
This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-09-19 20:24:51 -04:00
parent aab25684b8
commit 9a62eb6076
1 changed files with 56 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#lang syndicate/actor
;; Explore use of sandboxes etc for being an "operating system"
(require racket/match)
(require racket/sandbox)
(define (program-boot-actions modspec)
(parameterize ((sandbox-input (current-input-port))
(sandbox-output (current-output-port)))
(define e (make-evaluator 'racket/base))
(define ns (call-in-sandbox-context e current-namespace))
(for [(syndicate-modspec (in-list (list 'syndicate/actor
(namespace-attach-module (current-namespace) syndicate-modspec ns))
(e `(require (submod ,modspec syndicate-main)))
(e `(activate!))))
(struct running-app (id) #:prefab) ;; assertion
(struct kill-app (id) #:prefab) ;; message
(struct named-account (name balance) #:prefab) ;; assertion
(define (run-bank-account name)
(struct account (balance) #:prefab)
(dataspace (define id (symbol->string (gensym 'app)))
(printf "Starting app ~a\n" id)
(schedule-action! (program-boot-actions 'syndicate/examples/actor/bank-account))
(assert (outbound (running-app id)))
(stop-when (message (inbound (kill-app id)))
(printf "Received signal for app ~a\n" id))
(during (account $balance)
(assert (outbound (named-account name balance)))))))
(run-bank-account 'a)
(run-bank-account 'b)
(run-bank-account 'c)
(actor (on (asserted (named-account $name $balance))
(printf "Named account balance ~a = ~a\n" name balance)))
(actor (define/query-set running-apps (running-app $id) id)
(begin/dataflow (printf "Running apps: ~v\n" (running-apps))))
(let ()
(local-require racket/port)
(define e (read-bytes-line-evt (current-input-port) 'any))
(actor (stop-when (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? eof-object? _))))))
(on (message (inbound (external-event e (list (? bytes? $bs)))))
(define app-id (bytes->string/utf-8 bs))
(printf "Killing ~a\n" app-id)
(send! (kill-app app-id)))))