Manually assign Type kind to types instead of doing a full


seems to make things as much as 5x faster, and half the code size
This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2020-12-10 12:50:40 -05:00
parent 45f140d642
commit 8dda1ba6bf
1 changed files with 35 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
(require (postfix-in - racket/set))
(require (postfix-in - racket/match))
(require (postfix-in - (only-in racket/format ~a)))
(require (for-syntax "syntax-serializer.rkt"))
(require (for-syntax racket/provide-transform)
@ -50,6 +49,36 @@
(current-use-stop-list? #f))
(define-for-syntax KIND-TAG ':)
#;(require (for-syntax "syntax-serializer.rkt"))
(define-for-syntax (lazy-serialize t) t)
(define-for-syntax (lazy-deserialize t)
(define TYPE (type-eval #'Type))
(define FN (type-eval #'FacetName))
(let loop ([t t])
(syntax-parse t
#:literals (#%plain-app #%plain-lambda list)
(attach t KIND-TAG TYPE)]
[(#%plain-app tycons τ-in (#%plain-lambda (X) τ-out))
#:do [(define var-ty (if (equal? 'Role (syntax-e #'typecons)) FN TYPE))]
#:with τ-in- (attach (loop #'τ-in) KIND-TAG var-ty)
#:with X- (attach #'X KIND-TAG var-ty)
#:with τ-out- (loop #'τ-out)
(define reconstructed #`(#%plain-app tycons τ-in- (#%plain-lambda (X-) τ-out-)))
(attach (add-orig reconstructed t) KIND-TAG TYPE)]
[(#%plain-app tycons (~or* (~seq ty ... (#%plain-app (~and lst list) . more-tys))
(~seq ty ...)) )
#:with more-tys- (if (attribute more-tys) (stx-map loop #'more-tys) #'())
(define reconstructed #`(#%plain-app tycons
#,@(stx-map loop #'(ty ...))
(~? (#%plain-app lst . more-tys-))))
(attach (add-orig reconstructed t) KIND-TAG TYPE)])))
(define-for-syntax serialize-syntax lazy-serialize)
(define-for-syntax deserialize-syntax lazy-deserialize)
;; Type Checking Conventions
@ -1433,12 +1462,15 @@
(define-for-syntax (int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename x x- t ctx)
(printf "adding to context ~a\n" (syntax-debug-info x)))
(define serialized-ty (serialize-syntax t))
;; at some point these serialize/deserialze-syntax calls seemed to fix an issue, but
;; in principle it doesn't seem like they should be necessary and things seem to be
;; working w/o them *shrug*
(define serialized-ty (values #;serialize-syntax t))
(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list x-) #f ctx)
(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list x)
(attach #'#,x- ': (deserialize-syntax #'#,serialized-ty))
(attach #'#,x- ': (values #;deserialize-syntax #'#,serialized-ty))
@ -1518,8 +1550,6 @@
[(_ [x:id x-:id τ e-] ...)
#'(syndicate:field [x- e-] ...)]))
(define-for-syntax KIND-TAG ':)
(define-syntax (define/intermediate stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ x:id x-:id τ e)