Allow run-ground to return the active set of assertions at the time of its exit.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2017-02-28 18:43:19 -05:00
parent 6f70eaf93e
commit ea1b1bc072
2 changed files with 53 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#lang syndicate
;; run-ground-vm is being modified to return the set of assertions
;; remaining at the end of its execution. This example demonstrates a
;; non-empty such set.
(actor (lambda (e u)
(when (zero? u)
(transition (+ u 1) (list (assert (outbound 'ok))
(module+ main
(require rackunit)
(require syndicate/trie)
(require syndicate/tset)
(define previous-ground-dataspace (current-ground-dataspace))
(current-ground-dataspace (lambda boot-actions
(let ((result (apply previous-ground-dataspace boot-actions)))
(check-equal? result
(pattern->trie (datum-tset 'root) 'ok))))))

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@ -99,66 +99,77 @@
(define poll-handler
(handle-evt always-evt (lambda _ #f)))
;; Boolean Process AssertionSet Natural -> Void
;; Boolean Process AssertionSet Natural -> AssertionSet
;; Returns the final set of active assertions at groundmost level.
(define (await-interrupt inert? proc interests background-activity-count)
;; (log-info "~a ~a GROUND INTERESTS:\n~a"
;; inert?
;; background-activity-count
;; (trie->pretty-string interests))
(if (and inert? (zero? background-activity-count) (trie-empty? interests))
(define active-events (extract-active-events interests))
(if (and inert? (zero? background-activity-count) (null? active-events))
(begin (log-syndicate/ground-debug "run-ground: Terminating because inert")
(match (apply sync
[inert? never-evt]
[(zero? background-activity-count) idle-handler]
[else poll-handler])
(extract-active-events interests))
[(background-activity-signal delta)
;; (log-info "background-activity-count ~v" (+ background-activity-count delta))
(await-interrupt inert? proc interests (+ background-activity-count delta))]
(inject-event e proc interests background-activity-count)])))
;; Event Process AssertionSet Natural -> Void
;; Event Process AssertionSet Natural -> AssertionSet
;; Returns the final set of active assertions at groundmost level.
(define (inject-event e proc interests background-activity-count)
(trace-event-consumed #f e)
(trace-turn-begin #f proc)
(define resulting-transition (clean-transition ((process-behavior proc) e (process-state proc))))
(process-transition resulting-transition proc interests background-activity-count))
;; Transition Process AssertionSet Natural -> Void
;; (Listof Action) AssertionSet -> AssertionSet
;; Incorporates patches into the given assertion set.
(define (process-actions actions interests)
(match actions
['() interests]
[(cons a actions)
(match a
[(? patch? p)
(process-actions actions (apply-patch interests (label-patch p (datum-tset 'root))))]
(log-syndicate/ground-warning "run-ground: ignoring useless meta-action ~v" a)
(process-actions actions interests)])]))
;; Transition Process AssertionSet Natural -> AssertionSet
;; Returns the final set of active assertions at groundmost level.
(define (process-transition resulting-transition proc interests background-activity-count)
(match resulting-transition
[#f ;; inert
(trace-turn-end #f proc)
(await-interrupt #t proc interests background-activity-count)]
[(<quit> exn _)
[(<quit> exn actions)
(trace-turn-end #f proc)
(trace-actor-exit #f exn)
(log-syndicate/ground-debug "run-ground: Terminating by request")
(process-actions actions interests)]
[(transition new-state actions)
(trace-turn-end #f (process (process-name proc) (process-behavior proc) new-state))
(let ((proc (update-process-state proc new-state)))
(let process-actions ((actions actions) (interests interests))
(match actions
['() (await-interrupt #f proc interests background-activity-count)]
[(cons a actions)
(match a
[(? patch? p)
(process-actions actions (apply-patch interests (label-patch p (datum-tset 'root))))]
(log-syndicate/ground-warning "run-ground: ignoring useless meta-action ~v" a)
(process-actions actions interests)])])))]))
(let ((proc (update-process-state proc new-state))
(new-interests (process-actions actions interests)))
(await-interrupt #f proc new-interests background-activity-count))]))
;; Action* -> Void
;; Action* -> AssertionSet
;; Runs a ground VM, booting the outermost Dataspace with the given Actions.
;; Returns the final set of active assertions at groundmost level.
(define (run-ground . boot-actions)
(run-ground* (dataspace-actor #:name 'ground boot-actions)))
;; actor -> Void
;; actor -> AssertionSet
;; Returns the final set of active assertions at groundmost level.
(define (run-ground* s)
(define-values (proc t) (actor->process+transition s))
(process-transition t proc trie-empty 0))