prototype using syndicate msd logging for displaying spin counterexamples

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Sam Caldwell 2021-01-25 11:14:43 -05:00
parent b023753091
commit d5894e400b
1 changed files with 47 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
(require "proto.rkt")
(require "ltl.rkt")
(require racket/runtime-path)
(require syndicate/trace syndicate/trace/msd)
(require (prefix-in synd: (only-in syndicate/core assert retract))
(prefix-in synd: (only-in syndicate/patch patch-empty patch-seq)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
@ -656,7 +659,8 @@ Examples:
(define pid/line-trace (regexp-match* TRAIL-LINE-RX out #:match-select cdr))
(define model-lines (file->vector spin-file))
(define trace (interpret-spin-trace pid/line-trace model-lines))
(print-trace trace))
(print-trace trace)
(log-trace-msd trace))
;; a PID is a Nat
@ -704,6 +708,48 @@ Examples:
[(Retracted ty)
(printf "Process ~a REACTS to the RETRACTION of ~a\n" pid (τ->string ty))])])))
;; (Listof TraceStep) -> Void
;; use syndicate's msd logger logging
(define (log-trace-msd trace)
(start-tracing! "")
(define (end-turn! pid point patch)
(let* ([p (trace-turn-end point pid #f)]
[p (trace-actions-produced p pid (list patch))]
[p (trace-action-interpreted p pid patch)])
(define-values (final-pid final-point final-patch)
(for/fold ([current-actor #f]
[point #f]
[current-patch synd:patch-empty])
([ts (in-list trace)])
(match ts
(values current-actor point current-patch)]
[(trace-step pid evt)
(define-values (next-point next-patch)
;; either startup or the begin of a new actor's turn
[(and current-actor (not (equal? pid current-actor)))
(define p (end-turn! current-actor point current-patch))
(values (trace-turn-begin p pid #f)
(values point current-patch)]))
(match evt
[(assert ty)
(define p (synd:assert ty))
(values pid next-point (synd:patch-seq next-patch p))]
[(retract ty)
(define p (synd:retract ty))
(values pid next-point (synd:patch-seq next-patch p))]
[(Asserted ty)
#;(trace-event-consumed ??? ??? pid ???)
(values pid next-point next-patch)]
[(Retracted ty)
#;(trace-event-consumed ??? ??? pid ???)
(values pid next-point next-patch)])])))
(end-turn! final-pid final-point final-patch))
(define COMMENT-RX #px"/\\*(.*)\\*/")
;; String -> (Maybe TraceEvent)