POC imperative dataspace implementation, with set-box example

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2018-04-06 11:37:59 +01:00
parent 55dbc2f29a
commit 6a0439cbd0
5 changed files with 847 additions and 6 deletions

imperative/bag.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Bags and Deltas (which are Bags where item-counts can be negative).
(provide make-bag
;; A `(Bagof X)` is a `(MutableHash X Nat)`, where the `Nat` against
;; an `X` is its replication count in the bag.
;; A `(Deltaof X)` is a `(MutableHash X Int)`, just like a `(Bagof X)`
;; except the replication counts can be negative.
(define make-bag make-hash)
(define (bag-change! b x delta)
(define old-count (bag-ref b x))
(define new-count (+ old-count delta))
(if (zero? new-count)
(begin (hash-remove! b x)
(if (zero? old-count) 'absent->absent 'present->absent))
(begin (hash-set! b x new-count)
(if (zero? old-count) 'absent->present 'present->present))))
(define (bag-ref b x)
(hash-ref b x 0))
(define bag-clear! hash-clear!)
(define-syntax-rule (in-bag piece ...) (in-hash piece ...))

imperative/dataspace.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
#lang racket/base
(require syndicate/functional-queue)
(require syndicate/dataflow)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(require "skeleton.rkt")
(require "pattern.rkt")
(require "bag.rkt")
;; A `FID` is a Facet ID, uniquely identifying both a facet and its
;; ancestry in a `Dataspace`.
;; FID = (Listof Nat)
;; The first `Nat` in the list is the unique identifier for this
;; facet; the `cdr` of the list is the FID of its parent facet. No two
;; `FID`s in a `Dataspace` have the same first `Nat`.
;; A `Dataspace` is a ... TODO
;; An `Action` is either `(patch (Deltaof Assertion))` or `(message
;; Assertion)` or `(spawn BootProc)`.
(struct patch (changes) #:prefab)
(struct message (body) #:prefab)
(struct spawn (boot-proc) #:prefab)
(struct dataspace ([next-id #:mutable] ;; Nat
routing-table ;; Skeleton
facets ;; (MutableHash FID Facet)
actors ;; (MutableSetof FID)
assertions ;; (Bagof Assertion)
dataflow ;; DataflowGraph
pending-scripts ;; (MutableVectorof (Queueof (-> Any)))
[pending-actions #:mutable] ;; (Queueof Action)
(struct facet (id ;; FID
endpoints ;; (MutableHash EID Endpoint)
[stop-scripts #:mutable] ;; (Listof Script) -- IN REVERSE ORDER
[children #:mutable] ;; (Setof FID)
(struct endpoint (id ;; EID
[assertion #:mutable] ;; Assertion
assertion-fn ;; (-> Assertion)
handler ;; (Option SkInterest)
;; TODO: field ownership: record actor (root facet) ID in field, check
;; it on access.
(struct field-handle (name ;; Symbol
id ;; Nat
owner ;; FID
[value #:mutable] ;; Any
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc f port mode)
(fprintf port "#<field-handle:~a:~a>" (field-handle-name f) (field-handle-id f)))]
#:property prop:procedure
(dataflow-record-observation! (dataspace-dataflow (current-dataspace)) f)
(field-handle-value f)]
[(f v)
(dataflow-record-damage! (dataspace-dataflow (current-dataspace)) f)
(set-field-handle-value! f v)]))
;; Parameterof Dataspace
(define current-dataspace (make-parameter #f))
;; Parameterof FID
(define current-actor (make-parameter #f))
;; Parameterof FID
(define current-facet-id (make-parameter #f))
;; Parameterof Facet
(define current-facet (make-parameter #f))
;; Parameterof Boolean
(define in-script? (make-parameter #t))
;; Script priorities. These are used to ensure that the results of
;; some *side effects* are visible to certain pieces of code.
(module priorities racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(define-syntax (define-priority-levels stx)
(let loop ((counter 0) (stx (syntax-case stx ()
[(_ level ...) #'(level ...)])))
(syntax-case stx ()
[(#:count c)
#`(begin (define c #,counter)
(provide c))]
[(this-level more ...)
#`(begin (define this-level #,counter)
(provide this-level)
#,(loop (+ counter 1) #'(more ...)))])))
(define-priority-levels ;; highest-priority to lowest-priority
#:count priority-count))
(require (submod "." priorities))
(define (make-dataspace)
(dataspace 0
(make-vector priority-count (make-queue))
(define (generate-id! ds)
(let ((id (dataspace-next-id ds)))
(set-dataspace-next-id! ds (+ id 1))
(define (fid-parent fid)
(cdr fid))
(define (generate-fid! ds parent-fid)
(cons (generate-id! ds) parent-fid))
(define (actor-fid? fid)
(null? (fid-parent fid)))
(define (add-actor! ds boot-proc)
(define actor-fid (generate-fid! ds '()))
(set-add! (dataspace-actors ds) actor-fid)
(add-facet! ds actor-fid actor-fid boot-proc))
(define (lookup-facet ds fid)
(hash-ref (dataspace-facets ds) fid #f))
(define-syntax-rule (with-current-facet [ds actor-fid fid f script?] body ...)
(parameterize ((current-dataspace ds)
(current-actor actor-fid)
(current-facet-id fid)
(current-facet f)
(in-script? script?))
body ...))
(define (capture-facet-context proc)
(let ((ds (current-dataspace))
(actor-fid (current-actor))
(fid (current-facet-id))
(f (current-facet)))
(lambda args
(with-current-facet [ds actor-fid fid f #t]
(apply proc args)))))
(define (pop-next-script! ds)
(define priority-levels (dataspace-pending-scripts ds))
(let loop ((level 0))
(and (< level (vector-length priority-levels))
(let ((q (vector-ref priority-levels level)))
(if (queue-empty? q)
(loop (+ level 1))
(let-values (((script q) (dequeue q)))
(vector-set! priority-levels level q)
(define (run-all-pending-scripts! ds)
(define script (pop-next-script! ds))
(and script
(begin (script)
(dataflow-repair-damage! (dataspace-dataflow ds)
(lambda (subject-id)
(match-define (list fid eid) subject-id)
(define f (lookup-facet ds fid))
(when f
(define ep (hash-ref (facet-endpoints f) eid))
(define old-assertion (endpoint-assertion ep))
(define new-assertion ((endpoint-assertion-fn ep)))
(when (not (equal? old-assertion new-assertion))
(set-endpoint-assertion! ep new-assertion)
(dataspace-retract! ds old-assertion)
(dataspace-assert! ds new-assertion)
(define h (endpoint-handler ep))
(when h
(dataspace-unsubscribe! ds h)
(dataspace-subscribe! ds h))))))
(run-all-pending-scripts! ds))))
(define (perform-pending-actions! ds)
(define actions (queue->list (dataspace-pending-actions ds)))
(set-dataspace-pending-actions! ds (make-queue))
(for [(action actions)]
(match action
[(patch delta)
(for [((a count) (in-bag delta))]
(match (bag-change! (dataspace-assertions ds) a count)
['present->absent (remove-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) a)]
['absent->present (add-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) a)]
;; 'absent->absent absurd
['present->present (void)]))] ;; i.e. no visible change
[(message body)
(send-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) body)]
[(spawn boot-proc)
(add-actor! ds boot-proc)]))
(not (null? actions)))
(define (run-scripts! ds)
(define ran-a-script (run-all-pending-scripts! ds))
(define performed-an-action (perform-pending-actions! ds))
;; TODO: figure out when a dataspace should quit itself. Given the
;; mutable nature of the implementation, maybe never? It might be
;; being held elsewhere!
(or ran-a-script performed-an-action))
(define (add-facet! ds actor-fid fid boot-proc)
(define parent-fid (fid-parent fid))
(define f (facet fid
(hash-set! (dataspace-facets ds) fid f)
(when (pair? parent-fid)
(define pf (lookup-facet ds parent-fid))
(when pf (set-facet-children! pf (set-add (facet-children pf) fid))))
(with-current-facet [ds actor-fid fid f #f]
(schedule-script! ds (lambda ()
(when (and (facet-live? ds fid)
(or (and (pair? parent-fid) (not (facet-live? ds parent-fid)))
(facet-live-but-inert? ds fid)))
(terminate-facet! ds actor-fid fid)))))
(define (facet-live? ds fid)
(hash-has-key? (dataspace-facets ds) fid))
(define (facet-live-but-inert? ds fid)
(define f (lookup-facet ds fid))
(and f
(hash-empty? (facet-endpoints f))
(set-empty? (facet-children f))))
(define (schedule-script! #:priority [priority *normal-priority*] ds thunk)
(define v (dataspace-pending-scripts ds))
(vector-set! v priority (enqueue (vector-ref v priority) thunk)))
(define (terminate-facet! ds actor-fid fid)
(define f (lookup-facet ds fid))
(when f
(define parent-fid (fid-parent fid))
(when (pair? parent-fid)
(define pf (lookup-facet ds parent-fid))
(when pf (set-facet-children! (set-remove (facet-children pf) fid))))
(hash-remove! (dataspace-facets ds) fid)
(for [(child-fid (in-set (facet-children f)))]
(terminate-facet! ds actor-fid child-fid))
;; Run stop-scripts after terminating children. This means that
;; children's stop-scripts run before ours.
(for [(script (reverse (facet-stop-scripts f)))]
(schedule-script! ds script))
(lambda ()
(for [((eid ep) (in-hash (facet-endpoints f)))]
(dataflow-forget-subject! (dataspace-dataflow ds) (list fid eid))
(dataspace-retract! ds (endpoint-assertion ep))
(define h (endpoint-handler ep))
(when h (dataspace-unsubscribe! ds h)))))
#:priority *gc-priority*
(lambda ()
(when (and (pair? parent-fid) (facet-live-but-inert? ds parent-fid))
(log-info "terminating ~v because it's dead and child ~v terminated" parent-fid fid)
(terminate-facet! ds actor-fid parent-fid))))))
(define (add-endpoint! ds where assertion-fn handler)
(when (in-script?)
(error 'add-endpoint!
"~a: Cannot add endpoint in script; are you missing a (react ...)?"
(define eid (generate-id! ds))
(define assertion
(parameterize ((current-dataflow-subject-id (list (current-facet-id) eid)))
(define ep (endpoint eid assertion assertion-fn handler))
(dataspace-assert! ds assertion)
(when handler (dataspace-subscribe! ds handler))
(hash-set! (facet-endpoints (current-facet)) eid ep))
(define (ensure-patch-action! ds)
(define old-q (dataspace-pending-actions ds))
(when (or (queue-empty? old-q) (not (patch? (queue-last old-q))))
(set-dataspace-pending-actions! ds (enqueue old-q (patch (make-bag)))))
(patch-changes (queue-last (dataspace-pending-actions ds))))
(define (dataspace-retract! ds assertion)
(when (not (void? assertion))
(bag-change! (ensure-patch-action! ds) assertion -1)))
(define (dataspace-assert! ds assertion)
(when (not (void? assertion))
(bag-change! (ensure-patch-action! ds) assertion +1)))
(define (dataspace-unsubscribe! ds h)
(remove-interest! (dataspace-routing-table ds) h))
(define (dataspace-subscribe! ds h)
(add-interest! (dataspace-routing-table ds) h))
(define (dataspace-send! ds body)
(set-dataspace-pending-actions! ds (enqueue (dataspace-pending-actions ds) (message body))))
(module+ test
;; TODO: move somewhere sensible
;; Thin veneers over `struct` for declaring intent.
(define-syntax-rule (assertion-struct item ...) (struct item ... #:prefab))
(define-syntax-rule (message-struct item ...) (struct item ... #:prefab))
(message-struct set-box (new-value))
(assertion-struct box-state (value))
;; TODO: move somewhere sensible
(assertion-struct observe (specification))
(define ds (make-dataspace))
(add-actor! ds
(lambda ()
(define current-value (field-handle 'current-value
(generate-id! (current-dataspace))
(add-endpoint! (current-dataspace)
(lambda ()
(when (= (current-value) 10)
(schedule-script! (current-dataspace)
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(printf "box: terminating\n"))))
(terminate-facet! (current-dataspace)
(add-endpoint! (current-dataspace)
(lambda () (box-state (current-value))))
(add-endpoint! (current-dataspace)
(lambda () (observe (set-box (capture (discard))))))
(skeleton-interest (list struct:set-box #f)
'((0 0))
(lambda (op new-value)
(when (eq? '! op)
(lambda ()
(printf "new-value ~a ~v\n" op new-value)
(current-value new-value)))))))))))
(add-actor! ds
(lambda ()
(add-endpoint! (current-dataspace)
(lambda () (observe (observe (set-box (discard))))))
(skeleton-interest (list struct:observe (list struct:set-box #f))
(lambda (op)
(when (eq? '- op)
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(printf "client: box has gone\n"))))
(terminate-facet! (current-dataspace)
(add-endpoint! (current-dataspace)
(lambda () (observe (box-state (capture (discard))))))
(skeleton-interest (list struct:box-state #f)
'((0 0))
(lambda (op v)
(when (eq? '+ op)
(lambda ()
(printf "v ~a ~v\n" op v)
(dataspace-send! (current-dataspace)
(set-box (+ v 1)))))))))))))
(require racket/pretty)
(pretty-print ds)
(let loop ((i 0))
(printf "--- i = ~v\n" i)
(when (run-scripts! ds)
(pretty-print ds)
(loop (+ i 1))))
(pretty-print ds)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide analyse-pattern
(provide (struct-out discard)
(struct-out capture)
@ -11,9 +13,8 @@
(require racket/struct-info)
(require syntax/stx)
(struct wildcard () #:prefab)
(define ? (wildcard))
(struct discard () #:prefab)
(struct capture (detail) #:prefab)
;; ## Analysing patterns
@ -119,6 +120,6 @@
#`(list #,@(map desc->assertion-stx pieces))]
[`(compound (,_struct-type ,ctor ,_pred ,_getters ,_setters ,_super) ,pieces ...)
#`(#,ctor #,@(map desc->assertion-stx pieces))]
[`(capture ,_ ,p) (desc->assertion-stx p)]
[`(discard) #'?]
[`(capture ,_ ,p) #`(capture #,(desc->assertion-stx p))]
[`(discard) #'(discard)]
[`(atom ,v) v]))

imperative/skeleton.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
#lang racket/base
;; "Skeletons" describe the indexed structure of a dataspace.
;; In particular, they efficiently connect assertions to matching interests.
(provide (struct-out skeleton-interest)
(require syndicate/support/struct)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/hash)
(require racket/list)
(module+ test (require rackunit))
;; A `Skeleton` is a structural guard on an assertion: essentially,
;; specification of (the outline of) its shape; its silhouette.
;; Following a skeleton's structure leads to zero or more `SkCont`s.
;; Skeleton = (skeleton-node SkCont (AListof SkSelector (MutableHash SkClass SkNode)))
;; SkSelector = (skeleton-selector Nat Nat)
;; SkClass = StructType | (list-type Nat)
(struct skeleton-node (continuation [edges #:mutable]) #:transparent)
(struct skeleton-selector (pop-count index) #:transparent)
(struct list-type (arity) #:transparent)
;; A `SkDesc` is a single assertion silhouette, usually the
;; evaluation-result of `desc->skeleton-stx` from `pattern.rkt`.
;; A `SkCont` is a *skeleton continuation*, a collection of "next
;; steps" after a `Skeleton` has matched the general outline of an
;; assertion.
;; INVARIANT: At each level, the caches correspond to the
;; appropriately filtered and projected contents of the dataspace
;; containing the structures.
;; SkCont = (skeleton-continuation
;; (MutableSet Assertion)
;; (MutableHash SkProj (MutableHash SkKey SkConst)))
;; SkConst = (skeleton-matched-constant
;; (MutableSet Assertion)
;; (MutableHash SkProj SkAcc))
;; SkAcc = (skeleton-accumulator
;; (MutableSet SkKey)
;; (MutableSet (... -> Any)))
(struct skeleton-continuation (cache table) #:transparent)
(struct skeleton-matched-constant (cache table) #:transparent)
(struct skeleton-accumulator (cache handlers) #:transparent)
;; A `SkProj` is a *skeleton projection*, a specification of loci
;; within a tree-shaped assertion to collect into a flat list.
;; SkProj = (Listof (Listof Nat))
;; The outer list specifies elements of the flat list; the inner lists
;; specify paths via zero-indexed links to child nodes in the
;; tree-shaped assertion being examined. A precondition for use of a
;; `SkProj` is that the assertion being examined has been checked for
;; conformance to the skeleton being projected.
;; A `SkKey` is the result of running a `SkProj` over a term,
;; extracting the values at the denoted locations.
;; SkKey = (Listof Any)
;; Each `SkProj` in `SkCont` selects *constant* portions of the term
;; for more matching against the `SkKey`s in the table associated with
;; the `SkProj`. Each `SkProj` in `SkConst`, if any, selects
;; *variable* portions of the term to be given to the handler
;; functions in the associated `SkAcc`.
;; A `SkInterest` is a specification for an addition to or removal
;; from an existing `Skeleton`.
;; SkInterest = (skeleton-interest SkDesc SkProj SkKey SkProj (... -> Any))
;; The `SkDesc` gives the silhouette. The first `SkProj` is the
;; constant-portion selector, to be matched against the `SkKey`. The
;; second `SkProj` is used on matching assertions to extract the
;; variable portions, to be passed to the handler function.
(struct skeleton-interest (desc const-selector const-value var-selector handler) #:transparent)
(define (make-empty-skeleton/cache cache)
(skeleton-node (skeleton-continuation cache
(define (make-empty-skeleton)
(make-empty-skeleton/cache (mutable-set)))
(define (skcont-add! c i apply-handler!)
(match-define (skeleton-interest _desc cs cv vs h) i)
(define (make-matched-constant)
(skeleton-matched-constant (for/mutable-set [(a (skeleton-continuation-cache c))
#:when (equal? (apply-projection a cs) cv)]
(define cvt (hash-ref! (skeleton-continuation-table c) cs make-hash))
(define sc (hash-ref! cvt cv make-matched-constant))
(define (make-accumulator)
(skeleton-accumulator (for/mutable-set [(a (skeleton-matched-constant-cache sc))]
(apply-projection a vs))
(define acc (hash-ref! (skeleton-matched-constant-table sc) vs make-accumulator))
(set-add! (skeleton-accumulator-handlers acc) h)
(for [(vars (skeleton-accumulator-cache acc))] (apply-handler! h vars)))
(define (skcont-remove! c i apply-handler!)
(match-define (skeleton-interest _desc cs cv vs h) i)
(define cvt (hash-ref (skeleton-continuation-table c) cs #f))
(when cvt
(define sc (hash-ref cvt cv #f))
(when sc
(define acc (hash-ref (skeleton-matched-constant-table sc) vs #f))
(when acc
(for [(vars (skeleton-accumulator-cache acc))] (apply-handler! h vars))
(set-remove! (skeleton-accumulator-handlers acc) h)
(when (set-empty? (skeleton-accumulator-handlers acc))
(hash-remove! (skeleton-matched-constant-table sc) vs)))
(when (hash-empty? (skeleton-matched-constant-table sc))
(hash-remove! cvt cv)))
(when (hash-empty? cvt)
(hash-remove! (skeleton-continuation-table c) cs))))
(define (term-matches-class? term class)
[(list-type? class) (and (list? term) (= (length term) (list-type-arity class)))]
[(struct-type? class) (and (non-object-struct? term) (eq? (struct->struct-type term) class))]
[else (error 'term-matches-class? "Invalid class: ~v" class)]))
(define (subterm-matches-class? term path class)
(term-matches-class? (apply-projection-path term path) class))
(define (update-path path pop-count index)
(append (drop-right path pop-count) (list index)))
(define (extend-skeleton! sk desc)
(define (walk-node! path sk pop-count index desc)
(match desc
[(list class-desc pieces ...)
(define class
(cond [(eq? class-desc 'list) (list-type (length pieces))]
[(struct-type? class-desc) class-desc]
[else (error 'extend-skeleton! "Invalid class-desc: ~v" class-desc)]))
(define selector (skeleton-selector pop-count index))
(define table
(match (assoc selector (skeleton-node-edges sk))
[#f (let ((table (make-hash)))
(set-skeleton-node-edges! sk (cons (cons selector table) (skeleton-node-edges sk)))
[(cons _selector table) table]))
(define (make-skeleton-node-with-cache)
(define unfiltered (skeleton-continuation-cache (skeleton-node-continuation sk)))
(for/mutable-set [(a unfiltered) #:when (subterm-matches-class? a path class)] a)))
(define next (hash-ref! table class make-skeleton-node-with-cache))
(walk-edge! (update-path path pop-count 0) next 0 0 pieces)]
(values pop-count sk)]))
(define (walk-edge! path sk pop-count index pieces)
(match pieces
(values (+ pop-count 1) sk)]
[(cons p pieces)
(let-values (((pop-count sk) (walk-node! path sk pop-count index p)))
(walk-edge! (update-path path 1 (+ index 1)) sk pop-count (+ index 1) pieces))]))
(let-values (((_pop-count sk) (walk-edge! '(0) sk 0 0 (list desc))))
(define (add-interest! sk i)
(let ((sk (extend-skeleton! sk (skeleton-interest-desc i))))
(skcont-add! (skeleton-node-continuation sk)
(lambda (h vars) (apply h '+ vars)))))
(define (remove-interest! sk i)
(let ((sk (extend-skeleton! sk (skeleton-interest-desc i))))
(skcont-remove! (skeleton-node-continuation sk)
(lambda (h vars) (apply h '- vars)))))
(define (skeleton-modify! sk term0 modify-skcont! modify-skconst! modify-skacc!)
(define (walk-node! sk term-stack)
(match-define (skeleton-node continuation edges) sk)
(modify-skcont! continuation term0)
(for [((constant-proj key-proj-handler) (in-hash (skeleton-continuation-table continuation)))]
(define constants (apply-projection term0 constant-proj))
(define proj-handler (hash-ref key-proj-handler constants #f))
(when proj-handler
(modify-skconst! proj-handler term0)
(for [((variable-proj acc) (in-hash (skeleton-matched-constant-table proj-handler)))]
(define variables (apply-projection term0 variable-proj))
(modify-skacc! acc variables term0))))
(for [(edge edges)]
(match-define (cons (skeleton-selector pop-count index) table) edge)
(define popped-stack (drop term-stack pop-count))
(define pieces (car popped-stack))
(define term (vector-ref pieces (+ index 1))) ;; adjust for struct identifier at beginning
(define entry (hash-ref table
(cond [(list? term) (list-type (length term))]
[(non-object-struct? term) (struct->struct-type term)]
[else #f])
(when entry
(define new-pieces
(cond [(list? term) (list->vector (cons 'list term))]
[(non-object-struct? term) (struct->vector term)]))
(walk-node! entry (cons new-pieces term-stack)))))
(walk-node! sk (list (vector 'list term0))))
(define (add-term-to-skcont! skcont term)
(set-add! (skeleton-continuation-cache skcont) term))
(define (add-term-to-skconst! skconst term)
(set-add! (skeleton-matched-constant-cache skconst) term))
(define (add-term-to-skacc! skacc vars _term)
(define cache (skeleton-accumulator-cache skacc))
(set-add! cache vars)
(for [(handler (skeleton-accumulator-handlers skacc))]
(apply handler '+ vars)))
(define (add-assertion! sk term)
(skeleton-modify! sk
(define (remove-term-from-skcont! skcont term)
(set-remove! (skeleton-continuation-cache skcont) term))
(define (remove-term-from-skconst! skconst term)
(set-remove! (skeleton-matched-constant-cache skconst) term))
(define (remove-term-from-skacc! skacc vars _term)
(define cache (skeleton-accumulator-cache skacc))
(set-remove! cache vars)
(for [(handler (skeleton-accumulator-handlers skacc))]
(apply handler '- vars)))
(define (remove-assertion! sk term)
(skeleton-modify! sk
(define (send-assertion! sk term)
(skeleton-modify! sk
(lambda (skacc vars _term)
(for [(handler (skeleton-accumulator-handlers skacc))]
(apply handler '! vars)))))
;; TODO: avoid repeated descent into `term` by factoring out prefixes of paths in `proj`
(define (apply-projection term proj)
(for/list [(path proj)]
(apply-projection-path term path)))
(define (apply-projection-path term path)
(for/fold [(term (list term))] [(index path)]
(cond [(list? term) (list-ref term index)]
[(non-object-struct? term) (vector-ref (struct->vector term) (+ index 1))]
[else (error 'apply-projection "Term representation not supported: ~v" term)])))
(module+ test
(struct a (x y) #:transparent)
(struct b (v) #:transparent)
(struct c (v) #:transparent)
(struct d (x y z) #:transparent)
(define sk
(make-empty-skeleton/cache (mutable-set (a (b 'bee) (b 'cat))
(a (b 'foo) (c 'bar))
(a (b 'foo) (c 'BAR))
(a (c 'bar) (b 'foo))
(a (c 'dog) (c 'fox))
(d (b 'DBX) (b 'DBY) (b 'DBZ))
(d (c 'DCX) (c 'DCY) (c 'DCZ))
(b 'zot)
(add-interest! sk
(skeleton-interest (list struct:a (list struct:b #f) #f)
'((0 0 0))
'((0 1))
(lambda (op . bindings)
(printf "xAB HANDLER: ~v ~v\n" op bindings))))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:a (list struct:b #f) #f)))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:a #f (list struct:c #f))))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:a #f (list struct:c (list struct:b #f)))))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:a #f #f)))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:c #f)))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:b #f)))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:d (list struct:b #f) #f (list struct:b #f))))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:d (list struct:b #f) #f (list struct:c #f))))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:d (list struct:c #f) #f (list struct:b #f))))
(void (extend-skeleton! sk (list struct:d (list struct:c #f) #f (list struct:c #f))))
(check-eq? sk (extend-skeleton! sk #f))
(add-interest! sk
(skeleton-interest (list struct:d (list struct:b #f) #f (list struct:c #f))
'((0 2 0))
'((0) (0 0) (0 0 0) (0 1))
(lambda (op . bindings)
(printf "DBC HANDLER: ~v ~v\n" op bindings))))
(remove-assertion! sk (a (b 'foo) (c 'bar)))
(remove-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(add-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(add-assertion! sk (d (b 'BX) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(add-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'CX)))
(add-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(add-assertion! sk (d (b 'BX) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(add-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'CX)))
(add-interest! sk
(skeleton-interest (list struct:d #f (list struct:b #f) #f)
'((0 1 0))
'((0 0) (0 2))
(lambda (op . bindings)
(printf "xDB HANDLER: ~v ~v\n" op bindings))))
(send-assertion! sk (d (b 'BX) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(send-assertion! sk (d (b 'BX) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(remove-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(remove-assertion! sk (d (b 'BX) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(remove-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'CX)))
(remove-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(remove-assertion! sk (d (b 'BX) (b 'DBY) (c 'DCZ)))
(remove-assertion! sk (d (b 'B1) (b 'DBY) (c 'CX)))
;; sk

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
@ -42,6 +43,10 @@
(values (car (queue-head q1))
(queue (cdr (queue-head q1)) (queue-tail q1)))))
;; PRECONDITION: no `dequeue`s have happened since last `enqueue` or `enqueue-all`
(define (queue-last q)
(car (queue-tail q)))
(define (list->queue xs)
(queue xs '()))