consider more potential schedulings of events

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-07-01 17:17:13 -04:00
parent 9f8469467a
commit 5a5fb74124
1 changed files with 24 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -260,13 +260,20 @@
(define prev (if (empty? path/r) from (first path/r)))
(define txn# (state-transitions (hash-ref orig-st#+ to)))
(define visited+ (set-add visited to))
(define new-events (route-internal (hash-ref assertion# prev)
(hash-ref assertion# to)))
;; TODO - this is saying something about how the implementation schedules handlers;
;; It could be doing something like exploring (append with (permutations new-events))
(define started (for/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract to prev))]) (StartOf fn)))
(define stopped (for/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract prev to))]) (StopOf fn)))
(define new-events* (append started stopped (set->list new-events)))
(define new-state-changes (route-internal (hash-ref assertion# prev)
(hash-ref assertion# to)))
(define state-changes* (for/list ([D (in-set new-state-changes)]
#:when (hash-has-key? txn# D))
(define started (for*/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract to prev))]
[D (in-value (StartOf fn))]
#:when (hash-has-key? txn# D))
(define stopped (for*/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract prev to))]
[D (in-value (StopOf fn))]
#:when (hash-has-key? txn# D))
(define new-events (append started stopped state-changes*))
;; (Listof D+) -> (Listof WorkItem)
;; Try to dispatch the first relevant pending event, which yields a
@ -306,15 +313,19 @@
(append more-pending internal-effs)
(append effs more-effs)))]))
(define pending (append with new-events*))
;; NOTE: knowledge of scheduling used here
(define pending*
(if (hash-has-key? txn# DataflowEvt)
(list pending (cons DataflowEvt pending))
(list pending)))
(for*/list ([schedule (in-permutations new-events)]
[evts (in-value (append with schedule))]
[df? (in-list (if (hash-has-key? txn# DataflowEvt)
(list #t #f)
(list #f)))])
(if df? (cons DataflowEvt evts) evts)))
(define induced-work (map pending-evts->work-items pending*))
(define induced-work* (flatten induced-work))
(define induced-work* (remove-duplicates (flatten induced-work)))
[(empty? (first induced-work))
[(ormap empty? induced-work)
;; this is the end of some path
(define new-paths-work
(for*/list (#:unless (set-member? visited to)
[(D txns) (in-hash txn#)]