draggable-mixin in syndicate-gl/examples/basic.rkt

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-09-02 10:36:26 +01:00
parent 45c12bacf0
commit b56f559f45
1 changed files with 37 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,32 @@
(seal `())))))))
(define (draggable-mixin touching? x y)
(define (idle)
(react (stop-when #:when (touching?)
(message (inbound (mouse-event 'left-down (mouse-state $mx $my _ _ _))))
(dragging (- mx (x)) (- my (y))))))
(define (dragging dx dy)
(react (on (message (inbound (mouse-event 'motion (mouse-state $mx $my _ _ _))))
(x (- mx dx))
(y (- my dy)))
(stop-when (message (inbound (mouse-event 'left-up _))) (idle))
(stop-when (message (inbound (mouse-event 'leave _))) (idle))))
(define (draggable-shape name orig-x orig-y z plain-image hover-image)
(actor (field [x orig-x] [y orig-y])
(define/query-value touching? #f (inbound (touching name _ _ _)) #t)
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite #:touchable-id name
#:touchable-predicate in-unit-circle?
z (x) (y) 50 50
(if (touching?)
(on-start (draggable-mixin touching? x y))))
(define (spawn-player-avatar)
(local-require 2htdp/planetcute)
(define CC character-cat-girl)
@ -32,6 +58,9 @@
(on (retracted (key-pressed $k)) (keys-down (set-remove (keys-down) k)))
(define (key->delta k distance) (if (set-member? (keys-down) k) distance 0))
(define/query-value touching? #f (inbound (touching 'player _ _ _)) #t)
(on-start (draggable-mixin touching? x y))
(on (message (inbound (frame-event _ _ $elapsed-ms _)))
(define-values (old-x old-y) (values (x) (y)))
(define distance (* 0.360 elapsed-ms))
@ -57,16 +86,14 @@
;; (spawn-frame-counter)
(actor (define/query-value touching-orange? #f (inbound (touching 'orange _ _ _)) #t)
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite #:touchable-id 'orange
#:touchable-predicate in-unit-circle?
0 50 50 50 50 (circle 50 "solid"
(if (touching-orange?)
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite #:touchable-id 'green
#:touchable-predicate in-unit-circle?
-1 60 60 50 50 (circle 50 "solid" "green")))))
(draggable-shape 'orange 50 50 0
(circle 50 "solid" "orange")
(circle 50 "solid" "red"))
(draggable-shape 'green 60 60 -1
(circle 50 "solid" "green")
(circle 50 "solid" "cyan"))
(actor* (until (message (inbound (key-event #\q #t _))))
(assert! (outbound 'stop)))