Migrate fetchurl.rkt to syndicate/actor

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-07-12 18:57:18 -04:00
parent b444bccb80
commit ec2996e931
1 changed files with 15 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
#lang syndicate/monolithic
#lang syndicate/actor
(require syndicate/drivers/timer)
(require "demo-config.rkt")
(require "ethernet.rkt")
(require "arp.rkt")
(require "ip.rkt")
(require "tcp.rkt")
(require "udp.rkt")
;;(log-events-and-actions? #t)
(require/activate syndicate/drivers/timer)
(require/activate "ethernet.rkt")
(require/activate "arp.rkt")
(require/activate "demo-config.rkt")
@ -24,25 +20,14 @@
(define local-handle (tcp-handle 'httpclient))
(define remote-handle (tcp-address "" 80))
(spawn (lambda (e seen-peer?)
(match e
[(scn g)
(define peer-present? (trie-non-empty? g))
(if (and (not peer-present?) seen-peer?)
(begin (printf "URL fetcher exiting.\n")
(transition (or seen-peer? peer-present?)
#"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: stockholm.ccs.neu.edu\r\n\r\n"))))]
[(message (tcp-channel _ _ bs))
(actor (react
(assert (advertise (tcp-channel local-handle remote-handle _)))
(on (asserted (advertise (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle _)))
(send! (tcp-channel local-handle
#"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: stockholm.ccs.neu.edu\r\n\r\n")))
(stop-when (retracted (advertise (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle _)))
(printf "URL fetcher exiting.\n"))
(on (message (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle $bs))
(printf "----------------------------------------\n~a\n" bs)
(printf "----------------------------------------\n")
[_ #f]))
(scn/union (advertisement (tcp-channel local-handle remote-handle ?))
(subscription (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle ?))
(subscription (advertise (tcp-channel remote-handle local-handle ?))))))
(printf "----------------------------------------\n")))))