Player avatar; fix scroll-offset; explicit meta-level for sprites

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2015-10-23 21:58:55 -04:00
parent e28841f695
commit 69ba8d7a01
1 changed files with 92 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#lang racket/base
(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/planetcute)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require plot/utils) ;; for vector utilities
@ -102,7 +104,7 @@
;; ## Level Layer Protocols
;; ### Movement and Physics
;; - message: JumpRequest
@ -135,7 +137,7 @@
;; started. May issue JumpRequests at any time. Represents both the player,
;; enemies, the goal(s), and platforms and blocks in the environment.
;; Asserts a Sprite two layers out to render itself.
;; ### Player State
;; - message: Damage
@ -145,6 +147,14 @@
;; Responds to Damage.
;; When hitpoints drop low enough, removes the player from the board.
;; A Damage is a (damage ID Number), a message indicating an event that should
;; consume the given number of health points of the named gamepiece.
(struct damage (id hit-points) #:transparent)
;; A Health is a (health ID Number), an assertion describing the current hitpoints
;; of the named gamepiece.
(struct health (id hit-points) #:transparent)
;; ### World State
;; - assertion: LevelSize
@ -185,15 +195,10 @@
;; not only the *existence* but also the initial position (in World coordinates)
;; of the named gamepiece.
;; A Damage is a (damage ID Number), a message indicating an event that should
;; consume the given number of health points of the named gamepiece.
;; A Health is a (health ID Number), an assertion describing the current hitpoints
;; of the named gamepiece.
;; A LevelSize is a (level-size Vec), an assertion describing the right-hand and
;; bottom edges of the level canvas (in World coordinates).
;; -----------
;; Interaction Diagrams (to be refactored into the description later)
@ -271,24 +276,22 @@
(match-define (scroll-offset vec) o)
(struct-copy scene-manager-state s [offset vec])))
(parameterize ((2d-world-meta-level 1))
(spawn (lambda (e s)
(parameterize ((2d-world-meta-level 1))
(match e
[(? patch? p)
(let* ((s (update-window-size s p))
(s (update-scroll-offset s p)))
(match-define (vector width height) (scene-manager-state-size s))
(match-define (vector ofs-x ofs-y) (scene-manager-state-offset s))
(transition s
(update-scene `((push-matrix
(scale ,width ,height)
(texture ,(rectangle 1 1 "solid" "white")))
(translate ,ofs-x ,ofs-y))
[_ #f])))
(scene-manager-state (vector 0 0) (vector 0 0))
(sub (window ? ?) #:meta-level 1))))
(spawn (lambda (e s)
(match e
[(? patch? p)
(let* ((s (update-window-size s p))
(s (update-scroll-offset s p)))
(match-define (vector width height) (scene-manager-state-size s))
(match-define (vector ofs-x ofs-y) (scene-manager-state-offset s))
(transition s
(update-scene `((push-matrix
(scale ,width ,height)
(texture ,(rectangle 1 1 "solid" "white")))
(translate ,(- ofs-x) ,(- ofs-y)))
[_ #f]))
(scene-manager-state (vector 0 0) (vector 0 0))
(sub (window ? ?) #:meta-level 1)))
;; ScoreKeeper
@ -304,45 +307,87 @@
(sub (add-to-score ?))))
;; Player
(define player-id 'player)
(define (spawn-player-avatar)
(struct player-state (x y hit-points) #:prefab)
(define initial-player-state (player-state 50 50 1))
(define icon character-cat-girl)
(define icon-width (/ (image-width icon) 2))
(define icon-height (/ (image-height icon) 2))
(define (sprite-update s)
(update-sprites #:meta-level game-level
(simple-sprite 0
(- (player-state-x s) (/ icon-width 2))
(- (player-state-y s) (* 13/16 icon-height))
(spawn (lambda (e s)
(match-define (player-state x y hit-points) s)
(match e
[(message (damage _ amount))
(define new-hit-points (- hit-points amount))
(if (positive? new-hit-points)
(transition (struct-copy player-state s
[hit-points (- hit-points amount)])
[_ #f]))
(sub (damage player-id ?))
(assert (health player-id (player-state-hit-points initial-player-state)))
(assert (level-running) #:meta-level 1)
(sprite-update initial-player-state)
;; LevelSpawner
(define (spawn-level level-number)
(spawn-world (spawn (lambda (e s)
(and (not s)
(transition #t (assert (level-running) #:meta-level 1))))
(spawn (lambda (e s) #f)
(update-sprites (simple-sprite 0 50 50 50 50 (circle 50 "solid" "purple"))))))
(define (spawn-level . actions)
(define (spawn-numbered-level level-number)
(match level-number
[0 (spawn-level (spawn (lambda (e s) #f)
(update-sprites #:meta-level game-level
(simple-sprite 0 50 50 50 50
(rectangle 50 50 "solid" "purple")))))]))
(define (spawn-level-spawner)
(struct level-spawner-state (current-level level-complete?) #:prefab)
(list (spawn-level 0)
(spawn (lambda (e s)
(list (spawn (lambda (e s)
(match-define (level-spawner-state current-level level-complete?) s)
(match e
[(? patch/removed?)
(define next-level (if level-complete? (+ current-level 1) current-level))
(transition (level-spawner-state next-level #f)
(spawn-level next-level))]
(spawn-numbered-level next-level))]
[(message (level-completed))
(transition (struct-copy level-spawner-state s [level-complete? #t]) '())]
[_ #f]))
(level-spawner-state 0 #f)
(sub (level-running))
(sub (level-completed)))))
(sub (level-completed)))
(spawn-numbered-level 0)))
(2d-world-meta-level 3) ;; TODO ack bleargh. See comment in prospect-gl/2d.rkt
(define game-level 3) ;; used to specify meta-level to reach external I/O
(2d-world #:width 600 #:height 400
(parameterize ((2d-world-meta-level 1)) ;; TODO ick yeughhh
(spawn-world (spawn-score-keeper)
(spawn-world (spawn-score-keeper)