
This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2017-03-13 14:45:53 -04:00
parent 318363f4be
commit e57af91698
1 changed files with 312 additions and 292 deletions

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@ -93,104 +93,9 @@
;; a Program is a (Listof actor) ;; a Program is a (Listof actor)
(define mt-Γ (list)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define mt-σ (hash)) ;; Data Structures for Accumulating Effects
;; env-lookup : Γ var -> val
;; or throws an error for unbound variables
(define (env-lookup Γ id)
(match Γ
['() (error 'env-lookup "unbound variable: ~v" id)]
[(cons (binding x v) rest)
(if (equal? id x)
(env-lookup rest id))]))
;; extend-env : Γ var val -> Γ
(define (extend-env Γ id v)
(cons (binding id v) Γ))
;; update-sto : σ var val -> σ
;; update the value of var in the store, if present.
;; otherwise throw an error
(define (update-sto σ id v)
(let search ([σ σ]
[k-succ identity]
[k-fail (lambda () (error 'update-sto "unbound field: ~v" id))])
(match σ
[(store-concat σ1 σ2)
(search σ2
(lambda (new-σ2) (k-succ (store-concat σ1 new-σ2)))
(lambda () (search σ1
(lambda (new-σ1) (k-succ (store-concat new-σ1 σ2)))
(if (hash-has-key? σ id)
(k-succ (hash-set σ id v))
(module+ test
(let* ([s1 (make-store '(balance . 100))]
[s2 (store-concat mt-σ s1)]
[s3 (store-concat s1 mt-σ)])
(check-equal? (update-sto s2 'balance 50)
(store-concat mt-σ (make-store '(balance . 50))))
(check-equal? (update-sto s3 'balance 50)
(store-concat (make-store '(balance . 50)) mt-σ))))
(define (primop? x)
(member x '(+ - * / - and or not equal? null? car cdr printf)))
;; apply-primop : primop (Listof val) -> val
(define (apply-primop op args)
(match* (op args)
[('+ `(,v1 ,v2))
(+ v1 v2)]
[('- `(,v1 ,v2))
(- v1 v2)]
[('* `(,v1 ,v2))
(* v1 v2)]
[('/ `(,v1 ,v2))
(/ v1 v2)]
[('and `(,v1 ,v2))
(and v1 v2)]
[('or `(,v1 ,v2))
(and v1 v2)]
[('equal? `(,v1 ,v2))
(equal? v1 v2)]
[('not `(,v))
(not v)]
[('null? '(list))
[('null? _)
[('car `(list ,e ,es ...))
[('cdr `(list ,e ,es ...))
[('printf args)
(apply printf args)]
[(_ _)
(error 'apply-primop "invalid primitive application: ~v ~v" op args)]))
;; sto-fetch : σ var -> val
;; retrieve the value of field var.
;; if not present throw an error
(define (sto-fetch σ id)
(let search ([σ σ]
[k (lambda () (error 'sto-fetch "unbound field: ~v" id))])
(match σ
[(store-concat σ1 σ2)
(search σ2 (lambda () (search σ1 k)))]
(if (hash-has-key? σ id)
(hash-ref σ id)
;; make-store : (Listof (cons var val)) -> σ
(define (make-store . vs)
(make-immutable-hash vs))
;; A (Continue A) is (continue A σ (Listof Action) (Listof FacetTree)) ;; A (Continue A) is (continue A σ (Listof Action) (Listof FacetTree))
(struct continue (v sto as fs) #:transparent) (struct continue (v sto as fs) #:transparent)
@ -231,54 +136,163 @@
([x seq]) ([x seq])
(result-bind r f x))) (result-bind r f x)))
;; boot-facet : facet Γ σ -> (Values σ (Listof Action) FacetTree) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (boot-facet f Γ σ) ;; Facets and Endpoints
(define initial-sto (initial-store f Γ σ)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(match-define (continue _ (store-concat parent-sto facet-sto) as fs)
(eval-start-actions f Γ (store-concat σ initial-sto)))
(values parent-sto as (facet-tree f Γ facet-sto fs)))
;; initial-store : facet Γ σ -> σ ;; run-all-facets : FacetTree π σ Event -> (Result #f)
;; only bad people would put effects here. (define (run-all-facets ft π parent-sto e)
(define (initial-store f Γ σ) (match-define (facet-tree stx env sto children) ft)
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f) (define facet-sto (store-concat parent-sto sto))
(define locations ;; I'm really not confident about the way the stores are being handled here
(for/fold ([locations (list)]) (match (run-facet stx π facet-sto env e)
([o (in-list O)]) [(continue _ new-sto as new-facets)
(match o (define-values (final-sto final-as new-children)
[`(field ,id ,exp) (for/fold ([sto new-sto]
(match-define (continue v _ _ _) (eval-exp exp Γ σ)) [as as]
(cons (cons id v) locations)] [new-children new-facets])
[_ locations]))) ([ft (in-list children)])
(apply make-store locations)) (match (run-all-facets ft π sto e)
[(continue _ new-sto new-ft more-as)
(values new-sto
(append as more-as)
;; n^2 but let's keep the order the same
(append new-children (list new-ft)))]
[(stop new-sto more-as)
(values new-sto
(append as more-as)
(match-define (store-concat new-parent-sto new-facet-sto) final-sto)
(continue #f new-parent-sto (facet-tree stx env new-facet-sto new-children) final-as)]
[(stop (store-concat new-parent-sto new-facet-sto) as)
;; BUG lose facets created during on-stop
(match-define (stop final-parent-sto more-as)
(shutdown-facet-tree (facet-tree stx env new-facet-sto children)
(stop final-parent-sto (append as more-as))]))
;; eval-start-actions : facet Γ σ -> (Continue #f) ;; run-facet : facet π σ Γ Event -> Result
(define (eval-start-actions f Γ σ) (define (run-facet f π-old σ Γ e)
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f) (match-define `(react ,O ...) f)
(for-steps #f σ (in-list O) (for-steps #f σ (in-list O)
(lambda (_ σ o) (lambda (_ σ o)
(match o (run-endpoint o π-old σ Γ e))))
[`(on-start ,exp ...)
(eval-exp* exp Γ σ)]
(inj-result #f σ)]))))
;; boot-actor : actor Γ -> Action ;; run-endpoint : O π σ Γ Event -> Result
(define (boot-actor a Γ) ;; determine the effects of an endpoint in response to an event
(match a (define (run-endpoint O π-old σ Γ e)
[`(actor ,facet) (match O
(define-values (_ as ft) (boot-facet facet Γ mt-σ)) ;; event-insensitive endpoints
(define assertions (ft-assertions ft mt-Γ mt-σ)) [`(field ,_ ,_)
(spawn-upside-down (inj-result #f σ)]
(actor actor-behavior [`(on-start ,exp ...)
(actor-state trie-empty ft) (inj-result #f σ)]
(cons (scn assertions) as)))] [`(on-stop ,exp ...)
[`(dataspace ,as ...) (inj-result #f σ)]
(define boot-actions (for/list ([a (in-list as)]) (boot-actor a Γ))) [`(assert ,exp)
;; note the recursive upside-down wrapping of dataspaces-- (inj-result #f σ)]
;; the upside-down-relay is needed for things to line up properly ;; event sensitive
(spawn-upside-down [`(stop-when ,E ,exps ...)
(dataspace-actor (cons upside-down-relay boot-actions)))])) (define bindings (occurrences E e π-old Γ σ))
[(empty? bindings)
(inj-result #f σ)]
(match-define (continue _ sto as _)
(for-steps #f σ (in-list bindings)
(lambda (_ σ captures)
(define extended-env (append captures Γ))
(eval-exp* exps extended-env σ))))
(stop sto as)])]
[`(on ,E ,exps ...)
(define bindings (occurrences E e π-old Γ σ))
[(empty? bindings)
(inj-result #f σ)]
(for-steps #f σ (in-list bindings)
(lambda (_ sto captures)
(define extended-env (append captures Γ))
(eval-exp* exps extended-env sto)))])]))
;; endpoint-assertions : O Γ σ -> π
;; IGNORE effects from such expressions (yadda yadda evil yadda yadda)
(define (endpoint-assertions O Γ σ)
(match O
[`(field ,_ ,_)
[`(on-start ,exp ...)
[`(on-stop ,exp ...)
[`(assert ,exp)
(match-define (continue v _ _ _) (eval-exp exp Γ σ))
(assertion v)]
[`(stop-when ,E ,exps ...)
(subscription E Γ σ)]
[`(on ,E ,exps ...)
(subscription E Γ σ)]))
;; facet-assertions : facet Γ σ -> π
(define (facet-assertions f Γ σ)
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f)
(for/fold ([π trie-empty])
([o (in-list O)])
(π-union π (endpoint-assertions o Γ σ))))
;; shutdown-facet : facet σ -> Stop
;; run each on-stop endpoint of a facet
(define (shutdown-facet f Γ σ)
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f)
(for/fold ([s (stop σ (list))])
([o (in-list O)])
(match-define (stop σ as) s)
(match o
[`(on-stop ,exps ...)
(match-define (continue _ next-sto more-as _) (eval-exp* exps Γ σ))
(stop next-sto (append as more-as))]
[_ s])))
;; shutdown-facet-tree : FacetTree σ -> Stop
(define (shutdown-facet-tree ft parent-sto)
(match-define (facet-tree stx Γ sto children) ft)
(define facet-sto (store-concat parent-sto sto))
(match-define (stop (store-concat new-parent-sto _) as)
(for/fold ([s (shutdown-facet stx Γ facet-sto)])
([f (in-list children)])
(match-define (stop σ as) s)
(match-define (stop next-sto more-as) (shutdown-facet-tree f σ))
(stop next-sto (append as more-as))))
(stop new-parent-sto as))
;; ft-assertions : FacetTree Γ σ -> π
(define (ft-assertions ft Γ σ)
(match-define (facet-tree stx env sto children) ft)
(define extended-sto (store-concat σ sto))
(define extended-env (append Γ env))
(for/fold ([π (facet-assertions stx extended-env extended-sto)])
([f (in-list children)])
(π-union π (ft-assertions f extended-env extended-sto))))
;; actor-behavior : Event ActorState -> Transition
;; leaf behavior function
(define (actor-behavior e s)
(when e
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (eprintf "exception: ~v\n" e) (quit #:exception e (list)))])
(match-define (actor-state π-old ft) s)
(match (run-all-facets ft π-old mt-σ e)
[(continue _ _ ft as)
(define assertions (ft-assertions ft mt-Γ mt-σ))
(define next-π (if (scn? e) (scn-trie e) π-old))
(transition (actor-state next-π ft)
(cons (scn assertions) as))]
[(stop _ as)
(quit as)]))))
;; Evaluating Expressions
;; eval-exp : exp Γ σ -> (Continue val) ;; eval-exp : exp Γ σ -> (Continue val)
(define (eval-exp e Γ σ) (define (eval-exp e Γ σ)
@ -358,6 +372,14 @@
;; atom? ;; atom?
[x (continue x σ (list) (list))])) [x (continue x σ (list) (list))]))
;; eval-exp* : (Listof exp) Γ σ -> (Result (Listof Values))
;; evaluate a sequence of expressions
(define (eval-exp* exps Γ σ)
(for-steps (list) σ (in-list exps)
(lambda (vs σ e)
(result-map (lambda (v) (append vs (list v)))
(eval-exp e Γ σ)))))
(module+ test (module+ test
;; sequencing result ;; sequencing result
(match-let ([(continue v s as f) (eval-exp `(begin 1 2 3) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (match-let ([(continue v s as f) (eval-exp `(begin 1 2 3) mt-Γ mt-σ)])
@ -410,6 +432,90 @@
(f)) mt-Γ mt-σ)]) (f)) mt-Γ mt-σ)])
(check-false (empty? as)))) (check-false (empty? as))))
(define (primop? x)
(member x '(+ - * / - and or not equal? null? car cdr printf)))
;; apply-primop : primop (Listof val) -> val
(define (apply-primop op args)
(match* (op args)
[('+ `(,v1 ,v2))
(+ v1 v2)]
[('- `(,v1 ,v2))
(- v1 v2)]
[('* `(,v1 ,v2))
(* v1 v2)]
[('/ `(,v1 ,v2))
(/ v1 v2)]
[('and `(,v1 ,v2))
(and v1 v2)]
[('or `(,v1 ,v2))
(and v1 v2)]
[('equal? `(,v1 ,v2))
(equal? v1 v2)]
[('not `(,v))
(not v)]
[('null? '(list))
[('null? _)
[('car `(list ,e ,es ...))
[('cdr `(list ,e ,es ...))
[('printf args)
(apply printf args)]
[(_ _)
(error 'apply-primop "invalid primitive application: ~v ~v" op args)]))
;; boot-facet : facet Γ σ -> (Values σ (Listof Action) FacetTree)
(define (boot-facet f Γ σ)
(define initial-sto (initial-store f Γ σ))
(match-define (continue _ (store-concat parent-sto facet-sto) as fs)
(eval-start-actions f Γ (store-concat σ initial-sto)))
(values parent-sto as (facet-tree f Γ facet-sto fs)))
;; initial-store : facet Γ σ -> σ
;; only bad people would put effects here.
(define (initial-store f Γ σ)
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f)
(define locations
(for/fold ([locations (list)])
([o (in-list O)])
(match o
[`(field ,id ,exp)
(match-define (continue v _ _ _) (eval-exp exp Γ σ))
(cons (cons id v) locations)]
[_ locations])))
(apply make-store locations))
;; eval-start-actions : facet Γ σ -> (Continue #f)
(define (eval-start-actions f Γ σ)
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f)
(for-steps #f σ (in-list O)
(lambda (_ σ o)
(match o
[`(on-start ,exp ...)
(eval-exp* exp Γ σ)]
(inj-result #f σ)]))))
;; boot-actor : actor Γ -> Action
(define (boot-actor a Γ)
(match a
[`(actor ,facet)
(define-values (_ as ft) (boot-facet facet Γ mt-σ))
(define assertions (ft-assertions ft mt-Γ mt-σ))
(actor actor-behavior
(actor-state trie-empty ft)
(cons (scn assertions) as)))]
[`(dataspace ,as ...)
(define boot-actions (for/list ([a (in-list as)]) (boot-actor a Γ)))
;; note the recursive upside-down wrapping of dataspaces--
;; the upside-down-relay is needed for things to line up properly
(dataspace-actor (cons upside-down-relay boot-actions)))]))
;; dollar-id? : any -> bool ;; dollar-id? : any -> bool
;; test if the input is a symbol whose first character is $ ;; test if the input is a symbol whose first character is $
(define (dollar-id? s) (define (dollar-id? s)
@ -516,166 +622,76 @@
;; projection->pattern to convert captures to wildcards ;; projection->pattern to convert captures to wildcards
(assertion (projection->pattern (observe (eval-pat (E-pat E) Γ σ))))) (assertion (projection->pattern (observe (eval-pat (E-pat E) Γ σ)))))
;; eval-exp* : (Listof exp) Γ σ -> (Result (Listof Values)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; evaluate a sequence of expressions ;; Environments and Store Management
(define (eval-exp* exps Γ σ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(for-steps (list) σ (in-list exps)
(lambda (vs σ e)
(result-map (lambda (v) (append vs (list v)))
(eval-exp e Γ σ)))))
;; run-facet : facet π σ Γ Event -> Result (define mt-Γ (list))
(define (run-facet f π-old σ Γ e) (define mt-σ (hash))
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f)
(for-steps #f σ (in-list O)
(lambda (_ σ o)
(run-endpoint o π-old σ Γ e))))
;; run-endpoint : O π σ Γ Event -> Result ;; env-lookup : Γ var -> val
;; determine the effects of an endpoint in response to an event ;; or throws an error for unbound variables
(define (run-endpoint O π-old σ Γ e) (define (env-lookup Γ id)
(match O (match Γ
;; event-insensitive endpoints ['() (error 'env-lookup "unbound variable: ~v" id)]
[`(field ,_ ,_) [(cons (binding x v) rest)
(inj-result #f σ)] (if (equal? id x)
[`(on-start ,exp ...) v
(inj-result #f σ)] (env-lookup rest id))]))
[`(on-stop ,exp ...)
(inj-result #f σ)]
[`(assert ,exp)
(inj-result #f σ)]
;; event sensitive
[`(stop-when ,E ,exps ...)
(define bindings (occurrences E e π-old Γ σ))
[(empty? bindings)
(inj-result #f σ)]
(match-define (continue _ sto as _)
(for-steps #f σ (in-list bindings)
(lambda (_ σ captures)
(define extended-env (append captures Γ))
(eval-exp* exps extended-env σ))))
(stop sto as)])]
[`(on ,E ,exps ...)
(define bindings (occurrences E e π-old Γ σ))
[(empty? bindings)
(inj-result #f σ)]
(for-steps #f σ (in-list bindings)
(lambda (_ sto captures)
(define extended-env (append captures Γ))
(eval-exp* exps extended-env sto)))])]))
;; endpoint-assertions : O Γ σ -> π ;; extend-env : Γ var val -> Γ
;; IGNORE effects from such expressions (yadda yadda evil yadda yadda) (define (extend-env Γ id v)
(define (endpoint-assertions O Γ σ) (cons (binding id v) Γ))
(match O
[`(field ,_ ,_)
[`(on-start ,exp ...)
[`(on-stop ,exp ...)
[`(assert ,exp)
(match-define (continue v _ _ _) (eval-exp exp Γ σ))
(assertion v)]
[`(stop-when ,E ,exps ...)
(subscription E Γ σ)]
[`(on ,E ,exps ...)
(subscription E Γ σ)]))
;; facet-assertions : facet Γ σ -> π ;; make-store : (Listof (cons var val)) -> σ
(define (facet-assertions f Γ σ) (define (make-store . vs)
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f) (make-immutable-hash vs))
(for/fold ([π trie-empty])
([o (in-list O)])
(π-union π (endpoint-assertions o Γ σ))))
;; shutdown-facet : facet σ -> Stop ;; update-sto : σ var val -> σ
;; run each on-stop endpoint of a facet ;; update the value of var in the store, if present.
(define (shutdown-facet f Γ σ) ;; otherwise throw an error
(match-define `(react ,O ...) f) (define (update-sto σ id v)
(for/fold ([s (stop σ (list))]) (let search ([σ σ]
([o (in-list O)]) [k-succ identity]
(match-define (stop σ as) s) [k-fail (lambda () (error 'update-sto "unbound field: ~v" id))])
(match o (match σ
[`(on-stop ,exps ...) [(store-concat σ1 σ2)
(match-define (continue _ next-sto more-as _) (eval-exp* exps Γ σ)) (search σ2
(stop next-sto (append as more-as))] (lambda (new-σ2) (k-succ (store-concat σ1 new-σ2)))
[_ s]))) (lambda () (search σ1
(lambda (new-σ1) (k-succ (store-concat new-σ1 σ2)))
(if (hash-has-key? σ id)
(k-succ (hash-set σ id v))
;; shutdown-facet-tree : FacetTree σ -> Stop ;; sto-fetch : σ var -> val
(define (shutdown-facet-tree ft parent-sto) ;; retrieve the value of field var.
(match-define (facet-tree stx Γ sto children) ft) ;; if not present throw an error
(define facet-sto (store-concat parent-sto sto)) (define (sto-fetch σ id)
(match-define (stop (store-concat new-parent-sto _) as) (let search ([σ σ]
(for/fold ([s (shutdown-facet stx Γ facet-sto)]) [k (lambda () (error 'sto-fetch "unbound field: ~v" id))])
([f (in-list children)]) (match σ
(match-define (stop σ as) s) [(store-concat σ1 σ2)
(match-define (stop next-sto more-as) (shutdown-facet-tree f σ)) (search σ2 (lambda () (search σ1 k)))]
(stop next-sto (append as more-as)))) [_
(stop new-parent-sto as)) (if (hash-has-key? σ id)
(hash-ref σ id)
(module+ test
(let* ([s1 (make-store '(balance . 100))]
[s2 (store-concat mt-σ s1)]
[s3 (store-concat s1 mt-σ)])
(check-equal? (update-sto s2 'balance 50)
(store-concat mt-σ (make-store '(balance . 50))))
(check-equal? (update-sto s3 'balance 50)
(store-concat (make-store '(balance . 50)) mt-σ))))
;; an OK is (ok σ FacetTree (ListofAction)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(struct ok (sto ft as) #:transparent) ;; Whole Programs
;; run-all-facets : FacetTree π σ Event -> (U OK Stop)
(define (run-all-facets ft π parent-sto e)
(match-define (facet-tree stx env sto children) ft)
(define facet-sto (store-concat parent-sto sto))
;; I'm really not confident about the way the stores are being handled here
(match (run-facet stx π facet-sto env e)
[(continue _ new-sto as new-facets)
(define-values (final-sto final-as new-children)
(for/fold ([sto new-sto]
[as as]
[new-children new-facets])
([ft (in-list children)])
(match (run-all-facets ft π sto e)
[(ok new-sto new-ft more-as)
(values new-sto
(append as more-as)
;; n^2 but let's keep the order the same
(append new-children (list new-ft)))]
[(stop new-sto more-as)
(values new-sto
(append as more-as)
(match-define (store-concat new-parent-sto new-facet-sto) final-sto)
(ok new-parent-sto (facet-tree stx env new-facet-sto new-children) final-as)]
[(stop (store-concat new-parent-sto new-facet-sto) as)
;; BUG lose facets created during on-stop
(match-define (stop final-parent-sto more-as)
(shutdown-facet-tree (facet-tree stx env new-facet-sto children)
(stop final-parent-sto (append as more-as))]))
;; ft-assertions : FacetTree Γ σ -> π
(define (ft-assertions ft Γ σ)
(match-define (facet-tree stx env sto children) ft)
(define extended-sto (store-concat σ sto))
(define extended-env (append Γ env))
(for/fold ([π (facet-assertions stx extended-env extended-sto)])
([f (in-list children)])
(π-union π (ft-assertions f extended-env extended-sto))))
;; actor-behavior : Event ActorState -> Transition
;; leaf behavior function
(define (actor-behavior e s)
(when e
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (eprintf "exception: ~v\n" e) (quit #:exception e (list)))])
(match-define (actor-state π-old ft) s)
(match (run-all-facets ft π-old mt-σ e)
[(ok _ ft as)
(define assertions (ft-assertions ft mt-Γ mt-σ))
(define next-π (if (scn? e) (scn-trie e) π-old))
(transition (actor-state next-π ft)
(cons (scn assertions) as))]
[(stop _ as)
(quit as)]))))
;; run : Program -> Syndicate ;; run : Program -> Syndicate
(define (run p) (define (run p)
@ -736,6 +752,10 @@
(syntax/loc stx (syntax/loc stx
(check-true (run-with-trace any ...)))])) (check-true (run-with-trace any ...)))]))
;; Tests
(module+ test (module+ test
(define test-program (define test-program