first bit of linking proto analysis into language

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2020-10-28 14:06:19 -04:00
parent d523dc7937
commit abecc4996c
4 changed files with 130 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out) Role)
(rename-out [→+ ]
[∀+ ]
[Role+Body Role])
[Role+Body Role]
[Role Role/internal]
[ ∀/internal]
[ →/internal])
(for-syntax (except-out (all-defined-out) ~→ ~∀ ~Role)
(rename-out [~→+ ~→]
[~∀+ ~∀]
@ -712,7 +715,7 @@
#'(~and (cons . rst)
(~fail #:unless (ctor-id? #'cons)))])))
(define (inspect t)
#;(define (inspect t)
(syntax-parse t
[(~constructor-type tag t ...)
(list (syntax-e #'tag) (stx-map type->str #'(t ...)))]))

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@ -26,16 +26,19 @@
(define-type-alias account-manager-role
(Role (account-manager)
(Shares Account)
(Reacts (Know Deposit))))
(Reacts (Asserted Deposit))))
(define-type-alias client-role
(Role (client)
(Reacts (Know Account))))
(Reacts (Asserted Account))))
(check-simulates client-role client-role)
(check-simulates client-role account-manager-role)
(run-ground-dataspace ds-type
(spawn ds-type
(export-roles "account-manager-role.rktd"
(start-facet account-manager
(field [balance Int 0])
(assert (account (ref balance)))

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@ -20,26 +20,26 @@
;; - (Sends τ)
;; - (Realizes τ)
;; - (Stop FacetName Body)
(struct Role (nm eps) #:transparent)
(struct Spawn (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Sends (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Realizes (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Stop (nm body) #:transparent)
(struct Role (nm eps) #:prefab)
(struct Spawn (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Sends (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Realizes (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Stop (nm body) #:prefab)
;; a EP is one of
;; - (Reacts D Body), describing an event handler
;; - (Shares τ), describing an assertion
;; - (Know τ), describing an internal assertion
(struct Reacts (evt body) #:transparent)
(struct Shares (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Know (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Reacts (evt body) #:prefab)
(struct Shares (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Know (ty) #:prefab)
;; a Body describes actions carried out in response to some event, and
;; is one of
;; - T
;; - (Listof Body)
;; - (Branch (Listof Body))
(struct Branch (arms) #:transparent)
(struct Branch (arms) #:prefab)
;; a D is one of
;; - (Asserted τ), reaction to assertion
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
;; - StartEvt, reaction to facet startup
;; - StopEvt, reaction to facet shutdown
;; - DataflowEvt, reaction to field updates
(struct Asserted (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Retracted (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Message (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Forget (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Realize (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Asserted (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Retracted (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Message (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Forget (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Realize (ty) #:prefab)
(define StartEvt 'Start)
(define StopEvt 'Stop)
(define DataflowEvt 'Dataflow)
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
;; specified facet,
;; - (StartOf FacetName)
;; - (StopOf FacetName)
(struct StartOf (fn) #:transparent)
(struct StopOf (fn) #:transparent)
(struct StartOf (fn) #:prefab)
(struct StopOf (fn) #:prefab)
;; NOTE: because I'm adding D+ after writing a bunch of code using only D,
;; expect inconsistencies in signatures and names
@ -84,17 +84,17 @@
;; - ⋆
;; - (Base Symbol)
;; - (internal-label Symbol τ)
(struct U (tys) #:transparent)
(struct Struct (nm tys) #:transparent)
(struct Observe (ty) #:transparent)
(struct List (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Set (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Hash (ty-k ty-v) #:transparent)
(struct Mk⋆ () #:transparent)
(struct internal-label (actor-id ty) #:transparent)
(struct U (tys) #:prefab)
(struct Struct (nm tys) #:prefab)
(struct Observe (ty) #:prefab)
(struct List (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Set (ty) #:prefab)
(struct Hash (ty-k ty-v) #:prefab)
(struct Mk⋆ () #:prefab)
(struct internal-label (actor-id ty) #:prefab)
;; TODO this might be a problem when used as a match pattern
(define (Mk⋆))
(struct Base (name) #:transparent)
(struct Base (name) #:prefab)
(define Int (Base 'Int))
(define String (Base 'String))
(define Bool (Base 'Bool))

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@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
(all-from-out "either.rkt")
;; DEBUG and utilities
print-type print-role role-strings
;; Behavioral Roles
export-roles check-simulates
;; Extensions
match cond
submod for-syntax for-meta only-in except-in
@ -89,6 +91,9 @@
(require (postfix-in - racket/list))
(require (postfix-in - racket/set))
(require (for-syntax (prefix-in proto: "proto.rkt")
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(require rackunit/turnstile))
@ -614,6 +619,95 @@
[ (#%app- list- (#%datum- . s) ...) ( : (List String))])
;; Behavioral Analysis
(define ID-PHASE 0)
(define-syntax (build-id-table stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ (~seq key val) ...)
#'(make-free-id-table (hash (~@ #'key val) ...) #:phase ID-PHASE)]))
(build-id-table Spawns proto:Spawn
Sends proto:Sends
Realizes proto:Realizes
Shares proto:Shares
Know proto:Know
Branch proto:Branch
Asserted proto:Asserted
Retracted proto:Retracted
Message proto:Message
Forget proto:Forget
Realize proto:Realize
U* proto:U
Observe proto:Observe
List proto:List
Set proto:Set
Hash proto:Hash))
(define (double-check)
(for/first ([id (in-dict-keys TRANSLATION#)]
#:when (false? (identifier-binding id)))
(pretty-print id)
(pretty-print (syntax-debug-info id))))
(define (synd->proto ty)
(let convert ([ty (resugar-type ty)])
(syntax-parse ty
#:literals (★/t Discard ∀/internal →/internal Role/internal Stop Reacts)
[(ctor:id t ...)
#:when (dict-has-key? TRANSLATION# #'ctor)
(apply (dict-ref TRANSLATION# #'ctor) (stx-map convert #'(t ...)))]
[★/t proto:⋆]
[Discard proto:⋆] ;; TODO - should prob have a Discard type in proto
[(∀/internal (X ...) body)
(error "unimplemented")]
[(→/internal ty-in ... ty-out)
(error "unimplemented")]
[(Role/internal (nm) body ...)
(proto:Role (syntax-e #'nm) (stx-map convert #'(body ...)))]
[(Stop nm body ...)
(proto:Role (syntax-e #'nm) (stx-map convert #'(body ...)))]
[(Reacts evt body ...)
(define converted-body (stx-map convert #'(body ...)))
(define body+
(if (= 1 (length converted-body))
(first converted-body)
(proto:Reacts (convert #'evt) body+)]
(proto:Base (syntax-e #'t))]
[(ctor:id args ...)
;; assume it's a struct
(proto:Struct (syntax-e #'ctor) (stx-map convert #'(args ...)))]
[unrecognized (error (format "unrecognized type: ~a" #'unrecognized))]))))
(define-typed-syntax (export-roles dest:string e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (~effs eps ...)) ( ν-f (~effs fs ...)) ( ν-s (~effs ss ...))]
#:do [(with-output-to-file (syntax-e #'dest)
(thunk (for ([f (in-syntax #'(fs ...))])
(pretty-write (synd->proto f))))
#:exists 'replace)]
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (eps ...)) ( ν-f (fs ...)) ( ν-s (ss ...))])
(define-syntax-parser check-simulates
[(_ τ-impl:type τ-spec:type)
(define τ-impl- (synd->proto #'τ-impl.norm))
(define τ-spec- (synd->proto #'τ-spec.norm))
(pretty-print τ-impl-)
(pretty-print τ-spec-)
(unless (proto:simulates? τ-impl- τ-spec-)
(raise-syntax-error #f "type doesn't simulate spec" this-syntax))
#'(#%app- void-)])
;; Tests