#lang racket/base ;; Core implementation of Incremental Network Calculus. (provide (struct-out message) (except-out (struct-out quit) quit) (rename-out [quit ]) (except-out (struct-out spawn) spawn) (rename-out [spawn ]) (struct-out transition) (struct-out world) (all-from-out "patch.rkt") ;; imported from route.rkt: ? wildcard? ?! (struct-out capture) pretty-print-matcher matcher->pretty-string matcher-non-empty? matcher-empty? matcher-empty projection->pattern compile-projection matcher-project matcher-project/set matcher-project/set/single event? action? meta-label? prepend-at-meta assert retract sub unsub pub unpub (rename-out [make-quit quit]) make-world spawn-world (rename-out [spawn-process spawn]) spawn/stateless make-spawn-world transition-bind sequence-transitions world-handle-event clean-transition pretty-print-world) (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require (only-in racket/list flatten)) (require "functional-queue.rkt") (require "route.rkt") (require "patch.rkt") (require "trace.rkt") (require "mux.rkt") (require "pretty.rkt") (module+ test (require rackunit)) ;; Events = Patches ∪ Messages (struct message (body) #:prefab) ;; Actions ⊃ Events (struct spawn (boot) #:prefab) ;; A Behavior is a ((Option Event) Any -> Transition): a function ;; mapping an Event (or, in the #f case, a poll signal) and a ;; Process's current state to a Transition. ;; ;; A Transition is either ;; - #f, a signal from a Process that it is inert and need not be ;; scheduled until some Event relevant to it arrives; or, ;; - a (transition Any (Constreeof Action)), a new Process state to ;; be held by its World and a sequence of Actions for the World ;; to take on the transitioning Process's behalf. ;; - a (quit (Constreeof Action)), signalling that the Process should ;; never again be handed an event, and that any queued actions ;; should be performed, followed by the sequence of Actions given, ;; and then the process should be garbage-collected. (struct transition (state actions) #:transparent) (struct quit (actions) #:prefab) ;; A PID is a Nat. ;; A Label is a PID or 'meta. ;; VM private states (struct world (mux ;; Multiplexer pending-action-queue ;; (Queueof (Cons Label (U Action 'quit))) runnable-pids ;; (Setof PID) behaviors ;; (HashTable PID Behavior) states ;; (HashTable PID Any) ) #:transparent #:methods gen:prospect-pretty-printable [(define (prospect-pretty-print w [p (current-output-port)]) (pretty-print-world w p))]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (event? x) (or (patch? x) (message? x))) (define (action? x) (or (event? x) (spawn? x))) (define (prepend-at-meta pattern level) (if (zero? level) pattern (at-meta (prepend-at-meta pattern (- level 1))))) (define (observe-at-meta pattern level) (if (zero? level) (pattern->matcher #t (observe pattern)) (matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (observe (prepend-at-meta pattern level))) (pattern->matcher #t (at-meta (embedded-matcher (observe-at-meta pattern (- level 1)))))))) (define (assert pattern #:meta-level [level 0]) (patch (pattern->matcher #t (prepend-at-meta pattern level)) (matcher-empty))) (define (retract pattern #:meta-level [level 0]) (patch (matcher-empty) (pattern->matcher #t (prepend-at-meta pattern level)))) (define (sub pattern #:meta-level [level 0]) (patch (observe-at-meta pattern level) (matcher-empty))) (define (unsub pattern #:meta-level [level 0]) (patch (matcher-empty) (observe-at-meta pattern level))) (define (pub pattern #:meta-level [level 0]) (assert (advertise pattern) #:meta-level level)) (define (unpub pattern #:meta-level [level 0]) (retract (advertise pattern) #:meta-level level)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (ensure-transition v) (if (or (not v) (transition? v) (quit? v)) v (raise (exn:fail:contract (format "Expected transition, quit or #f; got ~v" v) (current-continuation-marks))))) (define (clean-transition t) (match t [#f #f] [(quit actions) (quit (clean-actions actions))] [(transition state actions) (transition state (clean-actions actions))])) (define (clean-actions actions) (filter (lambda (x) (and (action? x) (not (patch-empty? x)))) (flatten actions))) (define (send-event e pid w) (define behavior (hash-ref (world-behaviors w) pid #f)) (define old-state (hash-ref (world-states w) pid #f)) (if (not behavior) w (begin (trace-process-step e pid behavior old-state) (invoke-process pid (lambda () (clean-transition (ensure-transition (behavior e old-state)))) (match-lambda [#f w] [(and q (quit final-actions)) (trace-process-step-result e pid behavior old-state #f q) (enqueue-actions (disable-process pid #f w) pid (append final-actions (list 'quit)))] [(and t (transition new-state new-actions)) (trace-process-step-result e pid behavior old-state #f t) (enqueue-actions (mark-pid-runnable (update-state w pid new-state) pid) pid new-actions)]) (lambda (exn) (trace-process-step-result e pid behavior old-state exn #f) (enqueue-actions (disable-process pid exn w) pid (list 'quit))))))) (define (update-state w pid s) (struct-copy world w [states (hash-set (world-states w) pid s)])) (define (send-event/guard delta pid w) (if (patch-empty? delta) w (send-event delta pid w))) (define (disable-process pid exn w) (when exn (log-error "Process ~a died with exception:\n~a" (cons pid (trace-pid-stack)) (exn->string exn))) (struct-copy world w [behaviors (hash-remove (world-behaviors w) pid)] [states (hash-remove (world-states w) pid)])) (define (invoke-process pid thunk k-ok k-exn) (define-values (ok? result) (call-in-trace-context pid (lambda () (with-handlers ([(lambda (exn) #t) (lambda (exn) (values #f exn))]) (values #t (with-continuation-mark 'minimart-process pid (thunk))))))) (if ok? (k-ok result) (k-exn result))) (define (mark-pid-runnable w pid) (struct-copy world w [runnable-pids (set-add (world-runnable-pids w) pid)])) (define (enqueue-actions w label actions) (struct-copy world w [pending-action-queue (queue-append-list (world-pending-action-queue w) (for/list [(a actions)] (cons label a)))])) (define (make-quit . actions) (quit actions)) (define-syntax-rule (spawn-process behavior-exp initial-state-exp initial-patch-exp ...) (spawn (lambda () (list (patch-seq initial-patch-exp ...) behavior-exp initial-state-exp)))) (define-syntax-rule (spawn/stateless behavior-exp initial-patch-exp ...) (spawn-process (stateless-behavior-wrap behavior-exp) (void) initial-patch-exp ...)) (define ((stateless-behavior-wrap b) e state) (match (b e) [#f #f] [(? quit? q) q] [actions (transition state actions)])) (define-syntax-rule (spawn-world boot-action ...) (make-spawn-world (lambda () (list boot-action ...)))) (define (make-world boot-actions) (world (mux) (list->queue (for/list ((a (in-list (clean-actions boot-actions)))) (cons 'meta a))) (set) (hash) (hash))) (define (make-spawn-world boot-actions-thunk) (spawn (lambda () (list empty-patch world-handle-event (make-world (boot-actions-thunk)))))) (define (transition-bind k t0) (match t0 [#f (error 'transition-bind "Cannot bind from transition #f with continuation ~v" k)] [(quit _) t0] [(transition state0 actions0) (match (k state0) [#f t0] [(quit actions1) (quit (cons actions0 actions1))] [(transition state1 actions1) (transition state1 (cons actions0 actions1))])])) (define (sequence-transitions t0 . steps) (foldl transition-bind t0 steps)) (define (inert? w) (and (queue-empty? (world-pending-action-queue w)) (set-empty? (world-runnable-pids w)))) (define (world-handle-event e w) (if (or e (not (inert? w))) (sequence-transitions (transition w '()) (inject-event e) perform-actions (lambda (w) (or (step-children w) (transition w '())))) (step-children w))) (define ((inject-event e) w) (transition (match e [#f w] [(? patch? delta) (enqueue-actions w 'meta (list (lift-patch delta)))] [(message body) (enqueue-actions w 'meta (list (message (at-meta body))))]) '())) (define (perform-actions w) (for/fold ([wt (transition (struct-copy world w [pending-action-queue (make-queue)]) '())]) ((entry (in-list (queue->list (world-pending-action-queue w))))) (match-define [cons label a] entry) (trace-internal-action label a (transition-state wt)) (define wt1 (transition-bind (perform-action label a) wt)) (trace-internal-action-result label a (transition-state wt) wt1) wt1)) (define ((perform-action label a) w) (match a [(spawn boot) (invoke-process 'booting (lambda () (match (boot) [(and results (list (? patch?) (? procedure?) _)) results] [other (error 'spawn "Spawn boot procedure must yield boot spec; received ~v" other)])) (lambda (results) (match-define (list initial-patch behavior initial-state) results) (define-values (new-mux new-pid patches meta-action) (mux-add-stream (world-mux w) initial-patch)) (let* ((w (update-state w new-pid initial-state)) (w (mark-pid-runnable w new-pid)) (w (struct-copy world w [mux new-mux] [behaviors (hash-set (world-behaviors w) new-pid behavior)])) (w (deliver-patches w patches meta-action))) w)) (lambda (exn) (log-error "Spawned process in world ~a died with exception:\n~a" (trace-pid-stack) (exn->string exn)) (transition w '())))] ['quit (define-values (new-mux _label patches meta-action) (mux-remove-stream (world-mux w) label)) (deliver-patches (struct-copy world w [mux new-mux]) ;; ^ behavior & state already removed by disable-process patches meta-action)] [(? patch? delta-orig) (define-values (new-mux _label patches meta-action) (mux-update-stream (world-mux w) label delta-orig)) (deliver-patches (struct-copy world w [mux new-mux]) patches meta-action)] [(and m (message body)) (define-values (send-to-meta? affected-pids) (mux-route-message (world-mux w) label body)) (transition (for/fold [(w w)] [(pid (in-list affected-pids))] (send-event m pid w)) (and send-to-meta? (message (at-meta-claim body))))])) (define (deliver-patches w patches meta-action) (transition (for/fold [(w w)] [(entry (in-list patches))] (match-define (cons label event) entry) (send-event/guard event label w)) meta-action)) (define (step-children w) (define runnable-pids (world-runnable-pids w)) (if (set-empty? runnable-pids) #f ;; world is inert. (transition (for/fold [(w (struct-copy world w [runnable-pids (set)]))] [(pid (in-set runnable-pids))] (send-event #f pid w)) '()))) (define (pretty-print-world w [p (current-output-port)]) (local-require racket/pretty) (match-define (world mux qs runnable behaviors states) w) (fprintf p "WORLD:\n") (fprintf p " - ~a queued actions\n" (queue-length qs)) (fprintf p " - ~a runnable pids ~a\n" (set-count runnable) (set->list runnable)) (fprintf p " - ~a live processes (~a with claims)\n" (hash-count states) (hash-count (mux-interest-table mux))) (fprintf p " - next pid: ~a\n" (mux-next-pid mux)) (fprintf p " - routing table:\n") (pretty-print-matcher (mux-routing-table mux) p) (for ([pid (set-union (hash-keys (mux-interest-table mux)) (hash-keys states))]) (fprintf p " ---- process ~a, behavior ~v, STATE:\n" pid (hash-ref behaviors pid #f)) (define state (hash-ref states pid #f)) (display (indented-port-output 6 (lambda (p) (prospect-pretty-print state p))) p) (newline p) (fprintf p " process ~a, behavior ~v, CLAIMS:\n" pid (hash-ref behaviors pid #f)) (display (indented-port-output 6 (lambda (p) (pretty-print-matcher (mux-interests-of mux pid) p))) p) (newline p))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (module+ test (require racket/pretty) (define (step* w) (let loop ((w w) (actions '())) (pretty-print w) (match (world-handle-event #f w) [#f (values w (flatten actions))] [(quit new-actions) (values w (flatten (cons actions new-actions)))] [(transition new-w new-actions) (loop new-w (cons actions new-actions))]))) (step* (make-world '())) )