Improve actor-state pretty-printing

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-11-29 10:18:38 +13:00
parent e7402e4387
commit c77513e838
1 changed files with 6 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1257,11 +1257,13 @@
(fprintf p " - Fields:\n")
(for ([(d v) (in-hash field-table)])
(define subject-ids (hash-ref (dataflow-graph-edges-forward dfg) d set))
(define v*
(indented-port-output 6 (lambda (p) (syndicate-pretty-print v p)) #:first-line? #f))
(if (set-empty? subject-ids)
(fprintf p " - ~a: ~v\n" (format-field-descriptor d) v)
(fprintf p " - ~a: ~v ~a\n"
(fprintf p " - ~a: ~a\n" (format-field-descriptor d) v*)
(fprintf p " - ~a: ~a ~a\n"
(format-field-descriptor d)
(for/list [(subject-id subject-ids)]
(match-define (list fid eid) subject-id)
(format "~a:~a" fid eid)))))))
(format "~a:~a" fid eid))