customize resugaring, clean up a bit

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2020-10-16 10:34:53 -04:00
parent 8288312890
commit 8446a0d770
2 changed files with 33 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -75,17 +75,10 @@
(hash-set! TypeInfo#
(type-metadata isec cons)))
;; Identifier -> Symbol
;; XYZ-.*
;; based on the convention used by turnstile *shrug*
(define (un- id)
(define match?
(regexp-match #px"^(\\S*)-\\S*$" (symbol->string (syntax-e id))))
(and match? (string->symbol (second match?))))
;; Identifier -> (U #f type-metadata)
(define (get-type-info ty-cons)
(hash-ref TypeInfo# (un- ty-cons) #f))
(hash-ref TypeInfo# (syntax-e ty-cons) #f))
;; Identifier -> (U #f isec-desc)
(define (get-type-isec-desc ty-cons)
@ -171,19 +164,14 @@
#:with mk- (format-id #'Name- "mk-~a-" (syntax-e #'Name-))
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(define-type-constructor Name-
(define-type-constructor Name
#:arity op arity
#:arg-variances variances
#,@(if (attribute extra-info)
#'(#:extra-info extra-info)
(define-syntax Name (mk-ctor-rewriter #'Name-))
(set-type-info! 'Name '#,(attribute desc.val) mk-)
(define-syntax NamePat
(mk-ctor-rewriter #'NamePat-))))
(define-for-syntax mk mk-)))]))
(set-type-info! 'Name '#,(attribute desc.val) mk))))]))
;; Syntax -> (Listof Variant)
@ -237,8 +225,6 @@
(define (new-type? t)
(or (type?- t)
(Type? (detach t ':))))
#;(require racket/trace)
#;(trace new-type?)
(current-type? new-type?))
@ -285,24 +271,22 @@
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ Name:id #:arity op arity:nat
(~optional (~seq #:arg-variances variances))
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info)))
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info))
(~optional (~seq #:implements meths ...)))
#:with Name- (mk-- #'Name)
#:with mk- (mk-mk #'Name-)
#:with Name? (mk-? #'Name)
#:with dom (make-arity-domain #'op (syntax-e #'arity))
#:do [
(define arg-var-meth #'(~? (get-arg-variances-data variances)
(define extra-info-meth #'(~? (get-extra-info-data extra-info)
(define implements? (if (or (attribute variances) (attribute extra-info))
(define implements? (if (or (attribute variances) (attribute extra-info) (attribute meths))
(define-type Name : #,@#'dom -> Type
(~? (~@ get-arg-variances-data variances))
(~? (~@ get-extra-info-data extra-info))
(~? (~@ meths ...)))
(define-for-syntax (mk- args)
((current-type-eval) #`(Name #,@args)))
(define-for-syntax Name?
@ -318,11 +302,13 @@
(define-type FacetName : FacetName)
#;(define-type-constructor? Shares #:arity = 1)
#;(define-binding-type Role #:arity >= 0 #:bvs = 1)
(define-type Role #:with-binders [X : FacetName] : Type -> Type)
(define-type RoleBody : Type * -> Type)
(define-type Role #:with-binders [X : FacetName] : Type -> Type
#:implements get-resugar-info
[(~Role (nm : _) (~RoleBody body ...))
(list* #'Role (list #'nm) (stx-map resugar-type #'(body ...)))]))
(define-type-constructor Shares #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Sends #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Realizes #:arity = 1)
@ -354,9 +340,20 @@
(define-container-type Patch #:arity = 2)
;; functions and type abstractions
#;(define-binding-type )
(define-type #:with-binders [X : Type] : Type -> Type)
(define-type-constructor #:arity > 0)
(define-for-syntax (resugar-∀ ty)
(syntax-parse (flatten-∀ ty)
[((X ...) body)
(list* #' (syntax->list #'(X ...)) (resugar-type #'body))]))
(define-type #:with-binders [X : Type] : Type -> Type
#:implements get-resugar-info
(define-type-constructor #:arity > 0
#:implements get-resugar-info
[(~→ o i ...)
(cons #' (stx-map resugar-type #'(i ... o)))]))
(define-simple-macro (→+ in ... out)
( out in ...))
@ -624,9 +621,7 @@
(struct- StructName (slot ...) #:reflection-name 'Cons #:transparent)
(define-for-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx)
(list #'type-tag #'MakeTypeCons #'GetTypeParams)
#;(syntax-parse stx
[(_ X (... ...)) #'(#%app- 'type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)]))
(list #'type-tag #'MakeTypeCons #'GetTypeParams))
(define-product-type TypeCons
#:arity = #,arity
#:extra-info TypeConsExtraInfo)
@ -1315,10 +1310,6 @@
(and (flat-type? ty)
(finite? ty))))
(require racket/trace)
(trace instantiable?))
;; CONVENTION: Type variables for effects are prefixed with ρ
(define (row-variable? x)
@ -1366,8 +1357,7 @@
(attach #'#,x- ': (deserialize-syntax #'#,serialized-ty))
#;(add-orig (assign-type #'#,x- #'#,t #:wrap? #f) #'#,x))
(define-for-syntax (add-bindings-to-ctx e- def-ctx)

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
(start-facet _
(on (asserted (tuple $x:Int))
(add1 x))))
#:with-msg "spawn: Not prepared to handle inputs:\n\\(Tuple- String\\)")
#:with-msg "spawn: Not prepared to handle inputs:\n\\(Tuple String\\)")
(spawn (U)
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@
(know (tuple "hi"))
(on (know (tuple $x:Int))
(add1 x))))
#:with-msg "spawn: Not prepared to handle internal events:\n\\(Tuple- String\\)")
#:with-msg "spawn: Not prepared to handle internal events:\n\\(Tuple String\\)")