exists $from $to) (field [costs (set)] [least +inf.0]) (assert (min-cost from to (least))) (on (asserted (path from to $cost)) (costs (set-add (costs) cost)) (least (min (least) cost))) (on (retracted (path from to $cost)) (define new-costs (set-remove (costs) cost)) (costs new-costs) (least (for/fold [(least +inf.0)] [(x new-costs)] (min x least))))))) ;; (actor (forever (during (path $from $to $cost) ;; (on-start (displayln `(+ ,(path from to cost)))) ;; (on-stop (displayln `(- ,(path from to cost))))))) (actor (forever (on (asserted (min-cost $from $to $cost)) (displayln (min-cost from to cost)))))