This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-09-12 14:31:57 -04:00
parent 254eb74825
commit 723d3f4046
1 changed files with 125 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
;; This is very useful:
;; EXAMPLES for developing intuition:
;; 1. a button
@ -76,7 +79,9 @@
(require racket/generic)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/pretty)
(require (only-in racket/list flatten))
(require (only-in racket/string string-split))
(require (prefix-in ansi: ansi))
(require "display.rkt")
@ -88,12 +93,18 @@
;; - a (fill Nat Nat), a potentially infinite amount of space
(struct fill (weight rank) #:transparent)
;; A very weak fill.
(define weak-fill (fill 1 -1))
;; A Sizing is a (sizing Nat Fill Fill)
(struct sizing (ideal stretch shrink) #:transparent)
;; A LayoutOption is a (layout-option Any Sizing Sizing)
(struct layout-option (info horizontal-sizing vertical-sizing) #:transparent)
;; A Layout is a (layout Any Nat Nat Nat Nat)
(struct layout (info top left width height) #:transparent)
;; (Nat Nat -> Nat) -> (Fill Fill -> Fill)
(define ((fill-binop op) a b)
(match* (a b)
@ -117,15 +128,24 @@
(define-generics tbox
;; TBox Sizing Sizing -> (Listof LayoutOption)
(tbox-sizings tbox h-sizing v-sizing)
;; TBox Any TTY Nat Nat Nat Nat -> Void
(tbox-render! tbox info tty top left width height))
(tbox-layout-options tbox h-sizing v-sizing)
;; TBox Any Nat Nat Nat Nat -> Layout
(tbox-layout tbox info top left width height)
;; TBox TTY Layout -> Void
(tbox-render! tbox tty layout)
#:fallbacks [(define (tbox-layout-options t sw sh)
(list (layout-option #f
(sizing (sizing-ideal sw) 0 0)
(sizing (sizing-ideal sh) 0 0))))
(define (tbox-layout tbox info top left width height)
(layout info top left width height))])
(struct glue-tbox (horizontal vertical string pen) #:transparent
#:methods gen:tbox
[(define (tbox-sizings t w h)
[(define (tbox-layout-options t w h)
(list (layout-option #f (glue-tbox-horizontal t) (glue-tbox-vertical t))))
(define (tbox-render! t _info tty top left width height)
(define (tbox-render! t tty lo)
(match-define (layout _ top left width height) lo)
(define str (glue-tbox-string t))
(define whole-repeats (quotient width (string-length str)))
(define fragment (substring str 0 (remainder width (string-length str))))
@ -210,13 +230,13 @@
(and (sizing-overlap? w width)
(sizing-overlap? h height)))
(define (select-adjacent-layout vertical? items sw sh)
(define (adjacent-layout-options vertical? items sw sh)
(define item-count (length items))
(define fair-width (if (zero? item-count) sw (sizing-scale sw (/ item-count))))
(define fair-height (if (zero? item-count) sh (sizing-scale sh (/ item-count))))
(define size-preferences (map (if vertical?
(lambda (i) (tbox-sizings i sw fair-height))
(lambda (i) (tbox-sizings i fair-width sh)))
(lambda (i) (tbox-layout-options i sw fair-height))
(lambda (i) (tbox-layout-options i fair-width sh)))
(define prefs-depth (apply max (map length size-preferences)))
(define choices
@ -256,40 +276,43 @@
[_ (sizing-ideal s)]))
(define (compute-concrete-adjacent-layout vertical? candidates top left width height)
(define (compute-concrete-adjacent-layout vertical? items candidates top left width height)
(define actual-sizes
(if vertical?
(compute-concrete-adjacent-sizes (map layout-option-vertical-sizing candidates) height)
(compute-concrete-adjacent-sizes (map layout-option-horizontal-sizing candidates) width)))
(define-values (_last-pos entries-rev)
(for/fold [(pos (if vertical? top left)) (entries-rev '())]
[(entry candidates) (actual-size actual-sizes)]
(define size (- (round (+ pos actual-size)) pos))
(values (+ pos size)
[(entry candidates) (item items) (actual-size actual-sizes)]
(define rpos (round pos))
(define size (- (round (+ pos actual-size)) rpos))
(values (+ pos actual-size)
(cons (if vertical?
(list (layout-option-info entry) pos left width size)
(list (layout-option-info entry) top pos size height))
(tbox-layout item (layout-option-info entry) rpos left width size)
(tbox-layout item (layout-option-info entry) top rpos size height))
(reverse entries-rev))
(struct adjacent-tbox (vertical? items) #:transparent
#:methods gen:tbox
[(define/generic render! tbox-render!)
(define (tbox-sizings t w h)
(select-adjacent-layout (adjacent-tbox-vertical? t)
(define (tbox-layout-options t w h)
(adjacent-layout-options (adjacent-tbox-vertical? t)
(adjacent-tbox-items t)
(define (tbox-render! t candidates tty top left width height)
(for [(layout (compute-concrete-adjacent-layout (adjacent-tbox-vertical? t)
(define (tbox-layout t candidates top left width height)
(layout (compute-concrete-adjacent-layout (adjacent-tbox-vertical? t)
(adjacent-tbox-items t)
(item (adjacent-tbox-items t))]
(match-define (list info t l w h) layout)
(render! item info tty t l w h)))])
top left width height))
(define (tbox-render! t tty lo)
(for [(item-lo (layout-info lo)) (item (adjacent-tbox-items t))]
(render! item tty item-lo)))])
(define (fill-weaken f w r)
(if (fill? f)
@ -308,17 +331,51 @@
(struct weaken-fills (item weight rank) #:transparent
#:methods gen:tbox
[(define/generic sizings tbox-sizings)
[(define/generic layout-options tbox-layout-options)
(define/generic inner-layout tbox-layout)
(define/generic render! tbox-render!)
(define (tbox-sizings t sw sh)
(define (tbox-layout-options t sw sh)
(map (match-lambda
[(layout-option info w h)
(layout-option info
(sizing-weaken-fills w (weaken-fills-weight t) (weaken-fills-rank t))
(sizing-weaken-fills h (weaken-fills-weight t) (weaken-fills-rank t)))])
(sizings (weaken-fills-item t) sw sh)))
(define (tbox-render! t info tty top left width height)
(render! (weaken-fills-item t) info tty top left width height))])
(layout-options (weaken-fills-item t) sw sh)))
(define (tbox-layout t info top left width height)
(inner-layout (weaken-fills-item t) info top left width height))
(define (tbox-render! t tty lo)
(render! (weaken-fills-item t) tty lo))])
(define (sizing-adjust-ideal s i)
(match-define (sizing x x+ x-) s)
(sizing i
(if (fill? x+) x+ (+ x+ (- x i)))
(if (fill? x-) x- (- x- (- x i)))))
(struct pretty-print-tbox (value mode) #:transparent
#:methods gen:tbox
[(define (tbox-layout-options t sw sh)
(define width-guess (sizing-ideal sw))
(define height-guess (length (pretty-print-tbox-lines t (floor width-guess))))
(list (layout-option #f sw (sizing-adjust-ideal sh height-guess))))
(define (tbox-render! t tty lo)
(tty-goto tty (layout-top lo) (layout-left lo))
(for [(line (pretty-print-tbox-lines t (floor (layout-width lo))))]
(tty-display tty line)
(tty-goto tty (+ (tty-cursor-row tty) 1) (layout-left lo))))])
(define (pretty-print-tbox-contents t width)
(pretty-format (pretty-print-tbox-value t)
#:mode (pretty-print-tbox-mode t)))
(define (pretty-print-tbox-lines t width)
(for/fold [(lines '())] [(line (string-split (pretty-print-tbox-contents t width) "\n"))]
(let loop ((lines lines) (line line))
(if (> (string-length line) width)
(loop (cons (substring line 0 width) lines) (substring line width))
(cons line lines))))))
@ -361,15 +418,24 @@
(raise e)))]
(tty-display tty "Ho ho ho\r\n")
(define R (glue-tbox (sizing 10 (fill 1 0) 0) (sizing 5 0 0) ":" (pen color-white color-red #f #f)))
(define G (glue-tbox (sizing 10 (fill 1 0) 0) (sizing 5 0 0) ":" (pen color-white color-green #f #f)))
(define B (glue-tbox (sizing 10 (fill 1 0) 0) (sizing 5 0 0) ":" (pen color-white color-blue #f #f)))
(define (colored-box bgcolor)
(glue-tbox (sizing 10 (fill 1 0) 0)
(sizing 5 0 0)
(pen color-white bgcolor #f #f)))
(define R (colored-box color-red))
(define G (colored-box color-green))
(define B (colored-box color-blue))
(define (tbox-render-toplevel! widget tty)
(define w (tty-columns tty))
(define h (tty-rows tty))
(define layouts (tbox-sizings widget (sizing w (fill 1 0) w) (sizing h (fill 1 0) h)))
(tbox-render! widget (layout-option-info (car layouts)) tty 0 0 w h))
(define layouts (tbox-layout-options widget
(sizing w 0 w)
(sizing h 0 h)))
(define lo (tbox-layout widget (layout-option-info (car layouts)) 0 0 w h))
(tbox-render! widget tty lo))
(define xpad values)
@ -382,12 +448,20 @@
;; (hfill)
(vbox (vfil) G)
;; (hfill)
(weaken (pad B))
(vbox (weaken (pad B))
`(define (tbox-render-toplevel! widget tty)
(define w (tty-columns tty))
(define h (tty-rows tty))
(define layouts (tbox-layout-options widget
(sizing w 0 w)
(sizing h 0 h)))
(define lo (tbox-layout widget (layout-option-info (car layouts)) 0 0 w h))
(tbox-render! widget tty lo))
(tbox-render-toplevel! toplevel-widget tty)
(tty-goto tty 0 0)
(display (string-append (ansi:set-mode ansi:x11-focus-event-mode)
(ansi:set-mode ansi:x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode)
(ansi:set-mode ansi:x11-extended-mouse-tracking-mode))
@ -403,8 +477,13 @@
(terminal-output tty))
(flush-output (terminal-output tty))))
(tbox-render-toplevel! toplevel-widget tty)
(tty-goto tty 0 0)
(let loop ()
(tty-flush tty)
(tbox-render-toplevel! toplevel-widget tty)
(tty-goto tty 0 0)
(sync (handle-evt (tty-next-key-evt tty)
(lambda (k)
(match k
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@
;; (tty-shutdown!! tty)
;; (pretty-print toplevel-widget)
;; (pretty-print (tbox-sizings toplevel-widget
;; (pretty-print (tbox-layout-options toplevel-widget
;; (sizing 80 (fill 1 0) 80)
;; (sizing 24 (fill 1 0) 24)))