dramatically improve handling of cycles in compile/internal-events

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Sam Caldwell 2021-01-28 11:26:11 -05:00
parent d5894e400b
commit c54b088a4d
1 changed files with 69 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -237,13 +237,14 @@
(match-define (role-graph st0 st#) rg)
(check-true (hash-has-key? st# (set 'x 'y)))))
;; a DetectedCylce is a (List (Listof StateName) D D D), as in
;; (list path init evt D)
;; where
;; - path represents the sequences of states containing a cycle,
;; - init is the external event that initiated this activity
;; - evt is the last-taken internal event
;; - D is the edge in the graph that matched evt
;; a DetectedCylce is a (detected-cycle StateName (Listof TraversalStep)), as in
;; (detected-cycle start steps)
;; where path represents the sequences of states containing a cycle,
(struct detected-cycle (start steps) #:transparent)
;; a TraversalStep is a (traversal-step D StateName)
;; representing a state transition along an edge matching D to a destination state
(struct traversal-step (evt dest) #:transparent)
;; RoleGraph Role -> (U RoleGraph DetectedCycle)
;; "Optimize" the given role graph with respect to internal events.
@ -254,7 +255,7 @@
(define orig-st#+ (hash-set orig-st# (set) (state (set) (hash) (set))))
;; a WorkItem is a
;; (work-item StateName (Listof StateName) D+ (Listof D+) (Listof TransitionEffect))
;; (work-item TraversalStep (Listof TraversalStep) D+ (Listof D+) (Listof TransitionEffect))
;; such as (work-item from path/r to by with effs), where
;; - from is the origin state for this chain of events
;; - path/r is the list of states in the path to this point, *after* from, in reverse
@ -264,6 +265,7 @@
;; - with is a list of pending events to be processed
;; - effs are the external effects emitted on this path
(struct work-item (from path/r to by with effs) #:transparent)
(let/ec fail
(define (walk work visited st#)
(match work
@ -290,20 +292,21 @@
(set! states (hash-set states (set) (state (set) (hash) (set)))))
(role-graph new-st0 states)]
[(cons (work-item from path/r to by with effs) more-work)
(define prev (if (empty? path/r) from (first path/r)))
(match-define (traversal-step last-evt cur-st) to)
(define prev (if (empty? path/r) from (traversal-step-dest (first path/r))))
(define prev-assertions (state-assertions (hash-ref orig-st#+ prev)))
(match-define (state _ txn# cur-assertions) (hash-ref orig-st#+ to))
(match-define (state _ txn# cur-assertions) (hash-ref orig-st#+ cur-st))
(define new-state-changes (route-internal prev-assertions
(define state-changes* (for/list ([D (in-set new-state-changes)]
#:when (for/or ([D/actual (in-hash-keys txn#)])
(D<:? D D/actual)))
(define started (for*/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract to prev))]
(define started (for*/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract cur-st prev))]
[D (in-value (StartOf fn))]
#:when (hash-has-key? txn# D))
(define stopped (for*/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract prev to))]
(define stopped (for*/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract prev cur-st))]
[D (in-value (StopOf fn))]
#:when (hash-has-key? txn# D))
@ -332,18 +335,12 @@
#:when (implies (DataflowEvt? D) (DataflowEvt? evt))
[t (in-set ts)])
(match-define (transition more-effs dest) t)
(when (and (member dest path/r+)
;; TODO - cycles involving Start/Stop are tricky. Punt for now
(not (start/stop-evt? evt)))
(fail (list (cons from (reverse (cons dest path/r+)))
(check-for-cycle! from path/r+ evt dest fail)
(define-values (internal-effs external-effs)
(partition-transition-effects more-effs))
(work-item from
(traversal-step evt dest)
(append more-pending internal-effs)
(append effs external-effs)))]))
@ -361,9 +358,9 @@
[(ormap empty? induced-work)
;; this is the end of some path
(define visited+ (set-add visited to))
(define visited+ (set-add visited cur-st))
(define new-paths-work
(for*/list (#:unless (set-member? visited to)
(for*/list (#:unless (set-member? visited cur-st)
[(D txns) (in-hash txn#)]
#:when (external-evt? D)
#:unless (equal? D DataflowEvt)
@ -371,15 +368,37 @@
(match-define (transition es dst) t)
(define-values (internal-effs external-effs)
(partition-transition-effects es))
(work-item to '() dst D internal-effs external-effs)))
(define new-st# (update-path st# from to by effs))
(work-item cur-st '() (traversal-step D dst) D internal-effs external-effs)))
(define new-st# (update-path st# from cur-st by effs))
(walk (append more-work induced-work* new-paths-work) visited+ new-st#)]
(walk (append more-work induced-work*) visited st#)])]))
(walk (list (work-item (set) '() st0 StartEvt '() '()))
(walk (list (work-item (set) '() (traversal-step StartEvt st0) StartEvt '() '()))
;; (Listof TraceStep) D StateName (DetectedCycle -> X) -> (U X Void)
;; the path is in reverse, and the final step is the pair evt/dest;
;; so their is a cycle if the sequence from the first occurrence of
;; dest in the path matches the sequence from the second occurrence to
;; the first.
(define (check-for-cycle! from path/r evt dest fail)
;; TraceStep -> Bool
(define (same-state? step) (equal? dest (traversal-step-dest step)))
;; (Listof TraceStep) -> (Values (Listof TraceStep) (Listof TraceStep))
(define (split-at-same-state steps) (splitf-at steps (compose not same-state?)))
(define-values (loop1 trail) (split-at-same-state path/r))
(when (cons? trail)
(match-define (cons prior-last trail2) trail)
(define-values (loop2 trail3) (split-at-same-state trail2))
(define last-step (traversal-step evt dest))
(when (and (cons? trail3)
(equal? (cons last-step loop1)
(cons prior-last loop2)))
(fail (detected-cycle from (reverse (cons last-step path/r)))))))
(module+ test
"most minimal functionality for removing internal events"
@ -411,14 +430,14 @@
(define r (parse-T cyclic))
(define rg (compile r))
(define i (run/timeout (thunk (compile/internal-events rg))))
(check-true (list? i))
(check-equal? (length i) 4)
(match-define (list path kick-off evt edge) i)
;; the first 'x -> 'x cycle is ignored because it's a Start event
(check-equal? path (list (set) (set 'x) (set 'x) (set 'x)))
(check-equal? kick-off StartEvt)
(check-match evt (Realize (internal-label _ (== Int))))
(check-match edge (Realize (internal-label _ (== Int)))))
(check-true (detected-cycle? i))
(check-match i
(== (set))
(list (traversal-step 'Start (== (set 'x)))
(traversal-step (StartOf 'x) (== (set 'x)))
(traversal-step (Realize (internal-label _ (== Int))) (== (set 'x)))
(traversal-step (Realize (internal-label _ (== Int))) (== (set 'x)))))))
"interesting internal start event"
@ -1547,9 +1566,17 @@
;; Role Role -> Bool
(define (simulates?/report-error impl spec)
(define impl-rg (compile impl))
(define spec-rg (compile spec))
(define impl-rg (compile/internal-events (compile impl)))
(define spec-rg (compile/internal-events (compile spec)))
[(detected-cycle? impl-rg)
(printf "Detected Cycle in Implementation!\n")
(describe-detected-cycle impl-rg)
[(detected-cycle? spec-rg)
(printf "Detected Cycle in Specification!\n")
(describe-detected-cycle spec-rg)
[(simulates?/rg impl-rg spec-rg)
@ -1557,6 +1584,12 @@
(print-failing-trace trace impl-rg spec-rg)
;; DetectedCycle -> Void
(define (describe-detected-cycle dc)
(printf "Initial State: ~a\n" (detected-cycle-start dc))
(for ([step (in-list (detected-cycle-steps dc))])
(printf " :: ~a ==> ~a\n" (D->label (traversal-step-evt step)) (traversal-step-dest step))))
;; a FailingTrace is a (failing-trace (Listof Transition) (Listof Transition) (Listof TraceStep))
(struct failing-trace (impl-path spec-path steps) #:transparent)
@ -2938,7 +2971,7 @@
"job manager subgraph(s) implement task assigner"
(define jmr (run/timeout (thunk (parse-T job-manager-actual))))
(define tar (parse-T task-assigner-spec))
(define ans (run/timeout (thunk (simulating-subgraphs jmr tar)) 2800))
(define ans (run/timeout (thunk (simulating-subgraphs jmr tar)) 4000))
(check-true (list? ans))
(check-false (empty? ans))))