switch to a for-loop style project

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2018-05-07 11:48:18 -04:00
parent 3f02e0e52e
commit 739b68a24a
1 changed files with 61 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
Int Bool String Tuple Bind Discard ★/t
Observe Inbound Outbound Actor U
;; Core Forms
actor dataspace make-assertion-set project $ patch
actor dataspace make-assertion-set project patch
tuple λ observe inbound outbound
;; values
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
(require (rename-in racket/math [exact-truncate exact-truncate-]))
(require (rename-in racket/set [set->list set->list-]))
(require (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/core-lang)
(prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/trie))
(prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/trie)
(prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/comprehensions))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
@ -55,8 +56,9 @@
;; Types
(define-base-types Int Bool String Discard Bind ★/t)
(define-base-types Int Bool String Discard ★/t)
(define-type-constructor Bind #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Tuple #:arity >= 0)
(define-type-constructor U #:arity >= 0)
(define-type-constructor #:arity > 0)
@ -360,8 +362,8 @@
;; second type is the type of a pattern
(define-for-syntax (project-safe? t1 t2)
(syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2)
[(_ ~Bind)
(finite? t1)]
[(_ (~Bind τ2:type))
(and (finite? t1) (<: t1 #'τ2))]
[(_ ~Discard)
[(_ ~★/t)
@ -390,7 +392,7 @@
(define-for-syntax (overlap? t1 t2)
(syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2)
[(~★/t _) #t]
[(_ ~Bind) #t]
[(_ (~Bind _)) #t]
[(_ ~Discard) #t]
[(_ ~★/t) #t]
[((~U τ1:type ...) _)
@ -494,83 +496,42 @@
[ (syndicate:patch- e-add- e-sub-) (Patch τ-add τ-sub)])
(define-typed-syntax $
[ (syndicate:?!) Bind]])
(define (#%project e p)
(define num-captures (syndicate:projection-arity p))
(define results (syndicate:trie-project/set #:take num-captures e p))
(for/list ([l (in-set results)])
(cons 'tuple l)))
(define-typed-syntax (project e p)
[ e e- (~AssertionSet τ-e:type)]
[ p p- τ-p:type]
#:fail-unless (project-safe? #'τ-e.norm #'τ-p.norm)
(define-typed-syntax (project [pat e-set] e-body)
[ e-set e-set- (~AssertionSet τ-s:type)]
[ pat _ τ-p:type]
#:with ([x:id τ:type] ...) (pat-bindings #'pat)
[[x x- : τ] ... e-body e-body- τ-b]
#:fail-unless (project-safe? #'τ-s.norm #'τ-p.norm)
"pattern captures infinite set"
#:with captures (analyze-captures #'τ-e.norm #'τ-p.norm)
#:with τ-out:type (list->tuple-ty (stx->list #'captures))
#:with pat- (compile-syndicate-pattern #'pat)
[ (#%project e- p-) (List τ-out)])
[ (syndicate:for-trie/list ([pat- e-set-])
(let- ([x- x] ...) e-body-))
(List τ-b)])
;; ... -> (Listof Type)
(define (analyze-captures t-set t-pat)
(syntax-parse #`(#,t-set #,t-pat)
[(_ ~Bind)
(list t-set)]
[(_ ~Discard)
[(_ ~★/t)
[((~U τ1:type ...) _)
(define branch-captures
(for/fold ([branches (list)])
([t (in-list (stx->list #'(τ1 ...)))])
(match (analyze-captures t t-pat)
['() branches]
[x (cons x branches)])))
(match branch-captures
['() '()]
[(list t) t]
(unless (andmap (λ (l) (= (length (first branch-captures)) (length l)))
(type-error #:src #'TODO #:msg "uneven captures"))
(map (λ x (type-eval #`(U #,@x))) branch-captures)])]
[(_ (~U τ2:type ...))
(define branch-captures
(for/fold ([t (in-list (stx->list #'(τ2 ...)))])
([branches (list)])
(match (analyze-captures t-set t)
['() branches]
[x (cons x branches)])))
(match branch-captures
['() '()]
[(list t) t]
(unless (andmap (λ (l) (= (length (first branch-captures)) (length l)))
(type-error #:src #'TODO #:msg "uneven captures"))
(map (λ x (type-eval #`(U #,@x))) branch-captures)])]
[((~Tuple τ1:type ...) (~Tuple τ2:type ...))
#:when (overlap? t-set t-pat)
(apply append (map analyze-captures (stx->list #'(τ1 ...)) (stx->list #'(τ2 ...))))]
[((~constructor-type _ τ1:type ...) (~constructor-type _ τ2:type ...))
#:when (overlap? t-set t-pat)
(apply append (map analyze-captures (stx->list #'(τ1 ...)) (stx->list #'(τ2 ...))))]
[((~Observe τ1:type) (~Observe τ2:type))
(analyze-captures #'τ1 #'τ2)]
[((~Inbound τ1:type) (~Inbound τ2:type))
(analyze-captures #'τ1 #'τ2)]
[((~Outbound τ1:type) (~Outbound τ2:type))
(analyze-captures #'τ1 #'τ2)]
[_ (list)]))
(define (list->tuple-ty tys)
(type-eval #`(Tuple #,@tys))))
(define (compile-pattern pat bind-id-transformer exp-transformer)
(let loop ([pat pat])
(syntax-parse pat
#:datum-literals (tuple discard bind)
[(tuple p ...)
#`(list 'tuple #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
[(k:kons1 p)
#`(#,(kons1->constructor #'k) #,(loop #'p))]
[(bind x:id τ:type)
(bind-id-transformer #'x)]
[(~constructor-exp ctor p ...)
(define/with-syntax uctor (untyped-ctor #'ctor))
#`(uctor #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
(exp-transformer pat)])))
(define (compile-syndicate-pattern pat)
(compile-pattern pat
(lambda (id) #`($ #,id))
(define-for-syntax (strip-? t)
@ -759,18 +720,31 @@
(module+ test
(check-type (project (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2)) (tuple))
(check-type (project [(tuple) (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2))]
: (List (Tuple))
-> (list))
(check-type (project (make-assertion-set (tuple)) (tuple))
(check-type (project [(tuple) (make-assertion-set (tuple))]
: (List (Tuple))
-> (list (tuple)))
#;(project (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2)) (tuple $ 2))
(check-type (project [(tuple (bind x Int) 2) (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2))]
: (List Int)
-> (list 1))
#;(project (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2) "hello") (tuple $ 2))
#;(project (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2)
(tuple (tuple 4 5) 2))
(tuple $ 2)))
(check-type (project [(tuple (bind x Int) 2) (make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2) "hello")]
: (List Int)
-> (list 1))
(check-type (project [(tuple (bind x (U Int (Tuple Int Int))) 2)
(make-assertion-set (tuple 1 2)
(tuple (tuple 4 5) 2))]
: (List (U Int (Tuple Int Int)))
-> (list (tuple 4 5) 1)))