Fix race condition (!) in timer driver

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Tony Garnock-Jones 2017-10-03 10:49:48 +01:00
parent 14f1cbd4fa
commit 66e2e8b1a7
1 changed files with 69 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
(require syndicate/protocol/advertise)
(struct pending-timer (deadline label) #:transparent)
(struct timer-interrupt (counter now sealed-labels) #:transparent)
(provide (struct-out set-timer)
(struct-out timer-expired)
@ -18,14 +19,19 @@
(struct set-timer (label msecs kind) #:prefab)
(struct timer-expired (label msecs) #:prefab)
(define expiry-projection (inbound (?! (timer-expired ? ?))))
(define timer-interrupt-projection (inbound (?! (timer-interrupt ? ? ?))))
(struct timer-state (active-count interrupt-counter) #:transparent)
(define (spawn-timer-driver)
(define control-ch (make-channel))
(thread (lambda () (timer-driver-thread-main control-ch)))
(define (timer-driver e count)
(define (timer-driver e state)
(match-define (timer-state old-active-count old-interrupt-counter) state)
(match e
[(patch added _removed)
;; 21 Jan 2016.
;; Previously, this driver caused the background thread to call
;; send-ground-message to indicate that a timer had expired.
;; However, this can lead to a race! In cases where a timer
@ -52,50 +58,87 @@
;; similar to hardware interrupts, where the driver has to
;; "clear the interrupt" in order to let the system continue
;; properly.
(define-values (new-count actions-rev interrupt-clearing-patch)
(for/fold [(count count)
(actions-rev '())
;; 3 Oct 2017.
;; An additional kind of race can happen, even with ground
;; patches! If enough external ground-events spam the queue,
;; AND some other party is setting timers fast enough, AND some
;; listener for timer-expired at a particular label is
;; persistent, THEN this actor will observe a "stale"
;; interrupt, leading to duplicate timer-expired messages. This
;; happens because our clearing of the interrupt assertions is
;; delayed for long enough for the set-timer message to come in
;; and reestablish interest in interrupt assertions, before the
;; old ones have had a change to be retracted, so they appear
;; again.
;; The fix relies on (a) no patch coalescing and (b) no
;; reordering of events. Each interrupt is given a number which
;; monotonically increases. We remember the most recent counter
;; we have processed, and ignore interrupts numbered at or
;; below it.
;; This could be expressed using range matching if our tries
;; supported that: we'd express interest in ALL counter values,
;; retracting interest in them one at a time LOCALLY at the
;; same time we sent our (potentially heavily delayed) ground
;; patch on its way. We'd be relying on compression of adjacent
;; sequence numbers to keep the tries trim.
;; Absent that, our hacky depend-on-no-coalescing-or-reordering
;; solution will do.
(define-values (active-count interrupt-counter actions interrupt-clearing-patch)
(for/fold [(active-count old-active-count)
(interrupt-counter old-interrupt-counter)
(actions '())
(interrupt-clearing-patch patch-empty)]
[(expiry (trie-project/set/single added expiry-projection))]
(values (- count 1)
(cons (message expiry) actions-rev)
(patch-seq interrupt-clearing-patch
(retract expiry)))))
[(interrupt (trie-project/set/single added timer-interrupt-projection))]
(match-define (timer-interrupt candidate-interrupt-counter now sealed-labels) interrupt)
(define labels (seal-contents sealed-labels))
(if (> candidate-interrupt-counter old-interrupt-counter)
(values (- active-count (length labels))
(max candidate-interrupt-counter interrupt-counter)
(cons actions (for/list [(label labels)]
(message (timer-expired label now))))
(patch-seq interrupt-clearing-patch (retract interrupt)))
(values active-count interrupt-counter actions interrupt-clearing-patch))))
(send-ground-patch interrupt-clearing-patch)
(transition new-count
(cons (reverse actions-rev)
(when (zero? new-count) (unsub (inbound (timer-expired ? ?))))))]
(transition (timer-state active-count interrupt-counter)
(cons actions (when (zero? active-count)
(unsub (inbound (timer-interrupt ? ? ?))))))]
[(message (and instruction (set-timer _ _ _)))
(channel-put control-ch instruction)
(transition (+ count 1)
(when (= count 0) (sub (inbound (timer-expired ? ?)))))]
(transition (timer-state (+ old-active-count 1) old-interrupt-counter)
(when (= old-active-count 0) (sub (inbound (timer-interrupt ? ? ?)))))]
[_ #f]))
(actor #:name 'drivers/timer
0 ;; initial count
(timer-state 0 -1)
(patch-seq (sub (set-timer ? ? ?))
(pub (timer-expired ? ?)))))
(define (timer-driver-thread-main control-ch)
(define heap (make-timer-heap))
(let loop ()
(let loop ((interrupt-counter 0))
(sync (match (next-timer heap)
[#f never-evt]
[t (handle-evt (timer-evt (pending-timer-deadline t))
(lambda (now)
[t (handle-evt (alarm-evt (pending-timer-deadline t))
(lambda (_dummy)
(define now (current-inexact-milliseconds))
(define labels (fire-timers! heap now))
(for/fold [(interrupt-asserting-patch patch-empty)]
[(expiry (fire-timers! heap now))]
(patch-seq interrupt-asserting-patch (assert expiry))))
(assert (timer-interrupt interrupt-counter now (seal labels))))
(loop (+ interrupt-counter 1))))])
(handle-evt control-ch
[(set-timer label msecs 'relative)
(install-timer! heap label (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) msecs))
(loop interrupt-counter)]
[(set-timer label msecs 'absolute)
(install-timer! heap label msecs)
(loop interrupt-counter)]
['quit (void)])))))
(define (make-timer-heap)
@ -111,21 +154,13 @@
(let ((m (heap-min heap)))
(if (<= (pending-timer-deadline m) now)
(begin (heap-remove-min! heap)
(cons (timer-expired (pending-timer-label m) now)
(cons (pending-timer-label m)
(fire-timers! heap now)))
(define (install-timer! heap label deadline)
(heap-add! heap (pending-timer deadline label)))
;; Racket's alarm-evt is almost the right design for timeouts: its
;; synchronisation value should be the (or some) value of the clock
;; after the asked-for time. That way it serves as timeout and
;; clock-reader in one.
(define (timer-evt msecs)
(handle-evt (alarm-evt msecs)
(lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))