First sketch of "IDE" for Syndicate

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-08-31 19:12:40 +01:00
parent 8249993a86
commit b69c3b3778
4 changed files with 144 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
COLLECTS=syndicate syndicate-gl
COLLECTS=syndicate syndicate-gl syndicate-ide
all: setup

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide fmod
(require 2htdp/image)
(define (fmod a b)
(- a (* b (truncate (/ a b)))))
(define (hsv->color h s v)
(define h* (fmod (/ h 60.0) 6))
(define chroma (* v s))
(define x (* chroma (- 1 (abs (- (fmod h* 2) 1)))))
(define-values (r g b)
[(< h* 1) (values chroma x 0)]
[(< h* 2) (values x chroma 0)]
[(< h* 3) (values 0 chroma x)]
[(< h* 4) (values 0 x chroma)]
[(< h* 5) (values x 0 chroma)]
[else (values chroma 0 x)]))
(define (scale x) (inexact->exact (truncate (* 255 x))))
(make-color (scale r) (scale g) (scale b)))
(define (color-by-hash v)
(hsv->color (* 360.0 (/ (bitwise-and (equal-hash-code v) 16777215) 16777216.0)) 1 1))

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
#lang setup/infotab

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide ide-dataspace)
(require racket/async-channel)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require 2htdp/image)
(require (only-in syndicate seal))
(require syndicate/actor)
(require syndicate/patch)
(require syndicate/protocol/standard-relay)
(require syndicate/ground)
(require syndicate/trace)
(require syndicate-gl/2d)
(require "hsv.rkt")
(struct view-position (pid pos) #:prefab) ;; assertion
(struct influence (subject object) #:prefab) ;; message
(define (random-in-range lo hi)
(+ lo (* (random) (- hi lo))))
(define (coord-top pos extent scale)
(define half-scale (* 1/2 scale))
(+ half-scale (- (* half-scale pos) (* 1/2 extent))))
(define (actor-view parent-pid pid)
(actor #:name (list 'actor-view pid)
(field [pos (make-rectangular (random-in-range -1 1) (random-in-range -1 1))])
(define/query-value win (window 1 1) (inbound (window $w $h)) (window w h))
(define color (color-by-hash pid))
(define costume (circle 20 "solid" color))
(define extent (make-rectangular (image-width costume) (image-height costume)))
(assert (view-position pid (pos)))
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite 0
(coord-top (real-part (pos))
(real-part extent)
(window-width (win)))
(coord-top (imag-part (pos))
(imag-part extent)
(window-height (win)))
(real-part extent)
(imag-part extent)
(on (message (trace-notification pid _ 'action _))
(log-info "~v acting" pid)
(on (message (influence pid _))
(log-info "~v influencing" pid)
(on (message (influence _ pid))
(log-info "~v influenced" pid)
(stop-when (message (trace-notification _ pid 'exit _)))))
(define ((ide-dataspace) . boot-actions)
(define from-user-thread-ch (make-async-channel))
(define user-thread
(thread (lambda ()
(parameterize ((current-trace-procedures
(cons (lambda (n) (async-channel-put from-user-thread-ch n))
(run-ground boot-actions)))))
(parameterize ((current-trace-procedures '()))
((2d-dataspace #:label "Syndicate IDE")
(actor #:name 'user-thread-death-monitor
(field [user-thread-running? #t])
(assert #:when (user-thread-running?) 'user-thread-running)
(on (message (inbound (? frame-event? _)))
(when (thread-dead? user-thread) (user-thread-running? #f))))
(actor #:name 'notification-relay
(on (message (inbound (? frame-event? _)))
(let loop ()
(define n (async-channel-try-get from-user-thread-ch))
(match n
[(trace-notification _ new-pid 'spawn (list parent-pid _))
(actor-view parent-pid new-pid)]
[(trace-notification s o 'influence (? patch? p))
(for [(source-pid (in-set (extract-patch-pids p)))]
(send! (influence (cons source-pid (cdr s)) o)))]
[(trace-notification s o 'influence (message _))
(send! (influence s o))]
[(? trace-notification? n)
(send! n)])
(when n (loop)))))
(actor #:name 'quit-listener
(on (message (inbound (key-event #\q #t _)))
(assert! (outbound 'stop))))
(actor #:name 'debug
(on (message (? trace-notification? $n))
(log-info "INBOUND: ~v --~v--> ~v"
(trace-notification-source n)
(trace-notification-type n)
(trace-notification-sink n))))