This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2015-10-23 19:51:00 -04:00
parent 9da90088b6
commit 8bb1b36073
1 changed files with 92 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
(require racket/match)
(require prospect/drivers/timer)
(require plot/utils) ;; for vector utilities
(require 2htdp/image)
(require prospect-gl/2d)
;; Layers:
;; - External I/O
@ -28,25 +30,32 @@
;; actors represent entities in the world, mostly
;; misc actors do physicsish things
;; ## Common Data Definitions
;; A Vec is a (vector Number Number)
;; A Point is a (vector Number Number)
;; (See vector functions in plot/utils)
;; ## Ground Layer Protocols
;; - Scene Management
;; ### Scene Management
;; - assertion: ScrollOffset
;; - role: SceneManager
;; Displays the scene backdrop and adjusts display coordinates via ScrollOffset.
;; A ScrollOffset is a (scroll-offset Vec), indicating the vector to *subtract*
;; from world coordinates to get device coordinates.
(struct scroll-offset (vec) #:transparent)
;; ## Game Layer Protocols
;; - Scoring
;; ### Scoring
;; - message: AddToScore
;; - assertion: CurrentScore
;; - role: ScoreKeeper
@ -54,7 +63,17 @@
;; Publishes the score using a CurrentScore.
;; Responds to AddToScore by updating the score.
;; - Level Spawning
;; An AddToScore is an (add-to-score Number), a message
;; which signals a need to add the given number to the player's
;; current score.
(struct add-to-score (delta) #:transparent)
;; A CurrentScore is a (current-score Number), an assertion
;; indicating the player's current score.
(struct current-score (value) #:transparent)
;; ### Level Spawning
;; - assertion: LevelRunning
;; - message: LevelCompleted
;; - role: LevelSpawner
@ -71,22 +90,18 @@
;; going. Sends LevelCompleted if the player successfully completed
;; the level.
;; An AddToScore is an (add-to-score Number), a message
;; which signals a need to add the given number to the player's
;; current score.
;; A CurrentScore is a (current-score Number), an assertion
;; indicating the player's current score.
;; A LevelRunning is a (level-running), an assertion indicating that the
;; current level is still in progress.
;; A LevelCompleted is a (level-completed), a message indicating that
;; the current level was *successfully* completed before it terminated.
;; ## Level Layer Protocols
;; - Movement and Physics
;; ### Movement and Physics
;; - message: JumpRequest
;; - assertion: Impulse
;; - assertion: Velocity
@ -118,7 +133,8 @@
;; enemies, the goal(s), and platforms and blocks in the environment.
;; Asserts a Sprite two layers out to render itself.
;; - Player State
;; ### Player State
;; - message: Damage
;; - assertion: Health
;; - role: Player
@ -126,7 +142,8 @@
;; Responds to Damage.
;; When hitpoints drop low enough, removes the player from the board.
;; - World State
;; ### World State
;; - assertion: LevelSize
;; - role: DisplayControl
;; Maintains a LevelSize assertion.
@ -230,67 +247,70 @@
;; Keyboard -> Player: (press space)
;; Player -> Physics: (jump)
;; Keyboard and Display
;; SceneManager
;; A KeyStateChangeEvent is either
;; - (key-press KeyEvent) ;; from 2htdp
;; - (key-release KeyEvent)
;; signalling a key state change.
(struct key-press (key) #:prefab)
(struct key-release (key) #:prefab)
(define window-projection (compile-projection (at-meta (?! (window ? ?)))))
(define scroll-offset-projection (compile-projection (scroll-offset (?!))))
;; A ScreenSize is a (screen-size Vec), indicating the size of the device.
(struct screen-size (vec) #:prefab)
(define (spawn-scene-manager)
(struct scene-manager-state (size offset) #:prefab)
;; The canvas here both delivers keyboard events and serves as a
;; display medium.
(define game-canvas%
(class canvas%
(init-field key-handler)
(define/override (on-char event)
(match (send event get-key-code)
['release (key-handler (key-release (send event get-key-release-code)))]
[other (key-handler (key-press other))]))))
(define (update-window-size s p)
(define-values (added removed) (patch-project/set/single p window-projection))
(for/fold [(s s)] [(w added)]
(match-define (window width height) w)
(struct-copy scene-manager-state s [size (vector width height)])))
;; Construct, show and return a game-canvas%.
;; Keypresses will result in ground-messages.
(define (make-frame width height)
(parameterize ((current-eventspace (make-eventspace)))
(define frame (new frame%
[label "Prospect Platformer"]
[width width]
[height height]))
(define canvas
(new game-canvas%
[parent frame]
[key-handler send-ground-message]))
(send canvas focus)
(send frame show #t)
(define (update-scroll-offset s p)
(define-values (added removed) (patch-project/set/single p scroll-offset-projection))
(for/fold [(s s)] [(o added)]
(match-define (scroll-offset vec) o)
(struct-copy scene-manager-state s [offset vec])))
;; -> KeyboardIntegrator
(define (spawn-keyboard-driver)
(spawn (lambda (e s)
(sub (
(match e
[(? patch? p)
(let* ((s (update-window-size s p))
(s (update-scroll-offset s p)))
(match-define (vector width height) (scene-manager-state-size s))
(match-define (vector ofs-x ofs-y) (scene-manager-state-offset s))
(transition s
(update-scene `((push-matrix (scale ,width ,height)
(texture ,(rectangle 1 1 "solid" "white"))
(translate ,ofs-x ,ofs-y))
[_ #f]))
(scene-manager-state (vector 0 0) (vector 0 0))
(sub (window ? ?) #:meta-level 1)))
;; ScoreKeeper
(define (spawn-score-keeper)
(spawn (lambda (e s)
(match e
[(message (add-to-score delta))
(transition (+ s delta)
(retract (current-score ?))
(assert (current-score delta)))]
[_ #f]))
(sub (add-to-score ?))))
;; LevelSpawner
(define (spawn-level-spawner)
(let ((canvas (make-frame 600 400)))
;; Retrieve the actual displayed size of the canvas, which differs
;; from the requested frame size because of window chrome etc.
(define the-screen-size
(let-values (((x-max y-max) (send canvas get-client-size)))
(screen-size (vector x-max y-max))))
(define the-dc (send canvas get-dc))
;; So equipped, we may spawn the renderer.
(spawn-renderer the-screen-size the-dc))
(2d-world #:width 600 #:height 400
(spawn-world (spawn-score-keeper)