TUI experiment WIP

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-09-07 07:54:21 -04:00
parent 7633174562
commit 5d7557df55
5 changed files with 827 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Text diff algorithm after Myers 1986 and Ukkonen 1985, following
;; Levente Uzonyi's Squeak Smalltalk implementation at
;; E. W. Myers, “An O(ND) difference algorithm and its variations,”
;; Algorithmica, vol. 1, no. 14, pp. 251266, Nov. 1986.
;; E. Ukkonen, “Algorithms for approximate string matching,” Inf.
;; Control, vol. 64, no. 13, pp. 100118, Jan. 1985.
(provide diff-indices
(require racket/match)
(define (longest-common-subsequence* xs ys)
(define xs-length (vector-length xs))
(define ys-length (vector-length ys))
(define total-length (+ xs-length ys-length))
(define storage-length (+ 1 (* 2 total-length)))
(define frontier (make-vector storage-length 0))
(define candidates (make-vector storage-length '()))
(let/ec return
(for ((d (in-range 0 (+ total-length 1))))
(for ((k (in-range (- d) (+ d 1) 2)))
(define-values (index x)
(if (or (= k (- d))
(and (not (= k d))
(< (vector-ref frontier (+ total-length k -1))
(vector-ref frontier (+ total-length k 1)))))
(values (+ total-length k 1) (vector-ref frontier (+ total-length k 1)))
(values (+ total-length k -1) (+ (vector-ref frontier (+ total-length k -1)) 1))))
(let loop ((x x) (y (- x k)) (chain (vector-ref candidates index)))
[(and (< x xs-length) (< y ys-length) (equal? (vector-ref xs x) (vector-ref ys y)))
(loop (+ x 1) (+ y 1) (cons (cons x y) chain))]
[(and (>= x xs-length) (>= y ys-length))
(return (reverse chain))]
(vector-set! frontier (+ total-length k) x)
(vector-set! candidates (+ total-length k) chain)]))))))
(define (sequence->vector xs) (for/vector ((x xs)) x))
(define (longest-common-subsequence xs ys)
(longest-common-subsequence* (sequence->vector xs) (sequence->vector ys)))
(define (diff-indices xs0 ys0)
(define xs (sequence->vector xs0))
(define ys (sequence->vector ys0))
(let loop ((i -1)
(j -1)
(matches (append (longest-common-subsequence* xs ys)
(list (cons (vector-length xs) (vector-length ys))))))
(match matches
['() '()]
[(cons (cons mi mj) rest)
(define li (- mi i 1))
(define lj (- mj j 1))
(if (or (positive? li) (positive? lj))
(cons (list (+ i 1) li (+ j 1) lj) (loop mi mj rest))
(loop mi mj rest))])))
;; patch-indices is a result from a call to diff-indices
(define (apply-patch! patch-indices ;; DiffIndices
remove-elements! ;; Nat Nat -> Void
insert-elements! ;; Nat Nat Nat -> Void
(for/fold [(skew 0)] [(patch patch-indices)]
(match-define (list old-i old-n new-i new-n) patch)
(define delta (- new-n old-n))
(if (negative? delta)
(begin (remove-elements! (+ old-i skew) (- delta))
(+ skew delta))
(for/fold [(skew 0)] [(patch patch-indices)]
(match-define (list old-i old-n new-i new-n) patch)
(define delta (- new-n old-n))
(insert-elements! (+ old-i skew) (max 0 delta) new-n)
(+ skew delta))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
;; (define (test-example xs ys)
;; (printf "~v\n" (longest-common-subsequence xs ys))
;; (printf "~v\n" (diff-indices xs ys)))
;; (test-example "The red brown fox jumped over the rolling log"
;; "The brown spotted fox leaped over the rolling log")
(check-equal? (diff-indices "The red brown fox jumped over the rolling log"
"The brown spotted fox leaped over the rolling log")
'((4 4 4 0) (14 0 10 8) (18 3 22 3)))
(check-equal? (longest-common-subsequence "acbcaca" "bcbcacb")
'((1 . 1) (2 . 2) (3 . 3) (4 . 4) (5 . 5)))
(check-equal? (longest-common-subsequence "bcbcacb" "acbcaca")
'((1 . 1) (2 . 2) (3 . 3) (4 . 4) (5 . 5)))
(check-equal? (longest-common-subsequence "acba" "bcbb")
'((1 . 1) (2 . 2)))
(check-equal? (longest-common-subsequence "abcabba" "cbabac")
'((2 . 0) (3 . 2) (4 . 3) (6 . 4)))
(check-equal? (longest-common-subsequence "cbabac" "abcabba")
'((1 . 1) (2 . 3) (3 . 4) (4 . 6)))
(check-equal? (longest-common-subsequence
(vector (vector 1 1 1) (vector 1 1 1) (vector 1 1 1) (vector 1 1 1))
(vector (vector 1 1 1) (vector 2 2 2) (vector 1 1 1) (vector 4 4 4)))
'((0 . 0) (1 . 2)))
(check-equal? (diff-indices
(vector (vector 1 1 1) (vector 1 1 1) (vector 1 1 1) (vector 1 1 1))
(vector (vector 1 1 1) (vector 2 2 2) (vector 1 1 1) (vector 4 4 4)))
'((1 0 1 1) (2 2 3 1)))
(check-equal? (longest-common-subsequence '(a b c) '(d e f)) '())
(check-equal? (diff-indices '(a b c) '(d e f)) '((0 3 0 3)))
(let ((size 400))
(local-require profile)
(lambda ()
(diff-indices (make-vector size 'x)
(let ((v (make-vector size 'x)))
(vector-set! v 0 'a)
(vector-set! v 1 'b)
(vector-set! v 2 'c)

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@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Implicitly provides a factory via display.rkt's `register-tty-backend!`.
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/vector vector-copy))
(require (prefix-in ansi: ansi))
(require "display.rkt")
(require "diff.rkt")
(struct terminal (input ;; InputPort
output ;; OutputPort
[displayed-screen #:mutable] ;; Screen
[pending-screen #:mutable] ;; Screen
[utf-8-input? #:mutable] ;; Boolean
[displayed-title #:mutable] ;; (Option String)
[pending-title #:mutable] ;; (Option String)
#:methods gen:tty
[(define (tty-pending-screen t) (terminal-pending-screen t))
(define (set-tty-pending-screen! t s) (set-terminal-pending-screen! t s))
(define (tty-reset t) (reset t))
(define (tty-flush t) (terminal-flush t))
(define (tty-set-title! t title) (set-terminal-pending-title! t title))
(define (tty-next-key t) (terminal-next-key t))
(define (tty-next-key-evt t) (terminal-next-key-evt t))
(define (tty-input-available-evt t) (terminal-input t))])
(define *stdin-tty* #f)
(define (stdin-tty)
(when (not *stdin-tty*)
(set! *stdin-tty*
(make-screen 24 80 tty-default-pen)
(make-screen 24 80 tty-default-pen)
(match (getenv "RMACS_UTF8_INPUT")
[(or #f "yes" "true" "1") #t]
[(or "no" "false" "0") #f]
[v (error 'RMACS_UTF8_INPUT
"Environment variable RMACS_UTF8_INPUT value ~v invalid: must be in ~v"
(list "yes" "true" "1" "no" "false" "0"))])
(reset *stdin-tty*)
(plumber-add-flush! (current-plumber)
(lambda (h)
(output *stdin-tty*
(ansi:select-graphic-rendition ansi:style-normal)
(ansi:goto (tty-rows *stdin-tty*) 1))
(flush *stdin-tty*))))
(define (collect-position-report tty)
(let loop ()
(sync/timeout 0.5
(handle-evt (terminal-input tty)
(lambda (p)
(match (ansi:lex-lcd-input p)
[(? ansi:position-report? r) r]
[_ (loop)]))))))
(define (reset tty)
(output tty
(ansi:goto 999 999)
(flush tty)
(define report (or (collect-position-report tty)
(ansi:position-report 24 80))) ;; TODO: have a more flexible fallback
(define rows (ansi:position-report-row report))
(define columns (ansi:position-report-column report))
(set-pen tty tty-default-pen #:force #t)
(clear tty)
(flush tty)
(set-terminal-displayed-screen! tty (make-screen rows columns tty-default-pen))
(set-terminal-pending-screen! tty (make-screen rows columns tty-default-pen))
(define (set-pen tty p #:force [force #f])
(when (or force (not (equal? p (screen-pen (terminal-displayed-screen tty)))))
(match p
[(pen fgcolor bgcolor bold? italic?)
(output tty
(apply ansi:select-graphic-rendition
`(,@(if bold? (list ansi:style-bold) (list))
,@(if italic? (list ansi:style-italic/inverse) (list))
,(ansi:style-text-color fgcolor)
,(ansi:style-background-color bgcolor))))]
(output tty (ansi:select-graphic-rendition ansi:style-normal))])
(set-screen-pen! (terminal-displayed-screen tty) p))
(define (clear tty)
(output tty (ansi:clear-screen/home))
(set-screen-cursor-row! (terminal-displayed-screen tty) 0)
(set-screen-cursor-column! (terminal-displayed-screen tty) 0)
(define (color-near-cursor s row-delta column-delta)
(define r (max 0 (min (- (screen-rows s) 1) (+ (screen-cursor-row s) row-delta))))
(define c (max 0 (min (- (screen-columns s) 1) (+ (screen-cursor-column s) column-delta))))
(car (vector-ref (vector-ref (screen-contents s) r) c)))
(define (vector-delete! v base count fill)
(vector-copy! v base v (+ base count) (vector-length v))
(for ((i (in-range (- (vector-length v) count) (vector-length v)))) (vector-set! v i fill)))
(define (vector-insert! v base count fill)
(vector-copy! v (+ base count) v base (- (vector-length v) count))
(for ((i (in-range base (+ base count)))) (vector-set! v i fill)))
(define (delete-lines tty n)
(define s (terminal-displayed-screen tty))
(set-pen tty tty-default-pen)
(output tty (ansi:delete-lines n))
(define blank-line (make-vector (screen-columns s) (cons (screen-pen s) 'empty)))
(vector-delete! (screen-contents s) (screen-cursor-row s) n blank-line)
(define (insert-lines tty n)
(define s (terminal-displayed-screen tty))
(set-pen tty tty-default-pen)
(output tty (ansi:insert-lines n))
(define blank-line (make-vector (screen-columns s) (cons (screen-pen s) 'empty)))
(vector-insert! (screen-contents s) (screen-cursor-row s) n blank-line)
(define (delete-columns tty n)
(define s (terminal-displayed-screen tty))
(set-pen tty tty-default-pen)
(output tty (ansi:delete-characters n))
(define blank-cell (cons (screen-pen s) 'empty))
(define line (vector-ref (screen-contents s) (screen-cursor-row s)))
(vector-delete! line (screen-cursor-column s) n blank-cell)
(define (insert-columns tty n)
(define s (terminal-displayed-screen tty))
(set-pen tty (color-near-cursor s 0 -1))
(output tty (ansi:insert-characters n))
(define blank-cell (cons (screen-pen s) 'empty))
(define line (vector-ref (screen-contents s) (screen-cursor-row s)))
(vector-insert! line (screen-cursor-column s) n blank-cell)
(define (output tty . items)
(for ((i items)) (display i (terminal-output tty))))
(define (flush tty)
(flush-output (terminal-output tty)))
;; Display to buffered screen
(define (goto-if-needed s row column)
[(and (= (screen-cursor-row s) row) (= (screen-cursor-column s) column))
[(= (screen-cursor-row s) row)
(begin0 (ansi:goto-column (+ column 1))
(set-screen-cursor-column! s column))]
(begin0 (ansi:goto (+ row 1) (+ column 1))
(set-screen-cursor-row! s row)
(set-screen-cursor-column! s column))]))
(define (advance-cursor! tty s)
(set-screen-cursor-column! s (+ (screen-cursor-column s) 1))
(when (= (screen-cursor-column s) (screen-columns s))
(when (< (screen-cursor-row s) (- (screen-rows s) 1))
(output tty "\r\n"))
(set-screen-cursor-column! s 0)
(set-screen-cursor-row! s (+ (screen-cursor-row s) 1))))
;; Answers #t when an edit to a line would produce a visible effect.
(define (interesting-change? old-line new-line column right-margin)
(for/or [(i (in-range column right-margin))]
(not (equal? (vector-ref old-line i) (vector-ref new-line i)))))
(define (non-empty? ch) (not (equal? ch 'empty)))
(define (repair-span! tty old new-line row first-col cell-count)
(define trailing-empty-count
(for/fold [(empty-count 0)] [(column (in-range first-col (+ first-col cell-count)))]
(match-define (cons new-pen new-ch) (vector-ref new-line column))
(if (non-empty? new-ch)
(begin (set-pen tty new-pen)
(output tty (goto-if-needed old row column) new-ch)
(advance-cursor! tty old)
(+ empty-count 1))))
(when (and (positive? trailing-empty-count) (= (+ first-col cell-count) (tty-columns tty)))
(output tty (ansi:clear-to-eol))))
(define (repair-line! tty old new row)
(define columns (screen-columns new))
(define old-line (vector-ref (screen-contents old) row))
(define new-line (vector-ref (screen-contents new) row))
(define patches (diff-indices old-line new-line))
(if (<= (length patches) 3)
(apply-patch! patches
(lambda (first-col cols-to-remove)
(when (interesting-change? old-line new-line first-col columns)
(output tty (goto-if-needed old row first-col))
(delete-columns tty cols-to-remove)))
(lambda (first-col cols-to-insert cell-count)
(when (interesting-change? old-line new-line first-col columns)
(output tty (goto-if-needed old row first-col))
(when (and (positive? cols-to-insert)
(interesting-change? old-line
(+ first-col cols-to-insert)
(insert-columns tty cols-to-insert))
(repair-span! tty old new-line row first-col cell-count))))
(repair-span! tty old new-line row 0 columns)))
(define (terminal-flush t)
(define old (terminal-displayed-screen t))
(define new (terminal-pending-screen t))
(apply-patch! (diff-indices (screen-contents old) (screen-contents new))
(lambda (first-row lines-to-remove)
(output t (goto-if-needed old first-row (screen-cursor-column old)))
(delete-lines t lines-to-remove))
(lambda (first-row lines-to-insert line-count)
(when (positive? lines-to-insert)
(output t (goto-if-needed old first-row (screen-cursor-column old)))
(insert-lines t lines-to-insert))
(for ((row (in-range first-row (+ first-row line-count))))
(repair-line! t old new row))))
(output t (goto-if-needed old (screen-cursor-row new) (screen-cursor-column new)))
(let ((new-title (terminal-pending-title t)))
(when (not (equal? new-title (terminal-displayed-title t)))
(when new-title (output t (ansi:xterm-set-window-title new-title)))
(set-terminal-displayed-title! t new-title)))
(flush t)
(set-terminal-displayed-screen! t (struct-copy screen new [pen (screen-pen old)]))
(set-terminal-pending-screen! t (copy-screen new))
;; Input
(define (has-control-modifier? modifiers)
(set-member? modifiers 'control))
(define (terminal-next-key tty)
(define k (ansi:lex-lcd-input (terminal-input tty) #:utf-8? (terminal-utf-8-input? tty)))
(match k
[(ansi:key #\tab modifiers) (ansi:key 'tab modifiers)]
[(ansi:key #\I (? has-control-modifier? ms)) (ansi:key 'tab (set-remove ms 'control))]
[(ansi:key #\M (? has-control-modifier? ms)) (ansi:key 'return (set-remove ms 'control))]
[(ansi:key #\[ (? has-control-modifier? ms)) ;; ESC
(or (sync/timeout 0.5
(handle-evt (terminal-next-key-evt tty)
(lambda (k) (ansi:add-modifier 'meta k))))
(ansi:key 'escape (set-remove ms 'control)))]
[_ k]))
(define (terminal-next-key-evt tty)
(handle-evt (terminal-input tty)
(lambda (_) (terminal-next-key tty))))
(register-tty-backend! 'terminal stdin-tty)

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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide gen:tty
(struct-out pen)
(struct-out screen)
;; From ansi. TODO: better color & keyboard abstractions
(struct-out key)
(rename-out [ansi:color-black color-black]
[ansi:color-red color-red]
[ansi:color-green color-green]
[ansi:color-yellow color-yellow]
[ansi:color-blue color-blue]
[ansi:color-magenta color-magenta]
[ansi:color-cyan color-cyan]
[ansi:color-white color-white]))
(require racket/match)
(require racket/generic)
(require (only-in racket/vector vector-copy))
(require (prefix-in ansi: (only-in ansi
(require (only-in ansi struct:key key key? key-value key-modifiers))
;; A Color is a Nat. TODO: better color abstraction.
(define-generics tty
(tty-pending-screen tty)
(set-tty-pending-screen! tty s)
(tty-reset tty)
(tty-flush tty)
(tty-set-title! tty title)
(tty-next-key tty)
;; Do not retain the events returned by these functions across
;; actual input from the tty! See comment in editor-sit-for, and
;; implementations of these functions in display-gui.rkt. (The
;; fragility of the pushback in display-gui.rkt is the cause of this
;; restriction.)
(tty-next-key-evt tty)
(tty-input-available-evt tty)
(define (tty-rows t) (screen-rows (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (tty-columns t) (screen-columns (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (tty-last-row t) (- (tty-rows t) 1))
(define (tty-last-column t) (- (tty-columns t) 1))
(define (tty-cursor-row t) (screen-cursor-row (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (tty-cursor-column t) (screen-cursor-column (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (tty-display t . strings)
(for [(str strings)]
(screen-puts (tty-pending-screen t) str)))
(define (tty-newline t)
(define s (tty-pending-screen t))
(screen-clear-to-eol s)
(screen-putc s #\return)
(screen-putc s #\newline))
(define (tty-clear t)
(define s (tty-pending-screen t))
(set-tty-pending-screen! t (make-screen (screen-rows s) (screen-columns s) (screen-pen s)))
(define (tty-clear-to-eol t) (screen-clear-to-eol (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (tty-goto t row col) (screen-goto (tty-pending-screen t) row col))
(define (tty-set-pen! t p) (set-screen-pen! (tty-pending-screen t) p))
(define (tty-pen t) (screen-pen (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define tty-default-pen 'default)
(struct pen (foreground-color ;; Color
background-color ;; Color
bold? ;; Boolean
italic? ;; Boolean
) #:prefab)
(struct backend (name ;; Symbol
priority ;; Integer
factory ;; (-> TTY)
(struct screen (rows ;; Nat
columns ;; Nat
[cursor-row #:mutable] ;; Nat
[cursor-column #:mutable] ;; Nat
[pen #:mutable] ;; Pen
contents ;; (Vector[rows] (Vector[columns] (Cons Pen Character)))
) #:prefab)
(define (screen-last-row s) (- (screen-rows s) 1))
(define (screen-last-column s) (- (screen-columns s) 1))
(define (make-screen rows columns pen)
(define contents (for/vector ((row rows)) (make-vector columns (cons pen 'empty))))
(screen rows columns 0 0 pen contents))
(define (copy-screen s)
(match-define (screen rows columns cursor-row cursor-column pen contents) s)
(define new-contents (for/vector ((row rows)) (vector-copy (vector-ref contents row))))
(screen rows columns cursor-row cursor-column pen new-contents))
(define (screen-goto s row0 column0)
(define row (max 0 (min (screen-last-row s) row0)))
(define column (max 0 (min (screen-last-column s) column0)))
(set-screen-cursor-row! s row)
(set-screen-cursor-column! s column)
(define (non-empty? ch) (not (equal? ch 'empty)))
(define (screen-putc s ch)
(match ch
(screen-goto s (screen-cursor-row s) 0)]
(screen-goto s (+ (screen-cursor-row s) 1) (screen-cursor-column s))]
(for ((i (- 8 (modulo (screen-cursor-column s) 8)))) (screen-putc s #\space))]
[(and (? non-empty?) (? char-iso-control?))
(screen-puts s (format "[~x]" (char->integer ch)))]
(when (< (screen-cursor-column s) (screen-columns s))
(vector-set! (vector-ref (screen-contents s) (screen-cursor-row s))
(screen-cursor-column s)
(cons (screen-pen s) ch)))
(set-screen-cursor-column! s (+ (screen-cursor-column s) 1))]))
(define (screen-puts s str)
(for ((ch str)) (screen-putc s ch)))
(define (screen-clear-to-eol s)
(define start-column (screen-cursor-column s))
(define pen (screen-pen s))
(set-screen-pen! s tty-default-pen)
(for ((i (max 0 (- (screen-columns s) (screen-cursor-column s)))))
(screen-putc s 'empty))
(set-screen-pen! s pen)
(screen-goto s (screen-cursor-row s) start-column)
(define *tty-backends* '())
(define (register-tty-backend! name factory #:priority [priority 0])
(set! *tty-backends* (cons (backend name priority factory)
(filter (lambda (b) (not (eq? (backend-name b) name)))
(set! *tty-backends* (sort *tty-backends* > #:key backend-priority)))
(define *default-tty* #f)
(define (default-tty)
(when (not *default-tty*)
(let loop ((backends *tty-backends*))
(match backends
['() (error 'default-tty "No available tty backends")]
[(cons (backend name _priority factory) rest)
(define t (factory))
(if t
(set! *default-tty* t)
(loop rest))])))

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide tui-dataspace
(require racket/async-channel)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require (only-in racket/string string-replace))
(require (only-in syndicate seal process-name process-behavior process))
(require (only-in syndicate/dataspace dataspace?))
(require (only-in syndicate/relay relay))
(require (only-in syndicate/lang current-ground-dataspace))
(require syndicate/patch)
(require syndicate/ground)
(require syndicate/trace)
(require syndicate/store)
(require "display.rkt")
(require "display-terminal.rkt")
(define (process-is-dataspace? p)
(match p
[(process _name _beh (? dataspace? _)) #t]
[(process _name _beh (relay _ _ _ _ _ (process _inner-name _inner-beh (? dataspace? _)))) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define ((tui-dataspace) . boot-actions)
(define from-user-thread-ch (make-async-channel))
(define user-thread
(thread (lambda ()
(with-store ((current-trace-procedures
(cons (lambda (n) (async-channel-put from-user-thread-ch n))
(run-ground boot-actions)))))
(signal-background-activity! #t)
(define tty (default-tty))
(define (dump x)
(tty-display tty (string-replace (format "~v\n" x) "\n" "\r\n")))
(let loop ()
(tty-flush tty)
(sync (handle-evt from-user-thread-ch
(lambda (n)
(dump n)
(handle-evt (tty-next-key-evt tty)
(lambda (k)
(match k
[(key #\q (== (set))) (void)]
(dump k)
(define install-tui-dataspace!
(lambda (ks vs . positionals)
(define installed-dataspace (current-ground-dataspace))
(current-ground-dataspace (keyword-apply tui-dataspace ks vs positionals)))))

racket/syndicate-ide/wm.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
#lang racket/base
;; TUI Window Manager
;; A TBox is a thing that can be laid out, displayed, and interacted
;; with.
;; TBoxes can be placed in relationship to other boxes:
;; - h{t,c,b}-append
;; - v{l,c,r}-append
;; - {l,c,r}{t,c,b}-superimpose
;; - wrap
;; Sources of inspiration:
;; EXAMPLES for developing intuition:
;; 1. a button
;; 2. a scrollbar
;; 3. a list of items with a panel to its right having a
;; variable-width pretty-printing of the selected item
;; Button: Minimum size reflects minimal chrome; simply the smallest
;; possible workable size. Desired and maximum size are the same,
;; large enough to contain the usual chrome.
;; Scrollbar: wolog, horizontal. Height is fixed. Minimum width
;; reflects thumbless condition. Desired width might reflect some
;; arbitrary size where the thumb could be moved around. Max width
;; would usually involve a horizontal fill of some weight and rank.
;; Hmm, but then why not have the desired width just be the max width?
;; Perhaps desired and max are the same?
;; Items and pretty-printing: Something like this:
;; +----------+------------+
;; |*(foo ...*| (foo (bar |
;; | (b () .. | zot) |
;; | 123 | () |
;; | | quux |
;; | | baz) |
;; +----------+------------+
;; We want the item list to get some reasonable minimal amount of
;; space, and otherwise to take up space not used by the
;; pretty-printing. The pretty-printing should try to use vertical
;; space within reason and otherwise should try to be as compact as
;; possible.
;; ---
;; This min/desired/max split is a bit clunky. Could we have a list of
;; preferred TeX-style sizings, ordered most-preferred first? They
;; could include information to send back to the box at render time.
;; For example, the button might offer horizontal sizings
;; (list (sizing 'normal-chrome 10 (fill 1 1) 2)
;; (sizing 'no-chrome 6 0 0))
;; ---
;; How does arithmetic on sizings work?
;; Ideals are never fills, they're simply naturals. They can be
;; added/min'd/max'd as usual.
;; Stretch is sometimes a natural, and sometimes a fill.
;; n + fill w r = fill w r
;; fill w1 r + fill w2 r = fill (w1 + w2) r
;; fill _ s + fill w r = fill w r when r > s
;; The definitions of `max` is similar, with `max` for `+`. A fill
;; behaves as a zero for the purposes of `min`.
(require racket/generic)
;; A Fill is one of
;; - a Nat, a fixed amount of space
;; - a (fill Nat Nat), a potentially infinite amount of space
(struct fill (weight rank) #:transparent)
;; A Sizing is a (sizing Nat Fill Fill)
(struct sizing (ideal stretch shrink) #:transparent)
;; (Nat Nat -> Nat) -> (Fill Fill -> Fill)
(define ((fill-binop op) a b)
(match* (a b)
[((? number?) (? number?)) (op a b)]
[((? number?) (? fill?)) b]
[((? fill?) (? number?)) a]
[((fill w1 r1) (fill w2 r2))
(cond [(= r1 r2) (fill (op w1 w2) r1)]
[(> r1 r2) (fill w1 r1)]
[(< r1 r2) (fill w2 r2)])]))
;; Fill Fill -> Fill
(define fill+ (fill-binop +))
(define fill-max (fill-binop max))
(define (fill-min a b)
(if (and (number? a) (number? b))
(min a b)
;; (Nat Nat -> Nat) (Fill Fill -> Fill) -> (Sizing Sizing -> Sizing)
;; TODO: for max and min, do we really want fop to be used for both
;; stretch and shrink?
(define ((sizing-binop iop fop) a b)
(match-define (sizing ia ta ha) a)
(match-define (sizing ib tb hb) b)
(sizing (iop ia ib) (fop ta tb) (fop ha hb)))
;; Sizing Sizing -> Sizing
(define sizing+ (sizing-binop + fill+))
(define sizing-max (sizing-binop max fill-max))
(define sizing-min (sizing-binop min fill-min))
(define-generics tbox
;; TBox (Option Nat) (Option Nat) -> (Listof (List Sizing Sizing))
(tbox-sizings tbox maybe-speculative-width maybe-speculative-height)
;; TBox TTY Nat Nat Nat Nat -> Void
(tbox-render! tbox tty top left width height))
(struct glue-tbox (horizontal vertical string pen) #:transparent
#:methods gen:tbox
[(define (tbox-sizings t w h)
(list (list (glue-tbox-horizontal t) (glue-tbox-vertical t))))
(define (tbox-render! t tty top left width height)
(define str (fill-tbox-string t))
(define whole-repeats (quotient width (string-length str)))
(define fragment (substring str 0 (remainder width (string-length str))))
(tty-set-pen! tty (fill-tbox-pen t))
(for [(y (in-range height))]
(tty-goto tty (+ top y) left)
(for [(i (in-range whole-repeats))] (tty-display tty str))
(tty-display tty fragment)))])
;; Nat -> (Cons X (Listof X)) -> X
(define ((nth-or-last n) xs)
(cond [(zero? n) (car xs)]
[(null? (cdr xs)) (car xs)]
[else (drop-n-or-last (- n 1) (cdr xs))]))
(define (layout-horizontal items width height)
(define item-count (length items))
(define size-preferences (map (lambda (i) (tbox-sizings i #f #f)) items))
(let try-nth-choices ((nth-choice 0))
(define candidates (map (nth-or-last nth-choice) size-preferences))
(define aggregate-h (apply sizing+ (map car candidates)))