
This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-11-23 13:49:24 +13:00
parent 97a843ccec
commit 4b99b629df
1 changed files with 40 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#lang syndicate/actor
;; Monitor configuration files.
(provide (struct-out config)
(define-logger syndicate/drivers/config)
(require racket/file)
(require/activate syndicate/drivers/filesystem)
;; (config Any Any)
(struct config (scope item) #:prefab)
(define (spawn-configuration scope path)
(actor #:name (list 'configuration-monitor scope path)
(during (file-content path file->list $items)
[(not items)
(log-syndicate/drivers/config-warning "config ~s is missing" path)]
(log-syndicate/drivers/config-info "loading config ~s" path)
(for [(item items)]
(log-syndicate/drivers/config-info "config ~s: ~s" path item)
(assert (config scope item)))]))))
(define-syntax define/query-config
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ scope id default)
(define/query-config id scope id default)]
[(_ id scope key default)
(define/query-value id default (config scope (list 'key $val)) val)]))
(define (config-ref #:scope [scope ?] key default)
(react/suspend (k)
(define/query-value actual default (config scope (list key $val)) val)
(on-start (flush!)
(k (actual)))))