internal events for typed lang

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-06-14 11:43:15 -04:00
parent 963676c0c6
commit f597fdc499
6 changed files with 253 additions and 105 deletions

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@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@
(lambda ()
(define a (current-actor-state))
(define new-knowledge
(update-interests (actor-state-knowledge a) internal))
(apply-patch (actor-state-knowledge a) internal))
(current-actor-state (struct-copy actor-state a
[knowledge new-knowledge]))))
@ -1295,6 +1295,10 @@
(define a (current-actor-state))
(for* ([e (in-list pending)]
[(fid f) (in-hash (actor-state-facets a))])
(when (patch? e)
(define a (current-actor-state))
(current-actor-state (struct-copy actor-state a
[knowledge (apply-patch (actor-state-knowledge a) e)])))
(facet-handle-event! fid f e #f)))
(define (refresh-facet-assertions!)
@ -1332,7 +1336,7 @@
(if (patch? e)
(struct-copy actor-state a
[previous-knowledge (actor-state-knowledge a)]
[knowledge (update-interests (actor-state-knowledge a) e)])
[knowledge (apply-patch (actor-state-knowledge a) e)])
(current-pending-patch patch-empty)
(current-pending-actions '())

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@ -201,9 +201,13 @@
(define-binding-type Role #:arity >= 0 #:bvs = 1)
(define-type-constructor Shares #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Sends #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Realizes #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Reacts #:arity >= 1)
(define-type-constructor Asserted #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Retracted #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Know #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Forget #:arity = 1)
(define-product-type Realize #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Stop #:arity >= 1)
(define-type-constructor Field #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Bind #:arity = 1)
@ -660,6 +664,9 @@
(define-for-syntax (bot? t)
((current-typecheck-relation) t (mk-U*- '())))
(define-for-syntax bot
(mk-U*- '()))
(define-for-syntax (flat-type? τ)
(syntax-parse τ
[(~→ τ ...) #f]
@ -701,7 +708,6 @@
(define-for-syntax (relay-interests t)
(syntax-parse t
;; TODO: probably need to `normalize` the result
[(~U* τ ...) (mk-U- (stx-map relay-interests #'(τ ...)))]
[~★/t (type-eval #'★/t)]
[(~Observe (~Inbound τ)) (mk-Observe- #'(τ))]
@ -709,15 +715,19 @@
;; (SyntaxOf RoleType ...) -> (Syntaxof InputType OutputType SpawnType)
(define-for-syntax (analyze-roles rs)
(define-values (lis los lss)
(define-values (lis los lis/i los/i lss)
(for/fold ([is '()]
[os '()]
[is/i '()]
[os/i '()]
[ss '()])
([r (in-syntax rs)])
(define-values (i o s) (analyze-role-input/output r))
(values (cons i is) (cons o os) (cons s ss))))
(define-values (i o i/i o/i s) (analyze-role-input/output r))
(values (cons i is) (cons o os) (cons i/i is/i) (cons o/i os/i) (cons s ss))))
#`(#,(mk-U- lis)
#,(mk-U- los)
#,(mk-U- lis/i)
#,(mk-U- los/i)
#,(mk-U- lss)))
;; Wanted test case, but can't use it bc it uses things defined for-syntax
@ -727,50 +737,77 @@
[(τ-i τ-o)
(check-true (type=? #'τ-o (type-eval #'Int)))])))
;; RoleType -> (Values InputType OutputType SpawnType)
;; RoleType -> (Values ExternalInputType ExternalOutputType
;; InternalInputType InternalOutputType
;; SpawnType)
(define-for-syntax (analyze-role-input/output t)
(syntax-parse t
[(~Branch (~Effs τ-r ...) ...)
#:with (τi τo τa) (analyze-roles #'(τ-r ... ...))
(values #'τi #'τo #'τa)]
#:with (τ-i τ-o τ-i/i τ-o/i τ-a) (analyze-roles #'(τ-r ... ...))
(values #'τ-i #'τ-o #'τ-i/i #'τ-o/i #'τ-a)]
[(~Stop name:id τ-r ...)
#:with (τi τo τa) (analyze-roles #'(τ-r ...))
(values #'τi #'τo #'τa)]
#:with (τ-i τ-o τ-i/i τ-o/i τ-a) (analyze-roles #'(τ-r ...))
(values #'τ-i #'τ-o #'τ-i/i #'τ-o/i #'τ-a)]
[(~Actor τc)
(values (mk-U*- '()) (mk-U*- '()) t)]
(values bot bot bot bot t)]
[(~Sends τ-m)
(values (mk-U*- '()) (mk-Message- #'(τ-m)) (mk-U*- '()))]
(values bot (mk-Message- #'(τ-m)) bot bot bot)]
[(~Realizes τ-m)
(values bot bot bot (mk-Realize- #'(τ-m)) bot)]
[(~Role (name:id)
(~or (~Shares τ-s)
(~Know τ-k)
(~Sends τ-m)
(~Realizes τ-rlz)
(~Reacts τ-if τ-then ...)) ...
(~and (~Role _ ...) sub-role) ...)
#:with (msg ...) (for/list ([m (in-syntax #'(τ-m ...))])
(mk-Message- (list m)))
(define-values (is os ss)
#:with (rlz ...) (for/list ([r (in-syntax #'(τ-rlz ...))])
(mk-Realize- (list r)))
(define-values (is/e os/e is/i os/i ss)
(for/fold ([ins '()]
[outs '()]
[ins/int '()]
[outs/int '()]
[spawns '()])
([t (in-syntax #'(τ-then ... ... sub-role ...))])
(define-values (i o s) (analyze-role-input/output t))
(values (cons i ins) (cons o outs) (cons s spawns))))
(define pat-types (stx-map event-desc-type #'(τ-if ...)))
(values (mk-U- #`(#,@is #,@pat-types))
(mk-U- #`(τ-s ... msg ... #,@os #,@(stx-map pattern-sub-type pat-types)))
(define-values (i o i/i o/i s) (analyze-role-input/output t))
(values (cons i ins) (cons o outs) (cons i/i ins/int) (cons o/i outs/int) (cons s spawns))))
(define-values (ifs/ext ifs/int) (partition external-evt? (stx->list #'(τ-if ...))))
(define pat-types/ext (map event-desc-type ifs/ext))
(define pat-types/int (map event-desc-type ifs/int))
(values (mk-U- #`(#,@is/e #,@pat-types/ext))
(mk-U- #`(τ-s ... msg ... #,@os/e #,@(map pattern-sub-type pat-types/ext)))
(mk-U- #`(#,@is/i #,@pat-types/int))
(mk-U- #`(τ-k ... rlz ... #,@os/i #,@(map pattern-sub-type pat-types/int)))
(mk-U- ss))]))
;; EventType -> Bool
;; recognize external events (assertions and messages)
(define-for-syntax (external-evt? evt)
(syntax-parse evt
[(~Asserted τ) #t]
[(~Retracted τ) #t]
[(~Message τ) #t]
[_ #f]))
;; EventDescriptorType -> Type
(define-for-syntax (event-desc-type desc)
(syntax-parse desc
[(~Asserted τ) #'τ]
[(~Retracted τ) #'τ]
[(~Message τ) desc]
[(~Know τ) #'τ]
[(~Forget τ) #'τ]
[(~Realize τ) desc]
[_ (mk-U*- '())]))
;; PatternType -> Type
(define-for-syntax (pattern-sub-type pt)
(syntax-parse pt
[(~Message τ)
[(~or (~Message τ)
(~Realize τ))
(define t (replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'τ))
(mk-Observe- (list t))]
@ -957,7 +994,6 @@
;; first type is the contents of the set/dataspace
;; second type is the type of a pattern
(define-for-syntax (project-safe? t1 t2)
;; TODO - not sure how to handle type variables
(define (project-safe* t1 t2)
(syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2)
[(_ (~Bind τ2))
@ -994,7 +1030,6 @@
[~★/t #f]
[(~U* τ:type ...)
(stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))]
;; TODO - this is questionable. maybe need a kind for assertions?
[(~Base _) #t]
@ -1017,68 +1052,6 @@
(reassemble-type #'τ-cons subitems)]
[_ t]))
;; it's ok for x to respond to strictly more events than y
(define-for-syntax (condition-covers? x y)
;; covers Start,Stop,Dataflow
(type=? x y)
(syntax-parse #`(#,x #,y)
[((~Asserted τ1) (~Asserted τ2))
(<: (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ2)
(pattern-matching-assertions #'τ1))]
[((~Retracted τ1) (~Retracted τ2))
(<: (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ2)
(pattern-matching-assertions #'τ1))]
[((~Message τ1) (~Message τ2))
(<: (pattern-matching-assertions #'τ2)
(pattern-matching-assertions #'τ1))]
[_ #f])))
;; RoleType RoleType -> Bool
;; Check that role r implements role spec (possibly does more)
(define-for-syntax (role-implements? r spec)
(syntax-parse #`(#,r #,spec)
;; TODO: cases for unions, stop
[((~Role (x:id) (~or (~Shares τ-s1) (~Sends τ-m1) (~Reacts τ-if1 τ-then1 ...)) ...)
(~Role (y:id) (~or (~Shares τ-s2) (~Sends τ-m2) (~Reacts τ-if2 τ-then2 ...)) ...))
#:when (free-identifier=? #'x #'y)
;; for each assertion in the spec, there must be a suitable assertion in the actual
;; TODO: this kinda ignores numerosity, can one assertion in r cover multiple assertions in spec?
(for/and [(s2 (in-syntax #'(τ-s2 ...)))]
(stx-ormap (<:l s2) #'(τ-s1 ...)))
;; similar for messages
(for/and [(m2 (in-syntax #'(τ-m2 ...)))]
(stx-ormap (<:l m2) #'(τ-m1 ...)))
(for/and [(s2 (in-syntax #'((τ-if2 (τ-then2 ...)) ...)))]
(define/syntax-parse (τ-if2 (τ-then2 ...)) s2)
(for/or [(s1 (in-syntax #'((τ-if1 (τ-then1 ...)) ...)))]
(define/syntax-parse (τ-if1 (τ-then1 ...)) s1)
;; the event descriptors need to line up
(and (condition-covers? #'τ-if1 #'τ-if2)
;; and for each specified response to the event, there needs to be a similar one in the
;; the actual
(stx-andmap (lambda (s) (stx-ormap (lambda (r) (role-implements? r s)) #'(τ-then1 ...)))
#'(τ-then2 ...))))))]
[((~Role (x:id) _ ...)
(~Role (y:id) _ ...))
(role-implements? (subst #'y #'x r) spec)]
[((~Stop x:id τ1 ...)
(~Stop y:id τ2 ...))
(free-identifier=? #'x #'y)
(for/and ([t2 (in-syntax #'(τ2 ...))])
(for/or ([t1 (in-syntax #'(τ1 ...))])
(role-implements? t1 t2))))]
;; seems like this check might be in the wrong place
[((~Sends τ-m1)
(~Sends τ-m2))
(<: #'τ-m1 #'τ-m2)]
[((~Actor _)
(~Actor _))
;; spawned actor OK in specified dataspace
(<: r spec)]))
;; Effect Checking

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#lang typed/syndicate/roles
;; Expected Output:
balance = 0
balance = 5
balance = 0
know overdraft!
balance = -1
balance = -2
no longer in overdraft
balance = 8
(assertion-struct balance : Balance (v))
(message-struct deposit : Deposit (v))
;; Internal Events
(message-struct new-transaction : NewTransaction (old new))
(assertion-struct overdraft : Overdraft ())
(define-type-alias τc/external
(U (Balance Int)
(Message (Deposit Int))
(Observe ★/t)))
(define-type-alias τc/internal
(U (Message (NewTransaction Int Int))
(Observe ★/t)))
(define-type-alias τc
(U τc/external
(run-ground-dataspace τc/external
(start-facet bank
(field [account Int 0])
(assert (balance (ref account)))
(on (message (deposit $v))
(define prev (ref account))
(set! account (+ v prev))
(realize! (new-transaction prev (ref account))))
(on (realize (new-transaction $old:Int $new:Int))
(when (and (negative? new)
(not (negative? old)))
(start-facet neg
;; (this print is to make sure only one of these facets is created)
(printf "JEEPERS\n")
(know (overdraft))
(on (realize (new-transaction _ $new:Int))
(when (not (negative? new))
(stop neg))))))
(during (know (overdraft))
(on-start (printf "know overdraft!\n"))
(on-stop (printf "no longer in overdraft\n"))))))
(start-facet obs
(on (asserted (balance $v))
(printf "balance = ~a\n" v))))
(start-facet _
(on start
(send! (deposit 5))
(start-facet _
(on start
(send! (deposit -5))
(start-facet _
(on start
(send! (deposit -1))
(start-facet _
(on start
(send! (deposit -1))
(spawn (start-facet _ (on start (send! (deposit 10)))))))))))))))))

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#lang typed/syndicate/roles
;; Expected Output:
received message bad
realized good
(message-struct ping : Ping (v))
(define-type-alias τc
(U (Message (Ping Symbol))
(Observe ★/t)))
(run-ground-dataspace τc
(start-facet _
(on (realize (ping $v:Symbol))
(printf "realized ~a\n" v))
(on (message (ping $v))
(printf "received message ~a\n" v)
(realize! (ping 'good)))))
(start-facet _
(on start (send! (ping 'bad)))))

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
(define-primop min (→fn Int Int Int))
(define-primop zero? (→fn Int Bool))
(define-primop positive? (→fn Int Bool))
(define-primop negative? (→fn Int Bool))
(define-primop bytes->string/utf-8 ( ByteString (Computation (Value String) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns))))
(define-primop string->bytes/utf-8 ( String (Computation (Value ByteString) (Endpoints) (Roles) (Spawns))))

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
;; Types
Tuple Bind Discard
Role Reacts Shares Asserted Retracted Message OnDataflow Stop OnStart OnStop
Know Forget Realize
Branch Effs
FacetName Field ★/t
Observe Inbound Outbound Actor U
@ -17,20 +18,22 @@
→fn proc
;; Statements
let let* if spawn dataspace start-facet set! begin stop begin/dataflow #;unsafe-do
when unless send! define
when unless send! realize! define
;; Derived Forms
during During
on-start on-stop
;; endpoints
assert on field
assert know on field
;; expressions
tuple select lambda ref observe inbound outbound
Λ inst call/inst
;; making types
define-constructor define-constructor*
;; values
@ -95,6 +98,9 @@
(define-simple-macro (assertion-struct name:id (~datum :) Name:id (slot:id ...))
(define-constructor* (name : Name slot ...)))
(define-simple-macro (message-struct name:id (~datum :) Name:id (slot:id ...))
(define-constructor* (name : Name slot ...)))
;; Compile-time State
@ -129,6 +135,7 @@
(unless (and (stx-null? facet-effects) (stx-null? spawn-effects))
(type-error #:src #'(ep ...) #:msg "only endpoint effects allowed"))]
#:with ((~or (~and τ-a (~Shares _))
(~and τ-k (~Know _))
;; untyped syndicate might allow this - TODO
#;(~and τ-m (~Sends _))
(~and τ-r (~Reacts _ ...))
@ -137,6 +144,7 @@
#:with τ (type-eval #`(Role (#,name--)
τ-a ...
τ-k ...
;; τ-m ...
τ-r ...))
@ -165,6 +173,14 @@
[ (syndicate:assert e-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τs))])
(define-typed-syntax (know e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:with τs (mk-Know- #'(τ))
[ (syndicate:know e-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τs))])
(define-typed-syntax (send! e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
@ -173,6 +189,14 @@
[ (#%app- syndicate:send! e-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-f (τm))])
(define-typed-syntax (realize! e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:with τm (mk-Realizes- #'(τ))
[ (#%app- syndicate:realize! e-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-f (τm))])
(define-typed-syntax (stop facet-name:id cont ...)
[ facet-name facet-name- ( : FacetName)]
[ (begin #f cont ...) cont- ( ν-ep (~effs)) ( ν-s (~effs)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
@ -182,17 +206,27 @@
( ν-f (τ))])
(define-syntax-class asserted/retracted/message
#:datum-literals (asserted retracted message)
(define-syntax-class event-cons
#:attributes (syndicate-kw ty-cons)
#:datum-literals (asserted retracted message know forget realize)
(pattern (~or (~and asserted
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:asserted]
[react-con #'Asserted]))
[ty-cons #'Asserted]))
(~and retracted
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:retracted]
[react-con #'Retracted]))
[ty-cons #'Retracted]))
(~and message
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:message]
[react-con #'Message])))))
[ty-cons #'Message]))
(~and know
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:know]
[ty-cons #'Know]))
(~and forget
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:forget]
[ty-cons #'Forget]))
(~and realize
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:realize]
[ty-cons #'Realize])))))
(define-syntax-class priority-level
#:literals (*query-priority-high*
@ -216,7 +250,8 @@
(define-typed-syntax on
[(on (~literal start) s ...)
#:datum-literals (start stop)
[(on start s ...)
[ (begin s ...) s- ( ν-ep (~effs))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
@ -224,7 +259,7 @@
[ (syndicate:on-start s-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τ-r))]]
[(on (~literal stop) s ...)
[(on stop s ...)
[ (begin s ...) s- ( ν-ep (~effs))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
@ -232,10 +267,10 @@
[ (syndicate:on-stop s-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-ep (τ-r))]]
[(on (a/r/m:asserted/retracted/message p)
[(on (evt:event-cons p)
s ...)
#:do [(define msg? (free-identifier=? #'syndicate:message (attribute a/r/m.syndicate-kw)))
#:do [(define msg? (free-identifier=? #'syndicate:message (attribute evt.syndicate-kw)))
(define elab
(elaborate-pattern/with-com-ty (if msg? #'(message p) #'p)))]
#:with p/e (if msg? (stx-cadr elab) elab)
@ -247,9 +282,9 @@
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
#:with p- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x ...) (compile-syndicate-pattern #'p/e))
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts (a/r/m.react-con τp) τ-f ... τ-s ...))
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts (evt.ty-cons τp) τ-f ... τ-s ...))
[ (syndicate:on (a/r/m.syndicate-kw p-)
[ (syndicate:on (evt.syndicate-kw p-)
#:priority priority.level
( : ★/t)
@ -282,7 +317,7 @@
[ s s- ( ν-ep (~effs)) ( ν-s (~effs)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
;; TODO: s shouldn't refer to facets or fields!
#:with (τ-i τ-o τ-a) (analyze-roles #'(τ-f ...))
#:with (τ-i τ-o τ-i/i τ-o/i τ-a) (analyze-roles #'(τ-f ...))
#:fail-unless (<: #'τ-o #'τ-c.norm)
(format "Output ~a not valid in dataspace ~a" (type->str #'τ-o) (type->str #'τ-c.norm))
#:with τ-final (mk-Actor- #'(τ-c.norm))
@ -291,6 +326,8 @@
#:fail-unless (project-safe? ( (strip-? #'τ-o) #'τ-c.norm)
"Not prepared to handle all inputs"
#:fail-unless (project-safe? #'τ-o/i #'τ-i/i)
"Not prepared to handle internal events"
[ (syndicate:spawn (syndicate:on-start s-)) ( : ★/t)
( ν-s (τ-final))]]
@ -328,21 +365,33 @@
;; Derived Forms
(define-typed-syntax (during p s ...)
(define-typed-syntax during
#:literals (know)
[(_ (~or (~and k (know p)) p) s ...)
#:with p+ (elaborate-pattern/with-com-ty #'p)
#:with inst-p (instantiate-pattern #'p+)
#:with start-e (if (attribute k) #'know #'asserted)
#:with stop-e (if (attribute k) #'forget #'retracted)
#:with res #'(on (start-e p+)
(start-facet during-inner
(on (stop-e inst-p)
(stop during-inner))
s ...))
[ (on (asserted p+)
[ (on (start-e p+)
(start-facet during-inner
(on (retracted inst-p)
(on (stop-e inst-p)
(stop during-inner))
s ...))])
s ...))]])
(define-simple-macro (During τ:type EP ...)
(define-simple-macro (During (~or (~and K ((~literal Know) τ:type)) τ:type)
EP ...)
#:with τ/inst (instantiate-pattern-type #'τ.norm)
(Reacts (Asserted τ)
#:with start-e (if (attribute K) #'Know #'Asserted)
#:with stop-e (if (attribute K) #'Forget #'Retracted)
(Reacts (start-e τ)
(Role (during-inner)
(Reacts (Retracted τ/inst)
(Reacts (stop-e τ/inst)
(Stop during-inner))
EP ...)))
@ -458,6 +507,12 @@
(set! x (hash-remove (ref x) e-key))
(define-simple-macro (on-start e ...)
(on start e ...))
(define-simple-macro (on-stop e ...)
(on stop e ...))
;; Expressions