Improve scoping structure of for-clauses

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-05-13 11:56:57 -04:00
parent 2c0bef7da4
commit 4b692428af
2 changed files with 49 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -26,17 +26,19 @@
(pattern (~seq #:break pred:expr)
#:attr parend #'(#:break pred))))
;; a Binding is a (SyntaxList Id Id Type), i.e. #'(x x- τ-x)
(struct loop-clause (exp bindings) #:transparent)
(struct directive (kw exp) #:transparent))
;; (SyntaxListOf LoopClause) -> (Syntax LoopClause- (Binding ...))
(define-for-syntax (analyze-for-clauses clauses)
(define-values (br binds)
(for/fold ([body-rev '()]
[bindings '()])
([clause (in-syntax clauses)])
(match (analyze-for-clause clause)
(match (analyze-for-clause clause bindings)
[(loop-clause exp bs)
(values (cons exp body-rev)
(append bindings bs))]
@ -46,34 +48,44 @@
#`(#,(reverse br)
;; iter-clause -> (U iter-clause directive)
(define-for-syntax (analyze-for-clause clause)
;; iter-clause (Listof Binding) -> (U iter-clause directive)
(define-for-syntax (analyze-for-clause clause ctx)
(define/with-syntax ([y y- τ-y] ...) ctx)
(syntax-parse clause
#:datum-literals (:)
[[x:id seq:expr]
#:and (~typecheck
[ seq seq- ( : τ-seq)])
[[y y-- : τ-y] ... seq seq- ( : τ-seq)])
#:fail-unless (pure? #'seq-) "pure"
#:with x- (generate-temporary #'x)
#:do [(define-values (seq-- τ-elems) (make-sequence #'seq- #'τ-seq))]
(loop-clause #`[x #,seq--]
(list #`(x #,τ-elems)))]
(loop-clause (substs #'(y- ...) #'(y-- ...)
#`[x- #,seq--]
(list #`(x x- #,τ-elems)))]
[[x:id : τ:type seq:expr]
#:do [(match-define (list seq- (list (list y τ-elems)))
(analyze-for-clause (syntax/loc clause [x seq])))]
#:with seq+ (add-expected-type #'seq #'τ.norm)
#:do [(match-define (list seq- (list (list x- τ-elems)))
(analyze-for-clause (syntax/loc clause [x seq+])))]
#:fail-unless (<: τ-elems #'τ.norm) "unexpected type"
(loop-clause #`[#,y #,seq-]
(list #`(#,y τ.norm)))]
(loop-clause #`[#,x- #,seq-]
(list #`(x #,x- τ.norm)))]
[[(k:id v:id) hash-seq:expr]
#:and (~typecheck
[ hash-seq hash-seq- ( : (~Hash K V))])
[[y y-- : τ-y] ... hash-seq hash-seq- ( : (~Hash K V))])
#:fail-unless (pure? #'hash-seq-) "pure"
(loop-clause #`[(k v) (in-hash- hash-seq-)]
(list #'(k K) #'(v V)))]
#:with (k- v-) (generate-temporaries #'(k v))
(loop-clause (substs #'(y- ...) #'(y-- ...)
#`[(k- v-) (in-hash- hash-seq-)]
(list #'(k k- K) #'(v v- V)))]
[(dir:keyword pred)
#:and (~typecheck
[ pred pred- ( : Bool)])
[[y y-- : τ-y] ... pred pred- ( : Bool)])
#:fail-unless (pure? #'pred-) "pure"
(directive #'dir #'pred-)]))
(directive #'dir (substs #'(y- ...) #'(y-- ...)
;; Expression Type -> (Values Expression Type)
;; Determine what kind of sequence we're dealing with;
@ -100,18 +112,29 @@
e-body ...+)
[ init init- ( : τ-acc)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'init-) "expression must be pure"
#:with (clauses- ([x τ] ...)) (analyze-for-clauses #'(clause.parend ...))
[[x x- : τ] ...
#:with (clauses- ([x x- τ] ...)) (analyze-for-clauses #'(clause.parend ...))
[[x x-- : τ] ...
[acc acc- : τ-acc] (begin e-body ...) e-body-
( : τ-acc)
( ν-ep (~effs τ-ep ...))
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
#:with clauses-- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x ...) #'clauses-)
#:with e-body-- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x-- ...) #'e-body- free-identifier=?)
;; #:with y (stx-car #'(x ...))
;; #:with y- (stx-car #'(x- ...))
;; #:with y-- (stx-car #'(x-- ...))
;; #:with (_ (_ dbg1)) #'e-body-
;; #:with (_ (_ dbg2)) #'e-body--
;; #:do [(printf "y/dbg1 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y #'dbg1) (bound-identifier=? #'y #'dbg1))
;; (printf "y/dbg2 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y #'dbg2) (bound-identifier=? #'y #'dbg2))
;; (printf "y-/dbg1 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg1) (bound-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg1))
;; (printf "y-/dbg2 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg2) (bound-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg2))
;; (printf "y--/dbg1 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y-- #'dbg1) (bound-identifier=? #'y-- #'dbg1))
;; (printf "y--/dbg2 ~a, ~a\n" (free-identifier=? #'y-- #'dbg2) (bound-identifier=? #'y- #'dbg2))]
[ (for/fold- ([acc- init-])
( : τ-acc)
( ν-ep (τ-ep ...))
( ν-s (τ-s ...))

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@ -57,8 +57,7 @@
: (List (Tuple Int Int))
(list (tuple 1 4) (tuple 2 5) (tuple 3 6)))
;; binding in #:when isn't handled
#;(define (zip-even [xs : (List Int)]
(define (zip-even [xs : (List Int)]
[ys : (List Int)])
((inst reverse (Tuple Int Int))
(for/fold ([acc : (List (Tuple Int Int))
@ -66,5 +65,9 @@
([x xs]
#:when (even? x)
[y ys]
#:when (even? y))
#:unless (odd? y))
(cons (tuple x y) acc))))
(check-type (zip-even (list 1 2 3) (list 5 6 7))
: (List (Tuple Int Int))
(list (tuple 2 6)))