summarise-ground-state with SIGUSR2

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-10-31 13:46:53 -04:00
parent 4a39a03a0a
commit d442f4890f
1 changed files with 23 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
(define YELLOW-ON-RED ";1;33;41")
(define WHITE-ON-RED ";1;37;41")
(define WHITE-ON-GREEN ";1;37;42")
(define WHITE-ON-BLUE ";1;37;44")
(define GREY-ON-RED ";37;41")
(define GREY-ON-GREEN ";37;42")
(define RED ";31")
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
(define (forget-process! process-names pids)
(hash-remove! process-names pids))
(define (display-notification the-notification process-names)
(define (display-notification the-notification process-names ground-state-box)
(match-define (trace-notification source sink type detail) the-notification)
(match* (type detail)
[('turn-begin (process name _beh state))
@ -125,6 +126,7 @@
(output "~a turn begins\n" (format-pids process-names sink))))]
[('turn-end (process name _beh state))
(ensure-process-named! process-names sink name)
(when (null? sink) (set-box! ground-state-box state))
(when show-turns?
(with-color BLUE
(output "~a turn ends\n" (format-pids process-names sink))
@ -192,6 +194,9 @@
(format-pids process-names sink)
(pretty-format body)))]))
(define (summarise-ground-state state)
(syndicate-pretty-print state (current-error-port)))
(define (install-trace-procedure!)
(define logger (make-logger 'syndicate-trace))
(define (trace-via-logger n)
@ -204,11 +209,15 @@
(dynamic-require 'unix-signals 'capture-signal!)))
(and capture-signal!
(begin (capture-signal! 'SIGUSR1)
(dynamic-require 'unix-signals 'next-signal-evt))))
(capture-signal! 'SIGUSR2)
(let ((lookup-signal-name (dynamic-require 'unix-signals 'lookup-signal-name)))
(handle-evt (dynamic-require 'unix-signals 'next-signal-evt)
(define ((display-trace logger))
(define receiver (make-log-receiver logger 'info))
(define process-names (make-hash))
(define ground-state-box (box #f))
(name-process! process-names '() 'ground) ;; by convention
(define next-signal-evt (check-for-unix-signals-support!))
(parameterize ((pretty-print-columns 100))
@ -216,15 +225,21 @@
(sync (handle-evt receiver
(lambda (v)
(match-define (vector level message-string data event-name) v)
(display-notification data process-names)
(display-notification data process-names ground-state-box)
(if next-signal-evt
(handle-evt next-signal-evt
(lambda (_signum)
(with-color WHITE-ON-GREEN
(output "\e[2J\e[HProcess name table:\n")
(for [((pid name) (in-hash process-names))]
(output "\t~v\t--> ~v\n" pid name)))
(lambda (signame)
(match signame
(with-color WHITE-ON-GREEN
(output "\e[2J\e[HProcess name table:\n")
(for [((pid name) (in-hash process-names))]
(output "\t~v\t--> ~v\n" pid name)))]
(with-color WHITE-ON-BLUE
(output "\e[2J\e[HGround routing table:\n")
(summarise-ground-state (unbox ground-state-box)))])