#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label (only-in racket struct) typed/syndicate/roles) (prefix-in racket: (for-label racket)) (prefix-in untyped: (for-label syndicate/actor))) @title{Typed Syndicate} @defmodule[typed/syndicate/roles] @section{Overview} @section{Types} @deftogether[(@defidform[Int] @defidform[Bool] @defidform[String] @defidform[ByteString] @defidform[Symbol])]{ Base types. } @defform[(U type ...)]{ The type representing the union of @racket[type ...]. } @defidform[⊥]{ An alias for @racket[(U)]. } @defidform[★/t]{ The type representing any possible assertion, and, in an @racket[AssertionSet], the possibility for an infinite set of assertions. } @defidform[Discard]{ The type of @racket[_] patterns. } @defform[(Bind type)]{ The type of @racket[$] patterns. } @defidform[FacetName]{ The type associated with identifiers bound by @racket[start-facet]. } @defform[(Role (x) type ...)]{ The type of a facet named @racket[x] and endpoints described by @racket[type ...]. } @defform[(Stop X type ...)]{ The type of a @racket[stop] action. } @defform[(Field type)]{ The type of a field containing values of @racket[type]. } @defform[(Shares type)]{ The type of an @racket[assert] endpoint. } @defform[#:literals (OnStart OnStop Asserted Retracted) (Reacts EventDesc type ...) #:grammar [(EventDesc (code:line OnStart) (code:line OnStart) (code:line (Asserted event-type)) (code:line (Retracted event-type)))]]{ The type of a @racket[on] endpoint that reacts to events described by @racket[EventDesc] with the behavior given by @racket[type ...]. } @deftogether[(@defidform[OnStart] @defidform[OnStop] @defform[(Asserted type)] @defform[(Retracted type)])]{ See @racket[Reacts]. } @defform[(Actor type)]{ The type of an actor that operates in a dataspace with a certain communication @racket[type]. } @defform[(ActorWithRole comm-type behavior-type)]{ An @racket[Actor] type with the additional @racket[behavior-type] describing the actor's behavior in terms of a @racket[Role]. } @defform[(Sends type)]{ The type of a @racket[send!] action. } @defform[(Realize type)]{ The type of a @racket[realize!] action. } @deftogether[(@defform[(Branch type ...)] @defform[(Effs type ...)])]{ Types that may arise in descriptions in @racket[Role] types due to branching and sequencing. } @defform[(Tuple type ...)]{ The type of @racket[tuple] expressions. } @defidform[Unit]{ An alias for @racket[(Tuple)]. } @defform[(AssertionSet type)]{ The type for a set of assertions of a certain @racket[type]. Note that these are not interoperable with the general purpose @racket[set] data structures. } @defform[(∀ (X ...) type)]{ Universal quantification over types. } @defform[#:literals (Computation Value Endpoints Roles Spawns) (→ type ... (Computation (Value result-type) (Endpoints ep-type ...) (Roles role-type ...) (Spawns spawn-type ...)))]{ The type of a function with parameters @racket[type ...] that returns @racket[result-type]. The type includes the effects of any actions performed by the function: @itemlist[ @item{@racket[Endpoints]: includes any endpoint installation effects, such as from @racket[assert] and @racket[on].} @item{@racket[Roles]: includes any script action effects, such as from @racket[start-facet], @racket[stop], and @racket[send!].} @item{@racket[Spawns]: includes descriptions of any @racket[spawn] actions.} ] } @defform[(→fn type-in ... type-out)]{ Shorthand for a @racket[→] type with no effects. } @defform[(proc maybe-quantifiers type-in ... maybe-arrow type-out maybe-endpoints maybe-roles maybe-spawns) #:grammar [(maybe-quantifiers (code:line) (code:line #:forall (X ...))) (maybe-arrow (code:line) (code:line →) (code:line ->)) (maybe-endpoints (code:line) (code:line #:endpoints (e ...))) (maybe-roles (code:line) (code:line #:roles (r ...))) (maybe-spawns (code:line) (code:line #:spawns (s ...)))]]{ A more convenient notation for writing (potentially polymorphic) function types with effects. Shorthand for @racket[(∀ (X ...) (→ type-in ... (Computation (Value type-out) (Endpoints e ...) (Roles r ...) (Spawns s ...))))]. } @deftogether[(@defform[(Computation type ...)] @defform[(Value type)] @defform[(Endpoints type)] @defform[(Roles type)] @defform[(Spawns type)])]{ See @racket[→]. } @section{User Defined Types} @defform*[[(define-type-alias id type) (define-type-alias (ty-cons-id arg-id ...) type)]]{ Define @racket[id] to be the same as @racket[type], or create a type constructor @racket[(ty-cons-id ty ...)] whose meaning is @racket[type] with references to @racket[arg-id ...] replaced by @racket[ty ...]. } @defform[(define-constructor (ctor-id slot-id ...) maybe-type-ctor maybe-alias ...) #:grammar [(maybe-type-ctor (code:line) (code:line #:type-constructor type-ctor-id)) (maybe-alias (code:line) (code:line #:with alias alias-body))]]{ Defines a container analagous to a prefab @racket[struct]. Includes accessor functions for each @racket[slot-id]. (But not, presently, a predicate function). When a @racket[type-ctor-id] is provided, the type of such structures is @racket[(type-ctor-id type ...)], where each @racket[type] describes the value of the corresponding slot. When not provided, the type constructor is named by appending @racket["/t"] to @racket[ctor-id]. Each @racket[alias] and @racket[alias-body] creates an instance of @racket[define-type-alias]. } @defform[#:literals (:) (define-constructor* (ctor-id : type-ctor-id slot-id ...) maybe-alias ...)]{ An abbreviated form of @racket[define-constructor]. } @defform[#:literals (:) (assertion-struct ctor-id : type-ctor-id (slot-id ...))]{ An abbreviated form of @racket[define-constructor]. } @defform[#:literals (:) (message-struct ctor-id : type-ctor-id (slot-id ...))]{ An abbreviated form of @racket[define-constructor]. } @section{Actor Forms} @defform[(run-ground-dataspace type expr ...)]{ Starts a ground, i.e. main, dataspace of the program, with the given communication @racket[type] and initial actors spawned by @racket[expr ...]. } @defform[(spawn maybe-type s) #:grammar [(maybe-type (code:line) (code:line type))]]{ Spawns an actor with behavior given by @racket[s]. The @racket[type] gives the communication type of the enclosing dataspace. When absent, @racket[type] is supplied by the nearest lexically enclosing @racket[spawn] or @racket[dataspace] form, if any exist. } @defform[(dataspace type expr ...)]{ Spawns a dataspace with communication type @racket[type] as a child of the dataspace enclosing the executing actor. The script @racket[expr ...] spawns the initial actors of the new dataspace. } @defform[(start-facet id maybe-spec expr ...+) #:grammar [(maybe-spec (code:line) (code:line #:implements type) (code:line #:includes-behavior type))]]{ Start a facet with name @racket[id] and endpoints installed through the evaluation of @racket[expr ...]. } @defform[(stop id expr ...)]{ Terminate the facet @racket[id] with continuation script @racket[expr ...]. Any facets started by the continuation script survive the termination of facet @racket[id]. } @defform[#:literals (start stop message asserted retracted _ $) (on event-description body ...+) #:grammar [(event-description (code:line start) (code:line stop) (code:line (message pattern)) (code:line (asserted pattern)) (code:line (retracted pattern))) (pattern (code:line _) (code:line ($ id type)) (code:line ($ id)) (code:line $id) (code:line $id:type) (code:line (ctor pattern ...)) (code:line expr))]]{ Creates an event handler endpoint that responds to the event specified by @racket[event-description]. Executes the @racket[body ...] for each matching event, with any pattern variables bound to their matched value. Patterns have the following meanings: @itemlist[ @item{@racket[_] matches anything.} @item{@racket[($ id type)] matches any value and binds it to @racket[id] with assumed type @racket[type].} @item{@racket[($ id)] is like @racket[($ id type)], but attempts to use the current communication type to fill in the @racket[type] of potential matches. May raise an error if no suitable communication type is in scope.} @item{@racket[(? pred pattern)] matches values where @racket[(pred val)] is not @racket[#f] and that match @racket[pattern].} @item{@racket[$id:type] is shorthand for @racket[($ id type)].} @item{@racket[$id] is shorthand for @racket[($ id)].} @item{@racket[(ctor pat ...)] matches values built by applying the constructor @racket[ctor] to values matching @racket[pat ...]. @racket[ctor] is usually a @racket[struct] name.} @item{@racket[expr] patterns match values that are @racket[equal?] to @racket[expr].} ] } @defform[(on-start expr ...+)]{ Shorthand for @racket[(on start expr ...)]. } @defform[(on-stop expr ...+)]{ Shorthand for @racket[(on stop expr ...)]. } @defform[(assert expr)]{ Creates an assertion endpoint with the value of @racket[expr]. } @defform[(know expr)]{ Creates an internal assertion endpoint with the value of @racket[expr]. } @defform[(send! expr)]{ Broadcast a dataspace message with the value of @racket[expr]. } @defform[(realize! expr)]{ Broadcast an actor-internal message with the value of @racket[expr]. } @defform[#:literals (:) (field [id maybe-type expr] ...) #:grammar [(maybe-type (code:line) (code:line type) (code:line : type))]]{ Defines fields of type @racket[type] with names @racket[id] and initial values @racket[expr]. If @racket[type] is not provided, the type of the initial expression is used as the type of the field. } @defform[(ref id)]{ Reference the @racket[field] named @racket[id]. } @defform[(set! id expr)]{ Update the value the @racket[field] named @racket[id]. } @defform[(begin/dataflow expr ...+)]{ Evaluate and perform the script @racket[expr ...], and then again each time a field referenced by the script updates. } @defform[(during pattern expr ...+)]{ Engage in behavior for the duration of a matching assertion. The syntax of @racket[pattern] is the same as described by @racket[on]. } @defform[(during/spawn pattern expr ...+)]{ Like @racket[during], but spawns an actor for the behavior @racket[expr ...]. } @defform[(define/query-value name absent-expr pattern expr maybe-on-add maybe-on-remove) #:grammar [(maybe-on-add (code:line) (code:line #:on-add on-add-expr)) (maybe-on-remove (code:line) (code:line #:on-remove on-remove-expr))]]{ Equivalent to the untyped @racket[untyped:define/query-value]. The @racket[on-add-expr] and @racket[on-remove-expr], when given, execute after @racket[name] has been updated. } @defform[(define/query-set name pattern expr maybe-on-add maybe-on-remove) #:grammar [(maybe-on-add (code:line) (code:line #:on-add on-add-expr)) (maybe-on-remove (code:line) (code:line #:on-remove on-remove-expr))]]{ Equivalent to the untyped @racket[untyped:define/query-set]. } @defform[(define/query-hash name pattern key-expr value-expr maybe-on-add maybe-on-remove) #:grammar [(maybe-on-add (code:line) (code:line #:on-add on-add-expr)) (maybe-on-remove (code:line) (code:line #:on-remove on-remove-expr))]]{ Equivalent to the untyped @racket[untyped:define/query-hash]. } @defform[(define/dataflow name maybe-type expr) #:grammar [(maybe-type (code:line) (code:line type))]]{ Define a @racket[field] named @racket[name], whose value is reevaluated to the result of @racket[expr] each time any referenced field changes. When @racket[type] is not supplied, the field has the type of the given @racket[expr]. } @section{Expressions} @defform*[#:literals (:) [(ann expr : type) (ann expr type)]]{ Ensure that @racket[expr] has the given @racket[type]. } @defform[(if test-expr then-expr else-expr)]{ The same as Racket's @racket[racket:if]. } @deftogether[(@defform[(cond [test-expr body-expr ...+] ...+)] @defthing[else Bool #:value #t])]{ Like Racket's @racket[racket:cond]. } @defform[(when test-expr expr)]{ Like Racket's @racket[racket:when], but results in @racket[#f] when @racket[test-expr] is @racket[#f]. } @defform[(unless test-expr expr)]{ Like Racket's @racket[racket:unless], but results in @racket[#f] when @racket[test-expr] is @racket[#f]. } @defform[(let ([id expr] ...) body ...+)]{ The same as Racket's @racket[racket:let]. } @defform[(let* ([id expr] ...) body ...+)]{ The same as Racket's @racket[racket:let*]. } @defform[#:literals (:) (lambda ([x opt-: type] ...) expr ...+) #:grammar [(opt-: (code:line) (code:line :))]]{ Constructsa an anonymous function. } @defidform[λ]{Synonym for @racket[lambda].} @defform[(Λ (X ...) expr)]{ Parametric abstraction over type variables @racket[X ...]. } @defform[(inst expr type ...)]{ Instantiates the type variables @racket[X ...] with @racket[type ...], where @racket[expr] has type @racket[(∀ (X ...) t)]. } @defform*[#:literals (: → -> ∀) [(define id : type expr) (define id expr) (define (id [arg-id opt-: arg-type] ... opt-res-ty) expr ...+) (define (∀ (X ...) (id [arg-id opt-: arg-type] ... opt-res-ty)) expr ...+)] #:grammar [(opt-: (code:line) (code:line :)) (opt-res-ty (code:line) (code:line arr res-type)) (arr (code:line →) (code:line ->))]]{ Define a constant or a (potentially polymorphic) function. Note that the function name @racket[id] is @emph{not} bound in the body. } @defform[(define-tuple (id ...) expr)]{ Define @racket[id ...] to each of the slots of the tuple produced by @racket[expr]. } @defform[(match-define pattern expr)]{ Define the binders of @racket[pattern] to the matching values of @racket[expr]. } @defform[(begin expr ...+)]{ Sequencing form whose value and type is that of the final @racket[expr]. } @defform[(block expr ...+)]{ Like @racket[begin], but also introduces a definition context for its body. } @defform[(match expr [pattern body-expr ...+] ...+)]{ Like Racket's @racket[racket:match] but with the pattern syntax described by @racket[on]. } @defform[(tuple expr ...)]{ Constructs a tuple of arbitrary arity. } @defform[(select i expr)]{ Extract the @racket[i]th element of a @racket[tuple]. } @defthing[unit Unit #:value (tuple)] @defform[(error format-expr arg-expr ...)]{ Raises an exception using @racket[format-expr] as a format string together with @racket[arg-expr ...]. } @deftogether[( @defthing[+ (→fn Int Int Int)] @defthing[- (→fn Int Int Int)] @defthing[* (→fn Int Int Int)] @defthing[< (→fn Int Int Bool)] @defthing[> (→fn Int Int Bool)] @defthing[<= (→fn Int Int Bool)] @defthing[>= (→fn Int Int Bool)] @defthing[= (→fn Int Int Bool)] @defthing[even? (→fn Int Bool)] @defthing[odd? (→fn Int Bool)] @defthing[add1 (→fn Int Int)] @defthing[sub1 (→fn Int Int)] @defthing[max (→fn Int Int Int)] @defthing[min (→fn Int Int Int)] @defthing[zero? (→fn Int Bool)] @defthing[positive? (→fn Int Bool)] @defthing[negative? (→fn Int Bool)] @defthing[current-inexact-milleseconds? (→fn Int)] @defthing[string=? (→fn String String Bool)] @defthing[bytes->string/utf-8 (→fn ByteString String)] @defthing[string->bytes/utf-8 (→fn String ByteString)] @defthing[gensym (→fn Symbol Symbol)] @defthing[symbol->string (→fn Symbol String)] @defthing[string->symbol (→fn String Symbol)] @defthing[not (→fn Bool Bool)] @defform[(/ e1 e2)] @defform[(and e ...)] @defform[(or e ...)] @defform[(equal? e1 e2)] @defform[(displayln e)] @defform[(printf fmt-expr val-expr ...)] @defform[(~a e ...)] )]{ Primitive operations imported from Racket. } @defform[#:literals (:) (for/fold ([acc-id maybe-:ty acc-expr] ...+) (for-clause ...) body-expr ...+) #:grammar [(maybe-:ty (code:line) (code:line : acc-type)) (for-clause (code:line [id seq-expr]) (code:line [id : type seq-expr]) (code:line [(k-id v-id) hash-expr]) (code:line #:when test-expr) (code:line #:unless test-expr) (code:line #:break test-expr))]]{ Similar to Racket's @racket[racket:for/fold]. When more than one @racket[acc-id] is used, the body of the loop must evaluate to a @racket[tuple] with one value for each accumulator, with the final tuple also being the result of the entire expression. Each @racket[seq-expr] should be of type @racket[Sequence], though expressions of type @racket[List] and @racket[Set] are automatically converted. } @deftogether[( @defform[(for/list (for-clause ...) body ...+)] @defform[(for/set (for-clause ...) body ...+)] @defform[(for/sum (for-clause ...) body ...+)] @defform[(for (for-clause ...) body ...+)] @defform[(for/first (for-clause ...) body ...+)] )]{ Like their Racket counterparts. See @racket[for/fold] for the description of @racket[for-clause]. Unlike @racket[racket:for/first], @racket[for/first] returns a @racket[Maybe] value to indicate success/failure. } @section{Require & Provide} @defform[(struct-out ctor-id)]{ } @subsection{Requiring From Outside Typed Syndicate} @defform[#:literals (:) (require/typed lib clause ...) #:grammar [(clause (code:line [id : type]) (code:line opaque)) (opaque (code:line [#:opaque type-name]) (code:line [#:opaque type-name #:arity op arity-nat])) (opaque (code:line =) (code:line >) (code:line >=))]]{ Import and assign types to bindings from outside Typed Syndicate. Note that @emph{unlike} Typed Racket, Typed Syndicate does not attach contracts to imported bindings. An @racket[#:opaque] declaration defines a type @racket[type-name] (or, in the @racket[#:arity] case, a type constructor) that may be used to describe imports but otherwise has no other operations. } @defform[(require-struct ctor-id #:as ty-ctor-id #:from lib maybe-omit-accs) #:grammar [(maybe-omit-accs (code:line) (code:line #:omit-accs))]]{ Import a Racket @racket[struct] named @racket[ctor-id] and create a type constructor @racket[ty-ctor-id] for its instances. Unless @racket[#:omit-accs] is specified, defines the accessor functions for the struct. } @section{Builtin Data Structures} @deftogether[(@defstruct[observe ([claim any?]) #:omit-constructor] @defform[(Observe type)])]{ Constructs an assertion of interest. } @deftogether[(@defstruct[inbound ([assertion any?]) #:omit-constructor] @defform[(Inbound type)])]{ Constructor for an assertion inbound from an outer dataspace. } @deftogether[(@defstruct[outbound ([assertion any?]) #:omit-constructor] @defform[(Outbound type)])]{ Constructor for an assertion outbound to an outer dataspace. } @deftogether[(@defstruct[message ([body any?]) #:omit-constructor] @defform[(Message type)])]{ Constructor for a broadcast message. } @subsection{Lists} @defform[(List type)]{ The type for @racket[cons] lists whose elements are of type @racket[type]. } @deftogether[( @defthing[empty (List ⊥)] @defthing[empty? (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) Bool))] @defthing[cons (∀ (X) (→fn X (List X) (List X)))] @defthing[cons? (∀ (X) (→fn X (List X) Bool))] @defthing[first (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) X))] @defthing[second (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) X))] @defthing[rest (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) (List X)))] @defthing[member? (∀ (X) (→fn X (List X) Bool))] @defthing[reverse (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) (List X)))] @defthing[partition (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) (→fn X Bool) (List X)))] @defthing[map (∀ (X Y) (→fn (→fn X Y) (List X) (List Y)))] @defthing[argmax (∀ (X) (→fn (→fn X Int) (List X) X))] @defthing[argmin (∀ (X) (→fn (→fn X Int) (List X) X))] @defthing[remove (∀ (X) (→fn X (List X) (List X)))] @defthing[length (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) Int))] @defform[(list e ...)] )]{ Like their Racket counterparts. } @subsection{Sets} @defform[(Set type)]{ The type for sets whose elements are of type @racket[type]. } @deftogether[( @defform[(set e ...)] @defform[(set-union st ...+)] @defform[(set-intersect st ...+)] @defform[(set-subtract st ...+)] @defthing[set-first (∀ (X) (→fn (Set X) X))] @defthing[set-empty? (∀ (X) (→fn (Set X) Bool))] @defthing[set-count (∀ (X) (→fn (Set X) Int))] @defthing[set-add (∀ (X) (→fn (Set X) X (Set X)))] @defthing[set-remove (∀ (X) (→fn (Set X) X (Set X)))] @defthing[set-member? (∀ (X) (→fn (Set X) X Bool))] @defthing[list->set (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) (Set X)))] @defthing[set->list (∀ (X) (→fn (Set X) (List X)))] )]{ Like their Racket counterparts. } @subsection{Hashes} @defform[(Hash key-type value-type)]{ The type for key/value hash tables. } @deftogether[( @defform[(hash key val ... ...)] @defthing[hash-set (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) K V (Hash K V)))] @defthing[hash-ref (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) K V))] @defthing[hash-ref/failure (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) K V V))] @defthing[hash-empty? (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) Bool))] @defthing[hash-has-key? (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) K Bool))] @defthing[hash-count (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) Int))] @defthing[hash-update (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) K (→fn V V) (Hash K V)))] @defthing[hash-update/failure (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) K (→fn V V) V (Hash K V)))] @defthing[hash-remove (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) K (Hash K V)))] @defthing[hash-map (∀ (K V R) (→fn (Hash K V) (→fn K V R) (List R)))] @defthing[hash-keys (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) (List K)))] @defthing[hash-values (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) (List V)))] @defthing[hash-union (∀ (K1 V1 K2 V2) (→fn (Hash K1 V1) (Hash K2 V2) (Hash (U K1 K2) (U V1 V2))))] @defthing[hash-union/combine (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) (Hash K V) (→fn V V V) (Hash K V)))] @defthing[hash-keys-subset? (∀ (K1 V1 K2 V2) (→fn (Hash K1 V1) (Hash K2 V2) Bool))] )]{ Like their Racket counterparts. The /failure and /combine suffixes are in place of keyword arguments, which Typed Syndicate does not presently support. } @subsection{Sequences} @defform[(Sequence type)]{ The type for a sequence of @racket[type] values. } @deftogether[( @defthing[empty-sequence (Sequence ⊥)] @defthing[sequence->list (∀ (X) (→fn (Sequence X) (List X)))] @defthing[sequence-length (∀ (X) (→fn (Sequence X) Int))] @defthing[sequence-ref (∀ (X) (→fn (Sequence X) Int Int))] @defthing[sequence-tail (∀ (X) (→fn (Sequence X) Int (Sequence X)))] @defthing[sequence-append (∀ (X) (→fn (Sequence X) (Sequence X) (Sequence X)))] @defthing[sequence-map (∀ (A B) (→fn (→fn A B) (Sequence A) (Sequence B)))] @defthing[sequence-andmap (∀ (X) (→fn (→fn X Bool) (Sequence X) Bool))] @defthing[sequence-ormap (∀ (X) (→fn (→fn X Bool) (Sequence X) Bool))] @defthing[sequence-fold (∀ (A B) (→fn (→fn A B A) (Sequence B) A))] @defthing[sequence-count (∀ (X) (→fn (→fn X Bool) (Sequence X) Int))] @defthing[sequence-filter (∀ (X) (→fn (→fn X Bool) (Sequence X) (Sequence X)))] @defthing[sequence-add-between (∀ (X) (→fn (Sequence X) X (Sequence X)))] @defthing[in-list (∀ (X) (→fn (List X) (Sequence X)))] @defthing[in-hash-keys (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) (Sequence K)))] @defthing[in-hash-values (∀ (K V) (→fn (Hash K V) (Sequence V)))] @defthing[in-range (→fn Int (Sequence Int))] @defthing[in-set (∀ (X) (→fn (Set X) (Sequence X)))] )]{ Like their Racket counterparts. } @subsection{Maybe} @deftogether[( @defidform[None] @defthing[none None] @defstruct[some ([v any?]) #:omit-constructor] @defform[(Some type)] @defform[(Maybe type)] )]{ @racket[(Maybe type)] is an alias for @racket[(U None (Some type))]. } @subsection{Either} @deftogether[( @defstruct[left ([v any?]) #:omit-constructor] @defform[(Left type)] @defstruct[right ([v any?]) #:omit-constructor] @defform[(Right type)] @defform[(Either left-type right-type)] )]{ @racket[(Either left-type right-type)] is an alias for @racket[(U (Left left-type) (Right right-type))]. } @defthing[partition/either (∀ (X Y Z) (→fn (List X) (→fn X (Either Y Z)) (Tuple (List Y) (List Z))))]{ Partition a list based on a function that returns an @racket[Either] value. } @section{Behavioral Checking}