look into leader impl simulating spec a bit

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-03-27 14:02:25 -04:00
parent 47dc84f034
commit c726fb2bdd
3 changed files with 71 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -129,7 +129,20 @@
(start-facet poll-members
(define/query-set yays (book-interest (ref title) (bind name String) #t) name)
(define/query-set nays (book-interest (ref title) (bind name String) #f) name)
(on (asserted (book-interest (ref title) (bind name String) discard))
;; count the leader as a 'yay'
(when (>= (set-count (ref yays))
(/ (set-count (ref members)) 2))
(printf "leader finds enough affirmation for ~a\n" (ref title))
(stop get-quotes
(start-facet announce
(assert (book-of-the-month (ref title))))))
(when (> (set-count (ref nays))
(/ (set-count (ref members)) 2))
(printf "leader finds enough negative nancys for ~a\n" (ref title))
(stop poll-members (next-book))))
;; begin/dataflow is a problem for simulation checking
;; count the leader as a 'yay'
(when (>= (set-count (ref yays))
(/ (set-count (ref members)) 2))

View File

@ -100,26 +100,55 @@
(Stop 'leader
(Role 'announce
(Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month String)))))
(Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month (list String))))))
(Stop 'poll (list)))))))))))
#;(define-type-alias leader-actual
(Role (get-quotes31)
(Reacts (Know (BookQuoteT String (Bind Int)))
(Stop get-quotes)
(Role (poll-members36)
(Reacts OnDataflow
(Stop poll-members
(Stop get-quotes))
(Stop get-quotes
(Role (announce39)
(Shares (BookOfTheMonthT String)))))
(Reacts (¬Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))
(Reacts (Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))
(Reacts (¬Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))
(Reacts (Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))))
(Reacts (¬Know (ClubMemberT (Bind String))))
(Reacts (Know (ClubMemberT (Bind String))))))
(define leader-actual
(Role 'get-quotes
(Reacts (Know (book-quote String Int))
(Branch (list
;; problem 1: spec doesn't say actor can give up when running out of books
(Stop 'get-quotes '())
(Role 'poll-members
(Reacts (Know (book-interest String String ))
(Branch (list
;; problem 2: combining poll-members and get-quotes here (should be another branch)
(Stop 'poll-members
(Stop 'get-quotes '()))
(Stop 'get-quotes
(Role 'announce
(Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month (list String)))))))))
(Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))
(Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))
(Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))
(Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)))))))
(Reacts (¬Know (Struct 'club-member (list String))) (list))
(Reacts (Know (Struct 'club-member (list String))) (list)))))
(define leader-fixed?
(Role 'get-quotes
(Reacts (Know (book-quote String Int))
(Branch (list
(Role 'poll-members
(Reacts (Know (book-interest String String ))
(Branch (list
(Stop 'poll-members
(Stop 'get-quotes
(Role 'announce
(Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month (list String)))))))))
(Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))
(Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))
(Reacts (¬Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list))
(Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool)) (list)))))))
(Reacts (¬Know (Struct 'club-member (list String))) (list))
(Reacts (Know (Struct 'club-member (list String))) (list)))))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Compiling Roles to state machines
@ -760,7 +789,11 @@
(check-false (simulates? seller client)))
"leader-spec identity simulation"
(check-true (simulates? leader-spec leader-spec))))
(check-true (simulates? leader-spec leader-spec)))
"things aren't quite right with leader-actual"
(check-false (simulates? leader-actual leader-spec))
(check-true (simulates? leader-fixed? leader-spec))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Visualization
@ -775,6 +808,7 @@
#:name [name #f])
(match-define (role-graph st0 st#) rg)
(define graph-name (or name "Roles"))
(define entry-node (format "~a;" (state-name->dot-name st0)))
(define edges
(for/list ([(sn st) (in-hash st#)])
(define dot-name (state-name->dot-name sn))
@ -784,7 +818,7 @@
[target (in-set targets)])
(render-edge dot-name D target)))
(string-join dot-edges "\n")))
(string-join edges
(string-join (cons entry-node edges)
#:before-first (format "digraph ~a {\n" graph-name)
#:after-last "\n}"))
@ -794,7 +828,7 @@
(define (render-to-file rg dest
#:name [name #f])
(with-output-to-file dest
(lambda () (write-string (render rg)))
(lambda () (write-string (render rg #:name name)))
#:exists 'replace))
;; StateName -> String

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@ -1782,14 +1782,14 @@
(define-typed-syntax (print-type e)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss ...))]
#:do [(displayln (type->str #'τ))]
#:do [(pretty-display (type->str #'τ))]
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (eps ...)) ( ν-f (fs ...)) ( ν-s (ss ...))])
(define-typed-syntax (print-role e)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss ...))]
#:do [(for ([r (in-syntax #'(fs ...))])
(displayln (type->str r)))]
(pretty-display (type->str r)))]
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (eps ...)) ( ν-f (fs ...)) ( ν-s (ss ...))])