#lang racket/base (provide on-claim) (require syndicate/monolithic) (require syndicate/drivers/timer) ;; (Trie (Option (Setof (Listof Value))) ... -> (Option (Constreeof Action))) ;; Trie Projection ... ;; -> Action ;; Spawns a process that observes the given projections. Any time the ;; environment's interests change in a relevant way, calls ;; check-and-maybe-actor-fn with the aggregate interests and the ;; projection results. If check-and-maybe-actor-fn returns #f, ;; continues to wait; otherwise, takes the action(s) returned, and ;; quits. (define (on-claim #:timeout-msec [timeout-msec #f] #:on-timeout [timeout-handler (lambda () '())] #:name [name #f] check-and-maybe-actor-fn base-interests . projections) (define timer-id (gensym 'on-claim)) (define (on-claim-handler e state) (match e [(scn new-aggregate) (define projection-results (map (lambda (p) (trie-project/set #:take (projection-arity p) new-aggregate p)) projections)) (define maybe-actor (apply check-and-maybe-actor-fn new-aggregate projection-results)) (if maybe-actor (quit maybe-actor) #f)] [(message (timer-expired (== timer-id) _)) (quit (timeout-handler))] [_ #f])) (list (when timeout-msec (message (set-timer timer-id timeout-msec 'relative))) (actor #:name name on-claim-handler (void) (scn/union base-interests (assertion-set-union* (map (lambda (p) (subscription (projection->pattern p))) projections)) (subscription (timer-expired timer-id ?))))))