typed: improve error handling and work around spin front-end limitations

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2022-02-25 12:13:52 -05:00
parent 481b490fd2
commit fd59e58dc3
2 changed files with 37 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -780,12 +780,15 @@
(indent) (display "(") (gen-ltl q) (displayln ")"))
;; Assignment -> Void
;; SPIN errors if there are more than 33 items in this, error messages such as:
;; tl_spin: expected ')', saw 'predicate'
(define (gen-sanity-ltl assignment)
(gen-spec "sanity"
(lambda ()
(indent) (displayln "[](")
(for ([assertion-var (in-hash-keys assignment)])
(for ([assertion-var (in-hash-keys assignment)]
[i (in-range 33)])
(indent) (printf "~a >= 0 &&\n" (svar-name assertion-var)))
(indent) (displayln "true"))
(indent) (displayln ")"))))
@ -798,25 +801,39 @@
;; [LTL τ] [Listof Role] -> Bool
(define (compile+verify spec roles)
(define role-graphs (for/list ([r (in-list roles)]) (compile/internal-events (compile r))))
(run-spin (program->spin role-graphs spec)))
(let/ec stop
(define role-graphs
(for/list ([r (in-list roles)])
(define ans (compile/internal-events (compile r)))
(when (detected-cycle? ans)
(printf "detected cycle!\n")
(describe-detected-cycle ans)
(stop #f))
(run-spin (program->spin role-graphs spec))))
;; SpinThang String -> Bool
(define (run-spin spin [spec-name "spec"])
(define tmp (make-temporary-file "typed-syndicate-spin~a.pml"))
(gen-spin/to-file spin tmp)
(define out (with-output-to-string
(thunk (system* RUN-SPIN.EXE tmp spec-name))))
(define script-completed? #f)
(define script-output (with-output-to-string
(thunk (set! script-completed? (system* RUN-SPIN.EXE tmp spec-name)))))
(define trail-file (format "~a.trail" (path->string tmp)))
(define trail-exists? (file-exists? trail-file))
(when (file-exists? trail-file)
[(not script-completed?)
(displayln "Error running SPIN; Output:")
(display script-output)]
(displayln "Detected Trail File!")
(analyze-spin-trail tmp)
(copy-file tmp (build-path (current-directory) "model.pml") #t)
(copy-file trail-file (build-path (current-directory) "model.pml.trail") #t)
(delete-file trail-file))
(delete-file trail-file)])
(delete-file tmp)
(not trail-exists?))
(and script-completed? (not trail-exists?)))
(define SPIN-REPORT-RX #px"(?m:^State-vector \\d+ byte, depth reached \\d+, errors: (\\d+)$)")

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@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
pushd ${1%/*}/
pushd ${1%/*}/ > /dev/null
spin -a $1
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
popd > /dev/null
exit 1
gcc -o $EXE pan.c
$EXE -a -f -n -N $2
rm $EXE pan.c
rm $EXE pan.*
popd > /dev/null